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Erick was a normal gay guy. Got bullied, had a nice family, everything was normal for him. Until one day, whe... More

Forced Truth
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New Kid

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New Kid

I woke up around 7:30 A.M. It has been 2 days since I moved into David's and Eiren's life. They both seem to like me, even I felt bad for just coming into their life they still treated me like I was their real son.

Eiren and me had went shopping for clothes( caused my old ones smelled like humans which makes other supernaturals don't like the smell of humans). David and I played basketball the next day.

But today was going to be different. Today was the day I was starting my new school. I didn't want to go. Remembering what it was like for me in a human school, I could only imagine what it would be like for me in a supernatural school.

What is they tried to kill me? What if they would treat me differently cause I was raised by humans for so long?

" Erick. Breakfast is ready." Eiren said from down stairs.

" Be right there." I yelled back.

I put on a pair on black jeans, a red t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. I ran down the stairs and sat at the table where my breakfast had already been set. There was scrambled eggs, three stripes of bacon and two pieces of toast.

David and Eiren has already started eating, so I started to wolf down my food." Hey slow down. You don't want to chock on." David said taking a sip of his coffee.

" Sorry, just really hungry." I said turning to Eiren." So tomorrow I'll be turning 17, and was wondering on what type of supernatural do you twitching I am." I asked them.

They looked at each other and then back to me." Well, I think you'll be a werewolf but David believes that you will turn out to be grimm." Eiren said to me while taking a bite of his eggs. He then looked at David and as if they were talking to each other in there heads, sometimes one would shake their heads yes or no. But this one seemed to be a very serious.

Eiren looked at me and smiled." Erick, I need to tell something. Since you don't know what type of supernatural your parents were, you have to take the Test."

" What is the Test?"

" The Test is what we do for supernaturals like you. The supernaturals that don't know what type they are take the Test and find out what they are. Then they can have a better idea on which of they 10 classifications they want to be after high school."

" What are the 10 classifications?"

" Well, there's Alpha(leader), Saver, Hunter, Guardian, Healer, Wisdom, Gatherer, Warrior, Keeper and then the Follower. The people who don't choose a classification are called Wonders, they are the supernaturals that are like villagers, they don't do anything." David explained to me.

I nodded and put my empty plate in the sink. I was ready to go so I went upstairs and got my backpack and went to the front door.

" I'm leaving!" I yelled and went out the door before they could say anything.


I walked into the office of my new school. There was a woman at a desk typing on a computer, she seemed to be zoned on it. So I cleared my throat to get her attention.She look at me and smiled.

" You must be the new student Alex told me about. Go right threw that door there, he is waiting for you." She said pointing at a door to her right.

I said thank you to the woman and went through the door. There, Alex was putting some files away. But as soon as he saw me he stopped what he was doing and sat down at his desk.

" Welcome Erick, I'm guessing you were told about the Test?" He asked and I nodded. He pointed to a chair and told me to sit in it.

So I sat down and watch as Alex brought out a needle." You're not afraid of needles are you?" He asked and I shock my head no.

Alex then walked over to me, clean a spot on my arm and gently grabbed the needle into me. He then drew blood from my arm and took the needle out of me. The woman then walked in. Alex handed her my blood and I watch her eyes turn black when my blood was in her hand.

For about minutes, no one said a word. Then woman's eyes turn back to their original color,and she looked at me as if I were about to eat her.

" What is it? What is he?" Alex asked the woman.

" H-he's a bounty-hunter and something else. I don't no what the other is but it's strong, fast and very very powerful. I tried to find out what it was but something is blocking my powers. I'm sorry I can't figure out what the other part of him is. I'm sorry." With that she left me and Alex in his office confused and concerned at the same time.

Alex let out a sign and sat down in his chair, I tried to ask him what had just happened but my voice betrayed me." You want to know what a bounty-hunter is don't you?" Alex asked me and I nodded." Well, a bounty-hunter is a supernatural that is different from the others. They kill both evil humans and other supernaturals.

" And even though every supernatural has are born to have one or two different classifications, the bounty-hunter can be placed in any of the 10 classifications. That is how powerful they are. In fact, they are so powerful that the government has been trying to find a way to make their own bounty-hunters but to do that, they need a real bounty-hunter so they can figure out how.

