Feel My Flame (Akitaru Ōbi x...

By Smokes__

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After a horrible event that involved Company 9 the company got disbanded. Their captain, Shinmon Hina, wants... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 An Angels Day
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Company Nine in the Making
Character Profiles
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Happy Birthday Mizuki

Chapter 2

448 16 2
By Smokes__

Hina's eyes opened. It was early in the morning, way too early for her liking. She laid in her bed, wrapped in covers. Something didn't seem right. Hina looked at her bedside table with a book and an alarm clock on it. Hina sighed as her alarm clock went off. "Great, I woke up before my alarm went off." Hina frowned as she slowly sat up before turning it off. Hina stood up and unwrapped herself from the multiple blankets. She then dragged herself to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower. Once she was done she put on some black leggings with white sweater. Over that was the same haori with that kanji of 炎のリーダー vertically on the back. Hina had no plans today so she would just stay in her apartment.

The day seemed to go by quick for some reason. Hina looked out her window and sighed. Then someone knocked on her door. "Why can't I be a cloud?" Hina asked herself as she walked to her door. Hina's apartment wasn't too big. it only consisted of a small kitchen some space, a living room, a bed room, and an extra closet. It wasn't big at all, it was affordable. Hina opened the door and sighed. "Is there something you need?" Hina asked the man at her door. The man was Takehisa Hinawa. Takehisa hummed as he seen her. He hadn't seen Hina in a long while, he had to admit that she looked a bit more different. Hina squinted her eyes." "Oh it's you four eyes. I don't believe it. You look.... older. Damn." Hina sighed. Takehisa wore his orange jumpsuit along with his odd hat that read 'Head Supervisor.' Despite it being not too long since he joined company eight, due to him growing his hair out a little it did change his appearance. Takehisa sucked in a breath. "Shinmon, You look...." Takehisa couldn't find any other word to say but sadder, he didn't want to be rude. "Sadder? I know." Hina said. She had forgotten that Takehisa had joined Company 8. "Is this your Company's second attempt in trying to recruit me? Nostalgia? If this weren't Fire Force related, I'd be happier. But tell your captain that it's not working." Hina said before trying to close the door. Takehisa but his foot between the door an the door frame and he put his arm on the door.

"I don't want to be responsible for breaking your foot and many other things Takehisa. Tell your company that I'm not interested!" Hina glared as a vein started to form in her head. She pushed the door in harder. "Shut up and hear me out. Though you never were a good listener when it came to listening to me. In my opinion you were a horrible soldier Hina. I don't want to break your door." Takehisa glared back as a vein formed in his head. To be honest they never liked each other. They could barely tolerate one another. Takehisa pushed the door back, it seemed to be a joust. "Go away, you aren't welcome here." Hina said as she let go of the door. Takehisa let go of the door too. "Mizuki Hinotsubasa won't join unless you're there. Father Kōfuku told me that she can't really function without you. Just think of what might happen if you don't get to teach her to function correctly. How do you think she'll get past it. Without you... she's nothing. Not advancing in anyway. She's just there. Hopeless and week, all because she can't function without you." Takehisa knew what he was doing. If Akitaru was so eager to get these two on the team then so was he. Takehisa actually came here on his own account, no one sent him but himself.

"Look four eyes. You're on thin ice. Leave before I throw you out the window." Hina frowned. Takehisa turned around and started to walk away. Hina closed the door. She grabbed a hair tie and slicked her bangs back and put them into a small ponytail. She took her haori off and started dressing into formal wear. This is something she'd wear if she ever had to go to a meeting or any formal event for the force. This consist of a dark blue pencil skirt, some stockings, a dark blue blazer with a white button up under that along with a blue tie. And she couldn't forget the black heels that she hated the most. Despite her hating the outfit she had some class in her and would never protest to wear the outfit. Hina cursed as she put her two special haoris in a bag. She slung the back over her shoulder and got her keys. In her opinion she went from looking like a homeless woman to a business woman real fast. Before Hina left her apartment she grabbed a very special item before leaving.

