The Spy in the Capital (Akame...

By Littletrouble2k

39.3K 575 139

A young general in charge of protecting the capital is now in questioned by the prime minister as Night raid... More

Bio/ Prologue
Epilogue PT 1
Epilogue PT 2
The Awaited Reward/ AU ending


1.4K 28 3
By Littletrouble2k

"Hey are you guys ok?" (Y/N) asked Akame, Tatsumi, and Tsuki as he had a bubble shield around them as they fell when the castle opened up.

"Wait where's big sis?!" Tsuki asked looking around.

"I'm fine you guys!" Leone scream out to them from above as they saw the castle close up.

"Well at least she's fine." Tatsumi said helping Tsuki up as (Y/N) did with Akame.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Akame asked as she saw his face tremble shocking her as she had never seen him like that.

"You mean you guy's can't sense that monstrous aura in that thing?" He said as that they all saw what he was referring to.

"What are we going to do against that thing?" Tsuki asked grabbing Extase.

"There's more to this thing than what it seems it's like a giant mech from fictional books but why is it giving off the same grotess feeling as I did with Cosmina when she was that bug?"

"(Y/N)..." Akame touched his shoulder helping him snap out of his trance smiling at him.

"T-thanks... Tsuki go back into the castle and stop the emperor he controls that thing telepathically."

"I won't fail you master." Tsuki vanished into thin air leaving the others.

"(Y/N) what do you want us to do?"

"Tatsumi your on the attack, I'm going to do my best to defend against his attacks. Hopefully Unknown's Claw will pull through for me... I need to quickly act right no-"

"(Y/N)... You'll need this." Akame interrupted her friend's train of thought by showing him his helmet and putting it on him.

"Thanks Akame... I'm going to need you to protect my flank after all a strike to my back may ruin our chances." (Y/N) said as Akame drew Murasame and nodded.

"Nothing will reach you, you have my word."

"Thanks Akame... Now then Riders 1a through 10a focus Tank fire to the massive object standing in the center of the capital infantry units defend your tanks and rally at Sierra four nine." (Y/N) spoke into his radio causing Akame and Tatsumi to look at each other confused.

"General (Y/N) and NightRaid this is your E-" as giant mech under the control of the emperor looked down at (Y/N) and the others about to step on them if it wasn't for the tank shells in sync knocking the mech back echoing through the capital.

"C'mon Tatsumi let's do this."

"Right." Tatsumi said transforming into his incursio armor taking flight as (Y/N)'s shield lit up blue.

"What's this sensation I'm feeling?... It's the same I felt from (Y/N) before but... It's stronger now."  Akame thought looking at his back as he walked in the direction he told his men to rally.

"Quick kill her n-" an imperial guard said as he was split in half by Tsuki quickly mowing down guards with Extase without effort.

"I hope I find the Emperor soon that Teigu is causing everyone trouble..." Tsuki looked out the window as she saw the ultimate Teigu launch rockets, mortars, and energy at who would believe is Tatsumi and the weapons exploding in mid air as they were shot down by a large blue energy beam and a large blue shield that blocked the remaining shots as it would go down for the Tanks to open fire on the Teigu causing it to make it stumble back a bit.

"I guess master got a lot stronger... Wonder how long that'll last is that big sis Leone?! Hey Leone!" Tsuki yelled out killing more guards in her way as Leone turned around after killing a few herself.

"Tsuki thank goodness your ok." Leone said hugging Tsuki as she returned the gesture.

"Me too, do you know where the Emperor is?"

"Not a clue but I have that bastard Minister's scent." Leone said with the ferocity of a lion.

"We find the minister we find the emperor." Tsuki said as she and Leone mowed through more guards following Leone's nose to the minister.

"These guy don't have a chance... And everyone out there is managing to pull through thanks to Master and Tatsumi , but running through these halls as they're shaking from the battle outside is quite difficult to keep our footing which is why I can see how me and Leone are blowing past these guards, that and Leone's fierce determination on killing the minister." Blocking gun fire from behind them she used her knifes to quickly kill the guards.

"Of course someone has to watch her back. Speaking of which there's the minister but where's the Emperor?"

"Well well A member of NightRaid and a Traitor I should've known general (Y/N) and his death's hand unit were in Kahoots with you Assassins." Minister said staring at Tsuki looking at her amber eyes along as she had a mask that covered half her face from the top and her hood over her head.

"Master is good at playing people it's not a surprise he tricked you." Tsuki said with a smug smile as Leone got in front of her.

"Now minister where's the Emperor if you tell us we'll make your death quick." Leone said slamming her fist together.

