Gortez Part 1

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"I know your errand, and I know that it is doomed- if left to formal channels. But on a more informal level..." Bishop Hidalgo said.

"A task must be done, vital to the crown. The demands of honor make it impossible for any Monquistador to do it, but you are no Monquistador." Bishop Hidalgo said giving them a pleading look.

"You must act where our strongest cannot. Please, go to the Isle of Doom, find Gortez, and bring him and this 'Gold monkey' to the Governor." Bishop Hidalgo explains. 

Warwick jots down on his stolen notepad what they must do. "Succeed, and I will ensure the Governor signs your treaty. Go to Arroyo the outfitter. He will prepare you for your journey." Bishop Hidalgo said with a small nod.

"Got you." Rachel said crossing her arms and yawns.

The group leave the church and immediately head to the ship. Unfortunately Outfitter Arroyo was blocking the way to their ship.

Sally and Rachel throw their arms up  in frustration. The monkey ignores their obvious distress and begins talking, "So you go to to the Isle of Doom!" 

"Nosey bastard." Warwick mutters crossing his arms.

"I hear it's a lovely place, provided you keep clear of the monstrous spiders. The skyways near the island have grown very dangerous- the Scurvy Dogs and hungry fish make the place too difficult for most ships to approach."  Outfitter Arroyo said as the three young adults sneak by him toward the large board that leads to their ship.

"When you sail there, I ask you to take these food supplies to the gold miners. They've been cut off for weeks - you'll be a hero to them." Outfitter Arroyo said but when he opens his eyes the ship was long gone.

He blinks repeatedly in shock.

They go the Isle of Doom and are met with another Monquistan but they are more frantic.

"Thank the saints you are here! We've been so long without good food, we were about to eat our clothes." Foreman Salazar said happily taking the ugly clothes from the group.

He gives them a thankful bow. "Welcome, Captain and her dear crew, to the Isle of Doom! It's lovely place, if you can avoid the brain-eating parasites. Don't drink the water." He explains to them giving them a small awkward smile.

"Sorry to interrupt but we are looking for Gortez." Sally told him.

"You came to find Gortez? We used to send search parties looking for him, but now we have other problems. Our Water Mole Laborers are revolting!" Foreman Salazar.

"A point for Slytherin?" Sally ask nudging Warwick causing him to snicker.

"Pshaw! They may be short, and a bit stinky, but they're hardly as bad as all that!" Ratbeard defends the Water Moles.

"I forgot you existed." Rachel said turning to Ratbeard.

Foreman Salazar looked at  Ratbeard like he's stupid, "No, I mean they are in revolt- they're attacking us!" Salazar clarifies. Ratbeard sheepishly scratches the back of his head. "As soon as we broke into the tombs under the ruined temple, all our workers turned on us!" Salazar explained turning back to Sally.

"Can you help us? Punish these rebels and defeat Haku, their leader, and I'll tell you what I know of Gortez." Salazar said giving Sally and pleading look.

"Fine..." Sally sighs.

Salazar eagerly shakes Sally's hand in thanks.

The group continue through Isle of Doom.

And defeat a large group of Water Moles Slingmen.

"You may be able to defeat us, but you will NEVER be able to defeat Haku! While Haku stands, our revolt continues!" A Water Mole Slingman said as they retreat badly injured.

Rachel rolls her eyes at the water mole.

""Let's follow them, they'll lead us to Haku." Sally said and she, Rachel, Warwick and Ratbeard chase after them.

Before they know it they are lead underground. "Am I the only one getting the same vibes from the big underground from Skull Island?" Warwick asks Sally and Rachel who nod and shrug.

They continue down the underground sewers until they are met with Haku in front of a large statue.

He takes quick notice of them and glares, "You are too late to help the Monkey Lords! Soon the Old Ones will rise!" Haku shouts at them before turning back to the statue.

"Rise, ancient one! Rise and help us!" Haku yells at the statue in the middle the statues surrounding it begins casting beams to the middle statue before they knew the place begins shaking and the middle statue comes to life.

"I LIVE!" The Statue yells before swinging it's large stone sword at them.

The group dodge minus Ratbeard who goes flying from the swing.

"What type of Frankenstein shit is this?!" Warwick said glaring at the Statue as he summons his staff.

Sally observes their surroundings and takes note that the surrounding statues were still sending a beam to the middles statue that was swinging at them.

She takes note of how each time Rachel and Warwick would do major damage to the main statue the surrounding statues would heal it back to health.

Sally swiftly dodges the Water Moles that were in the way, taking them down in her wake and rushes to take down the statue will Warwick and Rachel focus on the main statues.

Eventually Sally takes down the surrounding statues and Rachel delivers the final blow to the main statue causing it shatter into pebbles.

Haku and the left over Water Moles' eyes widen in shock as the group turn to them.

Warwick takes a step forward to steal the gem near them but the Water Moles panic thinking they were kill them next.

"The Old Ones have failed Haku and his people. We will make peace with Monkeys." Haku said flinching away from the confused Warwick.

The group watch the Water Moles retreat in fear. Warwick shrugs and picks up the dropped feathers and gems.

"This is will be great for a hat. Little Lassie when we get back home can ye make me a new hat with these feathers.

"Sure thing." Sally said smiling as they head out the exit.

Rachel hums, "Feels like we're forgetting something." She said looking around, upon seeing just the shattered remains of the statue she shrugs and continues following her friends.

"If it was important I wouldn't have forgotten it." Rachel reasons to herself.

Meanwhile Ratbeard is suspended in the air by his peg leg and some stray vines that caught him when he was thrown into the air by the main statue.


Foreman Salazar is seen running up to them once they exit the underground.

"You've done it! I will give you gold for this, out my personal share." Salazar said handing the three each a small bag of gold.

Warwick hungrily looks into his back while Sally and Rachel put theirs away in their wallets that Sally got them from the old woman's antique shop.

Warwick hungrily looks into his back while Sally and Rachel put theirs away in their wallets that Sally got them from the old woman's antique shop

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"Thanks." Sally told him giving him a grateful smile Rachel gives him a small nod.

"I will also help you on your dark mission." Foreman Salazar said giving them a happy nod.

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