Twisted (Male Reader x Super...

By Phienix0629

55.8K 1.5K 964

In a world where heroes and villains exist with powers, (Y/n) (L/n) is just someone who wants to make the str... More

Meet the Characters
Meet the Characters (First Update)
An Explosive Encounter
Smoky Justice
Smoke Signals
A Future Polluted
A Flame Rekindled

A Day Off

2.4K 89 49
By Phienix0629

~(Y/n)'s POV~


I could feel myself waking up. Nooooo...

"Five more...minutes..." I muttered.

"AHEM!" I heard the same voice.

"May...I said five more minutes..."

"May...huh?" A familiar voice sounded.

That's...not May...Oh Shi—

I opened my eyes, the light burning my retinas. A silhouette came into view. Long, dark hair...ribbons holding them into twintails...Oh no--

My eyes widened when I realized who it was.

"C-Cass! What are you doing here?"

"Well, after knocking for five minutes, I let myself in with the key you gave me. We have plans today, remember?" A smile filled with malice spread across her face as her eyes closed. "Now, it's your turn. Who is that?"

She pointed at May who still had her head on my chest.

"L-Listen! It's not what it looks like!"

"I'd really love to know how this isn't what it looks like." Her eyebrow twitched.

I felt May start to stir awake. Her eyes slowly opened, and she looked at me, before a smile appeared on her face, and she pulled herself closer to me, while she rubbed her head into my chest.

"Good morning (Y/n)..." She sighed.

Cass's eye twitched again. "Again...please tell me how this is anything besides what it looks like."

I began to panic. Wait...why am I panicking? There's a perfectly good explanation for this! "Look! I-I told her to sleep in my bed! I volunteered to be a nice guy!"

"Really? It looks like she's in your pullout couch with you, wearing your clothes." Her fake smile disappeared, and an icy glare replaced it. "Don't lie to me."

"I-I'm not! I promise! Let me explain everything!"

For a girl with no powers, she really scares me more than any villain has, could, or ever will.

I explained to her about how May attempted to mug me, how I took her back here, and how we ended up in the same bed. May just nodded along from the table, eating cold pancakes from the morning before and adding unnecessary details about the mugging.

"I see." She looked between May and I. Then, she let out a sigh, that kind of sounded like a sigh of relief. "Sorry I misunderstood things."

"It's okay, I would probably have reacted the same way." I looked at May. "Uh, why don't you heat those up? Aren't cold pancakes kinda gross?"

"Heat...them up?" She looked at the pancakes, then put her hand on top. "Like this? With my body heat?"

"Um, no. I'm pretty sure only Ignite might be able to do that. Or anyone else with fire powers, which you clearly showed to me yesterday you don't have. Here, let me."

I took her pancakes, put my hand above the pancakes, and let out a gentle heat. I'm glad I learned how to control my heat output early on, There were quite a few accidents when I first started out. We shall never mention the shed from my parents house again...

"Here." I handed her the plate back. "There's syrup in the fridge."

She nodded and walked over to the fridge, and opened it. Then, she gasped.

"(Y/n)! Why is this big metal box so cold on the inside?"

"...She can't be serious." Cass said.

"Sadly, she is." I turned my attention to May. "That's what a fridge does, it keeps things cold so they don't go bad."

"Huh. What about this side then? Does it keep the food warm?" She opened the freezer. "(Y/N)! THIS SIDE'S EVEN COLDER! IS IT BROKEN?!"

I heard a facepalm from beside me.

"Uh, no. That's a freezer. It keeps food frozen which will make food last even longer than if it was in the fridge."

She pulled out a carton of ice cream.

"What's this?"

"Oh, come on! Ice cream too?" I sighed.

"I...scream?" She looked at the carton, then yelled at it. "HELLO! "

"This is getting ridiculous." Cass muttered.

"No! That's not how it works!" I got up from the table and took the ice cream from her. "Here, watch." I took the lid off, and got a spoon out of the silverware drawer and handed it to her. "Now, you eat it."

She looked skeptical, but took a spoonful and ate it. Her eyes immediately lit up.

