Chapter 16

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Peter had pulled up outside of Destiny's apartment looking around to make sure there was no sign of Roman hanging around, looking for Alyse. When Peter felt that the coast was clear, he and Alyse both got out of the car rushing inside the apartment building, making their way to Destiny's door, knocking on it. Peter waited while growing impatient with his cousin as the minutes ticked by. "Come on Destiny. I know for a fact that you have the day off today."

"Maybe your cousin needs some private time. Or maybe she is enjoying her day off; or there is the possibility that Destiny doesn't want anything to do with me, since I am the one who has hurt you in the past," Alyse said.

"You are not the one who has hurt me. If anything, you are innocent. I blame Roman for hurting me, because he couldn't stand the fact that you were truly happy. If anything, Roman was being really selfish, Peter said.

"I know this might be the hormones going crazy, but everything you just said about me is doing things to me. In a weird way, it's really turning me on right now," Alyse said while blushing.

"Keep talking like that and I may have to take advantage of your horny state," Peter said ignoring the sound of the door opening behind him.

"Not on my watch lover boy," Destiny said stopping Peter from making a move at Alyse. "What can I do for the two of you?"

"I was wondering if Alyse could stay here for a bit. Roman has decided he was going to keep her locked in his room all day," Peter said.

Destiny looked at Alyse in shock. "I know male upirs are possessive over their mates, but Roman is taking this to a whole new level."

"Male what," Alyse asked confused.

"Roman is a upir. A full upir now, no doubt. Alyse I know you're going ot think me crazy, but right now you're half upir. But if Roman manages to kill you, you will be just like him," Destiny explained.

"What on earth is a upir," Alyse asked.

"It's a vampire. Upir is the Ukrainian word for it. Anyway, male upirs are highly possessive of their mates," Destiny began.

"What does that have to do with me," Alyse asked.

"Think back to last year; when we were in our senior year. Roman didn't want you hanging out with me alone," Peter said.

"What the hell are you getting at? Roman has always been like that towards everybody. He would always threaten all the guys who glanced my way and had lust in their eyes," Alyse explained. "He's always been that way since we were kids."

"Then Roman knew early on that you were his mate," Destiny said.

"Do I have to drink blood to survive? Because not once did I have any blood before," Alyse said worried.

"You're only half upir. That means you don't have to feed off blood. Normal food is enough to keep you going for now. If you were a full upir, that is a whole different ball game. Basically, what I'm saying is that you don't need blood to survive now. Neither does your baby," Peter said before turning to Destiny. "We're going to have to hide Alyse and her growing bundle of Joy to make sure that Roman doesn't turn them into full upirs."

"Peter by doing that, you are initiating a highly dangerous that can get you freaking killed! Your best bet is to go and give Alyse back to Roman. Maybe he will take pity on you and sare your life," Destiny begged.

"No! I won't let him chain Alyse to the bed and keep her away from the rest of the world, because he's feeling insecure. Now you will do your best to make sure that she remains safe. Should I find out that you handed her back to Roman, you won't have to worry about what he does to you, because I will be the one who will kill you myself," Peter said before leaving the apartment.

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