Chapter Twelve

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Thrill Killer, Hail Storm, and Grey Area all simultaneously shot up when they heard Sugar Rush yell. They sprinted inside as fast as they could.

"What?" Was the first thing out of Storm's mouth when they entered the room.

"Untie me! I need to get rid of that mask!" Rush writhed, pointing frantically to her old Draculoid mask on the floor.

Grey grinned. "So, you're back with us now?"

"Obviously!" Rush sighed, exasperated. "But that's not the most important thing right now! Untie me!"

Thrill laughed and started fumbling around with the ropes that were restraining Rush. "Calm down, now we can 'celebrate'. I think we could...uh...i don't know. There's not really any party-like things to do anymore, is there?"

"I don't want to party!" Rush yelled. As soon as she was released, she ran and picked up the Drac mask. She peered inside of it, near the eye. A grave look fell across her face, then a look of fury. She bolted to the door and chucked it outside, grabbing Storm's gun and shooting at it until it landed far away from the shack.

"What the hell?" Thrill said. Grey and Storm looked throughly confused as well.

"They-one of the BLind guys, Korse-he put a tracker in my mask. Their plan was to find this place and..." Rush couldn't finish, but they all knew where she was going.

"We should leave, then!" Storm said fervently. "Let's start throwing the important stuff into the Impala, c'mon!"

She was about to go and grab the food when Thrill shook her head.

"No. We're going to stand our ground and fight. A chance to take down some high-ranking S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/Ws? I'll gladly take that opportunity," she said enthusiastically, giving Rush her own gun back while Rush have Storm's back to her.

Grey looked like he was about to argue, but decided against it. "Yeah, okay. That sounds awesome," he said instead, slightly shocking Storm.

"I don't want to sound like a coward, but I really think we should run. I have a bad feeling about this particular encounter," she said timidly.

"Sorry, but you do sound like a coward," Rush cut in. "I agree with the others. We're staying. It'll be fine. Probably."

Storm looked like she wanted to shout but bit her tongue. "Fine," she said in defeat.

"You are certain they found us, right?" Thrill asked Rush, who nodded grimly.

"Mhm. That's why I freaked and shot at the mask. I thought it would mess up and they'd lose us, but I know that won't work. They probably know exactly where we are by now."

"Then why haven't they come already?" Grey asked. Rush just shrugged, not knowing the answer herself.

"Well, don't let your guards down. They could knock down that door at any second," Thrill warned. They all agreed.


After a few days, there was still nothing. At first, they all took it as an opportunity to catch Rush up on the stuff they left out, like Storm and Grey's relationship, which was getting cringer by the minute. But after that, tensions started running high. Everyone kept their guns with them all the time, and they had someone keep watch at night while the others slept. But this did them no good, as no one from BLind had come close to these killjoys.

Finally, Rush snapped. "What are they even waiting for!?! I'm so sick of this!!!" She screamed suddenly one day, kicking a pile of empty cans, startling everybody.

"Calm down!" Storm glared at her. "They're probably doing this to get in our heads. Don't let them. Okay?"

Rush sighed. "Yeah. Fine."

And, for just a few more days, the silence continued.

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