Bound-on hold :S

By dragonsnbutterflies

534 5 2

In the moments that followed Liam felt a part of him awaken, a part he didn't know of. He didn't know of it... More

Chapter 2-Secrets and little chats

Chapter 1- School, girls, and the nurses office

122 0 0
By dragonsnbutterflies

(c) Copyright                                    



*Chapter 1*

School, girls, and the nurses office...

>>3 years later<<

Liam’s POV.

I’m awake. I’ve been awake for an hour now. I look at my clock. It’s 6:58. That gives me just under two minutes before the alarm goes off. I made that clock. I made it out of spare parts with my bare hands. I guess you could say I’m a ‘Child Prodigy’

Sigh* I’m a child prodigy and yet my dad still doesn’t notice me. I suppose I should be grateful though. My dad, after 3 years of nagging, and begging, has agreed to send me to school. It’s so frustrating that it took that long to convince my father to get rid of me for 6 hours every weekday...

I'm not quite sure what made me want to go to school so badly, but when I think about it a little voice in the back of my head tells me that it is because something changed in me that night 3 years ago.


My alarm broke through the silence and interrupted my thoughts. I smile; today is my first day of school.

 I got out of bed and headed out for my paper run. When I got back it was about 7:40, so I climbed back up the stairs to my room and took a shower.

After my shower I got dressed in my usual attire of t-shirt, jeans, and a pair on black converse. On the way out I slung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed a muesli bar. Once out the door I headed in the direction of the school I was starting at today. It was a private high school called "Starwick High" -after the town, and was supposed to be the best and most expensive in the area. What was different about this particular private school though, is that you don't have to wear a uniform.

My father had agreed to let me go to school on one condition, he chose the school. So he chose Starwick High and now I'm on my way over there. I'm pretty excited, but also a bit scared. I suppose that's natural.....isn't it? I mean, I'm starting at a new school...well, my first school actually, and I don't know anyone. After a 15 minute walk I reached the school. It was massive! And I am not exaggerating; I mean this school was huge! It had multiple paths leading up to large double door and had kids everywhere, most of them around my age.

Ignoring how intimidated I felt I walked towards the main door with long confident strides and began to actually feel ok....until suddenly I fell to the ground, bringing a short brunette with me... 

 Rikki's POV

I fell to the ground, landing on my back and hitting my head on a step. I cried out in pain and shock and noticed someone on top of me. I lifted my head to see who it was but cried out again as my head protested sending waves of pain through my body and black dots began to dance in front of my eyes.

The person on top of me got up quickly and accidentally knocked my head sending more pain through me. "Oh.....I'm so sorry! Uhh....." I heard a male voice say quite close to my head,I didn't recognize it, but when I opened my eyes to see who it was the light hurt my head so I closed them again.

"GET out of my way, excuse me, give 'em room to breathe, step back, go away. GGRRR....GET LOST! SCAT!" I mentally smiled, that was my best friend Ash. Her real name is Ashling but she says it makes her sound like Cinderella, I don't see her point but ah well, not many people do understand Ash. 

"And WHAT were you thinking? Knocking my best friend over like that? She probably has a concussion and at least FOUR broken bones." Silence "Ah well, never mind. Just help me get her to the nurse." I felt two large, warm hands lift me, one under my thighs and the other in between my shoulder blades.

It hurt badly but I tried not to make a noise as I knew they were just trying to help. "Oi! Gently now, GENTLY!" Cried Ash, I smiled again. Just being her overprotective self. "I'm trying, I'm trying. It's not easy with such a critic watching my every move." Said that voice again, but this time I didn't try to open my eyes, I knew it would just hurt more. After what seemed like ages of being carried, a door was knocked on, opened, and I was set down on a bed.

"Oh dear, what happened here?" Asked a voice I knew only too well, Nurse Godfrey, why did I know her so well you ask? Why, because I am a total klutz AND faint at the sight of blood so I get sent to the nurse's office a lot. "I, um, knocked her over and she hit her head on the step." "Oh...." I felt gently prodding hands on my head and I winced.

"Where does it hurt?" The nurse asked

"Ugh, everywhere" I groaned

"Now, now, don't exaggerate"

"I'm not"


"Fine! My head, back, and right ankle and wrist." I tried once again to open my eyes and the pain hit but not quite as strongly as before so I was able to see Nurse Godfrey standing over me when things came into focus.

She helped me sit up and I slowly looked around the room. Everything was the same as always, Ash was sitting in a waiting chair and Nurse Godfrey was examining me and my latest injury. I saw movement behind the nurse and I looked past her to see a tall boy standing awkwardly next to the chair Ash was sitting in.

He was well built and had gorgeous green eyes and a mop of messy golden blonde hair on the top of his head and a golden tan evenly covered his body. He was CUTE! No, massive understatement, he was HOT!

Liam's POV

I studied the girl's appearance as she sat up and looked around. She was petite, quite small, and had shiny black hair that reached her chest; her skin was pale with a slight tan. Her eyes were the most fascinating blue and her lips were a cute, neat, little bow shape under her nose. Then her eyes met mine and I looked away quickly.  "I'd better be going. See you later?" I said the last bit as a question.

"Yeah ok" The girl with black hair said at the same time as the freaky red head said:

"Heck no!" They looked at each other and the girl on the bed said "Sure, we'll see you later." So I smiled at her and left to get my schedule.

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