Hina walked through the bunches of people on the sidewalk. She ended up walking to a nice neighborhood. Hina then walked up to a door. Hina sucked in some air before knocking on the door. Soon the door opened. "C-Captain?" Mizuki asked. "Are you doing anything today or right now?" Hina asked. "No... why are you wearing that?" Mizuki asked. "I'm going to Compay 8's Cathedral, I'm not going unless you are. So put on something formal and make a good impression." Mizuki frowned. Mizuki looked at her and smiled. "I'll be out in a minute." Mizuki said. Hina waited for her friend to come out. "I'm ready." Mizuki said as she came out in a similar outfit as Hina's. "What made you want to join so quickly?" Mizuki asked as they started walking. Hina frowned. "No reason." Hina muttered. Mizuki hummed.




"My name is Kazan Nagamochi sir!" Kazan smirked as he saluted. Akitaru looked at his information. "Why are you smirking in your picture?" Akitaru asked. Kazan looked at his new captain and tilted his head. "I was just happy that day sir. Is it not normal to smile in a picture sir?" Kazan asked nervously.  Father Kōfuku laughed at Kazan. "No it's fine, I just wanted to know if you're like our friend Shinra." Akitaru smirked as Shinra frowned. Akitaru looked at Takehisa and sighed. "Where were you earlier?" Akitaru asked. Takehisa looked at Akitaru and sighed. "Two new recruits are coming here in a few minutes. I was just talking sense into one of them." Takehisa replied. Akitaru looked at Kazan's info again. Sister Iris walked in with Maki. "Captain Obi. Two ladies were knocking on the door asking if they could see you." Maki said as her and Sister Iris moved to the side so that the two new recruits could come in. "Captain Obi. My name is Shinmon Hina. I heard you've been wanting to recruit me for the past two weeks. And to be honest, it's been pissing me off. But I'm here now." Hina frowned. The room fell silent. Hina looked around and sighed. "I wish I was a cloud." Hina muttered as she saluted.

Mizuki saluted with her. Akitaru smirked. "Long time no see." Akitaru smirked. Hina looked at Akitaru and sighed. "Captain!" Kazan grinned as he started running towards his old captain. Hina forced her palm into Kazan's chest. "I'm not your captain anymore." Hina said as Kazan started coughing. "Captain! Stop do you always have to punch him? He's just happy to see you." Mizuki frowned. "Stop calling me that. I don't have that title anymore. And I don't want you acting like you're still a lieutenant anymore. If you wanna fight Hinawa for the spot be my guest. But I need you all to act like we're not apart of Company 9 anymore. Show your respect to your new captain and lieutenant. If I could still order you, that would be my last order." Hina said. "Well then, welcome to Company 8." Akitaru smirked as he held his hand out to shake. Hina shook his hand with a sigh.

Mizuki and Hina had gotten changed into the orange jumpsuits that everyone else wore. "These are your dorms." Maki said as she opened the door to the small dorm room. "I feel like I'm in a prison." Hina frowned at Maki causing her to stiffen up. "Miss Shinmon." Mizuki frowned as she elbowed Hina. "Pick your bunk." Hina said as she walked in. "I can sleep on the top." Mizuki smiled. Hina placed her things on the bottom bunk. She started unbuttoning the top half of her jumpsuit. "Miss Shinmon!" Maki gasped. "What?" Hina asked as she tied the top half around her waist. She wore a black tank top. "You have muscles too?" Maki asked with a small smile. "I can't be a stick on the field. There would be no way I could still be alive without strength." Hina said as she took her dark blue haori out. Hina looked at Maki and arched a brow. "You sound so proud about them. People always told me I look like a man." Maki frowned. Hina looked at her and almost burst out into laughter. "Yeah, I like my muscles. I want to have them so I can be stronger than men. And so I can scare them off. You know some guys actually fine that hot." Hina chuckled as she put her haori on. She wrapped the right side over the left and tied it with a sash. "I'm sure you'll find someone who loves those hard earned muscles." Hina said as she tucked her hands into her sleeves.

"Can you show me the stairs to the roof?" Hina asked. "Um, okay." Maki nodded her head. She showed the two the roof and walked with them. "I have a feeling someone wants to challenge me. I hadn't even gotten settled in all the way." Just as Hina said that, someone burst through the door. "Leave Miss Shinmon alone." Kōfuku sighed. "I gotta fight her." Kazan grinned as he ran on the roof. Hina let out a sigh. "Why are you so ready to fight her?" Shinra asked. "You see, Kazan really looks up to Miss Shimon. She hopes to be on her level one day." Kōfuku explained. "Miss Shinmon is really strong. Kazan looses every time that he goes against her but I'm pretty sure he learns new things every time." Kōfuku smiled.

