The Huntress Becomes the Wolf...

By heartlesstwin

322K 11.7K 939

I've always known I was different from the other hunters. My senses were always sharper, my sight more define... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 part 1
Chapter 42 part 2
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Editor Needed!
Important Changes

Chapter 54

1.3K 69 5
By heartlesstwin

Chapter 54


~ Darcy’s POV~

The car ride was cumbersome at best. The girls seethed the entire way there, which was to be expected, of course. On one hand, I wanted to take back everything that I had said. On another, I knew it wasn’t best for anyone, leaving me to hold my tongue the entire way there. Leaving the campsite was still something I wasn’t all together used to, having only left one other time before for Dion’s strange coffee run. Soon the heavy foliage around us thinned, the roads becoming more and more stable as they turned from gravel to paved. Dion’s car swerved behind us, letting us know his inclination to try to get in front of us. Surprisingly Mani let up on the gas, allowing us to fall behind just enough for Dion’s jeep to pass us.

Nerves unsettled my stomach, but I pushed through them. This was neither the time nor the place for my feeling and my emotions to be affecting me. My eye widened as Nakota reached out a hand to turn the dial on the radio only to be smacked away by Maniae. Nakota let out a quiet gasp, seconds later readjusting herself in the seat in front of me.

“Actually music doesn’t seem like a half bad idea about now, Maniae,” silence greeted me, and I inwardly groaned at the fact that I was once again getting ignored by the two girls. It had never been my intention to create a rift between the two women, but, nevertheless, I had succeeded in doing so. Soon the scenery outside my window began to become more and more familiar. I knew we were getting closer to the coffee shop that Dion and I had only days ago dined at. Only minutes later we arrived at the location. Dion was already standing outside of the building, his arms crossed against his chest as he stared at the massive building.

“How’d you find out about this place?” I asked, honest curiosity coloring my tone.

“I went back and had a little chat with Sydnie. You know the sweet little Barista that works at the Bean There Café? Apparently you’re friend Vega is quite a talker, been trying to pick up little Miss Sydnie for months.”

“Oh really?” I was starting to like this plan less and less as time went on. The girls followed behind me as we all approached the service door next to garage doors of the auto shop. Dion and I stood on either side of the door. Maniae stood behind her Alpha, leaving Nakota left standing behind me. Geraldo was still waiting by the car, his eyes surveying us passively. We all waited for a few more moments before turning back around to gaze at Geraldo expectantly. Seconds passed before a buzz sounded in Dion’s pants.

“What the-,” Dion pulled out his cell phone out of his pants and glanced at it curiously.

“Seriously, Henriques? You waited until now to tell me this?”

“What? What did he say?”

“He says that he was informed before coming her that there were two Gypsies in the area. It wasn’t until I said her stupid name that he remembered that specific little detail. He now thinks we are about to walk straight into a trap. Sydnie Wilshire.”

“Seriously? Sydnie is a gypsy too? Why does everyone I end up meeting turn out to be less than human?” The girls shot me a look that told me to hush. Being the smart man that I was, I chose not to fight it. Without another word Geraldo walked forward and threw open the doors to the shop, leaving us to stand there in his dust.

“What do we follow him or-,”

“Shut up, Darce,” Dion grumbled before following Geraldo in. Mani trudged in after him, flanking his other side. Before entering I shot a look back at Nakota. Pain reflected back in her eyes and I pushed off all rational thoughts and engulfed her in a hug. For a few seconds she stood there stunned before she relaxed into my hold.

“I’m scared, Darce,” how I had been able to sense that I didn’t know. What I did know, however, was that we were vulnerable standing out here alone. We were like sitting ducks, waiting for an attack. Like bait. My eyes widened at the thought. Bait.

“I’m sorry Darcy,” before I could even comprehend what was going on she pushed me forward, then slammed the heavy door in front of closed, her eyes filled with sorrow. I’d been right.

“Darcidian Davis. You must tell me, how did you escape the song of the siren? How did it not turn your inhibitions to dust? How are you, the rejected hunter, still standing in front me?” His voice echoed around the shop, bouncing off the concrete walls, seemingly coming from every direction. Vega stepped out of the shadows, a grin plastered on his face. Sydnie was nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Sydnie?”

