I'm Not Alice!!

By korterbug101

3K 99 47

I'm Kortney Alice Liddella. My great, great, great, great grandmothers name was Alice Liddell. When she was a... More

Chapter 2
Note to readers
Chapter 3

Chapter One

1.3K 51 26
By korterbug101

        It has been a couple of years since the incident with my grandmother. I have heard stories that my great, great, great, great, grandmother went missing. Every girl in the family has heard the story of Alice Liddell and how she got lost in a rabbit hole. Everyone thought it was a disgrace to the family. Every girl was forced to go to a mental hospital to make sure that it didn't run in the family, and let's just say the tests weren't as great as a 8 year old would imagine. I very much hated the tests and had to take them every month. They consisted of your blood being drawn, after they would ask you if you'd seen anything different, and then it would end with a mental health analysis which in the end of all the testing, I am the one asked about my anxiety. That is the only thing wrong with me.

        My mother was put in a mental hospital for seeing a rabbit man that tried to take her down a hole. She still lives there and every once in a while, I'll go to see her and listen to her story about the rabbit man. She tells me of the man with pure white hair and white bunny ears sticking out of his head. She tells me how he called her Alice, and tried to pull her down the hole and how she kicked him and ran. Many thought I was going to be just like my mom and grandmother, Alice, because I looked just like her in her young age; except for my shorter hair and button nose I looked just like her. I was told she loved to take naps and that she was an amazing person until her sister disappeared, and then she went crazy. I guess if my sister died I would go crazy too.

        I live in a the same house as my great, great, great, great grandmother and everyone from her time on. My mother took it when she was old enough and had a family of her own, it made sense, since she was the oldest after all. I enjoyed the nice rose garden outside. It was like a maze and benches lined the maze. In the middle there was a huge fountain with benches all around it. That was my favorite place to be. I found it easy to go there, with no one pestering you to go to school, no one yelling at you for not doing this right, or yelling at you for not being polite. My aunt and cousin live with us, they are very vulgar and hot headed and just plain rude. I wish I didn't have to share this place with them, and thank goodness they aren't allowed in the maze, thanks to my grandfather. He knows it's my place to just be myself, and lets me have that freedom. My aunt every once in a while will try to find her way to the center, but gets lost every time. So on my way out, I have to escort her out and then tell my grandfather that she broke the rules, after which she gets a big scolding from my grandfather, who knows that his daughter is plan out crazy in a different way then my mom is.

        I hate my family other than my mother, sister, and grandfather. The rest of them are absolutely nuts, my grandmother included. She hates me because she thinks that my older sister should have been the only daughter that my parents had. She also accuses that I'm the one that drove her crazy. They love my sister and brother. My younger brother is just like her. He thinks it's my fault that mother is insane also, because I was the last girl born. I hated that they treated me like that, but my mother and sister told me that it wasn't my fault. I guess that helped a little bit. I usually stayed in my garden and played the violin. It was the only thing that kept me sane with all the crazy, cruel people around me.

        They told me that all of the isolation was going to make me go insane, but I never listened I didn't need their bogus. I always had company anyways. His name was Toni, he was a small white cat that would come sit by me while I played, he seemed to enjoy it. He was my only friend, everyone else thought I was mental, with my family curse and all, so no one bothered trying to be my friend. I found his company quite relaxing. Toni and I, would wander around the forest, when my aunts insults became too much. That is where I would go so I could walk off all of her comments.

        I would often let Toni in every once in a while so that he could sleep by me, so I didn't have nightmares, which happened quite often.  Most the time , the nightmares consisted of my aunt yelling at me, and beating my like she did in reality. I didn't have a horrible life, I believed it was pretty good considering the circumstances. I never really thought that life could get better, but I was about to get proved wrong by a white rabbit that would take me down a hole that will forever change my life.

        It was one fateful day when I decided to wear a blue dress that went down to my knees, and black boots that went just above my ankles, with striped black and white tights, and a white apron. The apron was worn so that I could do the cooking without ruining my outfit. That peculiar day, I felt like trekking through the woods. My father had work, and my grandfather was taking his evening nap, that he was so famous for. I was up in my room writing a song to play on my violin after I finished making breakfast for everyone, I still wore my apron because I had forgotten to take it off. Suddenly, my door burst open. I turned quickly to see an angry looking woman who I called my aunt, standing in my door way. She quickly pulled me out of my room, and into the guest bedroom. That's when she unzipped my dress and started whipping me on the back, with her chain whip. After that horrible beating, I decided to take a walk through the woods with my best friend Toni, I needed some way to escape that woman's craziness.

I hadn't been walking long when all the sudden a voice shouted "Alice!!" I quickly turned to find a man with pure white hair and pure white bunny ears running towards me.

"I'm finally going crazy." I whispered to myself as I turned to run but before I could two white gloved hands picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. "What in the world, where are you taking me?" I screamed pounding my hands on his back.

"Alice, you couldn't have forgotten my already." He laughed glancing at me before we started falling down this hole.

 "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed as I clutched the man. My scream echoed through the hole as we continued falling, until wham! The rabbit man caught me in his arms. "What  just happened? How could he have caught me and not be hurt after a fall like that?" I thought to myself, now concerned with the safety of the rabbit man.

"Now Alice, drink this." He said pulling out this crystal looking bottle with a clear liquid in it. How did he just do that and remain unharmed? I thought to myself once again looking at the rabbit man.

"Why in the world would I drink it? I don't know what it is," I stated looking at him dumbfounded.

 "Alice, you really did forget. Oh well, it looks like I'm going to have to force you to drink it." He stated, pulled me closer while plugged my nose and poured the liquid down my throat. "I know you don't want me to do it the same way I did last time." He stated as I forcefully swallow the sweet sugary substance.

 "What did you just make me drink?!" I questioned pushing him off of me. That's when I see Toni sitting next to me with bewildered eyes.

"Who the hell is that?" He questioned pointed at Toni angrily.

 "My cat Toni." I stated when all the sudden he pulled a gun out and aimed it at him. "Put that thing away." I stated pushing him a little.

"But Alice?" He whined.

"No buts, he's my best friend." I stated picking up Toni and petting him, comforting him from the scary thing that just happened. "Where am I?" I questioned sitting on a bench nearby.

 "Alice you're in the country of hearts. Don't you have even the slightest recollection?" He questioned.

"Uhh no, never in my sixteen years of life have I  been to this place." I scolded, crossing my arms.

 "Oh, well I know someone who has been dying to see you since you've been gone." He smiled, pulling me with him. We walked for what seemed like hours until Wham! I was standing in front of this gorgeous huge castle looking place.

"Wow! Look at this place, it's freaking huge." I awed,  as I took a few steps back, admiring the designs before me. "This place is amazing." I cheered. "Do we get to go inside?" I questioned, looking up at my bunny friend with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course we do, I wouldn't have brought you all the way out here just to stare at the Queen's castle." He laughed, holding my hand as he pulled my up the steps to the doors of the castle.

"Wait it's the Queen's castle?" I questioned, with a look of fear at my bunny friend.

"Yes, but she loves you Alice so don't worry." He stated smiling at me with those round doughy eyes.

"Rabbit man, wait." I said, but before I had time to say what I was about to say, two arms wrapped around me.

"Miss Alice, we missed you." This woman with black curly hair giggled, as she pulled Toni and I closer.

Who is we? I thought to myself.

"We never thought you would come back." She smiled.


What did you guys think? I'll start writing a second part soon.

Love you guys,



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