"Don't you ever get tired?" Hina asked, even though she knew the answer. She slipped her whole right arm out of the haori and let it hang out of her haori just above the sash. "That's a weird position." Shinra commented. "Miss Shinmon has always did that before a sparing match. It's odd in my opinion." Mizuki explained. "Is she that powerful?" Shinra asked. "You." Hina pointed to Shinra. "I want to fight you. Partly because you pissed me off the other day." Hina frowned. Shinra started nervously grinning. "You're cocky kid. You've got the nerve to smile? But... I guess you don't know who I am." Hina said. "What's gonna happen?" Maki asked. "A very interesting fight." Mizuki sighed. "If you win you get bragging rights." Hina said as gestured him to come here. "We should stay clear of the door." Kazan said as he crossed his arms. Shinra stepped forward and sucked in some air. "What's your name boy?" Hina asked as she spaced out her feet. "Shinra Kusakabe." Shinra responded. "I'd like to understand my new teammates as best as I can. One of the ways I do that is by fighting them. If I know your powers then I work better with you on the battlefield. So no hard feelings Shinra Kusakabe." Hina explained.

"Go ahead. Make the first move." Hina said. Shinra's grin grew wider. Fire started coming from his feet making him hover over the ground. "Wow, you can fly. This'll be fun." Hina frowned. Shinra started the match off with a kick from above. Hina moved out of the way and grabbed his ankle. "Since you wanted to understand me more let's talk about stuff Miss Shinmon.  I like any type of ramen, hamburgers, and fried chicken." Shinra said. Hina hummed. "Drop the miss, it makes me feel old. Just Shinmon, I prefer my surname first. I hope that's not too hard to say. My favorite foods are sweet potato tempura, daifuku, and onigiri." Hina said. "Five Trigram Palms." Hina said, clear as day. Shinra wasn't sure what was going to happen so he made more flames eject from his feet so that he could get out of the area. Hina ended up hitting the air with her palm. But she hit so hard, her force could be seen in the air. "So she's a third generation. I can see why she was so proud about those muscles. That's some serious fire power." Maki said. "Third generation isn't the word you should be using when you talk about her powers. Just watch." Kōfuku said. "What was that?" Shinra asked himself. The right side of Hina's haori had fell down revealing part of her tank top. Maki's head perked up. "Where did that scar come from I don't remember that." Maki gasped as she seen the huge scar on Hina's right arm that started from Hina's wrist to under her shoulder. Maki was too entranced with Hina's muscles to even notice the scar.

"That broom looks good enough." Hina muttered. "Shinra, watch out!" Maki yelled. Shinra turned around an seen a broom coming right after him. Luckily he ducked out of the way. "Not everyday that you see a flying broom, right?" Hina joked as she grabbed the broom. "What's happening up here?" Takehisa asked out of nowhere causing everyone to jump. "When the hell did you get up here sir?" Kazan asked. "Nothing sir! They're just playing around." Maki nervously smiled. The two clearly weren't playing. "Maki, I don't think there's ever going to be a day where you can fool the lieutenant." Kōfuku frowned. "It's a sparing match. I apologize that we started without your permission." Kōfuku said. Takehisa sighed. "She just got here half an hour ago." Takehisa frowned as he looked at the two. "Shinmon Hina has always done that. I actually shouldn't be surprised that she's doing this now." Takehisa said. "You sure know a lot about Mis- I mean Shinmon. Do you two know each other?" Mizuki asked. "We were in the military together. She was nothing more than an annoyance." Takehisa explained. Mizuki stared at Takehisa and frowned. "Please don't call her that." Mizuki whispered. "Lieutenant since you know so much about Shinmon, could you please tell us why the end of that broom is on fire. That fire is the reason the broom was moving. I thought she was a third generation pyrokinetic." Maki said. Takehisa didn't answer, he just watched the fight unfold.

