molten silver ─ hyunjeong ✓


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❛ i... followed the floating lights... ❜ ❛ but you are human? ❜ ❛ and you're not? ❜ ─ a hyunjeong fantasy st... More

twenty one


628 36 42

he didn't have to be told to be cautious as he left his house, certain that his neighbours would talk at even the first instance of suspicious behaviour they saw.

"nosy busybodies," jeongin whispered under his breath as he thought of all the gossip he had heard through various neighbours, the hushed glances at his parents as they'd pass. and yet, nobody thought to help him. gossip they could do, but not help.

he tried to blend into the shadows created by the light of the clear moon as he crept past the houses lining his street. he soon realized that this was probably a stupid idea, because he certainly didn't have any spy abilities, and possibly looked like a lunatic crab walking in the dark, thus deciding that he would settle for speed over stealth.

after a few minutes of brisk walking, he let out a soft sigh of relief when he finally escaped that hushed neighbourhood, instead met with the road leading to the city, lined with a forest. whatever invisible hands that had been clutching his heart loosened their grip, and he could finally think calmly.

that was when it hit him. what he'd done.

he had run away from home, with nothing but a few clothes and books. chewing on his lip, he pulled his hood up as he walked and held onto the straps of his backpack like they were his lifeline.

he could go to a friends house, but what would he say? he had run away from home and needed a place to crash because he hadn't thought of actually bringing things that would be of convenience?

his thoughts were cut short as he heard the rumbling of tires behind him, and the lights reflecting off the road. he felt his throat closing up when he imagined his parents stopping next to him, forcing him into the car and back home.

he couldn't go back. maybe he didn't know where to go. he just knew that he couldn't go back, not now. not to that suffocating house, where he felt like he was drowning, being forced under and away from any comfort or clarity. his parents forcing him under.

so, as the resounding grumble of the engine came closer, he swallowed a gasp and pulled the jacket closer around himself, trying to make himself seem as small as possible. to his utter relief, the car did not stop and sped past him, throwing loose gravel in its wake.

he let loose a heaving sigh, not realizing how tense he had become until now, all his limbs threatening to turn into jelly and give up on him. forcing himself to remain stable, he was about to continue walking, to where? who knows.

however, it was as though some sort of tether tugged at his heartstrings, a strange sort of yanking, gentle but persistent. the air around him thrummed with some sort of energy, shifting and curling around him, but it wasn't visible.

was he going mad?

jeongin frowned, it had only been a matter or time, but he certainly hadn't thought it would be this soon. he had certainly assumed that he had a good few years to pull before losing his mind to the abyss of darkness he had become so familiar with over the past months.

standing straight, he blinked wearily at the peculiar feeling. the thickness of the air was almost tangible, beckoning him, urging him towards something. shifting on his heels, his eyes strayed to the forest that lay next to the road, silent and watching.

that's when he saw it.

a lambent orb of blue, its light gentle and alluring as it floated just outside the first line of trees.

jeongin rubbed his eyes, disbelief guiding him to walk closer, thinking it was just his imagination. he scrambled to place what they were, what he had heard in the stories read to him.

will o' wisps, he remembered, his breath coming out in uneven pants as he walked towards it, his steps laced with uncertainty.

however the ball of light remained there, illuminating as it bobbed in place, despite the wind whistling past.

once he was close enough to touch it, jeongin noted the way the blues seemed to be accompanied with silver hues, the colours interwoven and shifting, as though it was alive.

holding his breath, he lifted cupped hands, about to let it rest in his palms. curiously, no heat emitted from the wisp of light, and it seemed to hover closer, in comfort and reassurance. yet, the second the phantom light seemed to make contact with his skin, it vanished.

jeongin blinked in surprise. there had been no flash, no zap of energy. it just... vanished.

his fingers curled around nothing as he brought them back to his sides. for a second he had been distracted, mesmerized, by the figment of imagination brought to life, by the fairytale happening that had approached him for a split second.

he wished for a fairytale ending to his story, to an escape. the books in his bag seemed to grow heavier as the disappointment began to settle in.

or it started to.

until the wisp appeared again.

a few metres away from him, the glowing sphere sputtered back to life, much to jeongins surprise and exhilaration. he repeated his previous action, the orb disappearing and reappearing once more.

playfully. taunting him. it was watching to see what he would do.

and so he indulged in it's little game, letting himself be led further and further into the dark forest.

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