My Antidote - Soobin x Huenin...


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Huening Kai is a nurse in training and is assigned to watch a peculiar boy who always seems to be getting him... More



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        Beomgyu felt his entire body tense up, "I-I-I'm not-"

"You can't lie to me," Taehyun pulled away and smiled up at him, "I recognized you when I first saw you standing outside of Soobin's house with Kai." Beomgyu kept his gaze lowered to the ground and Taehyun bounced on his toes, "You're not saying anything so that means I'm right!" 

Beomgyu continued to stay silent as Taehyun proceeded to wrap his arms around him once again, "Why did you leave us?" he tightened his grasp when he was not given an answer, "Chungho answer me!"

"My name is Beomgyu," the older whispered, his voice shaky.

Taehyun suddenly pushed the boy away from him, "Stop lying to me already! It's literally been years since they announced you died and when I found out you're still here," his voice began to crack, "You're still alive and you're not even happy to see me. You just want to keep lying to me!"

"Taehyun calm down."

"Shut up!" the orange haired boy cried out, "I can't believe you're acting like this! I missed you so much and when I saw you at Soobin's house I thought that you would at least be a little happy to see me too!"

Beomgyu let out a long sigh. Taehyun was right. 'Choi Beomgyu' is not his birth name, it was 'Choi Changho,' but the whole point of him changing his identity was so that he could get away from Taehyun and the rest of the Choi gang. The chances of running into one of the Choi gang members should have been very low, but here we are. 

"Changho," Taehyun's tone suddenly dropped, "Are you not happy to see me?"

Beomgyu wasn't not happy.

Beomgyu was scared.

If a person outside of the gang found out or if someone attempted to leave they would be killed. Beomgyu didn't want to die so he countinued to lie which only continued to make Taehyun more upset. Beomgyu was about to say something else when the door to the medicine shop swung open.

"Oh Beomgyu!" Kai ran over to him, "We were wondering where you... ran off..." Kai's words trailed off when he noticed Taehyun. Kai his behind Beomgyu as he felt fear creep inside of him, "What's going on?"

Beomgyu didn't answer and kept his gaze lowered to the ground. It wasn't too much longer until Soobin joined him but he didn't seem nearly as confused as Kai was. 

"Soobin," Kai ran over to the taller male, "What's going on?" He turned his attention to the pair of boys who haven't said anything since Kai first appeared. Soobin pushed Kai behind him and looked at Taehyun.

The orange boy spoke as soon as he noticed Soobin's gaze on him and pointed at Beomgyu, "Chungho."

"I know," Soobin calmly responeded and Beomgyu slowly shook his head. 

Taehyun grinned once again and took a step closer to Beomgyu which caused the older boy to panic. "Get away from me!" he attempted to turn and run away but Soobin was quick to grab him. Beomgyu tried his best to escape but Soobin was a lot taller and stronger than him and nothing he did worked.

Kai couldn't do anything but watch the chaotic scene in front of him. His best friend, who now had tears streaming down his face, was fighting the boy he just confessed his feelings too. Unlike Beomgyu, Soobin was not putting up much of a fight back and was easily able to keep Beomgyu in his grasp. There was also the boy who attacked Kai just standing there, smiling at them.  Not to mention the name Chungho has been mentioned but Kai has no idea who that is. He tried asking what was going on but nobody was paying him any mind. Kai felt like he couldn't take it anymore and without thinking he yelled out, "What the hell is going on?"

Soobin pushed Beomgyu to the ground and went back over to Kai. He had forgotten that the boy was with them. Soobin placed his hands on Kai's shoulders to talk to him but Kai quickly pushed them away. 

"Hey," Soobin hissed, "Let me explain what's going on, isn't that what you wanted?"

Kai was no longer looking at Soobin and instead had his focus on his best friend who was still on the ground, wrapped in Taehyun's arms. It was impossible to hide the fear and confusion on his face. He had the same look on his face as when he first saw Soobin after being attacked. 

"Kai," Soobin softened his tone and forced the younger to look at him, "Listen to me."

Kai furrowed his brows, "Why are you hurting him?"

"I'm not hurting-"

"You literally pushed him to the ground!"

"I know I'm sorry," Soobin sighed, "I shouldn't have done that. I heard you and I wasn't thinking straight." Kai didn't respond and just frowned. "Look," Soobin continued on, "How about we all go somewhere and talk about what's going on. I don't want you to feel like I'm hiding anything else from you." Kai's eyes flickered between Beomgyu and Soobin and the youngest slowly nodded his head. 

"Hey Tae," Soobin called out and the leader shot up his head, "Let's go to that small cafe a few blocks over and discuss everything."


The four boys found themself sitting in a booth. Taehyun sat next to Beomgyu while Kai and Soobin mirrored them. 

"So," Soobin was the first to speak up.

"So what?" Beomgyu glared at him.

"Let's start off with why you faked your death and have been hiding from me all of this time," Taehyun, who clung onto Beomgyu, tightened his grip as he spoke. 

