His captive bride (Roman Godf...

By ALunarDream

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This is the sequel to His captive possession. If you have not done so, please go and read His captive posses... More

Author's note/disclaimer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 26

695 16 4
By ALunarDream

Miranda was walking by the secret room that hid the infant child, making her way down the stairs to get herself a glass of water to drink; when she suddenly sopped in her tracks. Hearing the sounds of what seemed to be Anna struggling with the infant little girl. Not being able to help herself, Miranda made her way in the room and saw the little girl wiggling around, refusing to take the bottle that Anna was offering her.

"Please dear child; take the bottle. You never put up such a fuss before when it came to taking the bottle. Why are you fussing about it now," Anna asked the wiggling baby in her arms. Miranda cleared her throat as she walked closer, causing Anna's head to shoot up and glare at her. "What do you want now? Don't you think you have caused enough damage for the night?"

"Look, what happened between Roman and his woman has nothing to do with me," Miranda defended herself.

"Has nothing to do with you? So, you mean to tell me that you sleeping with Mr. Godfrey has nothing to do with you? The future Mrs. Godfrey wanting to tear you into ribbons; that has nothing to do with you? It's all just happening out of nowhere and you are an innocent victim, who is being attacked for all of this going on," Anna snapped at Miranda

Miranda rolled her eyes while letting out an annoyed sigh. "Fine, yes I slept with Roman. But in my defense, he was freaking out; and I thought that the lady of the house was long gone with no intention of ever returning. So, I did what I thought was right and I slept with him. So, forgive me for doing that."

Anna glared at Miranda. "I'm not the one you should be begging for forgiveness from. The one you should be asking for forgiveness from is sound asleep. It's a good thing too. She and the baby need rest. I would hate to see her lose this child."

"Right," Miranda said, before noticing Anna still struggling to get the baby to take the bottle again. "Why don't you let me try?"

"I don't need your help," Anna snapped back.

"The kid is obviously hungry," Miranda said.

"Well, she wouldn't be hungry, if she wasn't acting fussy when it comes to taking her bottle," Anna said.

"She doesn't want the bottle. She wants to be breast fed," Miranda stated.

"Well, I'm too old to be producing breast milk. And the lady of the house is catching up with her rest. There is no way that this little one is going to get any breast milk right now," Anna said.

"I've been lactating. Mind if I give it a shot," Miranda asked.

"Be my guest. I have to get some cleaning done anyway," Anna said before passing the baby off to Miranda, before walking out of the room.

Miranda walked over to the crib, placing the baby down, before stripping herself of her shirt and bra, before picking the baby up again; watching as the baby latched onto her breast. Little did Miranda know that, while she was breast feeding the baby, Roman had walked into the room, and was watching them closely.

"What are you doing in here," Roman asked sternly.

Miranda turned around revealing that she was breast feeding the little girl. "She was giving Anna a hard time. So, I decided to give it a shot. She wanted breast milk; and I'm lactating, so it works out for the both of us. Does she have a name?"

"No. I keep her in here and let Anna take care of her. By giving the baby a name, it would only be that much more surreal, that I'm a father," Roman explained.

"You can't leave her nameless. When she does get older and she meets someone; and they ask her for her name what is she supposed to say? Is she to say, oh I'm sorry I can't tell you my name, because my father didn't give me one? Whether you like it or not, you're going to have to give this little girl a name; that way she has her own identity, instead of walking around, constantly wondering why daddy didn't love her enough to give her a name," Miranda argued.

"Fine. You want her to have a name, then you can pick it. I don't care what you name her," Roman snapped.

Miranda looked down at the child suckling away at her breast, thinking of a name that would best suit the young child. It didn't take long before a name had come to mind. "Her name shall be Nadia. It's a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl."

"Then Nadia it is," Roman said turning on his heel, getting ready to walk out of the room, only to be stopped by Miranda.

"Would you like to hold her," Miranda asked.

Roman turned around looking at Miranda in confusion. "What?'

"I asked if you would like to hold your own daughter. You know you can't keep avoiding her like the plague, right? She's going to want her daddy to hold her. You're also going to have to bring Nadia around the lady of the house, as Anna calls her. I honestly believe it would do the both of them good to for some kind of bond," Miranda said.

"Nadia and Alyse will bond, when Alyse is a bit more calm. She wants you dead for sleeping with me," Roman pointed out.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to take your mind off of her for a good five minutes. But it's like all you were doing was worrying about her. I didn't want you to go and drive yourself mad from wondering if you were going to find her again," Miranda snapped.

"Let me clue you in on something. I always find what is mine. There is no way that Alyse would even truly escape from me. I will always know where she is. Now get your damn shirt on before Alyse comes in here and catches you shirtless, thinking that you are trying to seduce me again," Roman snapped. Roman turned around and spotted Alyse standing there. "Alyse, I thought you were sound asleep."

"I was, but I woke up to Anna freaking out. And when I rolled over, I noticed that you weren't in bed with me. So, I came looking for you. I had a gut feeling you were hanging out with this little slut," Alyse said before turning her attention to Miranda. "Fucking him once wasn't enough for you? So, you figured why not have another go, while the mother of his unborn child is asleep. She will never know about all the times that he tripped and fell landing with his dick buried deep inside of me."

"Alyse calm down," Roman said.

"No! I think it's time I get to say what exactly is on my mind. I'm no longer going to sit here and let this whore weasel her way into your bed," Alyse snapped.

"Look, I wasn't trying to seduce anyone. I was simply trying to feed Nadia, because Anna was struggling with her. Then Roman happened to have walked in and asked me what I was doing. I explained to him what I was doing. We exchanged some words. Then you walked in accusing me of trying to seduce your man. The only reason why it happened in the first place was because you were nowhere around to take care of Roman's needs. Were you busy taking care of another man's needs instead," Miranda asked.

"Don't you dare try and make me look like the whore in this situation. I would never sleep a in bed with a man who is taken. Even if a man was single and wanted to have sex, I wouldn't screw him right away. That is the difference between you and myself. You see a dick, and in your peanut brain you think that you need to jump on it and get a thrill. Does being a whore make you happy," Alyse asked.

"You don't know me personally to be passing judgement on me like that," Miranda said.

"I don't have to know you personally. It's written all over your damn face. That is the reason why you left home. Because mommy and daddy were ashamed of your whore ways," Alyse said knowing she got to Miranda. 

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