(REQUESTED) Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Reader

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Prompt/Request: Hi again, I liked your Jacob one, thanks again! Anyways could I request another? But this time with Altaïr?
"I can't believe I'm snowed in. With you"
And "Stop being so stubborn!"
Where the AU is modern and the reader's sibling has their friend Altaïr over for a sleepover . And Altaïr and the reader hate each other and when the reader's sibling leaves early for work and it starts to snow? and ya know, eventually get snowed in while theyre still asleep?
Thanks again!!
Pairing: Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x reader
Relationship: Hate(Secretly Love but they don't know that the other likes them back)
Requested: loverofvideogames
Warnings: Sass, Swearing, Cleithrophobia(Fear of being trapped), Panic attack
Notes: (S/N) stands for Sibling Name. This one was also really fun to write, if you have any requests, the request page is open, feel free to look at it and request one or more phrases with the character you want!
Pronouns: She/Her. Sibling will be They/Them

You immediately jumped up and pulled on a huge hoodie and fixed your shorts when you had heard the doorbell ring. "I got it!" You shouted to your sibling (S/N).
"WAIT! (Y/N)!! I DON'T THINK YOU WANT TO ANSWER-" They were cut off by a loud.
"What. The. Fuck!?" You shouted. Your sibling immediately started to laugh. You slammed the door and rushed to (S/N). "Why the fuck is that fucker doing here!!?" You yelled at your sibling.
"Well I thought he could come over for a sleepover and we could eat snacks and watch movies." They shrugged. "And I did it to piss you off like a good big sibling would do" They smiled.
     "I could strangle you!" You shouted as you stepped forwards and reached your hands forwards and gripped their neck and tried to choke them. They were laughing as they were struggling to breathe. Suddenly you were pulled away from them and apprehended by being tripped and pinned to the ground with your right cheek against the floor and your arms being pinned to your back.
     You struggled to breathe as you had the wind knocked out of you. "You shouldn't try and strangle (S/N)." Altaïr said plainly as you scoffed. "It might land you in some hot water" He had commented a few seconds after.
     "Nooooooo" you said with sarcasm lacing every part of your voice. He was forced to let you up because of your sibling pulling him off. "Fuck you, you asstwat" You huffed as you stood up and took in his full appearance.
     He was wearing a pair of baggy blue jeans and his signature white hoodie with his hood up. His amber eyes stared into your (E/C) one's.
"Fuck you too dumbass" He grumbled as he squirmed to get (S/N) to let him go. You snickered at his smol anger issues, it was always amusing to watch. Yes you will admit, he is attractive and you may or may not have liked him for a few years. But you hid those feelings with sarcasm, sass, and attitude. You had made it seem like you hated him, when in truth. You adored him. To his scruffy-looking nature, to his mesmerizing facial features.
     "Well since you have this asstwat over I'm going to go to (F/N)'s" You said as you started to walk to your room for your things.
     "Nuh-uh, (Y/N), get your sorry arse over here" Your sibling said pulling at the back of your hoodie, pulling you back. "You are staying home, you have to finish those papers for your boss, remember?" Your sibling said.
     "McBitchface can wait, she doesn't need the papers right now and she probably doesn't care. She's probably slugging it off with department B's manager." You snapped as you crossed your arms and started at your slightly taller sibling. You heard a snicker and look over at Altaïr. "What are you laughing at, asstwat?" You ask. A few seconds later (S/N) was snickering too. "What the fuck am I missing?!" You shout.
     Altaïr almost started laughing. You huffed and stormed off to the bathroom. You looked at yourself through the mirror and saw nothing. You left the bathroom and went back to your sibling and Altaïr. "You only started laughing to throw me off!" You snapped.
     Your sibling immediately started laughing. You huffed and stormed off into your room and slammed your door behind you and flopped down on your bed. You laid there for a couple minutes before grabbing another pillow and curling up around the pillow whilst clutching it to your chest. As much as you hated Altaïr, you loved him too. That goes for your sibling also. But your love for your sibling is different to you love for Altaïr.
     You love Altaïr, you would do anything for him(you wouldn't actually admit it though) but you would do anything for him. Be anything he needs. Get him anything he needs or wants. You would do anything for that man.
You don't know how long you had been in your room sulking. You nearly fell asleep until your door was slammed open. You jolted up and looked at who was at your door. "Your sibling wants you to come watch a movie with us" Altaïr huffed.
"Nope, nu-uh. As long as you're there I'm not going, asstwat" You mumbled as you flopped back down and cuddled your pillow.
Altaïr was about to say something but your sibling butted in and shouted. "(Y/N) get your arse down here before I confiscate your snack stash!" You groaned and sat up. You mumbled profanities as you grabbed two pillows, a heated blanket, and your (F/C) slippers. You walked past Altaïr whilst barely shoving him with your shoulder.
You walked into the living room and placed a pillow down on the couch and wrapped yourself up in your blanket and clutched your pillow and flopped on the couch. "What are we watching?" You huffed.
"We're watching (Favourite movie)." They shrugged. "Not the best but it will do, and I know it's the only movie that will keep you in the same room as Altaïr" They chuckled.
"Is that the only reason? Like at all? Not even to try and spend time with your sister?" You ask. They shook their head no. You sighed.
"Move your legs, Dumbass" Altaïr said monotonously. You stuck your tongue out at him and mumbled a 'no'. He grumbled. "If you don't move legs feet then I will sit on them." He threatened. You moved your legs and he sat down. The moment you sat down you put your calves in his lap and chuckled. He mumbled curses in Arabic and crossed his arms as your sibling started the movie.
     You snickered in glee. You actually won something against him. You watched the movie and slowly fell asleep. God you need sleep. You let the pull of unconsciousness pull you down.
     As Altaïr watched the movie he soon heard soft snores. He looked over at your sibling, to see them wide awake. He looked over to you. You were asleep, and snoring softly. He smiled softly. He immediately turned and looked at your sibling once he heard chuckling. "Soooooooo" They started. "When are ya gonna tell her?" They asked whilst wiggling their eyebrows at him.
     "I'm not, that's just it" He shrugged. "She hates me, she wouldn't like me" He said sadly.
"Altaïr, I can tell you for a fact that she does not hate you." Your sibling confessed. "Im sorry (Y/N), I know you didn't want me to tell. But.... Altaïr, she doesn't hate you, she likes you back. Trust me. She talks about you all the time and how she feels bad sometimes when she gets angry at you to cover up how she feels." They sigh. "She also feels the same way you do, that the other doesn't like them back" Your sibling confessed.
Altaïr was struck silent. You liked him back? Damn, if he would've known sooner he would have spoken up sooner. Your sibling smirked at him. He was about to say something but he couldn't speak, nothing came out. Your sibling smirked. "Just sleep out here." They chuckled. "Guaranteed if you move she'll wake up." Your sibling smiled. "Anyways, I'm heading to bed and you can have the tv in here. I'm gonna be up early and I might have to go into work since the boss is having problems with Brenda. So if I'm not here in the morning then you know I'm at work. Also you can turn up the thermostat because it's gonna snow tomorrow" They smiled. "Okgoodnighhhttt" They said quickly as quickly got up and bolted to their room.
Altaïr sighed and looked at you and reached over and fiddled with your hair for about 5 minutes and then slowly fell asleep.

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