"You really think killing the Emperor will change anything you two won't live to see your forces fail completely." Honest said as his crown started to open up revealing a jewel that lit purple blinding both Leone and Tsuki for a second.

"My what did you do?" Leone and Tsuki looked at their Teigus as they had been destroyed before their very eyes as Honest laughed and threw a punch at Leone sending her flying backwards leaving Tsuki to face him.

"Your Teigus are destroyed thanks to my Teigu Erastone, I'm going to enjoy making you bitches my play thing then eating yout wombs for tonight's dinner." Honest said throwing advance martial art techniques at Tsuki as she parried them using the techniques (Y/N) taught her.

"Well this is bad who would've guess Honest knows martial arts and him being a cannibal I'm faster and smaller than him so I should have an upper hand and Leone is getting her second wind." Quickly using her height and speed to her advantage she started to run circles around Honest trying to land blows however he would quickly parry them but wasn't fast enough for him to counter attack her or catch her.

"Dang it he's good." Tsuki jumped throwing her knifes at Honest as he dodged them flamboyantly shocking the girl due to how big he is.

"You think that'll stop me?!"

"No but I will!" Leone said pinning Honest as she started to choke him which Tsuki thought she was in the clear until the world suddenly stopped as she saw Leone being shot by Honest making her let go of him as he got up and threw her out the window.

"LEO- AH!" Tsuki letting her emotions take over as she rushed to the window Honest swung his arm back to hit Tsuki in the face breaking her mask, giving her a black eye, and making her bleed from her nose.

"Your not much older than the Emperor are you bitch? Maybe I'll let you live to be his concubine when this is all over though once I'm done with you, you'll be ome ugly concubine." Honest said as he slowly walked to the girl holding her nose as she glared at the man with pure hatred.

"The hell with that I'm going to kill you for what you did to Leone."

"And how are you going to do that without your Teigu little girl?"

"General (Y/N) is my Master who taught me how to kill and fight. I WON'T NEED A TEIGU TO KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!" Tsuki yelled out dodging another strike from honest allowing him to continue his onslaught making him think he has the upperhand.

"With Master's and Leone's training I'm going to find an opening on you Honest and I'm going to kill you where you stand!.... There!" Avoiding his left hook she immediately uses her hidden blades to stab honest in his rib cage and slicing him on his back and plunging knifes into his back for added momentum as he stood still in pain trying to reach for the knifes but then focused his attention back on Tsuki as swing the left hook again as she smiled going to do what she did again however she received a knee to the stomach spitting out blood.

"Too bad for you little girl experience means everything." Honest said choking the small girl as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Y-Y-your right..... How a-a-about.... I-I.... Give you a new one!" Tsuki took both of her hidden blades stabbing honest in the head then kicks him to a window as he grabbed both sides of it stopping him from flying.

"Y-Y-You Bit-"

"Shut up!" A bloody Leone said punching him shocking Tsuki as she saw her friend gravely injured.

"Leone how... How are you? I have to get you to master rig-"

"Tsuki... I only had enough strength to come and help you... Though all.... I did... Was... Ta... Take your kill..."

"No I ca-"

"Tsuki stop the Emperor please... I'll be fine... Just going.... To.... Rest for a bit..." Leone smiled wiping Tsuki's tear away as she nodded and ran off to find the Emperor.

"You got this..... Little sister..."

"Why won't you just DIE General (Y/N)?" The Emperor said in frustration as his Teigu wasn't able to break through his barrier he had protecting his men and others in the Emperor's way.

"I'm..... Not sure... How.... Long I can keep this up.... Tatsumi and Wave are making little progress and the Tanks are only good at pushing him back.... My stamina is draining because of the energy I'm using to defend such a large area.... What am I goi- what the hell is this feeling?"

"W-What's hap- Protocol Purge mode activate Minister Honest's death confirm commencing Purge take over." The emperor's voice was cut off by what sounded like Dorothea's voice as the armor started to fall off the Teigu revealing an unsettling appearance.

The Teigu looked at their direction as all the eyeballs that was revealed when it's armor fell off started to glow.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" (Y/N) yelled out powering up another large barrier as the shield lit brighter than a star while the Emperor's Teigu had five beams come from it's eye shaking the very earth vaporizing every building and imperial guard caught in the blast.

"I-I-I can't hold it! This pressure.... Is.... Too much!...."

"I have your back (Y/N)!" Akame said pushing (Y/N) forward as much as she could as he saw this and continued to push forward til the blast had settled leaving (Y/N) with a lot of muscle pains and strain on his body.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Akame asked as (Y/N)'s barrier had disappeared as his legs showed signs of exhaustion.

