Chapter 29

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Destiny walked into the White Tower noticing that nobody was sitting at the reception desk. That's strange. Usually there is always someone sitting at the reception desk to make sure that no unwanted guests come waltzing through, disturbing Roman. Oh well. I'm not complaining. This makes this mission a little easier to find out what Roman and Olivia are hiding deep in the basement of the white tower, Destiny thought to herself as she made her way down to the basement.

The further down to the basement that Destiny ventured, the more she noticed that there was nobody around to keep her from venturing down there. "Alright, either everybody in this building doesn't give two damns about a non-white tower worker venturing down where they don't belong, or they are all simply unaware that I'm down here, and are too wrapped up in their work to notice that something is very off."

After a bit of time walking through the maze of halls and down many flights of stairs, Destiny finally came upon the one room that had the door that had been plaguing her nightmares since Andre's untimely death.

This must be the door that Andre has been telling me about. Not it's time to see what is behind it that could bring the Godfrey's down once and for all. Destiny reached to open the door but was stopped by someone sticking a syringe into her neck, injecting a sedative to help knock her out. Destiny fell to the ground getting a quick glimpse of who her attacker was before finally giving into the darkness.

"Sorry to give you the impression that you were actually going to get away with discovering this secret. But it was the only way to get you right where I wanted you. Now you can join our little guest, while we wait for the arrival of your cousin. Once he gets here, you all will be tied up and you can enjoy the show," Dr. Pryce said before picking Destiny up and carrying her further into the room where Cornelius was chained to the chair.

Cornelius looked up as Pryce tied the unconscious girl to the chair. "Did Olivia put you up to this, saying something along the lines of how this little bride with blood from the vein will get me to sign her new contract that she created so it would benefit her and her undeserving son?"

"Oh no. Olivia told me to capture the Rumancek girl and tie her up, so that way both she and her cousin Peter can enjoy the show alongside you," Dr. Pryce replied.

"What show are you talking about," Cornelius questioned.

"Oh, I forgot that you weren't informed yet. The wedding date has been bumped up. Yes you may be losing a daughter, but you are gaining a son. Doesn't that make you over the moon happy," Dr. Pryce asked.

"There is nothing about that statement that makes me over the moon happy. My daughter is being manipulated into marrying a spoiled man, who threatens anybody to get what he wants," Cornelius snapped.

"Oh, darling do go snapping at Dr. Pryce. He's only trying to help get everything ready for the beautiful ceremony that is to be taking place between my son and your beautiful daughter. This is meant to be a beautiful moment. Besides, Roman has already said that Alyse is his mate. I don't believe that he needs to use any compulsion to convince your daughter of that. Once he helps her transform, she will see it for herself," Olivia said while carrying Peter's unconscious body over to the last empty chair in the room. Oliva dumped the body into the chair as Dr. Pryce began chaining Peter up.

Cornelius watched the way Peter was chained to the chair like an animal. "Why do you chain him to a chair, but only tied the girl to the chair with the rope?"

"The boy has the ability to turn into a wolf on full moons. Though he could change at will, but it would drive him to animalistic instincts. We don't need that happening. As for the girl, she has the ability to see things if she has the right tools to do so. She's not much of a threat. Besides, if the boy wanted to, he could break the bonds and interrupt the wedding, all because he has grown feelings for her. We don't want that," Olivia said.

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora