The Ansatsuken Heroes Deku an...

By TevinMoore92

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As Izuku was scolded by the pro heroes for saving his former childhood friend Katsuki Bakugō, He becomes frie... More

Information of characters
The True Path of Heroism; Izuku and Tevin's journey!!
Path of the fist; Tevin and Izuku meets the wandering warrior
Author Notes
Power of Nothingness; Street Fight in Musutafu!!
The Entrance Exams; Sōryū-Hadōken unleashed!!
New Generation; Quirk apprehension test for 1-A
Battle Exercise; GET ANGRY NERD!!!
Deku versus Bakugō; The True Rising Dragon Fist Strikes!!
Crimson Blood; Tevin's Shōryūreppa!!
Class President; Who is the leader?!
The USJ Incident; Fight to survive!!
Author Notes
A dark surge reawakening; Satsui No Hadō Ni Mezamete Izuku vs. Nomu!!
The 1000 deaths; Shungōkusatsu Unleashed!!
Author Notes

Last day of training; Musha shugyō

286 5 1
By TevinMoore92

3rd POV (Plays The lake run theme from Assassin's Fist Movie Street Fighter)

The boys were up and training for the Exams as they began to run around the beach. Ryū then begins to think about telling them about the Musha Shugyō which means they will be staying out for three days and three nights and they will have to fight each other.

Ryū thinking: 'I do hope that they don't conjure up the Satsui no Hadō just like I did and knowing Gōki..... I am sure he is still trying to find someone worthy to fight.' *in a meditation position *

The Symbol Of Peace All Might sees the beach and it was almost completely spotless.

Toshinori Yagi: Oh my...Oh my.... *goes into his buff form*

All Might: GOODNESS!

Ryū stops meditating and sees the buff All Might. He was intrigued by the presence of the pro hero and wonders why is he doing here in the Takoba Beach. All Might was the same with Ryū. He wonder what is the Street Fighter Champion is doing here looking at the two boys who are working hard.

All Might: Excuse me, young man! I was wondering why a wandering warrior such as yourself doing here in Musutafu?

Ryū: must be All Might. Midoriya mentioned you when I first took him and Tevin as my students.

All Might: Indeed I am. *deflates back to his original form *

Toshinori Yagi: *coughs up a bit of blood and grabs a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his mouth * So tell me, what are they're training for?

Ryū: They're Training for the U.A Exams.

All Might's POV
The hero course exams?! But they've don't have powerful quirks. How though? Could Ryū taught them something?

All Might: Still, it may not be enough to enter the hero course. They may be room for the support course but it will keep them safe from the dangers of being a professional.

Ryū: Don't worry All Might, they have a power that is much different from any other quirks others have. Still, they must have to endure the three days and three nights separated as they train... That is the Musha Shugyō.

I was completely stunned by the realization of This Musha Shugyō is but I had to knock what type of training they've been doing. I looked to Young Midoriya and see him cupping his hands to his side.

Toshinori Yagi: What is Young Midoriya doing? *only for Ryū to reply *

Ryū: He's about to use Mū no Hadō and performing the Hadōken.

Toshinori Yagi Thinking: 'Mū no Hadō? Hadōken? What has Ryū been teaching them? Still, I hope Young Midoriya and Young Tanaka do their best in the exams. I wish I could have said yes to Young Midoriya's request back then and give him One For All. But I decided to give OFA to Young Togata due to my former friend Sir Nighteye.'

3rd POV
As Izuku did the kata Ryū showed him and Tevin, they both done the hand motions and had their arms to their sides.

Izuku Midoriya: Ready Tevin?

Tevin Tanaka: Yeah! Hoooah!!!

Izuku Midoriya/Tevin Tanaka: HADŌKEN!!!

Both boys unleashed a powerful attack that made a huge wave in the beach. Proud of what they've learned from Ryū, they stopped to notice All Might was talking to the wandering warrior who was guiding them to mastery and enlightenment.

(Plays Chun-Li Street Fighter Alpha Animation OST)

Tevin Tanaka Thinking: 'I wonder why All Might is here? And talking to Ryū by any chance....No matter. We won't stop until we've become heroes and get stronger and save everyone.' *begins his shadow fighting *

Izuku Midoriya Thinking: 'Is he here to wish us good luck in the exams?' *decides to do 50 push-ups *

As All Might explains to Ryū how he met the two new generation heroes after dealing with a sludge villain to their encounter. Ryū believed that All Might was trying to do what was right but he felt like they could have a power which is not quirk based on genetics. So All Might smiles knowing that they will be stronger and maybe become heroes.

Elsewhere, Momo Yaoyorozu is looking up for a martial arts fighter who uses the same maneuver as they did.

