A Pirate Story

By Hydranga2

513 35 7

This is sort of based on the game Pirate 101 since me and the girls (if you read my other stories about wizar... More

Characters 1
Troggie business
Skull Cave
Moving Forward
Jonah Town
Quid Pro Quo
One-Eyed Jack
The Antique Store
The Crew Makes the Home
The Crew's New Home
Puerto Mico
Gortez Part 1
Funny Scenarios
Troggy Trouble
Rumble in the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle
Hear no Evil, See no Evil
Hear no Evil, See no Evil pt 2
Three Queens pt. 1
Rachel's Birthday


10 2 0
By Hydranga2

While the crew was sailing Warwick stares down at a chest in his hands with a sad expression on his face.

While the group were temporarily separated on the Isle of Doom Warwick, had run into a man who apparently knew his parents. The man had handed him a chest that he said belonged to his parents and may a explain a few things about them.

Warwick was currently in his cabin in the ship staring down at the chest that belonged to his parents.

He opens it and is met with quite a few feathers, a small orb, other trinkets and small vials and bottles and a single flask.

He lifts up the orb in curiosity and examines it. Suddenly he feels the air get a bit cold and before he could blink he was met with a tired pirate who looked similar to him walking along the sands of Krokotopia.

He follows after the man in silence unsure on what else he should do.

Eventually they both happen a upon an Oasis.

Suddenly a voice rings out while the man runs happily to the oasis.

"At the time I was just on a treasure hunt, looking for riches to pay a debt. If I failed I would be surely killed." A man's voice says calmly.

Warwick looks around frantically confused on where it was coming from.

"Aw shit, I'm hearing voices again." Warwick muttered softly.

Upon arrival, the area looked more like a swamp than paradise. Large glowing mushrooms illuminated a old path, a string of bones seen hanging from stocks. Swimming creatures lurked in the muddy waters to the sides of the old pathway.

The man hesitates for a moment before muttering a soft, "Fuck it, If I'm going to die might as well die trying." 

The man starts digging at the dirt in front of the path.

"I remember thinking, Treasure's got to be here somewhere. But alas, all I found was mud." The voice says.

Warwick watches the man suddenly stop digging a pull out a shoe. The man throws the boot to the side and finds another boot. He digs some more a pulls out some pants that are attached to skeletal form.

The man sensing a shadow looming over him winces and looks up and is met with a very angry skeleton, but it was hard to tell with the strong fog that floated around them.

Before he can get a word out his vision goes black.


Warwick blinks and fins himself inside a house. He looks around a spots a woman sitting on her bed.

He watches her suddenly shudder and she looks away from her spell book in a panic.

"I could sense it, someone had entered my domain." A woman's voice said softly a hint of anger in her voice.

Warwick's eyes widen as he catches on that the people narrating were the people who he was seeing.

Anger weld up inside the woman, she pulls a piece of fur from her shirt pocket and holds the fur firmly in her palms, she begins chanting in foreign languages that Warwick recognized that he at time used, he recognized it as a summoning spell.

A wolf is then summoned from the fur, but it was obviously dead based on the how it's body had patches where it's bones could be seen, it's eyes lacked the light of living in them.

She commands it to find the intruder and bring them to her.

The wolf without a second thought howls before taking off running, weaving through the think brushes and vines.

She sits with a blank look in her eyes, she was seeing through the undead wolf's eyes.

Undead of all states of decay, stop  behind the wolf. There, in a small clearing, a scared and starved man.

The woman almost felt pity for him when the wolf's eyes fall upon him. 

Suddenly a rock from the bushes behind the man comes rushing at the back of the man's head. Hitting him square effectively knocking him out. The mob of undead are unmoved when the wolf starts walking slowly forward to the man now laying in ankle height water.

The wolf sniffs his chest, he stink but it can sense the heart beating, he's alive.

The woman thought how she wanted to handle the situation, she could easily kill him. End his life while he's out and add him to the decaying family. Or keep him alive, question him, ask how he found her paradise. The thought of the unknown killed her. Knowledge was her weakness. And if he was hiding anything, she was sure she could get him out of him, one way or another.


Warwick finds himself back in the house but it was now morning.

