Yeah, Let's Ruin Everything

By SargentShippington

686 19 41

This is basically a story about the Killjoy world, with characters of my own. Sorry if it sucks. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five (Part One)
Chapter Five (Part Two)
Chapter Six (Part One)
Chapter Six (Part Two)
Chapter Six (Part Three)
Chapter Seven (Part One)
Chapter Seven (Part Two)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
The Final Chapter

Chapter Nine

31 1 2
By SargentShippington

Thrill Killer and Grey Area jumped up and ran inside.

Sugar Rush had woken up, but it was Hail Storm that had screamed.

"What's-" Thrill started, but stopped because Rush had just thrown a book at her. She ducked just in time.

"Rush, calm down!" Grey said firmly. He took a cautious step forward.

"Don't come near me, you flithly killjoy!" Rush spat.

"Um...what? Rush, did you just call him a 'filthly killjoy'? I know you don't like him but-"

"Shut up! The only thing I want to hear is an explination!"

"They turned you into a Drac, Rush," Storm said softly. "We found you and brought you back. How are you feeling?"

"No, you turned me of you! Give me back my mask!"

Grey handed her her killjoy mask, but she threw it on the ground in disgust. "Not that! My. Draculoid. Mask," she said slowly, like they were children.

"Are you insane?" Thrill asked, confused.

"No, I'm not! Me being insane would be me wanting to be a killjoy. Now. Give. Me. My. Mask!"

"What is wrong with you!?" Grey exclaimed.

"Nothing's wrong with me. Well, beside the fact that I'm talking with killjoys instead of killing them!" She reached for her gun and realized it wasn't there. Rush yelled in frustration.

Storm shot Thrill a look of 'what should we do!?'

Thrill thought it over and sighed. Then, she leaned over and punched Rush square in the face, knocking her out cold.

"That' way to handle it..." Grey observed, trying not to laugh.

"Well, we need to figure out what her problem is, and her yelling about wanting her Drac mask back wasn't helping," Thrill shrugged.

"Actually, it did," Storm said matter-of-factly. "FIrst problem: she wants to be a Draculoid."

"Why, though? I thought that's what we're fighting against," Grey said.

"It is, mostly," Storm responded. "Maybe...maybe they...changed her thoughts or something?"

"Rush has the stubbornness that no creature could compromise. I highly doubt that's what happened," Thrill stated.

"Yeah, but that's the only thing that makes the slightest bit of sense," Storm provided.

"Plus, no 'creature' had to do it. There's amnesia stuff for that," Grey blurted.

As soon as he said that, Grey covered his mouth in surprise. The other two stared at him with huge eyes.

" the hell did you know that!?" Storm asked, amazed and slightly afraid.

"I...I don't even know!" Grey said in the same tone as Storm.

"Is your memory coming back, maybe? Your memory as a Drac, I mean," Thrill suggested after getting over the shock.

"C-could be," Grey said, trying to hide his fear.

Storm saw that he was afraid, though. "What's wrong?" she asked him.

"I-if my memory is coming back, I...I don't want to remember killing anyone...or doing the bad stuff I did," he answered, troubled.

No one said anything for a second. What does someone say to that? After some consideration, Thrill decided to be optimistic.

"Well, think about it this way: your memory can help give us the upper hand in taking them down, because we'll know what we're up against!"

Grey decided that Rush's problems were more important than his right now, so he nodded and tried to grin.

"Anyway," he looked at Rush. "From what I remember, they had these...amnesia things, I guess? And after you wipe someone's memory, you can get them to believe anything you want them to."

"And they made her believe that we were the enemy," Storm realized quietly.

"How do we reverse it, then?" Thrill looked at Grey with desperation.

Grey Area thought long and hard. "I...I honestly don't know. I'm sorry." He hesitated, then said, "Although...I mean, it'll take a lot of work, but we can try to talk her out of what they've told her..."

"That's our only option, right?" Storm shrugged.

"If that's what we're gonna do, we're gonna have to restrain her before she wakes up and starts throwing stuff again," Thrill agreed, looking at Rush, who was still unconcious and sprawled out on the floor. By the time they tied her up tightly to the chair, she was still out.

"Wow, Thrill. How much anger did you put into that punch?" Grey asked, amsued.

Thrill shrugged and grinned. "I like to bottle up my emotions, and someimes I just...get a bit carried away." They all shared a small laugh.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Rush still hadn't so much as flinched.

" didn't kill her, did you?" Storm asked Thrill, slightly serious.

"Nope. I can hear her loud breathing. She'll be out for a while longer, I guess, so we can do whatever until she wakes up."

The next hour or so passed slowly. Thrill buried her face in her book, half-reading, half-mentally vomiting because of Storm's and Grey's conversaion she was overhearing. The two were talking about their feelings towards each other and things along that line.

Thrill tried hard to concertrate only on her book. This title is misleading, she thought to herself. This isn't kind of a funny story.

Just when Thrill was really getting into her book, she heard a scream from the only other room. Sighing, she set the book down and went to Rush. The other two were almost directly behind her.

"What-let me go! Let! Me! GO!" Rush was shouting.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Thrill said bracingly.

"Should've gagged her," Grey smirked.

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