Imagine #1: Altaïr

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Prompt/Request: Imagine Altaïr holding you close, after nearly losing you in battle
Pairing: Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Reader
Relationship: Love interests to Lovers
Requested: Nope, wanted to give a sample of my work
Warnings: Violence, Altaïr's Rage??
Notes: I wanted to give a sample of my work before anything. But I have a Few imagines(I got carried away while finding them) to show my work.
Pronouns: Not specified

      You got into bed, pulling the thin cloth over your almost bare body, you cuddled up and tried to conserve heat. It was a cold fall evening and you were not having it. Your eyes closed for maybe ten seconds before there were heavy footsteps running down the hallway. You were gonna ignore it before your door was swung open with such force it should've broken it. "Get up! We are under attack!" A random Novice shouted.
     You jumped up as he closed the door and ran down the stone hallway. You quickly put on your robes and fastened it to your body. You tied your sash quickly and grabbed your sword and slipped on your Hidden Blade. You pulled up your hood and slipped your feet into your boots before fastening them and running out the door grabbing your belt holding your throwing knives, fastening it on as you ran.
     You ran down to the entrance as fast as you could and ran up to the closest novice and asked. "How close are they?" he trembled and was about to say something before the old castles defences were broken down and Templar soldiers ran into the courtyard and around the practice ring. You muttered small cursed before running out.
You jumped over the railing and landed on a Templar attacking a student of yours. You quickly stabbed him in the neck with your Hidden Blade and got up and ran towards the gate, killing any Templars on the way. You shoved your way through and killed a couple more Templars with a sword to the neck, gut, and straight through the heart. You ran down the hill killing off any Templars in your way.
You had only one thought in your mind. I have to defend the townspeople! You only thought of them. It was your job if an attack ever happened, Al Mualim assigned you that place as soon as he brought up responsibilities. You ran down the hill and killed a couple more Templars that were harassing a few townspeople.
You saw a commander about 15 paces away. You immediately took the opportunity to bolt at him and tackle him to the ground. You unsheathed your Hidden Blade and went in for the kill. But you never felt the tenseness of the blade in the man's flesh. Instead you were the one being stabbed within the blink of an eye. You faltered as the Templar shoved you off him. You gripped your wound as you tried to get up. He took your weak state as an opening, he kicked you in the ribs, in return you fell back to the ground. You gasped for air as he kicked you again and again and again and again.
You only came to find out too late, that he was kicking you towards a ledge. The last thing you saw was your love interest and only friend left, tackle the Templar to the ground. You felt was the air rushing passed your body and ruffling your robe and hood before your shoulder came in contact with something stiff. You started to spin and hit your head knocking you unconscious.
Altaïr snapped when he first saw the Templar kick you. He was up in one of the towers giving orders when he looked and saw a figure running, He immediately recognized that it was you. He watched as you fought mercilessly. But as you were about to end the Templar Commander he saw the Templar pull a stunt and stab you. He knew you could hold your own but he only snapped then the Templar kicked you the first time. He ran down the tower and out into the courtyard.
He found violently as he rushed to get to you. He knew what the Templar was gonna pull. He made it to where he only saw you being kicked over the edge. He quickly tackled the Templar down and quickly slid the Hidden Blade on his left wrist into the Templar's neck. He rushed over to where he saw you go over the edge. He saw you on a small ledge about 20 metres below him. He looked for a way to get to you but couldn't find one.
He was about to go around but another Templar had the balls to try and attack him at the moment. Altaïr made his death quick. Not too long after he killed that Templar, they were called to retreat. Altaïr saw Templars running for the main gate into Masyaf. Once he saw the last Templar run out he immediately turned his attention to you. He saw one new way to get down, he couldn't see it at his previous angle bit now he had a way to get to you.
He quickly climbs down and is careful not to make anything collapse due to the weak dirt overhang of earth over him. His feet landed gently onto the slim patch of earth holding your broken and battered body. He bent down and quickly checked over your head wound and stab wound. He used the corner of your hood to dab off the blood seeping out your forehead. He sat down and pulled you into his lap. He cleaned up your wounds the best he could with the corners of your robes. He hugged you tightly and gently. He nearly cried. He had only felt true fear once in his life. And that was when he saw you fall over the edge.
He felt you shift when your hand gently held his, he tensed but soon relaxed as your body relaxed against his. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He didn't say anything, just held you as you got in the most comfortable position so it wouldn't hurt the wounds on your back and the stab wound between your ribs.
     "انا احبك"(I love you) He mumbled into your shoulder as he held you a bit tighter.
     "أحبني أيضا"(I love me too) You chuckled before you coughed up a bit of blood before smiling again. Altaïr started to chuckle. "Did I get 'Mr. Stone Faces Altaïr' to chuckle?" You joked once again.
     "You did, طائر صغير"(Little Bird) He smiled as he kissed your cheek.
     "Who are you calling little?" You asked a bit louder whilst mocking hurt.
     "طائر صغير"(Little Bird) He teased as you chuckled. Soon enough you were both laughing. Other novices and apprentices heard the laughter and looked over from where they heard it. As soon as they saw you and Altaïr they immediately called for a stretcher attached to long rope to pull you up.
     You looked to Altaïr and kissed his scarred lips, it was a passion filled kiss, soon it was interrupted by your apprentices lowering down a stretcher with rope attached to it to pull you back up.
     Altaïr put you on it as he started to climb beside you. Once both of you made it to the top, the apprentices set you on the ground gently as there was a doctor already there. He tended to your multiple wounds. Altaïr held your hand the whole way through it. Maybe he wasn't as arrogant as everyone thought.

A/N: What'cha think??

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