Separated -- Idolish7

By ShiroishiKurumi

21.3K 971 86

Fraternal twin's separated since birth... But what happens when they meet each other once again? How will the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

1.5K 61 5
By ShiroishiKurumi

15 years old~

Tenn and Riku left for Japan. Once they arrived they enter their cars.

Tenn Side~

As they were going to their home, Tenn was thinking 'I wonder for what reason we came here'

Tenn snapped out of his thoughts when Takato asked "Are you okay?" Tenn smiles and answers "Yes I'm fine. Just thinking if I could fit in," his father smiles and said "I'm sure you'll do fine," and Tenn smiles in response.

Riku Side~

They were going to their home, and Riku said "I wanna go back," Yumi looks at her son and smiled "I know but we're already here," Riku answers "I'm just scared. I don't know how to speak Japanese,"

Yumi sighs "It's okay, I'm sure your new friends can teach you," and Riku nods in response.

Tenn Side~

They arrived and stepped out of the car. Takato says "We should go in. It's almost night and you have school tomorrow," Tenn said "Alright," and they enter their home.

Tenn was looking around and the servants were standing beside them. A butler named Luka said "Welcome master Takato and master Tenn," and the others bow.

Takato says "Luka, take Tenn to his room. And is dinner ready?" Luka replies "Dinner is almost done. Follow me, master Tenn," Tenn follows Luka to his room who was carrying his luggage.

They go up the stairs and once they reached the room Luka asked "This will be your room, master Tenn. Would you like me to fix your things?" Tenn shakes his head and said "No, it's fine. I can do it myself," Luka bows and says "Very well. I'll be taking my leave," and leaves the room.

Tenn looks around the room and says "I should start fixing my things," and does so.

Luka arrives in the living room and Takato asked "How's he doing?" Luka replies "He is doing fine," Takato said as he stood up "Call me when dinner is ready," Luka said "Of course, master Takato,".

Riku Side~

They arrived and stepped out of the car. Riku looked at the house in front of them and Yumi said "This is where we will stay," and Riku nods as they stepped into the house.

As they enter the house they were greeted by a maid named Sara "Welcome, madame Yumi and youngmaster Riku," knowing that the redhead cannot understand Japanese. Yumi greets in Japanese "Likewise, please take Riku to his room," "Of course," Sara says as she takes the luggage of Riku and says "Follow me, youngmaster," Riku follows her as the go up the stairs.

Sara and Riku reached the bedroom and Sara asked "Is there anything you need?" Riku shakes his head and Sara says in response "I'll be leaving then. Call us if you need anything," and she leaves the room.

Riku sits on the bed and thinks ' Why does it feel like mother is hiding something?'

Sara enters the living room and Yumi asked as they speak Japanese "Is Riku okay?" Sara answered "Youngmaster, is doing fine, though he looks sad,"

Yumi says "I see. He just needs a little time," and continues as she stood up "Call me when dinner is ready," Sara replies "Yes, madame Yumi,"

Time Skip~ Tenn Side~

Tenn was woken up by a knock on his door "Master Tenn, it's time to get up for school," he stands up and says "I'll be right there. Let me just get ready for school,"

Tenn gets ready for school and leaves his room, "Goodmorning, master Tenn," Tenn replies "Goodmorning,"

He went to the kitchen and he greets his father "Goodmorning, father," Takato replies "Goodmorning,"

Tenn takes a seat and start a conversation "What are you going to do?" Takato replies "I'm going to work, of course" Tenn says "I see,"

Takato says "Do good in school," Tenn rolls his eyes and responds "I already know that," after he ate. He glanced at the clock and eyes widen in shock. Tenn stood up and ran while saying "Gotta go, bye!" Takato sighs and says "What am I going to do with that kid?"
and continues "Luka, take care of him while I'm gone. I've got business to attend to," with a serious tone as he gets his phone to call someone.

"Of course, master Takato," Luka replies.

Riku Side~

Riku woke up as Sara knocked on his door "Youngmaster, it's time to get up," he stands and replies "Ah, okay. Let me just get ready for school,"

Riku got ready for school and left for the kitchen. He greets his mother "Goodmorning, mother," Yumi replies "Goodmorning,"

As they were eating, Riku glanced at the clock and his jaw dropped. Riku got up and ran saying "Bye mother! Gotta go!" Yumi exclaimed "Riku, don't run! And don't forget your inhaler!"

Riku left and Yumi sighed and her phone began ringing. Yumi picked up her phone and read "Takato?"

She picks it up and says

"Hello, Takato,"

"Hello, Yumi,"

"Why are you calling?"

"Look, I'm sorry for what I've done before and I know that this is a weird way to start a conversation,"

"...It's okay. And I've forgiven you a long time ago. But, I just don't know if he and Riku would forgive us for hiding this from them,"

"Yeah, but when the time comes, I'm getting ready to be hated by my children,"

"I feel the same. I don't even know if I have the guts telling them,"

"Don't worry, I'm sure that they'll hate us and understand in the end,"

"I hope so. Well, I gotta go. I'll be late for work,"

"Same goes for me, bye,"


Yumi and Takato thought ' Forgive us for doing this, Tenn, Riku'


I hope that Yumi and Takato get to tell them the truth soon.🤧

Oh wait, I'm the author.🤣🤣🤣

See ya!❤️

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