[Supercorp] Solemnly Swear

By Sparrowblueowl

9.5K 490 70

(AU Hogwarts) In Kara's fifth year at Hogwarts she meets mysterious siblings, Lex and Lena Luthor. Upon Kara'... More

Your name?
I can be your friend
Don't Let Go
The Bad Guy
Worth the Wait
How She Felt
The Sting
What Love Is
Silent Sorry
Here Before Them
Solemnly Swear

Only for the Night

595 38 1
By Sparrowblueowl

Outside the castles' tall glass windows Kara could see the orange and red leaves tumble off the trees in the autumn weather. She loved Hogwarts in the fall. She couldn't explain why, but something about the cozy feeling the fall gave to the world made her wake up to a cloudy morning smiling wide. Today though she felt anxious. Gripping the straps of her bag with two hands tightly she made her way towards the library doors. Stopping just outside of them she took in a deep breath. She was going to explain everything to Lena and get her to be her friend again. She had too. She just couldn't lose her.

With the thought of a smiling Lena in her mind she pushed through the doors and headed towards the back where she would meet with her for tutoring sessions. For a second Kara was worried she might not show, but turning the corner she found her sitting at their usual table, head down, bent over some notes. Kara released a shaky sigh. It was now or never.

Walking over to their table she cleared her throat and said in an attempt to break the tension,"Is this seat taken?"

Lena barley looked up,"Cleary it's yours as this is your tutoring session."

Yikes. This was going to be hard. Kara took a seat and loosened up her tie even though it was barely ever properly tied. Taking a deep breath she said, "Lena please let me explain."

Lena continued to write in her notebook,"There's nothing to explain Kara, and please we have a lot to work on so let's just keep the topic on Potions for today."

"But I ju-"

Lena's hand stopped writing,"Just what? Look Kara, clearly I  misinterpreted the situation. I'm your tutor and we don't have to be anything more. Now open your books we're going to be starting with the remedies that can be produced with beetle wings."

Kara dropped her voice to a gentle tone that Alex usually used on her whenever she was upset,


No reaction. Lena continued to look down at her notes, hiding her face from view. Reaching across the table and grabbing her hand gently in hers she said," Lena...please look at me."

Lena took in a breath when she grabbed her hand, but she did not pull away. Looking up slowly Kara finally could see her eyes and just how hurt she was. Deep within in those emerald eyes Kara saw the pain she'd cause her, and she hoped that Lena could see into her ocean eyes the sorrow she felt for doing it. Lena bit her bottom lip and tried to look away but Kara squeezed her hand gently to grab her attention again.

"Lena... I don't even know where to start. I am so so sorry for pushing you away. I would never do that to you if there wasn't good reason. I-I was worried about you. I pushed you away because I didn't want you to get hurt."

Lena made a frustrating face, "So you figured you'd hurt me yourself? Yes, because that makes sense Kara."

"It did make sense. If you only knew why I was doing what I was doing...Lena I didn't want to stop talking to you, or seeing you but the consequences were greater than my wants. I couldn't stand it if anything ever happened to you."

"Kara if you're asking for my forgiveness you have to tell me everything. You can't just expect me to accept everything and move on. What were you trying to protect me from?"

Kara hesitated. How would Lena take Kara telling her about what her brother had done. Would she believe Lex over Kara? She couldn't lose her like this. Lena took Kara's silence as an answer and took her hand away. In a hurry she started to pack her things up," You know what I actually can't do this today. We can reschedule or something, I'm sorry-I," Lena made to leave to Library but Kara jumped and reached after her. Grabbing her by her wrist she turned her around to face her,

"Lena! Please don't leave. I- I can't lose you."

Lena, now facing Kara, tried to look anywhere but in her eyes," Kara...please don't talk like that if you have no intention of letting me in."

"I will let you in Lena, but please hear me out. You're not going to like what I have to say, but if you listen till the end, I hope that you are still willing to be my friend. Our friendship means everything to me which is what I came here to try and tell you."

Lena seemed a bit calmer and Kara got her to agree to sitting back at the table to hear her out. She told her everything. About Lex's attack on her, his threats, why Kara ignored her on the quidditch pitch, her sorrow in the thought of losing her relationship with Lena. Everything.

