Draco x reader

By azraSlytherin

850K 12.7K 31.9K

(Completed) -------------------- The story is beginning from year three at Hogwarts. You are a kind Slytherin... More

Chapter 1 - third year
Chapter 2 - summer holidays
Chapter 3 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 4 - celebration
Chapter 5 - Louis
Chapter 6 - Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 7 - detention
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Task one, triwizard tournament
Chapter 10 - rumor
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 12 - Yule ball

23.5K 325 1.1K
By azraSlytherin

(Y/n)= your name
(Y/l/n)= your last name
(f/c)= favourite colour
(f/l)= favourite length


We arrived at Hogsmeade and looked for a store with beautiful dresses and robes.

,,Cedric, look they are beautiful." I pointed to the dresses and robes I saw in a store.
I took Cedrics hand and led him inside.
,,I will go and look what I can find. Meet me here, ok?" I raised my brows and waited for an answer.

,,As you wish, miss (y/l/n)." He took my hand and kissed it, which caused me to blush. Then we parted.

I looked at the beautiful dresses and wiped the ones that I didn't like aside.

,,No, no... ew, no, no, no..." I muttered under my breathe. ,,Umm...no" I sighed. ,,I will never find the perfect one."

,,Not really successful, huh?" I turned around and saw Hermione.

,,Mione!" I hugged her tight and nodded.

,,Neither am I."

,,I can't find anything."

,,Let's see." Three minutes passed and she finally pulled out a dress. ,,What's 'bout this one?"

It was a (f/c), (f/l) dress. It was beautiful! I felt like the dress was made for me.

,,Thanks Mione! Love ya" I hugged her again. She cleared her throat. ,,Oh, yes. I'll help you now"

I rushed to the other side of the room and began to look what I could choose. It took me long, unlike Hermione, but then in the end I finally found one. It was pink and beauteous.

,,Mione, how's that?" I showed her the dress.

,,It is-" her smile widened and I could see in her eyes, that she loved it. She looked at the price and her smile dissapeared
,,Too expensive. Thank you (y/n), but I can't buy this, um- let's go in another store. I don't want to waste your time."

,,Are you kidding? I'll pay for you if you liked it!" I looked at her and she turned back to face me.

,,(Y/n), seriously, thanks for the offer, but you can't just pa-"
Then I quickly passed by. I didn't listen and I was on my way to the cassier.

,,Hello ma'am. I want to buy these dresses."

,,(y/n)!" Hermione was still running

,,You mustn't-" she finally caught up, but it was too late. I gave the Galleons to the woman and took the bags with the clothes in it.

,,Too late" I smiled at her.

,,Oh, thank you so much." She hugged me.
,,I owe you something" she muttered in my shoulder and parted from the hug.

,,No, you don't. It is my gift for you."

,,(y/n)." I heard Cedric call. ,,Are you ready? Oh, hello Granger" He smiled at her.

,,Hello" she smiled back and we followed Cedric outside.

Cedric and I were arm in arm, while Hermione was on my right side walking with us. We chatted the whole way back to Hogwards.

,,Who is your date Mione?" Hermione blushed.

,,um, I actually thought Ron would ask me, but he didn't. So Krum asked me and I said yes."

,,Krum? Viktor Krum? Oh Mione, I'm so happy for you." I rubbed her back.

,,Ahum." Cedric cleared his throat and we looked over to him at the same time. ,,Um, why don't you tell 'bout your date?"

Hermione looked at me. ,,Yes! He's right. Who asked you? Who is the lucky man."
I giggled.

,,Um, you know. It's this man over here."
I nodded my head in his direction.

,,Ooh, I understand" we giggled.

,,Does she know?" Cedric asked me.
,,Do I know what?" Hermione looked at me in confusion.

Oh no, I totally forgot 'bout that. ,,Um- uh,uhm" I didn't know exactly how to tell her.

,,I'm her boyfriend." Cedric said fast and smiled.

,,You are what?" Hermione screamed with delight.

,,Are you serious? Oh (y/n), I'm so happy for you!" She hugged me.

,,Thanks" I replied.

,,You two are so cute" she looked at Cedric.
,,Oh my- Cedric you're blushing!" She giggled.

Cedric looked away, ,,No. I'm not" and we laughed even more.

We arrived at Hogwarts and walked in.
I took Cedrics hand and kissed it and he replied by kissing the top of my head.
,,Oh you lovebirds" Hermione smiled.

,,Can't do it in a private place, don't ya?" Malfoy hissed at us as he walked by.

,,Shut up, Malfoy." I looked at him. What a git.

,,blood traitor!" He hissed back and left.

