Don't Blink

By CapnJackHarkness

4.8K 347 862

But wouldn't a summary give it away? This is a Doctor Who fanfiction... But please recommend and read even if... More

[1] Stay Out Of Our Business
Credits And Dedications
1/Team Trench Coat And Timing
2/Betting and Babbling
3/Getting Off Topic!
4/ The Mystery Of The Time Lords
5/Blink and You're Dead
6/ Mirrors?!
7/A Mystery to Solve a Mystery
8/Time to Explore (Finally)
9/Meting DI Barnes
9/Meting DI Barnes (Full Chapter)
10/ What About The Victims?
11/ Sebastian Finds Out- I
12/Sebastian Finds Out- II
13/Sebastian Finds Out- III
15/The Angels Take London
16/"What's The Plan Of Action?"
17/Hold On.....
New Cover!!!
18/ No, Really, What's The Plan?
19/ Alright, Let's Get This Done!
dear readers

14/A Visit To The Victims

49 7 38
By CapnJackHarkness

Stream Story Of My Life, and another video you will get the next day. It's called Drag Me Down. Thank you.

The TARDIS started to quake. The cylindrical structure in the middle of the console room started to go up and down as the doctor entered the coordinates for their first location. 

One by one, the gang visited each of the victims, analysing every detail of the place every time they landed. The mad alien lowered the amount of power his beautiful machine used, and gave out when it landed as much as he safely could, so that their enemy couldn't sense it. The TARDIS was a source of an infinite amount of time energy, something Weeping Angels fed on. He couldn't risk them sensing it.

At first, both Sebastian and Alex would try and run out, but Jack always managed to pull them back in. They only stopped doing that in the last two visits to the victims. 

Jack explained that if they tried to rescue these people, then they would change the timeline. They both, being Flash fans, immediately stopped. Don't mess with the timeline, kids.

They saw Ruth Evans being taken by the Angels at the park's entrance. They saw Wanda Rodriguez disappear from the zoo, from the statues near the trash bins. They saw Ross Carter vanish into thin air, leaving an angel statue in his place. They saw Matt Wilson de-materialise, his girlfriend following him a second later, being replaced by two stone figures where they stood.

Sebastian would've been shocked at what the TARDIS could do, but he had the chance to marvel at it before. Right now, he just saw every detail he could see. He tried to absorb as much information as he could get in his brain. And that was a lot. The doctor just looked at the sciencey details, to try and think of a plan, an idea, to get those creatures out of London without any collateral damage. Jack was the same. Alex was just she'll shocked, mesmerised by yet disgusted at the Angels. But Sebastian? Being the detective, he took the important information regarding the situation around each victim. If he couldn't save the people under his protection, you'd be damn well sure he was going to avenge them.

Alex and Jack went away to book the hotel room for themselves and the doctor. They decided on a two single bed+extra bed room.
Sebastian and Doctor stayed in the TARDIS, not speaking for a long time. After what seemed to be forever, they spoke up together.

"They're everywhere."
"The Angels have surrounded the whole city. You would think that not every statue is our enemy, but in this case that's wrong. Every statue is the enemy after all." Sebastian spoke at an astonishing speed.

"London's their feeding ground. They're going to take away every londoner and they're gonna block the system, they're upsetting the natural order. Soon enough, they won't be able to send people back in time." The Doctor realised, matching Sebastian's pace.

"We need to tell this to the team."
"The team? I thought we were going with gang..."
"Whatever, we just need to tell these guys!"
"Can't it wait till morning?"

Truth be told, the Doctor was just tired. He was so tired, the whole day had been a disaster. He wouldn't even call it an adventure, that's how tired he was. He just wanted to hit the bed and go back to sleep. But Jalex (not an alien species, a ship name he thought of for Jack and Alex) thought it would be better if Sebastian had a hotel room to visit every time he had to visit. Better than knocking on a police booth which technically didn't even exist anymore, considering they were used in the 1960s.

Finally Jalex returned. The Doctor went away with them to the hotel room. The boys took the bed and Alex went to floor bed (jack tried to disagree but she insisted, so jack finally relented).

Sebastian, on the other hand, took a taxi home after coming out of the TARDIS. He reached home, took a nice relaxing shower and got dressed for bed. The team (yes he was still calling it that, whatever) had already had dinner together, so he just had some tea and went to sleep.

Short chapter for now, I just really felt the need to update right now.(Well now I updated so it's long again!! WHOOHOO!)
AND EVERY NIGHT- *coughs cuz I'm sick*
It's just
I just got obsessed
Sorry again
Nvm again
So... If I feel like it, or, soon, get more ideas, I'll update with a longer chapter. I'll just add onto this, don't worry 🤠👍!!!!!
See ya later guys!

11th November, 2020

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