Assassin's Creed Oneshots [RE...

By IOwnHell

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Taking Requests!
Imagine #1: Altaรฏr
Imagine #2: Thatch ("Blackbeard")
Imagine #3: Leonardo Da Vinci
What a bit of wishing can do: Haytham Kenway
Request prompts
(REQUESTED) Jacob Frye x Reader
A/N Please read, its really important for everybody to know
(REQUESTED) Altaรฏr Ibn-La'Ahad x Reader
๐Ÿ‹Well, haven't the tables turned: Ezio Auditore
Time: Evie Frye
You didn't even fight for me: Arno Dorian
Important A/N about these oneshots, please read.

Imagine #4: Desmond Miles

71 1 3
By IOwnHell

You can play the song above, if you want. But the song kinda fits with the story
Prompt/Request: Soulmate AU where when you write on your skin with pen/marker/whatever the hell you want, it will show up on your soulmate's skin as well
Pairing: Desmond Miles x Reader
Relationship: Soulmates
Requested: Nope
Warnings: ⚠️Suggestive Content, Swearing, Attempted Rape, ANGST, Sensitive Themes, Mentions Of Self-Harm and Suicidal Thoughts, Mentions of  Attempted Suicide, Death. ⚠️
Notes: This is not gonna be in Europe I wanna make it in Chicago. I saw this on Tumblr and I thought this would be a great idea for a oneshot with Desmond. Liam is a random name I thought of, it has no relevance with AC Rogue. And this has some weird storyline to it and I honestly dont know why I wrote this so weirdly, so don't mind the cliche-ness and stupid-ness in this.
(W/N1)= Woman Name 1
(W/N2)= Woman Name 2
(W/N3)=Woman Name 3
Pronouns: She/Her

     You loved your job, a casual barista at Starbucks in the morning. A DJ for a nightclub after dark. Yes you would admit that you are overworking yourself but you don't mind the pressure. Plus with every new job and new step forwards you always felt like you were one step forwards as to meeting your soulmate. Assuming he has the same tattoo on his left arm.
Yeah, you woke up one day around 1pm and felt a needle-like pain in your left arm. You looked over and apparently your soulmate had gotten a tattoo. You had scrambled around for a pen and wrote on your hand, 'Wow nice tattoo, I think I might actually like a tattoo, thanks for doing it for me!' Even though the tattoo wasn't finished you knew it was gonna look nice. You didn't get a response until a few hours later. 'Oh, I actually forgot about the whole soulmate thing while I was getting the tattoo. Sorry if it hurt too much.' Was what you got back. You had talked for over a few hours before you said you need to get ready for work. Apparently he had to also. You bid your goodbyes and got ready for work.
And now that leaves us a few weeks later into the present and getting ready for work. You had gotten dressed up in something decent. Black long sleeve (Favourite Band) shirt, and overall-shorts, tights, along with an oversized jacket to top it all off, you grabbed your heavy-ass duffle bag and everything else you could need, laptop, keys, phone, tablet, chargers.
You walked all your stuff out to your truck and got everything in place and closed the tailgate and walked around to the drivers seat. You got in and put the keys in the slot and turned as the engine roared to life.

