Journey to the past ║ Deleted...

By KathyQuintanilla9

585 16 15

This book contains a selection of unpublished scenes from story "Journey to the past". Enjoy this content! :) More

⚤ He ... is my father ⚤
💞 Read first 💞
⚤ Flashback ⚤
⚤ I will fight for her ⚤
⚤ The reaper whose name is death ⚤
⚤ I have to be strong for Emi ⚤
⚤ The challenge - how to make braids for a four-year-old ⚤
⚤ Father is always right ⚤
⚤ Pa John, part one ⚤
⚤ Pa John, part two ⚤
⚤ U have to live on ⚤

⚤ Your home is in Paisley Park ⚤

35 1 1
By KathyQuintanilla9

Cherica's POV

I was leaning against the railing and watching out the window as Prince played with Emmeline on catch me. He ran in slow motion to match Emi's movements with his footsteps. As my daughter grabbed her grandfather-s knee with a joyful scream, Prince laughed and lifted her up in his arms. Emi laughed and he kissed her cheek.

Inadvertently, I smiled at the cute scene. Kirk, standing nearby, made sure that nobody and nothing was threatening their fun. Recently, there was a situation where some paparazzi entered the Paisley area, but thanks to the intervention of Kirk and Winnie, the guy was unable to enter the building itself. Admittedly, there was security and alarms, but such smarts always have their own ways.

— You and your little girl are giving boss a lot of fun.— I shuddered at the familiar voice. I turned to see Winnie walking towards me with a smile. To be honest, of my father's two gorillas, I liked him best.

— Nice to hear it — I said, and smiled at Winnie. Then I turned back to the playground and saw Prince put Emi in the swing.

— This playground ... — Winnie began gently. —I don't know if you know ...

—Yes, I know what it was built for — I said gently. — For Prince and Mayte's children.

Yes, I knew about my father's first wife who hadn't even heard of a pretty belly dancer. Mayte Garcia was one of his many loves, but she became his wife. Were it not for some circumstances, Mayte might still be my stepmother and perhaps I would have half-siblings. I find it strange to think of Mayte as my father's wife - after all, she was only three years older than me.

— Prince was very excited to be a father  — Winnie began softly. —Never mention Mayte or their baby. This is a taboo subject.

— Why? — I asked, looking at him. —They split up, I understand, but he has contact with former lovers and ...

— It's complicated  — Winnie admitted. — You don't talk to Manuela about it either. It's risky.

—Is Prince going to get furious?— I asked, and raised an eyebrow. Well, it was a delicate matter. I liked Manni, she was kind and fun, but I soon found out that she was the one who broke Prince and Mayte's marriage. I didn't approve of it, but if I attacked Manuela, there would be a proper row. I don't know if Prince would be on my side.

—No problem — I replied, and glanced outside again. Prince had Emmeline in his arms and he and Kirk walked back to Paisley. Kirk said something to him and Prince looked up. Seeing me in the window, he smiled and waved at me. Then he whispered something to Emi who was also grinning and waving madly with both hands. I smiled at them and blew a kiss.

—They're back — I said, and Winnie nodded. I started towards the stairs, wanting to go downstairs and greet them. While I was there, I saw my daughter running towards me shouting happily:

— Mommy, mommy!

I crouched down and held out my arms to Emi, who fell into my arms. Then she said:

— Was great! Me and Grandpa had fun and I'm glad he's so cool!

Prince laughed and I kissed my child's pink cheeks. As I was taking Emi's jacket off her, Prince asked:

— Do you want to go to the playground tomorrow too, honey?

— Yes! — Emi squealed and I jumped back.— Yes, please!

Prince looked at his granddaughter with great tenderness and I said:

—Okay, you will go, but stand still now, Emi. I want to take off your jacket, honey.

Emi obeyed, and as I held her jacket in my hands, Prince was looking at us.

—You are the most important to me — he whispered and helped me up. He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

—And me?— Emi asked miserably, and Prince took her in his arms and lifted her up.

— Do you want a kiss from your grandfather?

—Yes!— Emi laughed, and Prince kissed her cheek loudly. I smiled and realized how much I had lost. If it weren't my mother's fucking selfishness, I would have had a lovely and devoted father.

Then Kirk approached us and smiled:

— Boss, do I have anything else to do?

—Yes — Prince nodded. —Can you take Emi to the kitchen and give her something warm to drink? I need to talk to Cherica.

When Kirk picked up Emi from Prince, my daughter protested:

— I don't want to go with him!

—Calm down, sugar — Prince instructed her calmly but firmly. —You and Kirk are going to the kitchen and I'll be right back with your mommy.

Emi was grumpy, but she knew her grandfather had won.