"(Y/n)! This I scream is amazing!"

"Ice-cream." I corrected her. "And yes, I know. Anyways, I gotta go out with Cass, can I trust you to be here alone?"

She nodded, another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. This is surely gonna be a mistake. Eh...whatever.

"...Right. Well, let's go Cass."

We walked out the door, and I took one last look over my shoulder to see May waving at me with the spoon.

~Time Skip~

Cass and I were walking around the city. She wants to go shopping and get food. Her typical Saturday afternoon.

"Here you go!" Cass handed me a bag to carry...again. I have six different bags hanging from my arms and in my hands. This is usually what my Saturday afternoon is like, being Cass's bag carrier.

"Hey Cass? Don't you think that this is more than enough clothes?"

"What? No way! Winter is right around the corner, do you want me to freeze to death?" She whirled around.

"You've already bought three different scarfs, an ungodly amount of gloves, and two pairs of boots. And let's not forget the four jackets you've bought!" The weight of the bags didn't really bother me since I'm in pretty good shape being the number one hero in the city.

"Exactly! That isn't enough! Plus, I have to go buy new makeup for Winter too! I can't have my Fall complexion during Winter! I'll be the laughing stock of the university!"

"I really don't think they'd care that much." I sighed.

"You wouldn't understand, you're a boy." She shook her head. "If you love me, you'll keep carrying my bags!"

I sighed. She's really pulling that card. "Fine."

"Yay! Thank you!" She started skipping ahead.

"I'm picking where we're eating though!" I called out.

"We'll see!" She called back.

This must be what every boyfriend in a normal relationship goes through. Suddenly, I'm thankful that I have Douse. Most she ever asked of me was to not get myself killed, to save her when she's in trouble, and show her on a weirdly accurate doll of myself where Armory tries to touch me when I fight her. Why...does she even have that?

Suddenly, I remembered back to the time when we first met a year ago.


It was a beautiful day, near the beginning of when I first started to get real popular with the city and the villains.

I heard a loud crash in the distance. Luckily, I was in my hero costume since I had already been fighting a villain not too long beforehand. Damn you Armory, always eluding arrest and making me uncomfortable with all of your awkward advances.

I shook my head, trying to get her out of my mind, and focused on the path ahead.

When I get to the source of the crash, I whistle. An entire block of the city has been scrapped, rocks everywhere and puddles of water. I see a giant boulder of debris floating in the sky, and see a girl with long, beautiful, white hair, staring straight up at it. I recognized her from the news. It was a fellow hero, Douse.

She shot blasts of water at the boulder, but they just hit the rock and dispersed harmlessly. I've seen her cut through rock, so I figured she'd been fighting this creep for a while and was running out of...steam.

"Ahahahahahah!" The villain who was holding the boulder over her let out a stereotypical maniacal cackle. "That's it? Did you really think your little water jets could destroy my boulder?!" He launched the boulder forward, aiming directly at Douse.

Even from afar, I could see the terror in her eyes. That's when I decided I had to step in and save her.

I quickly ran between her and the boulder, I smirked and made finger guns with both my hands, small, candle sized flames appeared on the tips of the extended fingers. "Ignite used Flamethrower!" I laughed at my own joke as twin bolts of blue flames shot forward, digging into the boulder heading for the both of us. There was a split second of nothing but the sound of melting rock, then a boom as they reached the center and broke whatever hold the villain had on the rock. Debris and dust clouded the whole area around us.

When the dust settled, I was standing in front of Douse, back towards her. My attention was fully on the terrified villain.

"Huh? I-Ignite?! What are you doing here?!" The villain cried out. He looked around frantically, searching for a way to flee most likely. I was later told by Douse my cloak had burst into flames, and my body seemed to radiate heat when he was looking at me.

"Y'know...water types are supposed to be strong against rock, yet here's the fire type, stepping in." I looked over my shoulder and gave her a sly smirk. "You okay?"

She could only muster a nod, and I smiled. Then, I turned my attention back to the villain, a serious expression returning to my face.

"You sounded pretty damn confident a minute ago. Where'd all that confidence go?"