"I thought you were a third gen like me. How were you controlling that broom?" Shinra asked. Hina started spinning the broom as it was a staff. She was a master at staff spinning, it was a fun thing to do and she could incorporate it in with her fighting. She then slammed the top of the broom onto the roof and the flame went out. "I'm what some might call a hybrid. Yes I'm a third generation, but I'm also a second generation pyrokinetic. It's what makes me a Compound Pyrokinetic." Hina explained. "Shinmon can control flames and start them. I don't know anyone else with this ability, it's rare. I'm not sure if Shinra knows this but he's gonna loose hard. Let this sparing match be a lesson. Watch carefully." Takehisa explained.

"First Class Fire Soldier"
"Compound Fire Soldier"
"Shinmon Hina"

The end of the broom caught on fire again. "The end is dull, I don't think this'll hurt that much." Hina said. She held her arm back while the broom was still in her hand. She was going to use it as a spear. "What?" Shinra asked. "Stop sitting there like a deer in headlights. Do something, if I was really your enemy.... you'd be dead!" Hina yelled as she threw the broom. Shinra emitted fire to his feet and moved out of the way. The broom hit the ground and exploded, the only thing left behind was the straw on the broom. "Did she know I was going to dodge that? If it hit me I would be done for. She's trying to kill me!" Shinra thought. Hina started walking towards him. Shinra grinned as he put his hands on the ground. Shinra started to sprint towards her, taking Hina by surprise. Shinra was going for a round house kick but Hina grabbed his ankle again. "I'll give you this Kusakabe. You've got guts and, and you're a fighter. Your powers are kind of awesome. But you have a long way to go." Hina said. "One Trigram Palm." Hina said as she forced her palm into Shinra's side, this almost knocked the wind out of him. Shinra's fire went out and he fell on the ground. Hina let go of his ankle. "Nice to meet you Kusakabe Shinra. I hope we can be friends now that I got the feel of your fighting style." Hina said as she looked down as Shinra. He was on the ground coughing.

Hina Held the right side of her haori. "Latom." Kōfuku sighed. "Let's hope nothing's wrong with that haori." Mizuki sighed. Hina fixed her haori and tucked her hands into the sleeves. For some reason she looked visibly sad as she walked past everyone. Hina walked down the stairs and sighed. She was making her way to the office. Hina stopped in her tracks and looked out of the window. She pulled her right sleeve down. She looked at the scar on her arm and sighed. "Do clouds forget the way I did?" Hina asked herself. Hina frowned as she turned around. "Sister?" Hina asked as she seen a figure hiding around a corner. Sister Iris came out and sighed. "I'm sorry!" She apologized. Hina looked at her then looked back out the window. "What is it? Why were you hiding?" Hina asked. "Well... because the way Shinra and Arthur described you, they made you seem like some type of demon." Iris shuttered. "Last time I checked I'm just a fire soldier. Don't worry, I don't bite unless you annoy me." Hina joked making Iris look a little more scared. "I'm just kidding. There's no way I would hit you Sister. What's your name?" Hina asked as she leaned on the wall. "Sister Iris." Iris responded. "What a pretty name." Hina said. Iris smiled softly at her.

"What's your favorite food?" Hina asked. "Um, I like tomatoes." Iris responded. "Salad." Hina simply said. Iris tilted in confusion. "Can you make a list of everyone's favorite foods for me Sister?" Hina asked as she pulled her sleeve down. "Yes of course." Iris responded. "Thank you." Hina nodded before walking away. Hina walked into the office and seen Arthur playing with the scabbard from his sword. Hina looked at the stack of paperwork next to him. He obviously wasn't focused at all. Now that Lieutenant Hinawa wasn't in the room, he could stop pretending that he was actually doing the work. Arthur looked up at Hina then looked back down at his sword. Hina walked up to him in his chair. She glanced at the one paper that he did. It had few words and one big smiley face on it. "Have you done any paperwork at all?" Hina asked. "A knight like me shouldn't be worried about paperwork, and should focus more on saving princesses like Sister Iris. And fighting Ogresses and Demons like yourself and Maki." Arthur dumbly smirked. Hina looked down at him with pity.

"This kid is so dumb I can't even laugh at him." Hina thought. "If you plan to keep calling me a demon and Maki and ogress I'll make sure you see a demon." Hina said. She could just tell that this was a very interesting company.

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