—Okay. — She capitulated, and after Kirk left with her, I looked at my father and asked:

—What did you want to talk to me about, Prince?

—A lot of things, darling — Prince said fondly and put his arm around my waist. Then he started taking me somewhere. We walked down the corridor and turned into an unfamiliar Paisley zone.

— Prince — I started. — Where are we going?

— You will see — He replied mysteriously and then we came to some door. When he opened it, I saw a room that looked like his bedroom. Purple walls, white and purple foo-foo cushions, fancy lamps, white curtains.

—Nice place — I noticed when Prince let me in first. I walked in and when he did the same, he closed the door. —Is this one of your several meditation rooms?

—Let's say — Prince muttered and sat down on the floor, on one of the pillows. —Come here, darling.

I sat down on one of the pillows next to him, and for a long moment he didn't say anything. Sitting in such silence was awkward, and I opened my mouth to speak when Prince placed his finger on my lips.

—Such contemplation is very precious to me — he said sweetly, and I nodded. We sat for a while and I closed my eyes. I started to breathe slowly and felt wonderful peace. When I opened my eyes, Prince was watching me closely.

— Do you feel better? — He asked, and I nodded. — I do that a lot, especially after stressful recording sessions.

— I guess they're not always stressful?

— No, but the worst thing is working with an idiot who sabotages my idea — he replied and standing up, he shook my hand. — Or when the effect of my work is not satisfactory for me.

—You and failure?— I laughed. —It doesn't work like that.

—Oh, yes — Prince raised his eyebrows. —Even the best have bad days.

He touched my cheek and I closed my eyes. He had such delicate fingertips.

— I think my creativity will be at a high level now — He said happily. — Maybe I'll write songs for children?

—Is it because of Emi?— I asked, and he didn't answer, just smirked.

— Maybe. She is a little child, but my other one stands in front of me.

— Your adult child. — I rolled my eyes and he put his hands on my shoulders.

— Maybe an adult daughter, but never mind. The important thing is, I got you back.

My throat felt dry at his words. It touched the most sensitive chord in my heart.

— I'm also glad that we found each other — I whispered and suddenly something occurred to me. — Haven't you been completely happy so far?

— Honestly? — Prince withdrew his hands.— No, though I thought I was. I've never really been, since your mother abandoned me.

He pushed aside and looked around the room.

—I've always felt that I was missing something, but I couldn't name it — he explained. —I thought it was about Liz, but now I know it was you. I felt and missed like a parent, but had no idea you existed. But such things a human feels subconsciously, believe me.

— Do you ... — I started cautiously. — Do you hate her? My mother?

I don't want to talk about it — Prince said curtly. —Please, Cherica.

I nodded and he smiled apologetically.

—Come on — he began. —Emi is waiting.

I nodded, and as we left his room, thoughts flooded me.

Prince was a complicated person, that was for sure. Since the mere mention of someone causes so many bad emotions in him, I wonder what would happen if he saw that human. Surely he wouldn't hurt him?

Winnie's advice was valuable - you'd better not wake Prince's demons. I saw him when he was angry, but that was about work. I don't want to think what would happen if I mentioned Mayte.

My mother was a completely different topic. Prince resented her tremendously, it was palpable. Maybe even he hated her. Liz wasn't perfect, but she was my mother and I loved her. He was polite enough that he did not speak badly of her in my presence.

I, too, was furious with my mother for hiding the truth. But I try to explain it with her mental state. She had to be unstable, no one would do that to anyone.

But me and Prince found our own way to each other. Now nothing could separate us.

My ex-boyfriend will soon be in prison again, and I, my father and my daughter will live a life full of mutual love and happiness, which is written for us.

Mom, you didn't make it. Me and Prince are together and I've found that I am character very much like him.

He used to be one of my idols, a kind of musical mentor. I have wondered many times what kind of person he is. Now I got to know him.

What I knew about him is that he is generous, fun and very caring. I needed him. When I was little, my grandfather was such a person, but my mother made it difficult to contact her parents. My mother did not give me a stable home, I thought Greg would be the one who to some extent would replace my absent father. Unfortunately, Greg turned out to be a mistake and the only thing I am grateful for is my daughter. Yes, mine, not his.

And now I had a father. It didn't matter that he was a famous person, I looked at him differently. For the person I've always been waiting for.

I took his hand and he looked at me in surprise. I smiled and that smile said one thing: I love you.

Yes, I love him. Feelings that I could never give began to release from me now. Besides my daughter, he became the most important for me. There was also Bi, whom I loved as a sister. But the father is still the father.

Prince returned the smile that radiated joy, and in his eyes all I could see was love and life fulfillment.

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