witness || h.s.|| ON HOLD

By -acidharold

520K 12.6K 33K

"Do you hear me, Styles? You get in, you get out. No screw-ups, no loose ends, and no witnesses." ***** Harr... More

prologue|| best served cold
one || under your wing
two || the enemy of my enemy is my friend
three || not a trace
four || unforeseen destruction
five || dine & dash
six || in the shadows
seven || following your footsteps
eight || hide and seek
mood board
nine || houston, we have a problem
ten || one way or another
eleven || no more games
twelve || locked up
thirteen || a flicker in the dark
fourteen || I've got a golden ticket
fifteen || lesser of two evils
sixteen || clawing at the walls
seventeen || morning showers and awkward stares
eighteen || a blast from the past
nineteen || a trip down memory lane
twenty || idle time is the devil's play
twenty-one || one night to play pretend
twenty-two || the sun will rise and so will the shame
twenty-three || a stroll in the park
twenty-four || hell hath no fury
twenty-five || you burn me
twenty-six || off to work we go
twenty-seven || it's always good to see the neighbors
twenty-eight || tunnel vision
twenty-nine || high in the misty highlands
thirty || morning, sunshine
thirty-one || breathing in the bluebells
thirty-two || the cat's out of the bag
thirty-three || breaking and entering and leaving
thirty-four || run, run now.
thirty-five || freeze frame
thirty-six || through the dark
thirty-seven || bloody knuckles
thirty-eight || wash away the blood and cover you with kisses
thirty-nine || family troubles
forty || flashbacks
forty-one || bossman
forty-two || the house that built me (and broke me)
forty-three|| to whom it may concern...
forty-four || mission impossible
forty-five || I play rough
forty-six || runners, take your mark
forty-seven || doing the wrong thing, for the right reasons
forty-eight || ready for takeoff
fifty || any way the wind blows
fifty-one || fight night
fifty-two || cerro calderico ridge
fifty-three || fine dining
fifty- four || an angry woman is vindictive beyond measure
fifty-five || nobody puts baby in a corner
fifty-six || war of hearts
fifty-seven || in your arms, I feel safe
fifty-eight || storm the castle
fifty-nine || mr. worldwide
sixty || nine HAHAHA
sixty-one || itchin' on a photograph
sixty-two || lookin' at a ghost
sixty-three || my cherie amour
sixty-four || la vie en rose

forty-nine || mr. jones & me

4.8K 126 234
By -acidharold

the song for this chapter is "Mr. Jones," by Counting Crows :)


Mr Jones and me
Tell each other fairy tales
And we stare at the beautiful women
She's looking at you
Ah, no, no, she's looking at me



     Spain was even more beautiful than I had imagined it to be. The weather was perfect when we landed, with partially cloudy skies and a light breeze in the air. 

   Harry had a car waiting for us at the airport, although it was not what I was expecting at all. 

 I actually loved cars a lot, and so when I saw the 1976 Ford Bronco in a gunmetal blue color waiting for us at the airport, I was ecstatic, to say the least.

  "Harry! What? This car is beautiful! I thought we'd just get another black SUV or something!" I cried out, running down the stairs of the plane and towards the car. 

  I heard Harry chuckling from behind me.

  "I thought it'd be nice to switch it up a little bit, you like it?" he asked.

  "I love it!" I gushed, but then I suddenly remembered something.

  I turned around to find Harry next to me but brushed past him to go back up the stairs.

 "What are you doing?" He asked in confusion, but I continued my way back up into the plane.

  I peeked my head into the front of the plane where the pilot and copilot were still sat, and they both turned their heads towards me expectantly.

 "Thank you for a great flight," I smiled, and both of them instantly grew matching expressions on their faces.

  "Oh, well, of course, Ms. Bridges," Tim replied.

  "You can call me Tate, I hope you both have a safe flight back," I replied, giving them a small wave.

   "Okay then, Tate, thank you again, and I hope you and Harry stay safe while you are down here,  I am sure we will see you soon when you go to your next destination," Parker chimed in, and with one final goodbye, I turned and headed back down the stairs. 

   As I descended back down the narrow plane staircase, I found Harry still at the bottom waiting for me, beaming up at me.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked awkwardly.

 "Because that was really sweet. You're really sweet," he replied, placing his hand on the small of my back as I reached the last stair and then hopped onto the pavement. 

  I really didn't think much about thanking the pilots, it just seemed like the right thing to do. But I suppose when you work with people as Harry does, the tiniest act of kindness can seem monumental. 

   "You ready to go, baby?" He grinned as we walked towards the car.

 "Ready as I'll ever be," I joked back, pushing myself up on my toes to peck his cheek.

