Draco x reader

By azraSlytherin

855K 12.8K 31.9K

(Completed) -------------------- The story is beginning from year three at Hogwarts. You are a kind Slytherin... More

Chapter 1 - third year
Chapter 2 - summer holidays
Chapter 3 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 4 - celebration
Chapter 5 - Louis
Chapter 6 - Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 7 - detention
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Task one, triwizard tournament
Chapter 10 - rumor
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Yule ball
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 14

20.2K 312 925
By azraSlytherin

I opened my eyes and noticed, that I was still in Cedric's arms. My head was placed on his chest and my arms were hugging him tightly.

A feeling of happiness came over my body. He was making me so happy, I can't explain it.

I didn't dare to move and wake him up, but then I felt his hand stroking my hair slightly and putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked up to him and saw his smile widen.

,,Goodmorning, beautiful."

,,Goodmorning." I responded and hugged him.

Then I remembered, that I was still in the Hufflepuff common room. I can't go easily out and sneek in into the Slytherin common room.

,,Oh no, how do I go back?" I looked at Cedric with worried eyes.

,,Don't worry about It. I will go with you."

,,Thanks" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

,,Then let's hurry." And with that, both of us stood up and walked out.

,,What time is it?" I asked Cedric as we walked quietly in the corridor.

,,6 am"

,,Oh, ok. That means I can go to sleep again."

Then we reached the portrait.

,,Thank you for coming with me, Cedric." I kissed his cheek once again and he kissed mine as well.

,,See you then at breakfast." He turned around to go back.

I whispered the password and walked in. I wanted to walk into my dorm room, but I heard someone snoring. As I looked over to the couch, I saw Malfoy sleeping. He looked so innocent when he slept. I walked now step by step, quietly.

,,Where are you coming from, (y/l/n)?" I looked to Malfoy and he was still laying.

,,None of your buisness, Malfoy."
,,Oh, I understand. Hufflepuff." He rolled his lips disgusted.

,,I said none of your buisness." I wanted to keep walking, but my mouth was out of control. ,,Where is Parkinson, Malfoy?"

I don't even know why I asked him that. One part of me regreted it, but the other one was too curious.

,,Why are you asking? Jealous?" He smirked.

,,Wh- what. no! Malfoy, I have a boyfriend!"

He stood up and before I knew it, he stood in front of me.

,,Besides, who would ever date you?"

He came closer, but was distanced.

This feeling. There was it again. I had this weird feeling in my stomach and lost myself in his blue-grey eyes. I don't know if the feeling is positive or negative. The only thing I knew was, it was different.

Yes, Cedric made me happy and yes, Cedric was perfect. But that... this feeling is something I've never felt before.

,,Any girl I know would pounce on me, if she had the chance to. I get every girl I want." He smirked

,,Well, but I'm not like the other girls." I looked him deep in his eyes.

,,I know" and with that, he left. What does he mean I know.

He left me speechless, not knowing what to think about this situation right now.

Anyway, I was too tired to think much about it and went to bed.

I woke up just a few hours later and went to breakfast. I took a seat at the Slytherin table next to Blaise and across from Parkinson.

,,Oh look, how lovely... (y/l/n)'s boyfriend got her a necklace." Parkinson pointed at my necklace.

,,Parkinson, don't act childish." Blaise defended me, while Malfoy sat next to Parkinson.

He saw me and a few seconds later, he kissed Parkinson on her cheek.

,,What are you talking about?" Malfoy looked at Blaise.

,,I just complimented (y/l/n). Told her her necklace is beautiful and she yelled at me." Parkinson lied and pretented to cry.

,,(Y/l/n) I will-" He almost yelled at me with anger in his eyes, but for some reason, I knew it wasn't real. It didn't look like he was really angry- or maybe I'm just imagining.

,,Come down, mate. She did nothing. Parkinson's lying."

,,I don't believe you." Then he turned his attention to Parkinson.

She pretented to cry and her head was placed on his chest. Malfoy held her close. As I saw this, my heart began to beat faster, I felt my face turn red, I could feel how angry it got me, but I still don't know why. I hate him. Why do I have this feeling then?

I stood up, overwhelmed from my own thoughts and feelings, and ran out of the great hall.

I went to the girls bathroom, rushed to a sink and threw cold water in my face.