If Kara was worried that Lena would leave her and break off their friendship at the end of her story, she was wrong. As Kara told her story, Lena made occasional concerned and worried faces, would never let go of her grip on Kara's hand, and even moved her chair closer to hers.

"Kara...I am so sorry. I can't believe my brother would...well actually I can believe. I-ugh I don't even know where to begin to apologize to you."

Kara shook her head," No, no it's not your fault Lena. You didn't do anything."

Lena scoffed and shook her head as a tear grew within her eye," Except get mad at you when in reality you should've been upset with me." 

Kara gently wiped the tear on Lena's cheek," I would never be upset with you over something like this. You have no control over what your brother does Lena even if it's him trying to protect you by taking seriously extreme measures. And I'm taking serial killer measures."

Lena smiled a little despite her watery eyes. Kara gave her a hug and Lena did not let go but instead gripped on tighter to Kara. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably in her chest. Kara almost felt like she was back on her broom, flying. 

Lena whispered against Kara's shoulder," I can't believe I almost risked losing you."

Kara wasn't sure if Lena was actually talking to her or speaking her thoughts out loud but she didn't get a chance to comment as Lex rounded the corner, fists curled at his sides, and yanked Kara away from Lena by the back of her collar. The force was so strong that Kara fell back out of the chair and onto the cold stone floor. Somewhere Lena shouted Lex's name. Sliding across the floor she gripped onto it and looked up to see Lex looking back at her, Lena behind him her eyes wide. Lena was struggling reaching out too Kara but Lex held her back in a deathly grip. His hair was disarrayed and he was shaking in anger from head to toe. He shook Lena by her shoulders roughly, yelling at her about something that Kara couldn't make out as an indescribable rage went through her body. 

Getting herself up off the floor she barreled towards Lex and slammed his body to the ground. Kara pinned him down as he struggled and she took out her wand and pointed it against his cheek forcing him to stop struggling. They were both breathing heavily staring each other down. Kara thought off in her head that they must have seemed like two wolves fighting for the position of alpha. 

Without taking her eyes off of Lex she said," Expelliarmus!" Lex's wand shot out from his hand and into Kara's free one.

"Don't ever touch Lena like that again," Kara stated seriously to him while pointing her wand closer into his face. He struggled his head back against the floor. Kara looked back at Lena who was shaking slightly.

"Are you okay Lena?"

Lena seemed to snap out of whatever held her captive and she nodded her head and came over to Kara. She bent down next to her and held onto her shoulders,

"I'm okay Kara. And Lex...I don't know what you think you're doing but it's over. How dare you come into here and attack Kara like this, for the second time I might add! You can't keep trying to control me. We aren't kids anymore Lex."

Lex struggled against the floor and grit his teeth," Lena stop it. You don't know what you're saying. It's always been me and you. You're a Luthor and this," he motioned towards Kara," will only stop you from reaching your full potential! I can take you there Lena."

Lena shook her head," I am fully capable of getting there by myself Lex. And I don't see how having someone like Kara who is there for me, cares for me, supports me...will stop me from reaching my potential." 

She grabbed onto Kara and helped her up and off of Lex," Come on Kara we're leaving. Lex I swear if you don't stay away from Kara you'll have no chance of having me in your life ever again. STAY. AWAY. FROM. HER." Lena had leaned in close to Lex's face and they stared at each other for a moment, some type of secret sibling conversation running between them, before Lena backed off and grabbed onto Kara. 

Kara kept her wand pointed at Lex, a hand in front Lena, as they made to leave the library. The small fight had caused other students to notice and someone had alerted the Professors. J'onzz came through the great large doors of the library and stopped by Kara. 

"Kara what's going on here, why are you bleeding?"

She hadn't noticed in the whole commotion that she had scrapped her lip and her hand was badly cut up. 

"Oh, I'm fine Professor," Kara stated looking down at her own hand noticing the cuts for the first time. Lena squeezed her arm and told J'onzz," It's him Professor," she said looking back at Lex who finally getting up off the floor, adjusting his cloak," he's attacked Kara twice with more than normal dueling spells, and used physical force on her in the library."