You had gotten to the night club you worked at 'Bad Weather." You had grown accustomed to the ways of this place and now you didn't mind it. You placed a foot on the back right tire and hopped up and grabbed your duffle bag. You then locked your truck and walked inside. You were greeted by the one of the Bartenders, Liam, and you forced a smiled and waved to him as you walked over to your station and started to set up. Once you were done you went and sat at the bar and ordered a drink and waited for 8 o'clock to hit so you can start setting up music.
     Liam was on until 9, you wished it was earlier because he wasn't the nicest to women. He thought he was such a womanizer but he was pretty much the opposite.
     People started slowly coming in as you sat at the bar and drank one Sunset Martini. As you were just finishing your Martini, Liam decided to come over and sling his arm around your shoulder. "So a little birdie told me that you haven't found your soulmate yet, maybe it could be me~" He flirted.
     You seemed disgusted. "I do have a soulmate that isn't you, sorry." You mumbled as you turned away. He turned you chair back and made you look at him.
     "Guaranteed I can treat you better than your soulmate~" he hummed as he leaned in and kissed your neck. You squirmed and pushed him away.
     "Stop, I don't want this." You said whilst pushing him away. He persisted and wrapped his arms around your waist and started to trail down from your neck. "I said stop it!" You exclaimed while pushing his head away along with his body. He kept persisting and eventually picked you up and carried you to the bathroom and pinned you against the stall doors. You kept struggling until he hit you over the side of the head. It made you dizzy and you were vulnerable for just a few moments and he used the advantage.
     You weakly struggled against him as he got your overall straps down and was trying to take off your shirt, he did get it off but before he could take off your bra, you came to your senses and pushed him away and he dropped you. You quickly screamed for help and was scrambling to the door and screaming for help.
     There were multiple footsteps as the bathroom door slammed open to reveal multiple women and a definitely gay-looking business-man. All the women went over and got Liam on the ground and started kicking him. The business man came over and took his rainbow jacket off and wrapped it around you. You really only got a good look at who it was, It was your boss and the women were some of the waitresses and dancers here.  Your boss helped you up and walked over and signalled for the women to stop.
     "Liam, you're fired. And if you set one foot on the property I'm calling the police and saying you were trespassing. Get out of here." He ordered. As you looked shocked. Liam scrambled to the door and left. The boss looked at you with an apologetic look. "I sorry that happened to you Hun." He said as he placed a hesitant hand on your shoulder reassuringly.
     "It's okay." You said as you looked up at him with a small smile. He gave you the 'Really sis?' Look. He knew it wasn't ok. You sighed and hugged him. He hugged you back and the women hugged you also.
     Soon the let go and your boss turned to you. "Now Hun, Im gonna let you get redressed. And if you want the girls want to help you, they can and will. Hun, if you want to head home that is understandable. But if you will excuse me, I have to call Desmond in early." He said as he pretty much booped your nose and turned and left.
     That reminded you of your job. You grabbed your shirt and took off the rainbow jacket and pulled on your band shirt and slid the straps of your overalls. As you were just finishing up one of the women spoke up. "Now your tattoo reminds me of something. I saw it somewhere." She said. You turned and looked at her with wide eyes.
     "Where?" You asked quickly.
     "I don't remember, I just know I've seen it somewhere." She replied. You sighed and chuckled. "Thank you anyway (W/N1)." You smiled. "Am I missing anything?" You ask.
     "You look wonderful as always." (W/N3) said with a big grin.
     "Yeah!" (W/N2) said energetically. She was the youngest by a year or so but still so full of energy.
     "Thanks you guys." You smiled. "Now if you will excuse me, I have music to play." You said with a smile. They all held each other's hand and (W/N2) grabbed your hand and they all walked out and dragged you in the process. You all passed your boss and you quickly tossed him his jacket and he waved to you.
     You looked at who he was talking to and there was Desmond standing there. He gave you a small wave along with a goofy smile and you waved back as the girls pulled you along to your station. They let you go and you walked up to the area and set your things up. Once you were done you hooked up a mic and put on your upbeat persona. "Whats going on!" You asked over the mic.
People started to cheer and bang on the tables with their fists. You smiled and started up some music.

     It was about 11:30 now and you kept playing different songs, all were upbeat. But now you needed to take a small break and get a drink to keep yourself up. You put a few songs on next and left the DJ booth and walked to the bar and sat down. You ordered a regular beer and searched around for a pen and wrote on your arm. 'Hi, I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing?' You wrote.
     You put the pen down and took a swig of your beer and let your tense muscles relax. "Hey can I borrow that?" Desmond asked. You looked at him and rolled it towards him with a smile
"Sure, go ahead."
"Thanks." He responded as he grabbed the pen and walked over and leaned against the counter and wrote on his arm. You soon finished your drink as you looked to your arm and there was writing. You smiled at what was written. 'Im doing good, how about you?' While you were looking for something to write with one more thing popped up on your arm.