"Or maybe you can tell me how you figured out who I really am first," Beomgyu suggested.

"So," Kai looked at his friend confused, "Your name isn't Beomgyu?"

"It is," Beomgyu couldn't bring himself to look at the younger, "I changed it to Beomgyu after I faked my death and moved away."

"Why?" Taehyun repeated louder.

Beomgyu shook his head and looked at him, "You didn't answer my question."

Taehyun rolled his eyes, "Do you really think you could leave a couple of years, change your name, and your face would change too?"

"I'll be honest I didn't realize it was him at first, but I do admit he acted a bit suspicious," Soobin interjcted, "It wasn't until he cracked his wrists three times I knew for sure it was Chungho. He did that all the time when he was angry as a kid."

Beomgyu huffed.

"When he was a kid?" Kai turned his attention to Soobin, "Did you know him growing up?"

Soobin nodded, "Chungho is my cousin, and he was supposed to be part of the Choi gang."

Beomgyu didn't say anything and just stared out of the window. 

"Beomgyu?" Kai looked at the black haired male who didn't bother responding. "Why aren't you saying anything?"


"Beomgyu?" Kai repeated.

"What else do you want me to say?" Beomgyu snapped, "They're right! They are fucking right!" Beomgyu buried his face in his hands, "This wasn't supposed to happen!"

After a few seconds of silence Taehyun smirked, "Well it did pretty boy so you better start talking before I slit your throat right here."

Beomgyu scoffed, "You wouldn't do that."

"Don't test me," Taehyun pulled out his pocket knife and pointed it at him, "You've already lost most of my patience,"

"Cut it out," Soobin leaned over the table and grabbed Taehyun's wrist, surprising the younger boy, "Did you forget we're in a public place?"

"Whatever," Taehyun put the knife back in his pocket, "Just hurry up and tell us what had happened during all of these years."

Beomgyu let out along sigh and turned his attention back to the window, "Fine, but you better listen to me because I won't say it again,"


"Give it back!" 

Yeonjun stuck out his tongue and held the stuffed bear above his head, "And what if I don't Chungho?"

"Stop being mean and just give it back!"

"No," Yeonjun had a goofy grin on his face. Chungho growled which caused Yeonjun to chuckle, "What are you a dog now. Come on boy sit down, roll over."

Chungho grabbed his wrist and cracked it three times, "Give. It. Back."

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Yeonjun cocked a brow.

"That's it!" Chungho lunged at the older boy and tackled him to the ground causing Yeonjun to scream. They fought for a bit until Soobin was alerted by the commotion and broke the pair apart.

"What is wrong with you guys?" Soobin stood between the two, keeping a good amount of space so they wouldn't fight again.

"He's crazy!" Yeonjun exclaimed.

Beomgyu quickly defended himself, "I didn't want to fight you but you wouldn't give Taehyun's bear back!" 

"Take it," Yeonjun threw the stuffed animal on the ground and Beomgyu was quick to retrieve it, "I only took it because he took my rabbit." Yeonjun looked as if he was about to cry, "I just want Mr. Hoppers back."

"Just because he took something from you doesn't make it right to steal from him," Beomgyu shook his head.

"I know," Yeonjun wiped away at his tears, "I'm sorry Chungho."

Beomgyu didn't say anything and just looked down at the stuffed bear in front of him.

"It's okay Yeonjun," Soobin hugged Yeonjun in an attempt to calm him down, "I'll have my dad call Mrs. Kang and make Taehyun bring Mr. Hoppers to recess tomorrow."

"Thank you," Yeonjun sniffled as he pulled away from Soobin's hold.

As Soobin and Yeonjun continued their conversation, Chungho had already left. It always scared him to walk alone by himself in such a big neighborhood. He was only eight years old. But he was still upset and Yeonjun so he didn't want to be around them anymore. Luckily Chungho only lived a few streets away from Soobin so it wasn't a long walk. When he got home, Chungho was greeted with even worse news than a stolen stuffed animal.

"We're moving."

Chungho looked at his father confused.

"I'll explain everything to you once you're older, but as of right now you need to stay locked in your room until I have everything prepared," the man explained, "You need to pretend you're sick. I've already contacted your school and told them that you have fallen very ill. If any of your friends try to call you need to tell them the same thing."

"Why? I want to go to school tomorrow and see my friends."

"I told you I'll tell you everything when you're older."

Chungho's dad was also part of the Choi gang, but from the start he has never wanted Chungho to get involved in the gang himself. His mother passed away recently and with his father in such a dangerous field of work, that makes Chungho a very easy target for enemies. All boys in the Choi family learn about the gang when they turn thirteen. Mr. Choi is hoping by taking Chungho far away from all of these terrible people and faking his death that Chungho could live out the normal life that Mr. Choi never got to have. 

And that's what he did. 

About a week later, Mr. Choi announcned that Chungho had passed away. They then moved far away. It was risky since Mr. Choi was still part of the gang and leaving it puts a huge target on your back, but Mr. Choi was the younger brother of the current leader so he was able to pull a few strings.