The villain's legs collapsed under him, and he tried crawling away.

"Ah, that's no fun, retreating when someone else shows up." I calmly walked towards him, one of my eyes apparently seemed to ignite in a dark red flame as I approached him.

"G-Get away from me!" He desperately flung small bits of debris at me.

"That's all you've got now? Really? After that little show earlier?" I dodged the rocks easily. "Man, just get the hell up. You're going to Foramin's, so how about we make this easier? We both know this will be the only easy part for you anyways."

There's a prison on a small island off the coast of the city that has cells that cancel out abilities or powers. It's known as Foramin Prison, and I've heard it's the closest the living get to being in Hell, at least, if you're there as a villain or ended up Twisted and unhinged.

"I-I can't! That place is terrible!"

I sighed. "Man, I gave you a chance to make it easier on the both of us." I shook my head. "Fine, we'll do this the hard way."

"What's the hard wa-" I ran behind him, and knocked him out in one swift jab to the back of his neck.

"I lied. There's no hard way for me, only a more painful way for you." I smiled. "Looks like you've...burnt out." I chuckled at my own pun.

I look up at Douse, and give her a thumbs up and a bright smile.

I turned back to the villain that's still knocked out on the ground, and right when I was about to pick him up like a sack of potatoes, I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"You saved me..." She whispered.

"I just did my job, nothing to it. We heroes look out for each other too." I felt my face heat up, and it definitely wasn't from my flames, Since I was using my full concentration on not burning the beauty hugging me from behind.

I felt her shake her head. "That doesn't matter." She turned me around, and brought her hands up to my mask.

"S-stop." I said. I can't let her see my face, though I was annoyed at my own actions of stopping her.

She smiled, and whispered, "I won't tell anyone. I'll even close my eyes first."

"But you barely know me..."

"Don't ruin this hot head..." She closed her eyes, and pulled my mask down. I closed my eyes as well. That's when I felt a warm sensation against my lips. That's some pretty damn good accuracy for a girl with her eyes closed if you ask me. She pulled away, and I brought my mask back up over the bottom half of my face.

"Why uh...." I felt my brain start to overheat.

She opened her eyes and smiled. "I don't know, it just felt...right."

That's when a flash followed by the whoop of a siren interrupted us. Douse's arms still around me. The cops had showed up to apprehend the incapacitated villain, and the news teams had a glint in their eye when they saw us.

"Well...this is gonna be interesting." I sighed.

However, Douse never let go of me and her smile never left her face.

~Flashback End~

For a few weeks after that, we decided to take things slow and get to know as much about each other as being a hero allowed us. Then, we eventually made it official. The media had a field day, and so did our fans, honestly, it was one of my favorite days.

I took out my phone I used purely for my hero contacts. Of course, I had the Twins for appearances, Levia, reluctantly I had Zephyr, and of course I had Douse at the very top. I had texted her immediately after getting away from Cass asking her to meet up so we could go on a date, and she happily agreed, though she said she had something going on and I had to wait a bit.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing? Come on!" Cass was waving at me from ahead.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." I jogged over to her, still holding her ten bags of unnecessary clothes.

"Isn't that tiring your arms out at all?"

"No, why would it?" I asked.

"Well, it is true that you're in great shape." She seemed to look me up and down, before shaking her head. "How are you so in shape, anyways?"

"Uh...I just found a workout that burns a lot of fat."

She eyed me skeptically. "Alright, whatever you say." She skipped ahead, humming a song. Then she stopped, and turned on her heel to face me.

"So, where do you want to get lunch?"

"I don't know, you can choose." I said.

"Well, it doesn't really matter to me."

"Hmmm, alright. How about Fall Cabin?"

"I don't know...they sell really greasy food and I'm trying to watch my diet."

"Fair enough, how about...Sunnyside Diner?"

"I went there last week..."

Oh great. It's gonna be one of these days.

"Oh! I got it!" I said.


"You have to guess." I gave her a sly wink.

"Hmmm..." She put her finger up to her chin. "One Hundred Options?"

Believe it or not, yes. That is the actual name, and yes, they do have one hundred options.