Momo Yaoyorozu Thinking: 'What was that move Midoriya and Tanaka did to those villains while Kendō and I were trapped in the alley....'

Tevin Tanaka/Izuku Midoriya: SHŌRYŪKEN!!!!

-Flashback ends-

Momo Yaoyorozu: Now I remembered! It was the Shōryūken. Someone must've taught them that technique and then they must have mastered it by the 6 or 7 months. But who taught them how to fight like that?

Suddenly, all the information begun to rise in Momo's laptop and what surprised her was the person who is teaching her crush how to fight.

Momo Yaoyorozu: Ryū....Japanese Fighter who won the first world warrior tournament against the Muay Thai champion Sagat. *shocked* That man...beat. Sagat?!

Momo Yaoyorozu's POV
I had to give Kendō information about what I have discovered about the two boys who are excellent fighters and aiming for the hero course. I never thought that I would find out about Midoriya's and Tanaka's skills. It was unfathomable to believe that they are trained by the fighter name Ryū....the man who beat Sagat.

Itsuka Kendō: WHAT?! You mean to tell me that both Tanaka and Midoriya were trained in martial arts by a Japanese Fighter name Ryū who beat Sagat in the World Warrior Tournament? Oh my god!

Momo Yaoyorozu: Yes! Even I was shocked to find out about the technique I found. It was the Shōryūken. *still in shock *

But despite our shocking news about Midoriya's and Tanaka's information about their master, we suddenly felt like they were honest gentlemen and heroes since they saved us a while back. I began to start having feelings for Tanaka and Kendō was the same way with Midoriya.

Tevin Tanaka's POV
After the 9 month of training and picking up the garbage from the beach, we suddenly gained a bit of strength and confidence in our abilities. Izuku was still timid but as time grew when Training under Ryū, he and I grew a lot closer like brothers. Suddenly, we see Ryū sitting in a meditation position and told us to kneel before him.

Ryū: You two have been great students in the art of Ansatsuken. But now, you will be tested. The last month will be the two of you Fighting. I will not be there to referee. As of now, you will be able to take up the Musha Shugyō. Meaning you will have to stay out in your homes and train for three days and three nights.

Izuku Midoriya: Three days and three nights? Is that how you did when you trained?

Ryū: Hai. I will tell you about the Musha Shugyō is and who taught me and a close friend of mine the ways of Ansatsuken.

Izuku Midoriya/Tevin Tanaka: Hai!

Ryū: The Musha Shugyō is a rite of passage for us martial artists. We train and learn from fights to become more skilled in the future. My master Gōken was the first person to learn Ansatsuken from his master Gōtetsu. Gōken had a brother once but walked a dark path of a fighter after taking up the Satsui no Hadō.

Tevin Tanaka: Satsui no Hadō?

Ryū: *nods* The Surge Of Murderous Intent. The Satsui no Hado is a form of ki that is rooted in the darker aspects of the natural human instinct (including the desire to survive, trample, and impose over opposition), and on a metaphysical level, the natural occurrence and manifestation of loss, decline, and destruction.

To tap into the Satsui no Hado, a person must be so consumed with the desire for victory and perfection, be close to death, or else possess such intense rage and hatred, that they are willing to kill. As such, only people who push themselves to be the best at any cost can take full advantage of it, however, the untrained mind can be driven into insanity if they are not mentally ready for it. Learning the Satsui no Hado is the first step in learning the most fatal technique known to all of their martial arts - the Shun Goku Satsu, also known as the Raging Demon or Instant Hell Murder technique. If either one of you were to able tap into the Dark Hadō, you may lose yourself. I too was going through those demons and was able to tap in a power beyond the Satsui no Hadō thanks to my friend Ken Masters, Gōken sensei, and other fighters who I've fought. I will help you in those times. But for now, promise me that both of you will not trade in your humanity for the sake of power.

Izuku and I were thinking about what Ryū told us about the Satsui no Hadō and finding a power to control that said power. It was a lot to take in but we nod our heads agreeing with the promise Ryū asked us.

Tevin Tanaka: Shishō, when do we start our three days and three nights of training?

Ryū: Next week. *smiles*

During the next day, we stayed at our homes and told our mothers who we were trained by and the Fighting style. They were a bit scared of what we've learned about but they have supported us and our decision to become heroes. I began reading the Ansatsuken manual Ryū gave us as we studied.

(Plays Three Days and Three Nights Street Fighter Assassin's Fist OST)

Izuku was practicing his kata in his home while Bakugō was wondering how the hell did this Deku get so strong.