,,Come down, just come down." I told myself quietly. I knew I had to come down, 'cause otherwise I'd faint because of my anxiety.

,,Why are you crying?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and got scared.

,,Who's there?" I shouted and raised my wand.

,,It's just me." The girls bathroom ghost, Myrtle, came out. She wasn't my friend or something, but I met her once and we had a little chat. She was actually really nice.

,,Oh, you scared mem" I came down.

,,Why are you crying?" She repeated herself.

,,I'm not crying." I wiped away the tears, that were almost flowing down and looked away.

I wanted to be alone, so I walked to the door, but Myrtle stopped me.

,,Tell me." She said, now standing in front of me.

,,It's nothing Myrtle!" I said loudly and ran out of the bathroom.

The only place where I can come down was the lake. It was peaceful and my favourite place, because of the day Cedric brought me here after the Yule ball.

I walked on the grass, till I reached a spot where nobody could find me easily, the spot Cedric and I were.

I sat down, my knees pulled to my chest, and watched the morning sun. It was peaceful and nobody could bother me now. The only thing I could hear were the bird sounds -, which came from the forest- and the lake.

I like it to be with people and I like it to be with my friends and Cedric, but alone, no one could hurt me.

I sat there a while and thought about anything, that was on my mind. Even about Malfoy, although I don't know why.

,,(y/n)!" I got scared and turned around to see the person, who was calling my name.

,,Finally. I looked everywhere and couldn't find you." Cedric was out of breath.

,,Cedric." I giggled. He sat beside me and turned his head.

,,Why did you leave?" I was still looking at the lake.

,,Um, I don't know." I looked down.

,,Don't lie to me."

What should I say? I absolutely cannot tell him about that feeling, which I have in my stomach when I see Malfoy. I am too scared about that. I had to lie.

,,Um, Parkinson annoyed me." That was the truth, she did. That was not the reason why I got up, but at least that's what happened.

,,But you actually never care." He rose his eyebrows. ,,What did she say?"

,,She insulted my necklace."

Cedric began to laugh and kissed my cheek. ,,Don't worry about that, what other people say and think. You are beautiful, I love you."

I couldn't respond with the same words... I still couldn't. It scares me. I was never loved before.

,,Come on, let's go back. You'll be late to Potions." And then we went back to the castle.

I took my books and went to Potions. As I walked in, professor Slughorn wasn't there. I did it, I was on time. I took my seat next to Hermione and placed a blank parchment on my table.

,,I was worried. Why'd you leave?" Hermione asked me.

,,Oh, um... I-I wasn't hungry, that's all." I shook my head.

,,Did you see Malfoy and Parkinson? I think they're a couple now. Not that I care, but it's weird. Malfoy hates her and now they're a couple." Hermione said, while looking over to them.

,,Yeah, I don't know. I guess they are, because at first, they cuddled in front of my eyes, then made out in front of my eyes." I rolled my eyes.

,,What? No. I can't believe that. They made out?" Hermione was talking too loud.

,,Shush!" I covered her mouth with my hand.

,,B-but... I just saw him kissing her cheek sometimes at the Slytherin table. One day, I way studying in the library and no one except Malfoy, Parkinson and me were there. I watched them, because I was curious. Parkinson wanted to kiss him, but he pushed her away." She whispered.

,,What? Are you serious... but why do they-"

The doors shut and professor Slughorn walked in. He talked about potions and what we had to do. Everyone stood up to take the ingredients, but we got interrupted.

,, I will choose the partners." Everyone groaned and sat back down.

,,Audrien Pucey and Seamus finnigan,
Neville longbottom and (y/n) (y/l/n), ..."

Puh, I had luck. I looked forward to have Longbottom as my partner.

,,Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger,..."
Hermione looked at me and her eyes widened.

,,No, I don't want to do a potion with Malfoy!"

,,I know but-"

,,Miss (y/l/n), miss Granger, do you have a problem?" We looked up at him and he rose his eyebrows.

,,No, sir" Hermione responded and Slughorn kept reading.

After professor Slughorn finished, Longbottom came to sit next to me and Malfoy came to sit next to Hermione. I was uncomfortable. Neville sat at the right side, I sat next to him, but Malfoy sat at my other side and besides him Hermione.

,,Hello" Longbottom smiled.

,,Hello" I smiled back and we began to do the potion.