Once they moved, the first thing they did was change their legal names. Chungho was allowed to pick out his own name and he was deadset on the name 'Beomgyu'. They lived normal lives up until Beomgyu was fifteen and his father told him about the gang.

Beomgyu was disgusted by the terrible stuff his father has done in the past and moved into an apartment with one of his friends at the age of sixteen. It was at this point Beomgyu decided he wanted to make up for the awful things his family has done to others. Even though he couldn't really help the people they have hurt already, he could help others. Beomgyu wanted to become a doctor.

He studied and worked very hard the next two years of his life until he got accepted to his dream college which was located back in his hometown. Beomgyu figured there was nothing to worry about because it's been ten years since anyone has last seen him. He was certain that everything was going to work out.

Or so he thought.


"And now you found me? Are you happy?" Beomgyu groaned, "All I wanted to do was help people. I wanted to heal the people that my family has hurt, but you found me and ruined everything. Congrats."

Taehyun furrowed his brows, "Chungho."

"My name isn't Chungho, it's Beomgyu," the older boy snapped at him.

"Pathetic," Taehyun chuckled and for the first time since they arrived at the cafe he let go of Beomgyu.

"This is serious," Soobin spoke up before Beomgyu could start an argument, "You know the rules about people who either left the gang or outsiders who know about it."

"We kill them," Taehyun spoke coldly.

Beomgyu's face paled at his words.

"But," Taehyun continued and put a hand under Beomgyu's chin, "I don't want to kill you."

"You have to," Soobin stated, which caused Beomgyu to gulp, "It's the rules."

"T-then what about K-Kai?" Beomgyu asked.

Kai widened his eyes, "Are you telling them to kill me?"

"It's the rules," Taehyun smirked. Kai started to tense up and Soobin grabbed the younger's hand from under the table in an attempt to comfort him. "If I have to kill my Chungho then I need to kill your ugly nurse friend too," he clicked his tongue, "It's the rules."

Soobin gritted his teeth, "I won't let you lay another finger on him." 

This probably isn't the best time, but the way Soobin defended him made Kai's heart flutter. It's like those animes where the main character fights against the evil guy in order to protect the girl he loves. 

Kai shook his head.

He needs to stop thinking about this.

Taehyun is threatening to kill him right now.

More importantly, at least to Kai, Soobin has never told Kai how he felt about him. Kai has admitted that he likes Soobin but there's still a chance that Soobin doesn't like him back. This caused Kai's nerves to act up and he could feel a lump in the back of his throat. Kai hadn't even realized that he was shaking until he felt Soobin squeeze his hand.

"Hey are you okay Kai?"

"I-" Kai looked around at everyone feeling a bit overwhelmed "Umm."

"We were just talking about how we aren't going to follow those old rules anymore," Soobin told him.

"So you aren't going to kill us?"

"Nope," Taehyun rested his head in his hand, "We're going to make some new rules."

The four had talked for a while and eventually they had to leave because the cafe was closing. Once they were outside, Taehyun had decided that he wasn't done with Beomgyu. He wanted to talk to him longer to catch up. Beomgyu wasn't sure if he wanted to, but he saw what he had done to Kai and knew that if he made Taehyun mad he wouldn't hesitate to do the same to him, so he agreed. 

"I want to come too," Soobin said, surprising the other three boys, "Please let me join you guys,"

Beomgyu just shrugged.

"I guess you can come," Taehyun pouted his lips, "I may hate you but I'm not going to separate you from your family."

Soobin was about to walk away with the other two when he felt someone grab his arm.

He turned around to be face to face with a desperate Kai.

"Soobin," Kai softly spoke.

"What is it Kai?" Soobin tilted his head.

"Please don't leave," he begged, "Not yet."

"Why?" Soobin gave the younger an intimidating stare.


"I'll probably see you tomorrow."

"But Soobin-"

"Kai this is my cousin who I thought was dead for the past ten years!" Soobin squinted his eyes, "Do you not understand how important this is?"

"But seeing Beomgyu isn't the only important thing that happened today!" It took Kai a few seconds to realize that he had raised his voice at the older boy and they both remained silent.

Soobin's face was unreadable.

"I-Im sorry."

"Stop being selfish Kai," Taehyun interrupted the two, pulling Soobin towards them, tearing Soobin's arm out of Kai's grasp, "We don't have all day."

"Selfish?" Kai looked down at his hands and when he looked back up the trio was already walking away.

Soobin felt very conflicted. He wanted to turn back and talk to Kai but at the same time he thought he lost Chunho for good and here he was. Kai has to understand that, right? He looked over his shoulder to see if Kai was still there, but the boy had already disappeared. 


Hey guys! 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I know it was more Beomgyu based but I promise the future chapters will focus more on Sookai. 

Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments down below. You guys are my number one motivators! 

Anyways, thank you so much for reading :)

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