Across The Realms

By Kaielzer

278 10 2

Remembering the tall tales told by his father, Kairo travels between worlds only to find out that these tales... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Holly Vendetta Chapter 1)
Chapter 15 (Holly Vendetta Chapter 2)
Chapter 16 (Holly Vendetta Chapter 3)
Chapter 17 (Holly Vendetta Chapter 4)
Chapter 18 (Holly Vendetta Chapter 5)
Chapter 19 (Holly Vendetta Chapter 6)
Chapter 20 (Holly Vendetta Chapter 7)

Chapter 12 (The Final moments of Edgar Argentum)

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By Kaielzer

"It hurts so bad, but I deserve this. A slow painful death. This is the only way I can repent for letting my mother die." Edgar thought as he laid on the ground moments before he was about to end up brain dead from the wounds on the back of his head that he received from the hunter or rather, his father

Edgar laid there accepting his inevitable death as he closed his eyes in disbelief that two years had passed since that fateful day. The day that he lost it all. The day when cowardice turned into regret and led to a misunderstanding.

Two years prior to Edgar's current circumstance, was a much more peaceful time for him and his family. His father had recently retired from being a monster hunter to spend the rest of his years with his wife in an isolated forest away from civilization. This forest was known for the tales which it used to house a pack of werewolves, long since known to be wiped out by a separate group of hunters.

Edgar and his father had gone out hunting for their lunch. Upon spotting a deer, Edward, Edgar's father hid behind a bush and took aim. Edgar quietly put his bag down beside him and began preparing the appropriate tools for their soon to be lunch. Realising he was short of a few things, he Informed his father and hurriedly went home to grab them.

Upon arriving home, Edgar noticed that the front door was left open. Puzzled, he cautiously walked it. But the scene that stood before him was not anything he could have anticipated. The vicious and monstrous stature that towered over him, fur from head to toe and fang that could rip his arm off in a single bite. It was a werewolf!

How could this be? Were they not all wiped out from the forest? Was this their sole survivor?

Yet, that was not the factor that stunned Edgar. No. It was whom the werewolf was holding up with a single hand by the neck.

"Mom!" Edgar exclaimed

"No, son. Run." His mother pleaded with whatever air she could grasp from the werewolf's hold on her windpipe

Edgar anxiously jumped at the monster. Only to get shoved straight into the wall behind him.

"Son, please. Ru..." Edgar's mother begged once more before getting cut off with a distinct snap sound

Edgar bloodied and bruised from a single swing, watched as his mother took her final breath before the werewolf released its grip and her body fell to the floor. Her eyes still open and staring at Edgar as she laid there.

As tears blurred his vision, he wailed as he held his chest tightly. Then came a boiling feeling from the scrape marks that the werewolf gave him when he was thrown aside. Edgar's shirt began to rip, hair grew all around his body and fangs extended from his mouth. As if God wanted to give him a fighting chance, he became a werewolf.

His face distorted with rage, charged at his mother's killer. Pinning him to the ground and with his newly given claws ferociously deface him. Blinded by resentment he continued to claw at him till it turned back to its human form, even though he was already dead. Without stopping there, he even ripped out the man's arms and tossed them across the room.

Standing up, he looked down at his mother's murderer and growled. Just then, his father made it back home.

"Son, what's taking you so long?"

Staring at the two dead bodies on the floor. He looked to his son in his monstrous form. Jumping to an entirely different conclusion than the actual fact.

"What did you do to my wife and son? Answer me!" Edward demanded as he took a shot at Edgar with his hunting rifle

"Dad! It's me!" Edgar explained as he dodge his father's attack

Edgar tried to make out the words, but in his wolf form all that could be heard was more groans.

In his new beastly features, he jumped out of the way without injury as his father fired off a second shot. Fully aware that there was no room for explanations in order, Edgar sought the chance to retreat.

From this point on, unknowingly it became harder for Edgar to confront and confess to his father. Believing him to be the cause of his mother's death. Firmly convinced that this was his own way of punishing himself for not being strong enough to save her. Leading him to hide in the other end of the forest from his father, till what eventually led to the events of meeting our protagonist. 

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