"Hey! You got it!" To be honest, I didn't have a place in mind, I was just gonna bring her to whatever place she said first.

"Yay! I love that place!" She ran up to me and hugged me. "You always know what I want!" She looked up at me and smiled.

Oh, sweet, innocent Cass. If only you knew. If only you knew.

~Time Skip~

Finally, the time came for mine and Douse's date. We got together in our normal attire, and went out for dinner.

"I have to say...whether you're in Skintight latex or normal civie's and your're still absolutely breathtaking."

She giggled. "Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." She put her elbow on the table, and leaned on her hand, looking at me with a smile across her face.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm just happy that we're able to have some normal nights like this."

I smiled. "I am too. It's not over after this either."

She blinked. "What do you mean?"

"You'll see." That's all I said.

"Come onnnn, just tell me! Please." She gave me puppy dog eyes.


"If I...did...that would ruin the surprise." It's so hard to say no to her.

She pouted. "Fine."

The waiter came by and took our orders.

"So, how was your day?" I asked.

"It was fine, actually. For once I didn't have any hero work to do, so that's nice." Douse said. We both agreed that we'd keep our names a secret for now, at least until we both feel comfortable with telling each other our names.

"That's great."

"What about you, how was your day?"

"Well, today was pretty uneventful, but you won't believe what happened last night."

"What do you mean?" She had a puzzled look on her face.

"Well, someone attempted to mug me."

She stared at me. "What?!"

"Hey, hey. It's fine. I took care of it. Melted her gun, which oddly enough was plastic."

"Oh, so you were never in real danger?"

" actually shot bullets."

"WHAT?!" She whispered. It was a rather loud whisper though.

"I don't know, I guess that was her power." I shrugged. "Anyways, I dealt with it, so there's nothing to worry about."

"...You're right. Sorry, I just love you so much, I couldn't imagine anything bad happening to you..."


A wide grin spread across my face, and put my hand over hers, slightly squeezing it. "I would never let anything happen to me. I could never leave you alone here and put you through that pain."

She smiled back, and put her other hand over mine. "I love you."

"I love you too."

~Time Skip~

"Are your eyes closed?" I asked, leading her by the hand to the surprise I have for her.

"Yes, yes. Where are you taking me."

"You'll see!"

She huffed.

"And...we're here!"

She opened her eyes, and they widened.

"Wow..." She walked forwards.

I brought her to a cliff that oversaw the entire city. At night, it's one of the most beautiful views around.

"This is...beautiful..."

I walked up beside her, and put my arm around her.

"Ignite..." She looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"That's not all."

"It's not?"

I rose my hand towards the sky, and let out a burst of colorful flames. Once it was high enough, it exploded into a bright firework.

"Woooow..." She looked up at the firework, her eyes sparkled like she was a child.

I let out a few more bursts, and pulled her closer to me.

She looked up at me again, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen was plastered on her face.

We slowly leaned in towards each other, until the distance was finally closed. A warm, fuzzy feeling spread across my chest.

My mind was racing, but there was one thing that was clear.

I really, really love this girl.


Phienix0629: Hello again! Thank you for reading chapter four of Twisted! I hope you enjoyed it! Now, updating is about to get a little harder for the future. We'll still try to at least get one chapter out weekly, but it will be getting a lot harder from here on out to update it. That's all I have to say, so I'll pass it off to Trenchcoat. Thanks again for reading!

Trench: Yo! So I'll elaborate, and be blunt. I'm why it's about to be difficult to get chapters out. Y'all don't know, but my Co-Author does, and now y'all, but I'm doing service in the US Army. I finished training a while back and I'm leaving for my duty station seven hours from now-- That station is in Guam, Which is far as hell, and it's timezone is fifteen hours ahead of what we both are used to operating at. We're still gonna aim to release once a week but don't yell at us if it takes a bit longer than that. Other than that, thank y'all so much for the support on this story, and please keep leaving comments, whether it be sarcastic, predictions, or just trying to chat one of us up, I myself love comments, it lets me know y'all are paying attention. Thank you all so much! 

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