Puerto Mico

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A week of rest later...

Sally, Bonnie, Subodai, Rachel, Warwick and Ratbeard sail to Puerto Mico.

They enter inside and see the Majordomo. 

"You have business with his Excellency? I trust you have a letter of introduction. Let me see. So you are..." The Majordomo says as Sally hands him the Paper given to her by Avery.

"Well, now we'll see what the credentials Avery got for you are worth." Rachel whispered to Sally.

The Majordomo looks between Sally and the Picture causing the group to look at it in shock.

The Majordomo looks between Sally and the Picture causing the group to look at it in shock

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"Ah... Madame Zordo, of Darkmoor. I hope you had a good journey. I see the legends of your beauty are... not exaggerated at all." The Majordomo says not seeing how Sally looks anything like this picture.

"Avery is dead." Warwick growls, he wasn't going to let the pirate disrespect Sally like that.

"Heh, that's a fine likeness, that is! Looks just like ye!" Ratbeard said playfully clapping a paw/hand onto Sally's shoulder. 

"And you're next I just decided." Rachel said as she, Sally, Warwick, Bonnie, and Subodai glared at him. Ratbeard takes a sheepish and scared step back.

"These..." The Majordomo says trailing off and looking between Sally and the picture. "Credentials are fine, but I cannot, alas, let you see His Excellency the Governor. At least, not dressed as you are." The Majordomo says stuffing the credentials in his inside pocket of his shirt.

"See if you can find the shop of Bernardo Sastre the tailor. He'll make sure your lack of fashion doesn't disgrace you when you see the Governor." The Majordomo says pointing to the door behind them.

They leave the biggest building and go out onto the streets and spot a sign with the clothes sign on it.

They walk over to the much smaller door with a deadpanned expression on their faces.

"Why are you looming over my shop, gangly ones." Bernardo Sastre asks curiously.

The group look down at the well dressed Monkey who stares up at them with curious eyes.

"Um, the Majordomo sent us hear for some clothes." Sally says trying to keep calm.

"The Majordomo is quite right- you are dressed like a savage. I'm hesitant to even be seen talking to you, but I shall take pity on your plight." Bernardo Sastre said having a face of false pity on his face.

"Gee thanks..." Subodai says sardonically.

"There's nothing to be shamed of- it's hardly your fault you were raised without the tiniest shred of culture or civilization." Bernardo drones on. 

Sally's frown intensifies. "We lack style? Have you seen what you ugly ass monkeys are wearing?" Rachel snaps but Bernardo ignores her words.

"TO fabricate something acceptable, in your sizes, will be difficult. I must charge you fifty thousand coins, labor included." Bernardo says.

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