Professor J'onzz's face twitched slightly as he cared deeply about the Danver sisters. In a set face he said," Thank you Ms. Luthor. Professor Dumbledore will handle it from here. You two may go to Madame Pomfrey if you wish to check on your injuries Kara. I will escort Mr. Luthor."

Kara reached out to him," Thank you Professor. I'm okay honestly. But make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else will you?" He smiled at her and nodded his head. Kara and Lena left the library, Lena apologizing the entire way back to Kara's dormitory. Finally arriving at Kara's room she let Lena sit on her bed as she drew the curtains around them and casted a silencing charm. Kara took a seat on the bed leaning her head against her backboard as she winced at the pain in her hand.

"Kara you're still bleeding," Lena stated before getting closer to Kara on the bed to inspect her injuries. Kara sucked in a breath and found it hard to speak with Lena being so close.

She managed to get out a simple," I'm okay Lena. Honestly. You don't need to fuss."

"Oh hush Kara. It's the least I can do after everything you've done for me today."

Lena bandaged up Kara's hand and attended to the injury on Kara's lip while staring dreamily at it. Kara noticed that Lena even began to bite her own lip, she couldn't help but stare at the beauty before her. Both of them seemed to snap out of a trance as Kara said," Uh thank you Lena, for everything."

Lena leaned back,"No, thank you Kara. I'm so so sorry for what Lex's done. He won't be coming near us again."

"It's okay Lena. I'm sorry I jumped on him but I couldn't just sit there and watch him hurt you like that."

Lena leaned closer to Kara again," I know. Thank you for jumping in and protecting me Kara, even though it got you hurt," she leaned her forehead against Kara's grabbing the back of her neck with one hand to bring her face closer to hers,"thank you for saving me Supergirl."

Kara smiled and laughed with Lena,"Anytime Ms. Luthor. I'll always be here to protect you."

The air around them stilled, as they were both staring into each other eyes now. The whole world seemed to come to halt as Kara stared into Lena's beautiful big green eyes. Lena's mouth parted open slightly she seemed on the brink of saying or doing something. Kara soundly had a strong urge go through her body. They were so close, she could feel Lena's breath on her lips. 

Lena whispered into the air," Do you promise?"

Kara continued to be amaze at those beautiful delicate lips," Promise what?"

"To always be here."

Looking into those emerald green eyes she said," Always Lena."

Lena smiled deeply at Kara and she returned it. She leaned back suddenly and looked around her shyly, a tint of red coming to her cheeks,

"Uh I'm glad. I can't explain how it happened so fast seeing as we've only known each other for three months now but, I really...really care about you Kara."

The blush on Lena's cheeks spread out to her entire face now and Kara couldn't help but blush herself seeing how shy Lena was getting in her presence. 

It was Kara's turn to grab Lena gently by the back of her neck and bring her face back to hers so she could look her in her eyes as she said," I really care about you to Lena. You don't have to worry about me going anywhere. I plan on sticking around for awhile."

She gave Lena a bright smile and Lena lightened up and smiled back before Kara pulled her in for a hug. They sat there on her bed hugging for a few moments before Lean pulled back and said in a said voice,

"I guess I should head back to Ravenclaw."

She made to get up and off of Kara's bed but at the last second Kara reached out and grabbed her hand.

"You don't have to leave. I just got you back...stay with me. Tomorrow's Saturday, and a Hogsmead day. We can go together and spend some time at the shops."

Lena chewed her bottom lip hesitantly. 

Kara said in what she hope was a persuasive tone, "Only for the night."

Lena smiled and let Kara pull her back to bed next to her,"Only for the night."

That night they sat up talking like they had before, Kara making Lena laugh, Lena filling Kara's head with curiosity and wonder at her vast knowledge of all things. Later on in the night they laid side by side in Kara's bed. Kara gave Lena an oversized shirt she had from practice, to change into for the night. Trying to go to bed, Kara laid stiffly on her side, trying not to get into Lena's space, unsure if the girl wanted her too. Lena then complained that she was too cold and somehow Lena ended up pressing against Kara's body, hugging her from the side. They slept like that the entire night. Lena thought to herself that she could not remember the last time she had slept so good. 

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