"Y-yea... We need to destroy that thing as soon as possible..." (Y/N) said barely standing until he noticed how weak it's current form is as the Tank Shells pierced its skin and exploded on impact.

"W-Wait a minute.... We can beat this thing!" (Y/N) said in a stroke of confidence as Akame helped him stay up.

"Riders 1a through 10a focus all your fire on the main eyeball in it's chest then Rider 1a will decide which eyeball to take out next."

"(Y/N) What's your plan?"

"That thing reminds me of Cosmina's bug form, and with Dorothea's voice I heard earlier that means she must've done something to this thing as it looks to be a more bio Teigu so there has to a central core or philosopher stone somewhere inside it for us to destr- Duck!" (Y/N) tackled Akame as Ice pillars flew towards them destroying two Tanks.

"Damn it its Esdeath..." (Y/N) said as he was on top of Akame looking at Esdeath at a distance as she turned around for her to lay on her stomach as she looked at Esdeath with killing intent.

"(Y/N) I'll take care of her." Akame said getting up noticing (Y/N)'s struggle to stand up.

"I'll.... He-"

"Hey stay here your needed to defend your men against that Bio Teigu regain your stamina and don't die." Akame said grabbing her sword and started to head off to Esdeath until (Y/N) grabbed her arm.

"You too." (Y/N) said taking off his helmet and grabbing Akame's red tie bringing her face closer to his as he gave her a quick kiss to the lips.

"Kick her ass." (Y/N) said as Akame smiled and nodded at him and headed off to fight Esdeath.

"Now I can't die this fight is worth everything!" Both Akame and (Y/N) thought grabbing their second wind as they headed off to fight their opponents.

"Damn it where are you, you stupid brat?!" Tsuki thought holding her left arm as she saw the battle outside a window.

"Is that a Dragon?!... Tatsumi?!" Tsuki looked outside in shock as she saw the Dragon slice through the Teigu in half.

"My Shikoutazer! I have to get out of here!" Tsuki heard the Emperor's voice from a distance as she saw him running out of a room.

"You!" Tsuki yelled out as the Emperor turned around in shock as Tsuki tackled and pinned him down.

"Get off of me!"

"Your going to stand for your crimes Young lord and I know master (Y/N) will be more than happy to deal with you brat." Tsuki said knocking the emperor out.

"This battle... Is almost over....."

"Well... That didn't last long though now I have two problems the Tyrant Dragon and Esdeath... And Akame is in between them!" (Y/N) struggled to get up as he saw the Tyrant Dragon and Akame face off with her killing the Dragon with one strike.

"Oh my dear friend look at you tired from protecting those close to you from our emperor, its admirable to see you still in one piece." Esdeath said walking to (Y/N) as his forces had pull back or were blinded by the smoke screen the fallen bio Teigu created when it fell on the Earth.

"Hey Esdeath.... Really didn't want to square off against you here..." (Y/N) said as Esdeath gave him a smile.

"I could only imagine, though I have to ask the say you direct your men despite being outnumbered your succeeding why is that?"

"It's like you said the strong survives and rules... However in this battle we're representing the weak, I've seen the horrible things the Empire has done but worst of all.... They had messed with my best friends and that's something I cannot stand against." (Y/N) said as an image of him with both Akame and Kurome in a group hug flashed in his head as he stared at Esdeath who had a disappointed look on her face.

"We never fought against each other have we?"

"Well... Not really I want to avoid it and try to talk you to our side." (Y/N) said taking his helmet off as he looked at Esdeath in her eyes.

"(Y/N).... Your a dear friend however I can't betray the Empire, and the it looks to me if I take you down then my enemies will lose their leader and their morale."

"Not necessarily... After all I'm only one man, nothing more, nothing less." (Y/N) said holding his shield up ready for a fight.

"Is that so? Well I shall enjoy our fight just know I won't kill you but save you for later." Esdeath said with predatorial eyes making (Y/N) shiver as he pit his helmet back on.

"Yup I definitely can't lose the most I can do right now is waste time and distract her after all those attacks I took from the Teigu left me a bit weakened... Let's do this." (Y/N) charged at her with a left swing of his sword as Esdeath parried it with her sword kicking his shield making him slide back a bit as he protected himself from more of her attacks as his weapon made her ice formations sizzle when they got near him.

"Huh what's this?"

"Sorry but the elements of fire and ice don't do anything against me not while I have this shield." He said charging at her shield forward using his martial arts to close in on her only for her to match his speed and skill only for her to prove she's stronger while he's in this state of fatigue.