Katsuki Bakugō Thinking: 'What the hell has this nerd been doing lately? Ever since school, he's started to change. He's not the wimp I remembered by since we were kids.....Is he looking down at me this whole time?! Has he been hiding his quirk just because he thinks I am weak?! Damn Deku! I will show him where he belongs.....and that extra as well! No one should be looking down at me! I will be the next number one hero and Deku will be a pebble underneath my feet! I am beneath him!' *gritting his teeth in anger *

As Midoriya trains hard at his home, I was jumping ropes to gain speed. Ever since we been training under Ryū, I felt that there is a little rivalry in me but respect for Midoriya. My mom called me for dinner as I ate, Izuku's mother Inko made her son Katsudon. Those days and nights were very harsh on us as we trained separately but we've endured it for our last month of training before the exams.

-Month 10-
I arrived at the Takoba Beach with my gi on and the sand in my feet crunching. I then see Midoriya coming down the steps and on to the beach as we looked each other with a friendly but serious look in our eyes. I brought my Fist out as Izuku looked at it.

Tevin Tanaka: Izuku...No matter what happens, I want to say that may the best man wins.

Izuku nods and bumps fist into mine knowing that one of us will walk away victorious from this fight.

3rd POV (Plays Ryū vs Fei Long OST Street Fighter II Movie)

Going in to their respective stance, Tevin made the first move on Izuku as Midoriya blocked Tevin's jumping Side kick then begins to be on the defensive as Tevin was being the aggressor of the fight. As Tevin when for a spinning kick only for Izuku to duck under, Tevin hits Izuku with spinning back kick.

But as Tevin's momentum was beginning to rise, it switches the moment he slipped up and Izuku went on the offensive. Hitting him with a double kick for Tevin to block, Izuku called out his special moves.

Izuku Midoriya: Hadōken!

Tevin blocks it but receives a brutal Side kick sending Tevin on the other side of the beach. Tevin got back up and tried to make a comeback against Midoriya.

Tevin Tanaka: Shōryūken! *Izuku blocks Tevin's jab Rising Dragon Punch*

Izuku did a jumping knee only for Tevin to block his attack and went back on the offense.

Tevin began his attacks only for Izuku to parry all of his attacks and counters with his own.

Izuku then grabs Tevin used a Tomoe Nage throw as Tevin got back up to block a jumping side kick and jump over Izuku's sweep only for him to be hit by another of Izuku's moves when they were trained by Ryū.

Izuku Midoriya: Tatsumaki Senpūkyaku! *Tevin gets hit by the whirlwind tornado kick*

Izuku prepares himself to deliver a Hadōken as Tevin did as well.

Izuku Midoriya: Hadōken!

Tevin Tanaka: Hadōken!

As both of them were feeling fatigued from the fight, Tevin rushed down at Izuku with a flurry of attack as he hits Izuku with a punch to the midsection then followed it up with a Inazuma Kakatō Wari to the head knocking Izuku out.

As the fight was over, Tevin went down on his knees in the sand panting heavily as Izuku got up tired as well. He knew the fight was over and was glad that his new best friend and somewhat surrogate brother Tevin had won.

Tevin came up with his hand out extended wanting to help Izuku up.

Tevin Tanaka: Here, Let me help you up.

Izuku Midoriya: Thanks, Tanaka. I guess we've got a lot to learn. The road to mastery is a long one. Plus, it will be a good experience for us when we become heroes.

(Plays Ken's ending theme Street Fighter Alpha 2 OST)

Tevin Tanaka: Yeah, no kidding. Still, we been given a chance to be heroes together but also a history of the art of Ansatsuken Ryū was trained in. Hey, no matter what happens, we'll always remain friends but as we grow, we will have some friendly rivalry. Let's fight the next time we meet.

Izuku Midoriya: Yeah! Besides, you fight with a raging tiger!

Tevin Tanaka: Hahaha. You too, buddy! It looks our Musha Shugyō was complete. Ryū gave us this test to see how our friendship will be in the end. And he did mention me being almost like Ken Masters.

Izuku Midoriya: You mean the pan America martial arts champion? Yeah. I think I've heard about him. I wonder where he's at....

The boys begin to walk to their separate homes and their mothers were happy to see them okay and all but cried as they see how injured they were making them sweat drop.

It is almost time as the exams are about to begin. This is their story. It is their path. It is their Hero Academia and their time. Has. Come!

To Be Continued...

(Plays Heroes by Brian the sun)


Hey! It's me Tevin. The day has come for the both of us as Izuku and I have arrived to take the exams for the hero course. Huh? Who is that girl? She can levitate with just her finger pads. And that guy with the glasses is fast but needs to lighten up a bit.

Next time on my Hero Academia, Entrance Exams; Soryū-Hadōken unleashes!!

Don't miss it! And Go beyond...PLUS ULTRA!!!

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