  He opened the door for me and helped me climb into the high sitting car, before shutting the door behind me and jogging around to the drivers' seat. 

   "So, where are we staying?" I asked, buckling the seatbelt and lounging back into the plushy white leather seats.

  "You'll see," he replied with a smirk on his lips, putting the car in drive and pulling out of the parking space, and heading to the exit of the small private airport.

   "How far is it?" I asked, feeling like the annoying little kid on a road trip. 

  "About an hour, you can take a nap if you want," he offered, and I smiled at the tempting idea.

 "Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly, feeling sort of bad that I usually slept through Harry and I's drives.

  "Yes, baby, I'm sure, get some sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there," he insisted, and that was all the confirmation I needed to slouch against the car door and drift off into a deep sleep.


   The sound of metal scraping on metal was ringing through my ears and sending chills up and down my spine. It was like nails on a chalkboard, but so much worse.

   The smell of mold and mildew filled the air and besides the agonizing sound of metal on metal, I could faintly hear droplets of water periodically hitting the cold cement floors. 

   My vision was blurry, it reminded me of when you first stand up in the morning, and everything is fuzzy, giving you a sort of temporary blindness.

  But I wasn't standing, and I had no idea if it was morning. All I knew was that my head was pounding, and I was freezing cold. 

 "Harry?" I croaked out weakly, my throat feeling so dry that trying to speak the words felt like tiny knives being dragged up and down my esophagus. 

  The metallic scraping was about to drive me mad, and I got no response to my calling for Harry.

 Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps was added to the mix of excruciating noises dancing around in my clouded head. 

   I saw a faint light beginning to illuminate the dark and moldy room, giving me the opportunity to determine that I was in a cell of some sort, although, as the light grew closer, I realized there were multiple cells, from what I could see, mine was the only one that was occupied.

   My observations were interrupted by the source of the footsteps coming into full view. It was a masked man, dressed in all black, with a small lantern hanging lazily off his index finger. 

   "Hello there, sweetness," he grinned darkly through the thick ski mask pulled over his face. 

 The metallic sound was way louder than his disgusting voice, and I brought my hands up to cover my ears, wanting the sound to just fucking stop.

 "What is that fucking sound?" I hissed.

  The man chuckled a bit before answering. "We had to use a metal brush to scrape some blood off of the cell bars a few cells down," he explained, and I slowly removed my hands from my ears, feeling even colder than before. 

  "Whose blood?" I asked with a bout of confidence, although I wasn't quite sure if I truly wanted to know the answer.

     The man leaned forward and clutched one of the bars with his free hand. "I think you were actually calling his name out earlier, Harry, was it?" He asked sickly.

    My heart suddenly felt as though it had been ripped out of my chest by the masked man and twisted around in his sinful hands.

     "Why?" I cried out, feeling the tears forming. "What the fuck do you want?" I sobbed.

 The man shrugged casually, looking unbothered by my display of distress. "I don't want anything anymore. I finally have my software, thanks to you two. So it would seem that I don't need you anymore either."

    I shrunk back in fear as the man pulled out a set of keys, twisting one of them in the lock and pushing the cell door open. 

   He had a menacing look on his face as he approached me, and I didn't know what feeling was worse; the fear of my impending death, or the fact that Harry had just been killed, but as he grew closer, I finally came to a conclusion.

   Losing Harry was far worse than any possible way that this man could kill me. 


    "Tate! Tate, wake up!" his familiar voice shouted as I finally came to my senses and felt his strong hand gently shaking my shoulder.

     I felt the same cloudiness that I had in my nightmare when I first woke up, but this time, my eyes adjusted and I was beyond grateful when the head of dark curly hair came into focus.

     Without warning, I lurched forward and threw my arms around Harry's neck, breathing in the comforting scent of his cologne, and instantly relaxing when I felt his arms wrap around me and begin to rub up and down my back.

  "Baby, what's wrong? You were crying out my name in your sleep, did you have a bad dream?" Harry asked, pulling away from me but keeping one hand on my shoulder, using the other to brush some hair that had fallen in front of my face behind my ear. 

  "A horrible nightmare. Do you remember one of the first nights in your flat when I had that nightmare?" I asked, studying his face closely, in fear that maybe I was still asleep.  

  Harry nodded in reply and waited for me to continue.

  I took in a deep breath, before slowly letting it out. "Well, it was kind of like that one, I woke up trapped in a cell this time though, but the same masked man was in it. And you, you were..." I trailed off, feeling the lump in my throat growing again, and before I could finish speaking, Harry brought me back into his arms and tucked his face into the crook of my neck.