" They have killed the bounty-hunters to the point where there was one left alive. She was a Alpha, but she feel in love with a werewolf and after that she disappeared. No knows what happened to her but we all knew that she died. Ever since then, all of the supernaturals thought there was no more bounty-hunters left in the world. But now here you are." Alex said taking a breath in as if he was in at a bakery and was smelling the sweets from the kitchen of the bakery .

" So what, am I like the last bounty-hunter alive?" I asked when I found my voice. Alex only nodded and looked at me as if I were some prize that he won at a fair.

" So what do I do?" I asked looking at the floor.

" Well, we'll have to train you just like everyone else. But we will have to keep a close eye on you. If the government knows that you are a bounty-hunter then you're in more danger than any other supernatural in the world. You Erick, are their prize."

I felt my stomach scrunch up inside of me. Just hearing someone say that I was a prize made me feel threatened. I didn't know why but I felt like I could destroy a tank but the government scared me so much that it made me feel weak.

" Listen, I need to get something. Will you be alright here?" Alex ask , I nodded and watched him leave me in his office.

So there I was, alone, shocked and most of all worried, I was worried about what would happen to me if the government, would they try to use me to make their own bounty-hunter, or would they kill me just like they do with the other supernaturals.

After a few minutes, I started to get really bored. So I got up from my chair and walked over to Alex's bookshelf and started rummaging through them. There was so many, with really weird names.

'History of Hybrids', 'Demons of the Underworld' and even one called 'Thousand Ways to Keep a Slave Alive'. But the book that caught my eye was 'Wars of Supernaturals'.

It was a read hard cover book with picture of a golden wolf in the center.

I picked up the book and observed it a little more. It didn't seem to have a lock, neither did it seem to have been read for a while. It was covered in dust to the point where all you could see was the golden wolf on the cover.

I put my hand on the cover, getting ready to open it, when something happened. When my hand touched the book I started to get a vishion.

I was standing in the middle of the woods late at night. There was a group of men walking by. They were wearing something that looked like it was from the 1800s. They even were holding rifles that were used in the American Revolution.

" I swear I saw the creature run this way." One of the men said.

" So did I, spread out. It's around here somewhere." The man that seemed to be the leader said. The other men nodded and began to walk in different directions. One was walking in my direction, so I tried to hide but my body wouldn't move. I was forced to just stand there and wait for the man to see me.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to yell to the others that he saw me but I didn't hear a thing. I opened my eyes to see the man walking right in front of me. He didn't seem to see more even though I was standing right in front of him.

He didn't stop walking. He just kept on walking towards me. I waited for the moment where we would bump into each other, but instead, the man walked right through me as if I were a ghost.

I turned around to get a better look of the man but then there was a gun shot and a howl. The man behind me then turned around, ran right through me again and disappeared in the direction of the gun shot.

There was then gun fire and screaming all around. Some of the men began to cry for help, but we're soon silenced but what ever creature that they had been hunting.

Just then, a dark figure jumped over the hill and started to run past me.

One of the men then ran over the hill. He was covered in blood and had claw marks all over his face.

He aimed his rifle at the beast and fire. And with that, the creature fell down and lied on the ground, blood pored from it's wound soon stain the grass red.

The man then walked over to the creature and put his foot on to the wood, making the injured creature howl in pain. It tried to move away from the man but the amount of blood that it had lost made it to weak to move.

I heard the man chuckle at the sight of the wounded beast and but the rifle to it's head." Any last words beast." He said getting ready to pull the trigger.

" Y-yes, let this be war on your kind human." It said closing it's eyes and waited for the bullet to go into it's head.

" Whatever happens supernatural, humans will destroy each and every single one of you," the man said.

He pulled the trigger and then a load boom went into the air. The beast's head fell to the ground and blood started coming out of it's forehead.

The man then released his foot and started to walk away. Leaving the lifeless body of the creature behind him....

" Erick! Hey Erick!" A voice said, I looked around and saw that no one was there. Just then, the scenery that I was in began to fade away. All the trees, bushes, the stars and the moon all turned into a pitch black screen.

And as if I were just waking-up from a dream, I was back in Alex's office. Alex was standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder. He seemed to be scared and was shaking my arms fiercely.

