trouble (Dabi x chubby read...

By lil_bean22

22.3K 635 112

y/n is a quirkless 21year old trying to push past her past. y/n hasn't been in town long but dabi has bee... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4๐Ÿˆ
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9 part 2
chapter 10
chapter 11๐Ÿˆ
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21๐Ÿˆ

chapter 9 part 1

1K 26 2
By lil_bean22

Y/n pov

So I guess me and dabi are going to have a fun day together. I just don't know what we are doing. Even after alamot getting kidnapped he wants to go out. I guess thats just his way of cheering me up. And I dont mind at all. Its always fun,I just wonder what he has up his sleeve this time. Last time we ended up breaking in to a bunch of abandoned houses and breaking shit. Was it the right thing to do? No but it was really fun and we weren't hurting anyone so who cares.
It was starting to get cold outside since its starting to become fall. I slide on one of dabis black hoodies that I had stole. I slip on my boots and walk back down to the living room to see dabi still wasn't down here yet.

I sigh and put my phone in the hoodie pocket making sure I doesn't forget it. I walk into the kitchen and go into the fridge seeing we could really use some groceries. Dose this man not eat? I grab a bottle of water and put it in my pocket. Thats one thing I love about hoodies bug pockets that you could a bunch of things in. I closed the fridge and felt to large arms away around my waist. I blush softly and look back to see dabi softly smiling at me. His hands move around till he feels the buldging pocket of the hoodie.
" what the hell do you have in there?" He chcukled and rested his chin on my shoulder. " just my phone and a water." I said shrugging a little.
He hummed and let go of me turning me around so I was looking at him.
" you ready to go tear up the town?" He asked and started walking to the door. " you know I am, its always eventful with you." I smile and catch up with him.

We walk outside and start walking down the long sidewalk.
" so were are we getting our from? And I suggest we buy it so we can keep it without worrying." I say softly while I walk close to dabis side. Each time a person passed by us I would eye them and watch their movements. People just made me nervous, they always have. It dosnt help im not used to any kind of physical contact other then violent kinds. My family never really hugged or even held hands, contact is so unfamiliar to me, I never know how to react. Is there a wrong way?
" babe!" Dabj snapped his fingers infront of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to him.
" huh?" He chcukled and shook his head softly.
" are you gonna help me pick out a bike?" He asked. I nod my head with a smile. " yeah, sounds good to me."

I think dabi noticed me getting fidgety with all the people out today. He put his arm around me pulling me to his side without saying a word. I warped one of my arms around his back. I could feel his side and legs move agaisnt my body with each step.
that sweet tingly feeling in my chest came back l feeling him agaisnt me. I cant really explain it. I think its comforting. Lately I have been going back to my old Skittish self and im not liking it. I'm suppose to be strong and stubborn. But I guess my brain had other plans. I guess the mask I've put on for long is breaking. I sigh as we come open the bike shop. They had a bunch of different brand bikes there.
" ok go ahead and look around." He said softly and let go of me.
" alright." I say simply and walk away putting my hands in the hoodie pocket. I walk around the shop seeing all sort of motorcycles.

I gasp and walk over to the black and orange bike. It looked perfect. I liked it at least. The only thing was it diddnt look big enough for two people so it proably wouldn't work. I turned around tonwalk away from the bike and ran right into a hard chest. I groan softly and look up to see its just dabi. I sigh in relief and and smile.
" its just you thank god." I chcukle softly.
" I see we like the same kind of bikes. " he said softly. " yeah but its only a one seater." I stated. He grabbed my hand." I found one that looks just the same but for two people." He drug me across the shop and stopped when we stood infront of a bike.
" I think we should get it." I say looking up at him with a smile.
He nods his head and we go up to the front desk.
" I would like to buy that bike over there in cash." Dabi said pointing over to the bike. I stood there practically hiding behind dabi as he spoke to the man.
" ill have you sign a couple of papers then its all yours." The older man said shuffling through a pile of papers. The sales man sat a stack of papers down infront of dabi and handed him a pen.

" this is a nice ass bike. " I comment while dabi swings his leg over the bike and gets on. " are you going to get on or stand there?" Dabi smirked. And turned the bike on. I smiled hearing the engine start up and rev.
" yeah, yeah" I walk over and grab onto his shoulders swing my leg over the bike and sitting down behind him.
" could you take the water bottle out of your pocket." He laughed and looked back at me. My lips form a straight line. " yeah sorry." I smile softly and take the water out of my hoodie pocket and hold it up. " what should I do with it?" I asked.
" just through it, ill get you somthijg to drink later. Now hold on." He said I threw the bottle and wrapped my arms around his waste tightly. Im comfortable but it is weird being pressed against him. I mean he can feel my starch on his back and I'm not enjoying that part. He patted my leg before we started moving. Right off the bat he sped down the streets. I smiled feeling the breeze push my hair hair back into the wind. The adreline flushed through my body as he swerved between cars. I payed my head on his back. I watched as we zoomed passed cars and buildings. Everything at this moment felt like a dream. This definitely made me feel better. Soon enough we went surrounded by cars anymore. We were going down a dirt road. We would see a couple cars every now and then but not much. I carefully lean my head forehad and whisper in his ear. " where are we going?" He started to slow down the bike just a bit. " 5 more minutes." He yelled back so I could hear over the wind. I lean back and looked around at all of the trees as we passed them. I looked forward seeing a hill that almost looked like a ramp, you would definitely get some air time. My heart started racing. Please tell me he's not going to do what I think is he's going to do. Dabi reved up the bike making it go even faster. " dabi I swear to god!" I exclaimed holding onto him tighter. I don't know how he could breathe with how tight I'm holding him. He chcukled as we approved the hill. This was never part of the plan. I diddnt want to fucking crash.
" hold on!" We sped up the hill shooting off into the air. I swear I could feel my soul leave my body for a second " holy shit!" I screamed holding onto him tightly. I could feel my butt lift off the seat but we landed back on the dirt road don't long after with a thud from falling back onto the seat. It felt like we were in th air for ever but it only lasted seconds. He slowed down and stopped abruptly casting a bunch of dust to surrand us. " now wasn't that fun?" He chcukled running his hands through his hair. I sat there still clenched around dabi. That diddnt last long though. The adrenaline came back I let go of him shooting my arms up in the air. " hell yeah! That was fun, let's do it again!" I shouted a giant smile planted on my face. I now see why people do this kinda stuff. Just the thought and airline if it going wrong is exislilrating. Dabit chcukled and turned enough to look at me but still hold the bike up. " that was fun wasn't it?" He smiled kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss feeling his lips attack mine. The roughness of his scard bottom lip only adding to the sensation. We parted and looked at each both full of aldreline and on edge, but in the good kind of way.