   "Shh, baby. Whatever happened in that dream, it wasn't real. I'm right here, and you're right here with me, I've got you, it's okay," he whispered as he continued to rub up and down my back and soothe me in a way that only he knew how to. 

  I nodded against his shoulder for a few moments before finally pulling away.

  "I think I have something that will make you feel better," he grinned, "we're here."

I was so caught up in the aftershock of my nightmare that I hadn't even realized that we were in front of our hotel. I unbuckled my seatbelt and practically threw myself across Harry's lap to get a better look at it. 

  My jaw instantly dropped at the ornate structure of the building. It looked like something that belonged in a museum, and I meant that in the best way possible. 

  "Tate, you know we could actually just get out of the car, right? You don't have to do a plank across my lap, we are staying there," Harry teased, lightly patting my ass and chuckling a bit. 

  I awkwardly pushed myself back up and into a sitting position. 

 "Yeah, I know that, I'm just excited, dumbass. Way to kill my mojo," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. 

  Harry put his hands up defensively. "My bad, carry on with the mojo, stay here as long as you like. But I for one, am going to get our bags and head inside. Feel free to join me," he shrugged, unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door.

   I contemplated sitting in the car purely out of stubbornness, but it took me all of two seconds to throw my door open and run around the other side to chase after Harry, whose long legs were already striding over to the valet with the car keys in one hand, and our bags in the other. 

   I squinted up at the sign above the lobby doors and read the words aloud.

 "El capullo de rosa?" I hummed, looking up at Harry who had just finished handing the valet our car keys.

   He turned around to me and smiled. "It means, 'The Rosebud,'" he replied, and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

  He didn't have any idea why that name was significant to me, and it almost made it more special. He was my real-life rosebud, and with each moment that passed, I watched him come more into bloom.

   I followed Harry inside the lobby doors and was even more amazed by the interior of the hotel than I was with the exterior.

   My apartment at the Lotus was extremely nice and very beautiful, but this place made the Lotus look like a cardboard box, and I couldn't quite fathom that I would be staying here. 

  Harry suddenly leaned over to me and began to whisper into my ear.

  "When they ask for your name, say that it is Ella Jones, and my name is Camden Jones. I gave them fake names, that way, if anyone comes looking for us, our names won't show up in the hotel systems," he explained, and I nodded and grinned up at him.

  "Sounds good, Camden," I winked.

   Harry rolled his eyes and looped one of his arms around my waist, guiding me to the front desk.

  "Right this way, Ella," he chuckled, and I lightly nudged him with my elbow. 

 We reached the front desk and Harry unhooked his arm from my waist to lean it against the countertop of the front desk, slinging our bags lazily over his shoulder and smiling down at the receptionist looking up at us expectantly. 

   "Hello, my name is Valentina, how may I help you?" the beautiful receptionist asked. She had dark brown hair that was swept up into a loose low bun, with a ringlet of curls lightly framing either side of her face. 

  "Hello, Valentina. My name is Camden Jones, and this is my beautiful wife, Ella," he began, winking at me. 

   I don't know why hearing him call me his wife made the butterflies in my stomach feel like they were going to multiply until I burst, but it did. Even if it was just for pretend, even if we were using fake names, something about it sounded perfectly wonderful to my ears. 

   Harry looked away from me and turned back towards Valentina, who was smiling up at our little interaction.

 "We are here to check in to our room, if it isn't ready yet, that is perfectly fine. We will just explore this lovely hotel," he finished, giving her that award-winning Harry Styles smile. 

  "Of course, Mr. Jones, allow me to just check our system really quickly, and I will let you know!" She replied, already typing away on her computer.

  Moments later, she perked up again, a bright and beautiful smile on her face.

  "Alright, it looks like your room is ready! Do you need any assistance with your bags? Or would you prefer to take them yourselves?" She asked, looking back and forth between Harry and me.

   "We can take them ourselves, thank you though," Harry replied politely.

  "Wonderful! Here is your room key! You will be staying in suite number 514. The elevator is right down that hall, and once you reach the fifth floor, you will take a left to get to your suite," she instructed, handing Harry and me each a room key. 

   "Thank you so much, Valentina, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day," I replied, grinning at her.

  "Of course, I hope you do as well, Mr. and Mrs. Jones," she chirped back, and we gave her one final wave before turning around and heading towards the elevator.

   "Nice work, Mrs. Jones," Harry whispered, leaning down and kissing my cheek as we reached the elevator.

  "Not too shabby yourself, Mr. Jones," I teased back, and then I paused, and started laughing.

 "What are you getting on about?" Harry mused, smiling down at me.