" Erick are you there?" He asked me.

" Yeah I'm hear, where else would I be."

" Oh thank god, what happened? What did you see," Alex asked.

" What do you mean, was in a trance for something? " I asked in worried tone. If something happened to me then I wanted to know what it was.

" Erick, you just had a vision. You see, only seers and bounty-hunters gets them but the a bounty-hunter's vision can tell them memories of a person, supernatural and objects. They can also see the future, secrets and the soul of the anything.

" And you Erick just had your first vision so I want to know what you saw."

" Well, I saw a supernatural get shot down by some dude that looked like so type of hunter. But before the supernatural died it declared war on the humans." I explained to Alex.

Alex looked at me in shock. What had I said? All I did was tell him what I saw in my vision and he just froze up.

" Erick, you just witnessed how the War of the Shadows started, supernaturals have been trying to rediscover how it started and you filled in the blank that they have been trying to fill." Alex said siting back in his chair and looked out the window.

" So pretty much I helped you figure out how a war started?" I asked and Alex only nodded. We remained silent for about three to four minutes and just looked at each other.

" Oh I almost forgot. I left to get your agenda." Alex said handing a piece of paper. I thanked him and started to walk out of the office.

" Erick."

I stopped waling and looked back at the principle." Yeah?"

" Don't let anyone know about your vision and also, don't mention to anybody that the seer could full figure out what the other part of was."

" Why?"

" Because, it has never happened before, not to any type of supernatural and it never happened to a bounty-hunter. And I need to figure out why before you tell anyone so they wont fear you." Alex expalined to me. I nodded and then left.


I walking the crowded halls looking for my locker. I pushe and shoved until I found it. I sighed in relife and walked over to me locker, put the comination in and put my stuff in and began to find my homeroom.

After about a minute of searching, I bumped into a girl. She looked about my age, she had red hair, pale skin and had sky blue eyes.

" Sorry."

" It's ok. Hey your the new kid everyone has been talking about." She said and I nodded. So people have been talking about me. Wonder what they have been saying?

" I'm Emily."

" Erick." I said shaking Emily's hand. I started to get another vision, I saw bits of her life. I saw a enought of her past t see what type of supernatural she was.

" Your a witch?" I asked her and she looked at me in shook." How did you know?" She asked me.

" I don't know, just a really good guess." I said I wasn't ready to tell her about me being a bounty-hunter just yet.

" Okay then, hey what's your homeroom?" Emily asked me. I pulled out my agenda from my pocket and gave it to her. She looked at it and smiled.

" We have the same homeroom. Come on I'll show you where it is." Emily said grabbing my arm and pulled me into a classroom that was to our right.

When we walked in and all eyes were on us. And instead of the death look that I usually get, I got looks of friendliness and no judged me.

Emily continued to pull me and sat me down in a desk that was right in-front of a muscular boy. He was tan, had blond hair and had green eyes.

" Emily, who's this?" The boy asked.

" Oh this is Erick. Erick this is my mate Noah. Erick is new to our school and is my new best-friend." Emily said juming into her mate's lap. Noah reached for my hand, which I took.

In return, I got another vision, this time it was just a voice that sounded more animal than human. It only said one word and the word told me what Noah was.

" So you're a werewolf," I said and he nodded and started nibling Emliy's neck, causing her to giggle.

" Oh please don't mind me, I'm only the guy sitting in-front of you and is being forced to watch you too give each other love bites." I said making the two makes blush and move their necks away from each other.

Noah cleared his throat and looked at me." So Erick, what type of supernatural are you?" He asked in a curious tone.

I swallowed the saliva that was in my throat. I knew there was no way out of it unless I dropped dead right then and there but there was not chanse of that happening.

" I-I'm a bounty-hunter." I said quitly and lowered my head in shame.

" Omg really? Wow I though they all died out seventeen years ago. This is so cool I get a bounty-hunter for a best-friend." Emily said getting out of Noah's lap and giving me a hug. It wasn't the reaction I was expecting but hey I didn't care.

Noah pulled Emily back to his lap and we started talking about what my life was like in a human school. I even told them that I was gay and they excepted it. Few minutes later, they introduced to three of their other friends. Jade and her mate Logan( who are both day vampires) and Derek(a elemental).