“Shouldn’t you be asking where your girl is?” Confusion set in before the realization dawned on me. Nakota…

“Because seriously Darcy, this was too easy,” I could hear her screams before I saw her. The door behind me whipped open. Sydnie forced Nakota into the room, a gag fisted in Nakota’s mouth. Blood dripped from her eyes and onto the white cloth gag that had been placed forcibly into her mouth.

“What have you done to her?” I didn’t even try to attempt to mask the emotion in my voice. Anger swirled around me as gypsy curse possibilities soared in my mind. I knew this would happen. I knew it.

“Let me go. Don’t you know who I am? I’m an Alpha!” Dion struggled against two werewolves holds. For a second I thought he was going to break free until a third massive guy stepped out of the shadows and wrapped Dion’s head into a headlock.

“And we’re Rogues. Titles mean nothing when with one twist your life would seize to exist. We’d even rip out your heart for good measure. What’d you say, Crestfall?” A devious smile graced the largest man’s features. He looked between both of the other men that were holding Dion first before sluggishly turning his face to Vega.

“Uh, I mean it’s you’re call, sir,”

“Darcy. How about a choice? How do you feel about playing a little game of chance? If you can defeat the three men that are holding your dear friend captive, I’ll let every one of your friends leave. Except one, of course. I have to let these idiot blokes kill somebody. Wouldn’t want them to turn on me, now would I?” I nodded. No trusting my words at this point. I was a trained hunter. I could do this.

“It really was silly of you to only bring one other person as back up. And then to top it off, being a sexist pig and telling your girl to go wait in the car. Tsk tsk. It’s why I hate you hunter people. Always thinking about yourselves before others. ‘Oh she could get hurt’ or ‘I don’t want to have to worry about her as I’m fighting.’ Both are incredibly stupid reasons if you ask me.” What the hell was he talking about? What about Maniae and Geraldo? I guess maybe they went unnoticed by the gypsies and their associates. My eyes drifted back to Nakota who was still struggling against Sydnie’s hold. I could pick out the pain reflected in her eyes as they gazed back at me. I needed to end this. Now.

“If it’s a war you want it’s a war you’ll get,”

“A war requires more than three people,”

“You’re right then. This will be a downright massacre,” I let the detachment ring clear in my voice, a clear indication that I was ready to fight. Pushing all emotion out of arm’s reach, I prepared myself for battle. Some of the three guys were bigger than me. Some of them looked stronger. I couldn’t rely on my size alone to help me win this battle.

I stepped forward, letting all other thoughts fade from my consciousness. I needed to do this. For Nakota. For Maniae… wherever she may be. Two of the men grinned, twisting their holds on Dion and then letting his slack body fall to the ground. Even Vega cringed at the sound of Dion’s arms and legs being ripped out of their sockets.

“We’re gonna have fun tonight Crestfall. What’d ya say man? Can I have the first bite?” I kept the disgusted look off of my face at his words. I’d heard about werewolves that had developed the taste of human flesh. It both disgusted me and disturbed me that that practice was still around. It had been the age old practice that had given werewolves a bad reputation year ago.

“Imre, get your idiot brother to shut up,” the guy that I figured to be their leader said, turning his attention to the still silent brother.

“Zexion. You heard him. Shut it,” the brother’s eyes widened before he turned away, focusing his attention back on me. A growl soon sounded from his chest before he lunged forward. From the jerkiness of his movement’s I could tell something was off. His brother proved the same point when he attempted to enter the fight, only for his punches he aimed at me to be slower than they should have been.

“What’s going on?” Looks like I wasn’t the only one to notice their sluggishness. Imre’s brows furrowed in response. He took a step closer and then fell, a dazed expression gracing his features before he hit the ground.

“Imre?” Zexion’s voice cracked before he too fell to the ground. My eyes instantly drew to the last remaining member of the crew, the leader, Crestfall.

“You didn’t tell us they were bringing company, Gypsy,” Crest voice came out more ragged than I had expected. I wasn’t allowed the satisfaction of dwelling on it long, however because the next thing I knew the service door to the garage swung open, allowing ample space for the newest member of our brigade to walk in.