'Found you'

You looked around and your eyes came in contact with Desmond's eyes. He walked over and lifted up his left sleeve and it revealed the same tattoo you had in the same spot. You sat there in shock. He chuckled as he lifted up your left sleeve and it revealed the same tattoo.
     Your hands went to your face and you started to cry. You were so happy. Desmond looked shocked and went around the bar and hugged you. You started to cry and you hugged him tightly. "It's nice to meet you, soulmate." he chuckled.
     "I-It's nice to meet you too, soulmate." You pulled away and wiped your tears.
     "Can I kiss you or is it too soon?" He asked. You giggled and gently cupped his face and gently kissed him. He immediately kissed you back. You felt complete. Some of the waitresses looked over and started clapping. You both slowly pulled away. You looked around and giggled.
"That was like something out of a movie!" Your boss said with a clap of his hands. "I'll give you two the rest of the night off, but you both will work double next week." He said with a smile. You nodded and looked at Desmond. He nodded as well and hugged you again.

Everything was complete

Bonus Angst

You were supposed to be getting married. But then everything went to shit. You'd try writing but there was never an answer. Whatsoever. No answer even when you'd push the pen into your skin. Still no response.
You were worried out of your mind, you had done searches and everything, but you couldn't find Desmond. It had been months since he went missing. He went missing about a week after he bought that motorcycle. You hadn't slept in a while and only slept when you passed out from exhaustion.
You often were out looking for Desmond and searching everywhere and asking everybody if they saw him. Eventually someone did see something but that only led you to Europe and at a dead end. You still looked and asked. No leads whatsoever.
You knew one day that something was wrong. It was December 12 and that was the hottest day you'd ever felt in your life. But then suddenly it went back to normal temperature. You felt as if you lost your soul. Everything hurt. Your body was shutting down, you started to fall down and people around noticed. They all came to your aid as you cried in pain. Everyone and yourself seemed to notice that the writing on your arms faded and the tattoo on your left arm faded and turned into a scar.
Desmond was gone. The man you loved. The man you cherished and held so close was gone. You cried and cried hard. Eventually someone helped you up and hugged you. A few others did too. You sobbed so much that night.
You barely slept or ate. You dropped into a deep depression. You actually resulted in cutting. You were crushed and heartbroken. Your body twisted and churned because you never ate.
You had rented out a place for a few months because you were in no shape to head back to Chicago. You had your own safe haven.
At some point in time an older looking man and a raven haired woman and a dirty blonde man with a bag showed up at your door. "We are looking for a Mrs. (Y/N) Miles?" The older man said.
     You looked away and said. "Its Ms. (Y/N), (L/N) actually." You chuckled sadly. "I never had the chance to become a Miles." You said as you looked back at them.
     The Raven haired girl walked up to you and hugged you, you tensed. "I'm really sorry (Y/N), Desmond talked so highly of you." She had said. You were holding back tears, the raven haired girl let go gently and held your shoulders gently.
     "Where do you know Dessy from?" You ask.
     "We worked with him to try and stop the world from ending. He saved the world." The dirty blonde man had said bluntly, he was definitely British. You were shocked as you looked at him.
     "What's your guy's names?" You asked.
     "I'm Rebecca." The Raven haired woman said.
     "I'm Shaun." The dirty blonde man had said to you as he held out his hand for you to shake. You gently reached over and shook his hand.
     "And I'm William, Desmond's father. He spoke so much about you and how happy you were. I am sorry for how much this might be to take in." He apologized.
     "It's ok, and it's nice to meet you all. I'm not as happy as I used to be but it's nice to meet Dessy's friends." You said with a fake smile.
     Rebecca hugged you again. You slowly hugged back. "Oh and (Y/N)." Shaun said as he pulled the bag off his shoulder. "These were his and I though you would want to have them." Shaun said as he handed you the bag.
     "Oh, you three can come in." You said as you shuffled to the side so they can come in. You closed the door behind them as they went and sat at the kitchen table. You went into the kitchen and set the bag on the counter and unzipped it.
     There inside the bag was some sort of bracer. You gently took it out and set it on the counter. You saw his signature white hoodie with the sewn eagle on the back. You started to cry as you clutched the hoodie to your chest. You cried quietly before you were pulled into a hug. You didn't care who it was. You just cried, you honestly had enough with this life. Life wasn't worth living if Desmond wasn't in it.
     "There was also one more thing he wanted to give you before the wedding." William said as he reached into the bag and pulled out a big yellow-orange envelope and handed it to you. You wiped your eyes and gently opened the envelope and there was printed photos of you and him, a bunch of letters he wrote and before you were about to put the packaging down you heard a rattling.
     You reached back in and pulled out a sphere necklace. You opened it and it was of pictures of you and Desmond. On your first date. On your 6 month anniversary. On your 1 year anniversary. When both of you were at a fair. And finally a photo of you and him on the ferris wheel after he proposed.
     You sobbed and clutched it. You couldn't handle it. You hugged William back and cried. He just held you gently and let you cry it out. He was trying to be as reassuring as possible.

