Spy School - The Hidden Device

By EvilClyde

6.2K 141 128

A powerful device, dating back to the ancient Egyptians themselves, has resurfaced. The spy school team is ba... More

Mission Briefing
Triple Cross
Triangular Destruction
Missile Attack
Announcements Part 2
The Group - Kylie
Announcements Part 3


127 3 3
By EvilClyde

We left Erica to make sure Zqartx was tied up, and she was to interrogate him as soon as he woke up, since she was the only one that could beat him in a fight.

Mike, Zoe, and I made our way down the corridor. There wasn't any light source, so as we moved further down into the hallway, the silence felt almost unsettling, if not downright eery.

Suddenly, a small figure jumped out of a dark corner, startling us all. The figure said one word: "Hi", before Zoe lunged forward and grabs the figure in a chokehold. Mike and I advanced, slowly and cautiously.

"Ee-rk" said the figure, clawing at her throat.

Zoe released the hold, and the figure collapsed, gasping for air.

Then she took out a knife and waved it around, as if to say Don't mess with me, as she slowly backed off.

We all realized that this person wasn't working for SPYDER, so I yelled out, "Come, we won't hurt you. Just explain why your here."

The person said in a shaky tone, "Go away. I- I don't want your help."

The person suddenly bolted and ran through the maze of corridors, and we quickly followed in pursuit. After running around, the person suddenly stopped at a dead end, and we advanced. Desperation in her eyes, she threw her knife at us, and the aim was incredibly accurate, and I managed to dodge the shot. If my reactions were one millisecond slower, I would've been impaled.

The person curled up into a fetal position as we approached.

Zoe asked, "What's your name. We won't harm you."

The person didn't look assured, but said back sarcastically, "says the person who tried to strangle me."

"I was sorry, geez. You startled all of us." Zoe replied.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean you have to choke me." the figure said, still somewhat defensively.

Zoe looked at us for help

"Just tell us why your here." Mike said.

Surprisingly, the figure responded, "I ran away from the orphanage, and I climbed into a vent and ended up over here yesterday night. I thought you people could help me get away, but I was wrong. By the way, if your so willing to know, my name is Kylie."

We all looked at each other, thinking the same thing, SPYDER has a secret entrance through a vent?!! And for some unimaginable coincidence, this girl, Kylie, managed to disable all the security and make her way into SPYDER's lair?!!

We all thought for a moment, considering what to do with Kylie. The most reliable option was to send her back to the orphanage, but Kylie looked like she had taken a toll, mentally and physically, escaping that place.

There was one other option, and that was to recruit her. She did have the necessary skills, and she was good. But still... you didn't just recruit anyone random.

My fellow spies managed to come up with the same conclusion, and we all looked at each other. I decided to test one more thing.

"If you were to throw a small knife." I gestured towards her knife. "And you wanted it to impale a figure my height directly in the middle of the head from 10 meters away with enough force to render them unconscious but not enough to kill them, how would you throw it?"

The girl replied almost immediately, "12.9 degrees upward with a force of 4.29 Newtons. With a 3.4 degree spin" she said immediately.

"Alright." Mike said. "There's something we need to tell you..."

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