“I think it mighty strange how ‘u’s all think I just gonna walk ‘way after saving this ‘ere boy from a Gypsy Curse. Tsk tsk Dion. ‘n after all we’ve done been through ‘gether,” her presence caused a strange ease to settle within me. If she had bested as gypsy curse once, why couldn’t she best it again?

“Mhambi Dambudzo,”

“There the boy ‘oes throwin’ me name around. Don’ ‘at boy know a name is power?” I gazed at the voodoo priestess again with wonder. She’d gone and saved my life twice now.

“Sorry, ma’am,” Mhambi couldn’t contain herself after that. She burst out into laughter, not a care in the world for the situation we had found ourselves in.


“Oh, quiet boy. I’m fine.” Now it was my turn to gaze at her curiously.

“Just ‘cause I don’ speak right ‘sually don’ mean I don’ know hows to do it!” I couldn’t help the small grin from crossing my face at her words.

“Sydnie, what the hell is goin’ on in here?” Watching Vega search around for his gypsy friend was quite amusing. Looking around furiously, his expressions morphed from anxious to worried to afraid.

“What?” A small voice could be heard far off, the sound of her voice barely echoing off the concrete walls of the building.

“Sydnie!” Sydnie came out from behind a large SUV, rubbing her head with one hand, a tattered piece of cloth in her other.

“What the-,”

“Where the hell is the girl?” Sydnie’s eyes zoomed in on the cloth in her hand, what could only be a tattered remnant of Nakota’s purple shirt.

“She was just- I swear she…,” I zoned out of the dialogue between the two gypsies, instead turning my attention to Dion who still lie crumpled on the ground. His entire body was clammy, his arms and legs on either side of his body still jutting in unnatural positions. I turned my attention to the man named Crestfall who, at the movement, seemed to be attempting to drag himself away from both Dion and I.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Please, spare me. The kid was spewing lies I tell you, lies!” confusion set in before I was able to make sense of his words. He was referring to the fact that the younger werewolf had admitted that they ate human flesh as a past time. It was uncommon for werewolves these days, many werewolves abandoning the practices of old in hopes of better relations with both humans and hunters alike.

“Why would I spare someone who embodies the very reasons why I became a hunter in the first place? You have reverted back to the ways of old. Why should I not to do the same?”

“You! It’s you! You’re the hunter heir that got kicked out!” My movement towards the werewolf stalled. He’d heard of me.

“What do you know about me? What are they saying?”

“Just that… I mean… look Mr. Davis. I don’t care what the word is on the street about you… you’re a good person! There’s no reason for you kill a werewolf like me now that you’re out of the life.”

“What are they saying about me?” This time I encroached further, letting the darkest expression I could muster transfigure my face. Fear reflected back at me as the rogue leader propelled himself away from me with a new vigor.

“Nothing! Just ignore what I just said. Kill me!” A sadistic smile graced my features as I marveled at the success I was having with intimidating the man. I sprung forward, diving down to his level before I wrapped my arms around him, positioning him into a choke hold.

“I said, what are they saying about,”

“Darcy that’s enough,”

“Not until he answers my questions,”

“You’re killing him Darcy,” I ignored their urgings, instead pushing harder on the man below me. He deserved no mercy.

“Darcy, stop. He’s dead Darcy.” In my haze of anger I had failed to notice the shifting situation around me. How Nakota was now free, unharmed. How Maniae and Geraldo had both re-appeared, seemingly unaffected and unharmed. And lastly, how I had managed to kill the man I had so desperately wanted to extort from the man, who now instead lied dead beneath me.



 Hey everyone, Kali here! I had to get a chapter out as soon as possible to one of my new readers OneLastTry.  She gave me an amazing review that was both filled with praise and critique, something  love hearing from my fans. Even though I do not plan on following all of her advice I do plan, however, to head it to the best of my ability. I shall follow the parts I agree with, consider the parts I don't, and ponder the parts I am unsure on.  A big thanks to OneLastTry again for her amazing comment!

I'd love to see more comment's from you guys and more votes. It'd really help me get this story where I want it to go. 

Peace and Chocolate,



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