     There were many days you thought of ending it and being with Desmond. You wished you were with him in total honesty. But you slowly got better. You kept your mind off things while helping Shaun and Rebecca with taking down Abstergo. You were an assassin now and you were determined to take down any templars with any connections, you made your way up the ladder with every assassination of a Templar.
     You wore Desmond's hidden blade and hoodie. You never took off your engagement ring and necklace. You cherished every one of those items. It would break your heart even more if you lost any, so you always kept them on you.
     Despite all that. You kept gathering information and taking down Templars. But at this very moment you needed to get back to Shaun and Rebecca. You had gripped the bag with a load of documents on your back as you hopped on your motorcycle (Desmond's old one) and started the engine as it roared to life and you quickly sped off. You were definitely going above the speed limit. You kept going though.
     You looked up ahead and saw the lights were turning yellow. You sped up and were so sure that you could make it. But everything fell at the moment the other lights turned green as you were coming up. You had made it 1/4 of the way through the intersection and a red truck came at you and smashed into the side of you and your motorcycle.
     You went flying and it almost seemed as everything was going in slow motion. You hit the ground with an audible crack, multiple actually. You hit your head on the concrete and you were fading in and out.
     People came running over and calling 911 and trying to help. You were so damn weak. You couldn't move a muscle. Everything hurt.
     You mustered up the strength and spoke. "Y-You." You had said while pointing to a male. He immediately looked at you and everyone was quiet. "Take t-this bag off of me.... and go to (Address cuz Im lazy) and.. knock on the door and ask for Deikun (Dee•Kun), t-tell him what h-happened here and that I-I'm sorry." You said as the all look mortified. You weakly smiled.
     "Wait no! Ma'am! Stay awake! Help is on the way, just keep your eyes open and don't close them!" A woman exclaimed.
     You chuckled weakly and spoke gently and quietly. "No, I-I want to be w-with my soulmate. I-I haven't seen h-him in so long." You smiled as you slowly drifted off to sleep. You feel yourself falling and falling and falling further into the grasp of death. You've been waiting to feel this for so long.
     All the pain and suffering. All the hardships you've gone through in a few months. Nearly dying by your own hand on multiple occasions and nearly dying by someone else's twice as much. You've waited so long to lie down and sleep for eternity.

     "(Y/N)?" You hear Desmond's voice. You turn and smile as you run to him and hug him tightly. You were home.

(No joke I was crying while writing this. Anyways, Im gonna hit the hay. Its 3 in the morning and I need to be up semi early.)

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