Me and Longbottom did it well and calmly, but Hermione and Malfoy kept arguing all the time, it bothered me.

Because of their constant arguing what comes into the potion and what not, they confused me and I shook the wrong ingredient in. Ours began to bubble and smoke.

,,Uhm- uhm." Longbottom and I didn't know what to do. Both of us weren't good in potions. We stepped slowly backwards and tried to distance ourselves.

Malfoy turned his head now to the potion and I saw his eyes widen.

,,What have you done?!" He yelled and looked at me.

,,How do you know that it was me?" I asked quietly.

Then the next thing, what I could hear was the potion exploding. But before it exploded, I saw Malfoy saving me in his arms and we fell.

The potion exploded and everywhere was fire. The students ran out and so did professor Slughorn.

He thought, that everyone was out of the classroom, but I was still laying at the ground with Malfoy on top of me.

Everywhere was smoke and Malfoy covered his mouth with his shirt, as he stood up. Before I could do the same, I felt his arms carrying me bridal style. He covered my mouth with something and tried to walk.

,,Malfoy..." I coughed and began to cry. My throat burned, my whole body was shaking and I could barely breathe. ,,Malfoy." He didn't pay attention. The only thought he had was getting out of here immadiately.
,,Malfoy!" I shouted and he looked me in the eyes.

,,What?!" He stopped walking.

,,Thank you..." I said almost whispering and before I could hear his responsion, my eyes closed.


I opened my eyes as I heard voices. I looked up and saw Cedric, Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting next to my bed. I was in the hospital wing.

,,Wh-what happened?"

,,(y/n)!" Hermione almost yelled and hugged me.

,,What- what happened?" I repeated myself.

,,Um, a potion exploded and the classroom burned-" before she could finish I shouted,


,,Don't you remember?" Harry asked.

I thought again. I remember stepping backward with Longbottom, I remember someone falling on me and saving me, I remember feeling safe and scared at the same time, I remember saying 'thank you' to someone, who was carying me. But who was the person?

,,Who- who carried me out? Who was the person? Who helped and saved me?" I almost yelled, sat up and looked at the four of them.

,,Um, that's the thing..." Ron looked at me,
,,Nobody knows."

I thought again. I have to remember...

,,Come down, you'll find out soon. But now you need to take a break. We'll go now, you need some time alone." Hermione said and stood up. Harry and Ron did as well.

,,You can go. I will come later." Cedric said and the others left. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

,,Are you ok?" Cedric asked me.

,,Y- yes, I am" I guess...

,,Do you need something?"

,,No- no thanks."

He kissed the top of my head and stood up.

,,Take care of yourself, (y/n), get well soon." And then he left.

I couldn't sleep because of the question, that was stuck in my head. Who was the person?

But later I fell asleep.

,,Is she fine?" I heard a familiar voice say.

,,Yes, yes she is. Don't worry" madame Pomfrey responded.

Was that the person, who saved me? I pretented to sleep to listen to their conversation.

,,Don't tell her, that I came to visit her." The voice said, it was obviously a boy. He visited me? Damn, why didn't I wake up. I could see who he was.

Days passed by and I was finally fit enough to go back. Madame pomfrey let me go and I was on my way to breakfast. I entered the great hall and sat at the Slytherin table. I didn't want to sit across from Malfoy or Parkinson  because they were always finding a way to make me angry.

I sat next to Greengrass. She talked with her friends and I was eating.

,,Dracie, just let me kiss youu." I could hear Parkinson's annoying voice from the other side of the table.

I looked at her and she threw herself over him, but Malfoy tried to distance himself.

,,Leave me alone, Parkinson." He looked disgusted and turned his head.

Suddenly, our eyes met and I was lost in them, again. As I could realize what's happening, I broke the eye contact and looked at my food.

,,Um- I mean, Pansy... not now. I'm eating." He held her hand. What?- why did he-

,,Hey" I felt someones hips touching mine.


,,How are you?"

,,I'm fine, Cedric" I smiled at him.

,,Beautiful necklace." He looked at the necklace he gave me and made me giggle.

I looked to my right side as I did and the same thing happened again. I caught Malfoy staring at us. He looked away immediately.

Why was he doing that? He is always staring when I'm with Cedric. I mean, he has a girlfriend and we are basically enemies.

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