"What's the matter General (Y/N)? Feeling a bit tired? I guess when you block multiple city busting attacks you tend to get Tired!" Using her leg to kick upwards breaking his defense she then brought it down with incredible force leaving a dent on his helmet and smashing his visor as (Y/N) was slammed into the floor leaving a bit of a crater as Esdeath still had her foot on his head.

"Your really disappointing me (Y/N)."

"I'm.... Not.... Done... Yet!" He grabbed a flash grenade from his back setting it off to blind Esdeath as he kicked her in the face and quickly got her off him as he delivered some blows to her torso not using his hidden blades which Esdeath took notice of.

"You could've easily kill me there."

"It's like I said... I'd rather have you on our side than an enemy... After all I'd rather not kill my friend..."

"How long?"


"How long we're you planning on betraying the Empire? How long did you play all of us?"

"I'd say about a year, a little before I became general when Akame defected, it's when I became the spy of the revolutionary army though most of them didn't even know, though if it does help I've never lied about my goals, and feelings towards you or anyone I've became friends with during my time being general." (Y/N) said taking off his helmet cleaning off the glass off his face relieved none of it got into his eyes.

"I see... That makes me a bit happy. Still doesn't change the fact that I have to take you down and kill everyone invading the capital... Plus looking at you at your condition you won't win this fight alone."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that General Esdeath." Akame said walking next to (Y/N) staring down Esdeath.

"You again... I guess that means Tatsumi's dead then." Esdeath sadly said as Akame looked down clenching her fist on Murasame before pointing it at her.

"I'll follow your lead Akame."

"Just like old times then (Y/N)?" Akame asked standing next to him in a samurai pose as he held his shield in front of them.

"This is bad (Y/N)'s a great fighter and that Akame girl was giving me a hell of a time, from the looks of it (Y/N) will only defend her openings giving her more options to attack without consequence making me focused on defense and evasion, I'll have to use my Trump card. It'll be a great toll on my body since I used it earlier to kill three Teigu users of the rebels, but its the only option I have to beat them." Avoiding the combinations both Akame and (Y/N) were throwing at her trying their best to get Akame that one strike for their victory.

"Now!" Esdeath froze all of time and space right before Akame stabbed her neck.

"So this is the woman you love General (Y/N)... You told me a while that if I watched Kurome and Wave fight along side I would see their relationship grow... That I did with the way they fought together, and watching you two fight together I could just it was the same synergy as Kurome and Wave... I guess I'll kill her for-"

"Not on my life!"

"What!" Esdeath dodged a strike from (Y/N) as he missed a shield bash...

"How are you moving?!"

"What are you talking about?.... Huh? Wow what is... This.... My shield is glowing blue again... What's going on?"

"How are you walking through my Trump card how are you able to walk when all of time and space is frozen?" Esdeath asked in a shock tone as (Y/N) looked at his shield.

"Freezing time and space, ice element, does that still meet the requirements for my shield to dispel ice based attacks.... Another time.." (Y/N) charged at Esdeath making her dispel her frozen time space as Akame saw she missed and hurried to help him until Esdeath got the upper hand as (Y/N)'s legs finally gave out giving Esdeath the opportunity to stab him with her sword and send him flying unconscious.

"(Y/N)!" Akame yelled out quickly running to him.

"Damn it... (Y/N).... Stay.... A-A-Awake...."

"Akame!" (Y/N) yelled out looking around him to see that he was in a t-shirt and shorts while in a medical tent as his clothes, armor, and his weapons including Unknown's Claw sat next to his bed.

"W-What's go-"

"Your awake!... Thank goodness." Akame said entering the tent with red scars on her.

"Akame Your alive!... Akame you..."

"Yea... I had to use it... (Y/N) I'm glad your awake I was so worried you wouldn't wake up."

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Three Days... The revolutionary army and your forces won the day thanks to you protecting them from the Emperor's Teigu. And after Esdeath's death victory was assured." Akame said pulling a chair next to him.

"I-I'm glad... It all happened so fast... Uh Akame what's wrong?" (Y/N) looked at her as her eyes stared deeply into his own as she cupped his cheek.

"(Y/N).... I believe you and me have a promise to fulfill." Akame said with a smile as (Y/N) followed the latter.

"I'll go first Akame.... I... I love you."

"And I love you (Y/N)." As both killers stared into each others eyes with a smile as they both leaned in sharing a long passionate kiss they had both wanted to enjoy when their mission was finally over.

"Our mission is finally over..."

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