" was that all you had planned?" I giggled softly. He shook his head with a soft smile and turned back around.
" that wasn't even part of the plan. Question?"
" what is it?" I asked wrapping my arms back around him. " would you rather spend time alone or somewhere fun?" He asked and started driving again but slowly so we could easily talk without the wind interfering. I had to think for a moment. We can always spend time together at home. " how about somewhere fun." I said. Dabi diddnt say anything, he only sped up and turned down another dirt road. We drove for about 5 more minutes until he slowed down and drove down a little trail into the woods. I watched as the trees passed by. The fresh air filled my lungs making me smile softly. Its different from the city.

We came apon a old wooden cabin at the end of the trail. We pulled up and he stopped the bike. It was old and wooden. Music was blaring from inside along with some strobe lights. Party music could be haerd from outside. Well this definitely looks like something fun. I got off the bike and stood beside dabi. He shut the bike off and got off. He put the kick stand out and put the bike down. " what is this place?" I asked looking over to him. He warpped his arm around my waste and pulls me to his side.
" just a place for people to hang out. Its a unknown spot. Mostly a villan hangout." My heart skipped a beat, why would he take me to a place like this? Is he trying to scare the shit out of me? I mean I guess its fine, dabis a villan and he hasn't done anything to hurt me. " hey its alright your safe with me." He whispered while softly rubbing my side making me flush a little but we both ignored it. " alright let's get this party started then." I smiled and pulled him into the wooden cabin. As soon as we walked in blaring music filled my ears and my sight was taken over by a bunch of lights and even a disco ball. Dabi led me over to the bar and we both took a seat. I looked around at all the people here. They all looked to be having a time of their lives. People were dancing others doing drugs in the corner or making out. To each their own. Most the people here are dressed in dark colors. Some even in costumes. Im totally not dressed for this. Dabi taps my shoulder so I turn my attention back to him. " hmm?"
" would you like a drink?" He asked.
I smile softly and nod my head. " sure get me whatever " I answer back softly. He waves the bartender over and orders us a couple shots each.
" cheers." I hold my glass up to dabi. We clink out glasses together. " cheers."
We both down out shots one after another. " whhew " I breathe out feeling the burn. " wait are you sure you should be drinking? We gotta get home some how." I say softly. He sets his shot glass down and looks over at me. " remember im not a light weight y/n. Plus we ain't going home tonight. I got a spot we can stay at."
" what spot and where? Plus how did you come up with all of this on the spot?" I asked leaning on the bar counter. " quick thinker I guess. " he said plainly. I have a feeling he was planning something before this but now he just had a reason to do it sooner. I looked around the cabin a smile apearing to my face. I ussly don't like being out and about around people. But this place seems pretty fun.

" hey baby, do you want a drink?"
I turned around looking for the unknown voice. I came face to face with a tall old man. He had grey hair. He looked maybe in his 50s. Why in the world would a guy like him be here? I mean live your life. I opened my mouth to get ready to talk but dabi placed his hand on my arm.
" can't you see she's with someone?" Dabi remarked. I look behind me to see dabi with his static face. No emotion present, I have no clue how he dose that. " I don't think she'd mind coming with me for a bit." The older man smirked while taking out a 100 dollar bill. Is he trying to buy me right now! I aggressively stood up from the bar stool and pointed at the man.
" now you listen i ain't no bodys property or something to buy,got it? Your a fucking prick for even attempting to do shit like that." I snapped at him. He looked more then shocked at my sudden outburst. I guess no one's ever done that to him before. He put his hands up and shook his head. " Jesus, sorry ill find somebody else." He walked away putting the money back in his pocket.
" I fucking hate people like that." I groan and spin back around to be faced with a smirking dabi.
" damn, well now I know not to get you mad." He chuckled. I blushed softly and waved him off. " I just don't like people who think they can buy everything, sorry about that." I said just loud enough for him to hear over the music. He rested his hand on my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. " don't be sorry that was badass, kind of hot if you ask me."

" dabi!" I sqealed making him chcukle.
" how about we  go ahead  and head to the next spot." Dabi said standing up and straight into out is jacket.
" sure thing."
I followed dabi out of the cabin into the cool night air.
" wait how is it night already?" I asked looking over to dabi.
" the woman that owns this place has a time quirk. She makes time in the cabin go faster." He stated while getting onto the bike.
" oh, alright then." I got onto the bike and wrapped my arms around dabis torso again and we started off onto the next place. 

A/n: so this book is going the opposite direction from what I had originally planned lol. So if yall have any ideas let me know.

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