But it wasn't until the bell rang and that last kids came in did I start to feel chills run down my spin. I looked up to see the most handsome man I had ever seem in my life. He was native tan, brown hair and blue puppy dog eyes.

We made eyes contact and it was like being in heaven. Everyone seemed to of disappeared and it was me and him, but it didn't last long for someone kept on saying my name.

" W-what? I asked forcing my eyes mot to look at the cute boy at the other side of the room.

" I said me and the rest of the girls in our group are going shopping after school and we were wondering if you wanted to join us? Jade asked me.

" Um yeah sure, hey Emily, who's that guy?" I asked pointing at the boy that I starred at a second ago." Him? That's John Howl, he is a soon to be Alpha of a werewolf pack and will soon be taking Lord Howl's spot as the werewolf of the counsel member of the supernaturals." She explained to.

So he was a werewolf huh, well that explained why he looked so hot.. wait WHAT! I didn't even know the guy every well and I was already calling him cute what was going on with?

The bell for first period rung and everyone walked out the door. I left with Emily and we walked to our lockers(which are only thirteen or more lockers away). I opened mine up and pulled out my books for my first class.

When I closed my locker door, I saw John Howl, leaning against the locker next to mine. He looked at me and gave me a sly grin. He walked in-front of me and gently pushed me up against the lockers, he then lied his face into my neck and began to breath in my scent.

I felt his lips move slowly against my skin, sending shivers through out my body. I heard him chuckle and then he started to nibble on my ear.

There was apart of me telling me to push this guy off of me but there was another telling to let him keep on nibbling on his ears. I didn't what to do.

" Hey what the heck do you think your doing John! Get away form him right now." Emily said pulling me away from him. John growled at her and tried to reach for me but Emily pulled me out of his reach.

" Oh go bark up a tree mutt." She said making John growl again and he walked away, but I could tell that he was pretty mad.

" Are you okay Erick?" Emily asked.

" Yeah but what was that about?"

" Well you see, John turned 17 a few months ago and he didn't find his mate. Ever sense, he's been searching his mate but he hasn't found him or her. That is, not until just now."

" Wait are you saying that I'm that dude's mate?" I asked in shock. I mean, I was supposed to find my mate tomorrow yeah but didn't think I would get someone like him. He was just so perfect.

" Let's not talk about here, come on. Lets get to class." She said and I nodded and we walked into our Mythical Languages and took our seats.

Class started a few minutes after we arrived. The teach was writing some type of word that I didn't really understand.

" Okay, anyone tell me what that says." He said pointed to the board and wait for someone to raise their hand but no did.

" Please don't jump out your seats." The teacher said in a sarcastic tone which made everyone laugh. He started looking around the room and zoned in on me.

" Why don't we let the newbie answer it."He said in a tone of voice that made me want to punch him." Erick, tell use what Ut animas colligimus means."

" As the souls we gather."

" What was that?" The teacher asked with a shocked look on his face.

" That's what Ut animas colligmus means. As souls we gather." I said to him.

" Th-that's correct. You may take a seat now." The teacher said and I did. As soon a I was all the way in the chair, I looked at Emily,who was giving me a strange look.

" I didn't you could speak Latin."

" That was Latin?"

" Um yeah. That's what we have been learning for the past few days."

" I never even learned Latin in entire life." I said out load and I was telling the truth. I never heard or learned Latin before so how did I know what that ment.

" You do know that bouny-hunters know how to speak in every language right. It's some type of thing that is stuck in their brain or something." Emily said to me.Great I can talk to someone from any country. That really doesn't seem to be helping me out any time soon.

Class went on, and Emily and I remained silent. It had been two whole minutes, so I decided to end our quiet game.

" So about what happened with me and John, can you explain it a little bit more for me?" I asked with a little bit of hope in my voice. I heard Emily sigh as she put down her pen and turn towards me.

" Well when a supernatural finds their mate for the first time, they fill up with lust and will want to be near them at all times. John is meant to be a council member so it's ten times as stronger than the average supernatural.

" He well try to corner you, mate with and even mark you and there is nothing on this Earth that can stop that from happening. And if I'd haven't of been there Erick, you would be already marked and mated."

She went back to her work after that. Leaving me to wonder if I should try to stay away from John or not.......

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