Chapter Five (Part Two)

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Thrill Killer had been driving around for hours. She had seen nothing; not even a Draculoid. She was tempted to just turn around and go back to the shack, but she felt like she shouldn't. Or couldn't.

Thrill turned left and finally saw something happening. A fight, it looked like. She couldn't make out who it was, BLind or killjoy, but she pulled over and ran to help out all the same.

When Thrill got closer, she saw...S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/Ws, and...Sugar Rush? Thrill Killer wanted to scream. Instead, she ran faster and whipped our her ray gun.

No one had noticed Thrill yet, but she was close enough to hear that they were shouting.

 Why don't you just DIE ALREADY!?” Rush was shrieking, blasting her gun every which way.

“Hold still, dammit!” One S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W was yelling back. Thrill took one step closer, and what she saw made her jaw drop; it was Korse leading the attack. The same Korse that had killed the Killjoys.

“HEY!” Thrill screamed, catching everyone's attention. Rush smirked.

“Glad you could join us,” she said as the fight resumed,

“Rush, I'm sorry. I was-uh-I was wrong. Partly,” Thrill said, shooting a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W in the throat.

“Forget it, it's fine,” Rush replied, sending a ray into the enemy's shoulder. Korse suddenly shouted orders for his 'army' to stop.

“How touching. Are we all friends again?” He sneered. Rush scowled and spat in his direction, too far away to hit him.

“You,” he glared at Sugar Rush. “You killed my best Draculoid. I'm going to make you pay. And you,” he directed his gaze to Thrill Killer, “you mean nothing to me. Boys,” he spoke to his legion of S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/Ws, “you can kill her. She's irrelevant.”

As soon as he finished, the attack continued in full force. Five of them went straight for Rush. Before Thrill could help, one of them- Korse- fired at her. She felt a blinding pain in her side and blacked out before she hit the ground. The last thing she heard were screams.

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