mystic messenger one shots

By RFASAthena

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One shots of mystic messenger!! will take most requests, just ask!! More

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Zen x Reader
Seven x Reader// a girl in a mans world
The return of the mint eye - Preview
V x Reader
V x Reader
Ray x Reader
Yoosung x Reader
Married// Zen x Jumin

Saeran/Ray x Reader

91 1 0
By RFASAthena

(A/N - chapter contains references and the acts of self harm and attempted suicide. Please DON'T read of this us triggering for you.)

I'm stuck here. Im stuck in the mint eye and ray is gone. He's gone - replaced with some sociopath called Saeran. Gone.. ray is gone.

The feelings of a deep depression that have haunted my brain sense the discovery of my missing ray are showing themselves again. Without ray I don't see a point. Ray made me happy, ray made me feel wanted.

If ray saw what I'm doing to myself.. how would he react.. but he wouldn't see. Saeran said he wouldn't be back. Saeran said he's in control now.

Leaving the pink bedroom that was expertly decorated by.. ray.. I walk out onto the top of magenta. Magenta is the building that holds the religious cult mint eye - which I became a part off the stay close to ray. I know the believers here can see my pain, many of them leave first aid packets by my door after a hard night. They know I self harm, some of them have probably seen the scars. But who are they to care for me? I'm just a useless, pathetic toy.

Standing at the edge of the building I take in the views around me - the gorgeous garden I had shared many walks with ray through. The mysterious forest that lays behind the 'paradise' we are in.. however this place is no paradise, if it was ray would still be here. Slowly taking another step forwards I'm stood right on the edge, A millimetre more and I'm dead. No one will have to smell my disgusting smell, see my stupid eyes hear my annoying voice. They will all be free of me, I'll be free from myself.

Taking a final step forwards I feel a hand around my waist.

-*-* Saerans POV *-*-
I look up at the cctv I had installed in my stupid toys room. She's not there? Ha! Bet she's gone to her cleaning ceremony..  why couldn't I be a part of it? She's my stupid toy!

Turning my attention away from the cctv I continue the hack into the RFA chatrooms.  The stupid toy had failed to do her job so I disconnected her, causing the remaining members to go into a hurry trying to find her, however I told her they didn't care. The look on her face when I said that will always fill me with pure satisfaction, my toy looking so depressed really makes me happy.

Doesn't it? Placing my hands over my face my mind is flooded with the memories of the last time I met her, the pure fear in her eyes. The fact she told me she had given up fighting - she let me do whatever I wanted.. but I wasn't happy that she had given up..  no I felt.. remorseful? To see the girl I had tortured giving up on herself.. it was the worst feeling ever. I know another me loves the stupid toy.. so maybe this me does too, but I can't show it. If I show I care I'll be weak - I'm not weak I'm strong!

A sharp knock at my door pulls me away from the dangerous thoughts I was having. I open the door to be met by believers looking panicked.

'Mr Saeran please listen. Miss (Y/N) is on top if the building way to close to the edge. Mr Saeran the girls been self harming for weeks - we are afraid she's going to end it all.'

Dread fills my veins, she's where? Doing what? Slamming the door I feel myself losing control, maybe.. this is a time i should let ray out. He would know how to deal with this. Letting go of my fight I feel myself pulled into the abis.

-*-*- ray pov -*-*-
I'm back.. but I heard everything. Jumping into action I pull of this stupid leather jacket and pull back on my magenta one. This is how I'll show everyone I'm ray again. Dashing from the dark room I run as fast as I can to the top of the building. I hope I'm not too late.. I hope she's still with us.

Reaching the building I'm met with a sight that will haunt my dreams for years to come. The woman I love stood right at the edge, even a shuffle forwards would end her life, I notice a smile form at her lips and her legs start to move - almost in slow motion I run forwards and grab her waist pulling her against me. Holding her tightly.

-*-*- 3rd person POV -*-*-
The couple stood in the same position for a while, neither of the moving. The male had Saves the females life. If he had waited a millisecond longer she would be non existent in this world. No longer suffering, the female turns around and her eyes widen at who is stood before her. In the same magenta coat she had grown to love stands the man her heart had been pining for, the man she wanted so desperately.

The couple stare at eachother for a few seconds before the male lifts the females chin, he kisses her gently. Both of them realising how there lips fit perfectly together, how there body's fill with electric. Neither wanting to break away.

Finally the couple separate, both knowing there was going to be hard times ahead but willing to deal with them for the sake of eachother.

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