He turns and sees the man now tied in a chair by vines that came from the floorboard.

The man wakes, it looks earlier in the day than he remembered, though he can't remember much. He lifts up his head with a pained grunt and looks around more, just realizing he was tied down in the chair.

He felt oddly calm than scared now, seeing furniture and seemingly well kept place held his sanity.

"Surely a person has got to live here, I remember thinking." Warwick heard the male's voice narrate.

"And a person I did see, but I did not expect such a stunning woman. I was left speechless by her beauty." The man narrates in a wistful tone.

The woman steps into his view.

"A woman with impressively long dark hair, her skin spotted with tanned and pale skin. Vitiligo possibly. Orange piercing eyes shoot threw me like a bullet." The man says in a day dreamy voice causing Warwick to smirk amused.

The woman on the other hand didn't seem very impressed by the man, she spoke first but the words she spoke the man couldn't understand. Seeing that he seemed out of it she repeated herself but he shakes his head wondering if there was sand in his ears or something.

"There was barrier. This man wasn't from this land, wasn't from this world." The woman's voice narrates calmly.

"I looked closely at his clothes, the smell was unfamiliar to my nose. It was musty, strong and addictive. I had no clue what it was at the time, maybe it was just the smell of him, maybe not, but I remember wanting to know more. This man was a surprise." The woman narrates her voice becoming happier and wistful.

The man stares at the woman as she moves forward to sniff his clothes. I mean it's not everyday a hot babe suddenly sniffs you down. His hair was dark like hers but with brown tips.

The woman grabs his face and moves it from side to side observing him. She takes note of the metal in his ear. Maybe it was a ritual she was unfamiliar with. Maybe it was the cause of this barrier. What ever it was it wasn't going to stop her from the answer she so desires.


It has been 3 days, 3 days of nothing but research for the woman. She's been trying to find a spell to finally understand him or him understand her. While researching, she learned of the man's diet and certain behavioral displays.

Even without the information of speech, she learned the man loved the sun, finding everyday he'd look at the sky and sun when he could. He hates mushrooms, not liking when he was fed them. And even with most of the wildlife being dead and unresponsive, he found the time to try to talk to them. The woman finally decided to trust him a little more.

With a wave of her hand she removes the vines from his body.

The man sits there, he doesn't move or speak. He looked up at her, she motioned for him to follow. And he does so. He follows her through the moving watersm he takes note that the vines were keeping her afloat and to avoid drowning, he makes sure to keep up with her.

The man in his rush to not loose sight of her ends up rushing and bumping into something hard and warm. He looks up and sees a large rock, being warmed by the sun's rays.

He looked up at the sky above him. The sun high in the sky, clear of clouds, a rush of fresh air hits his face. He closes his eyes with Deja vu of sailing high in the clouds and seas,


Warwick's eyes widen it wasn't the narrator woman who said it this time.

The man snaps his eyes open and looks back at the woman whom he temporarily forgot.

She points to herself, "Kaala." She states once more.

The man catching on smiles back at her and pokes his chest with his index finger, "Reedale."


Warwick snaps out of it and sees Sally and Rachel.

Sally was looking at down at him in worry while Rachel gives him her usual blank stare.

"Why are you on the floor dumbass?" Rachel asks him.

Warwick looks around himself in alarm, he was back in his room and was sprawled out on the floor, the orb from earlier tight in his hand.

He sits up and looks up at the girls like he's seen a ghost.

"Are you okay?" Sally asks placing the back of her hand to his forehead.

Even Rachel was getting worried over how scared and bothered Warwick looked.

"Maybe we shouldn't have taken his rum..." Rachel told Sally. 

"He doesn't have a fever..." Sally told Rachel while Warwick struggles to catch his breath. He was breathing frantically trying to calm himself.

Sally sits down next to him and pulls him into a hug, Rachel and Warwick would always tell her how her hugs may heal the world. So maybe it'll help calm Warwick.

Warwick buries his face in Sally's hair and silently sobs. He understood who it was he saw.

It was his parents. The people he thought had abandoned him. He saw them meeting for the first time.

The last words from their narrated voice, before he was snapped out of it, resonating through his head:

"We will always love you Warwick Hawkins, don't you ever forget it." 

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