     I managed to stifle my chuckles for a bit to whisper-sing. "Mr. Jones and me, tell each other fairy tales!"

    Harry reached his free hand up and facepalmed himself. "Oh fuck. I didn't even think about that. Something tells me I'm gonna be hearing that song for a while now," he laughed. 

   "Yes, yes you are," I replied, patting his chest and then stepping into the elevator, and pressing the number five.

  I felt Harry's eyes on me and I looked up to find him smirking down at me.

  "What?" I laughed, feeling myself blush under his stare.

   "Nothing, you just look really beautiful right now," he replied, and then took a step closer to me, pressing me against the elevator wall.

    "There's a lot of things I'd like to do to you right now," he whispered against my ear, and I already felt goosebumps running up and down my body.

   But then the elevator dinged and Harry pulled back to smile at me.

  "Too bad we're out of time though," he smirked.

    I huffed and smacked his chest.

  "Asshole," I muttered, storming past him through the now open elevator doors and taking a left towards our room. 

  I hear Harry chuckling like a madman behind me as he watched me frustratedly make my way down the hallway.

  "Oh, come on, baby!" He laughed. "Don't be mad!"

  I wasn't mad at all, just a tad bit sexually frustrated, but I chose to keep acting stubborn and kept storming down the hall until I finally reached the door marked 514.

   I quickly slid my key into the door and stepped inside, shutting it behind me. 

  I knew full well that Harry had his own key, but I had an idea.

     Before I had a chance to ogle at how beautiful the suite was, I quickly found the bathroom and stepped inside, locking it behind me. The bathroom was stunning, just like everything else in this hotel room, and I could not wait to soak in the beautiful bathtub that seemed to be calling my name. 

   I quickly stripped off my jumper and leggings, folding them and placing them on the counter, leaving me in just the matching light green bra and underwear set that I had on underneath. The color really amped up my already tanned skin, and I was thankful that Harry had grabbed some of my favorite sets from my drawer, even though at the time, I was horrified that he had been in my underwear drawer. Little did I know he'd be in my underwear later on.

    I heard the door to our room open and Harry's voice booming out.

  "Tate? Oh come on, are you actually this upset? Baby I didn't mean to make you mad, where are you?" he laughed, and I heard the sound of our bags thumping onto the ground.

  I hurriedly pulled my hair out of the sorry excuse for a bun on top of my head and ran my fingers through it a few times, jumping a bit when I heard the bathroom door handle begin to jiggle. 

    "Tate, Tate come on, open up. I know you're in there!" Harry called.

 I took this as my cue and I slowly walked towards the door, which was rattling under Harry's impatient hand on the other side, and I could just picture his face all scrunched up as he tried to open the door without breaking it. 

   I placed my hand on the doorknob and flicked the lock open, pulling it back to reveal an absolutely stunned Harry.

    I smirked at his reaction and placed one arm on the doorframe, and the other on my hip, looking him up and down lazily.

   "Can I help you?" I hummed in the most uninterested tone I could muster. 

 Harry cleared his throat, but his eyes remained wide and lustful as he drank in the sight of me in the doorframe.

  "Um, yeah. I could think of a few ways you could help me," he nodded, taking a step towards me.

   "Oh really?" I smirked, looping my arms around his neck and pulling him down closer to me.

 I connected our lips and began to deeply kiss him, ignoring the burning feeling in the pit of my stomach so that I could focus on the revenge that I had planned. 

   I allowed him to hook his arms under my legs and carry me over to the bathroom counter, feeling chills on my legs as the back of them connected with the cool countertop beneath them.

  I wrapped my legs tighter around Harry's waist pulling him in even closer to me and deepening the kiss, bringing my hands up to his hair and lightly tugging at his curls, causing a low moan to fall off of his lips and against my own, the heavenly sound of it almost causing me to abandon my plans.


    I moved my hands down to his chest, and then lower to his belt, running my fingers along his waistband and causing him to his softly and bite my lip, before letting go and continuing to kiss me.

   I then moved my hands back up to his chest and abruptly shoved him away from me, leaving him completely and utterly dumbfounded as he stared at me in confusion.

  And as though it was planned, suddenly, his phone began to ring. 

   I hopped off of the counter and grabbed my clothes, gripping them under one of my arms and walking up to Harry, who was still letting the phone ring and looking at me with his jaw slacked.

   I stepped up onto my tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before whispering the teasing words up at him.

    "Looks like we are out of time."

 And with that, I practically skipped out of the bathroom, leaving Harry just as frustrated as he had left me, and I couldn't help but chuckle when he finally answered the phone and I could hear the annoyance in his voice clear as day as he muttered out his passive-aggressive greeting.



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