,,Ugh. Don't listen to him. He's a jerk." Hermione said.
,,uhm,yes. You're right. K bye then. I'll go to my dorm room" I hugged Hermione and kissed Cedric's cheek, which caused him to blush.

I walked in the common room.

,,Oh there's our little girl, that faints all the time." Parkinson pretented to be sorry.

,,Shut up Parkinson." I wanted to walk upstairs, but I heard someone come downstairs.

,,What's u- oh, look who's here."

,,Shut your mouth, Malfoy!" Now Crabbe and Goyle looked at me, too.
I was glad, that we were the only people in the common room.

Malfoy came closer and rolled his lips in disgustion. I could see the anger in his eyes now. He came closer and closer, until our faces were only an inch apart.

,,You dare to yell at me?"

,,Yes. I. Do" I replied slowly and brave.
I stepped just a little bit closer, to show that I'm not afraid of him.

,,One day. One day you'll get punished for that. You'll see. My father will hear about this." He said loud enough for everyone to hear.

,,We'll see 'bout that." Then I couldn't say anything else. I was lost in his eyes. I didn't realize till he walked away.

I went in my room and changed into my pyjamas. I wanted to go to bed, but then I heard the door slam.

,,Don't dare you to come this close to my Dracie again!" Parkinson gave me a death glare.

,,Parkinson, I didn't do it willingly. You saw, that he was the one who came close."

,,I don't care!" She screamed

,,uh" I sighed ,,I don't want to fight any longer."  I ignored her comments and went to bed.

Tomorrow is the yule ball.
It was the only thing that made me happy now.


In the morning, I woke up, hid my dress under my pajama and ran to the Gryffindor common room.

,,Mione! Mione" I whisper yelled at the portrait. It opened and I saw Hermione half awake standing in front of me.

,,Yes?" She said in a sleepish voice.

,,Let's get ready for the Yule ball!" Her eyes widened.

,,The yule ball! Oh I totally forgot 'bout that!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room. We got ready -which took us about two hours- and looked at each other.

,,You look lovely!"

,,You do!" We laughed and talked for a while.

,,Now let's go to the great hall. I guess that everyone is already there."

,,Ok" I said and we went downstairs to the common room. She was right, it was empty. The corridors were empty either.

,,We have to go downstair." She pointed to the stairs next to us and walked there.

,,Mione?" I felt a pressure in my chest. It got harder and I could barely breathe.

,,Yes?" She turned around to face me.

,,Mione, I- I can't go downstairs"

,,Why?" She looked at me worried.

,,I- I'm nervous. Everyone will look at me."

,,As they should." She joked

,,That doesn't comfort me." I giggled.

,,Just kidding. Nothing bad will happen. Just be brave and walk down."

,,I guess that's the reason why I'm not a Gryffindor." We laughed.

,,Go down first."

,,Ok, I will." She walked down and I could hear everyone gasp.

Is that Hermione Granger?

She looks so gorgeous!

Her dress is beautiful

Now it's my turn. I took a deep breathe. Come down you'll do that. My anxiety rose.

I walked down and saw how all heads turned to face me. My anxiety rose more and more. Everyone looked at me. They gasped like they did as Hermione walked down. I wanted to walk down as fast as I could. I don't like attention anyway. I didn't look up and almost ran.

Isn't that miss Potter ?
Some of them laughed.

I knew it. I shouldn't come down. It was a mistake. They didn't forget about the rumor. I don't want to be here anymore.

As I reached the last step, I turned away to run back. I felt tears falling down my cheeks.

,,(Y/n)!" I could hear Hermione and Cedric calling my name in unison. But I ran faster. I was almost gone, but I felt Cedrics strong arm holding mine. I looked at Cedric and before I could say anything, he pulled me back to the stairs and lifted my arm in the air.

,,Cedric, why are you doing this for that girl. I love you!" A Hufflpuff girl shouted. Ugh, Hufflepuff Parkinson I tell ya.

,,Everyone listen!" Cedric cried out. Even the whispers quit. All attention was on me and Cedric now. The whole great hall looked at us.

,,Cedric stop. What are you doing?" I whisper yelled. Tears kept running down my cheeks. But he didn't look at me.

,,I heard about the rumor, that goes around Hogwarts. To make everything clear, this girl is not in a relationship with Harry Potter!" Some people started whispering again.

,,How do you know." A Slytherin girl shouted arrogantly.

,,Because...I am. I am in a relationship with her. I am her boyfriend."

I heard people gasp.

,,I don't want to hear anyone call her Miss Potter ever again."

He turned around and looked at me.
The music became louder and people turned back to dance.

,,Do you want to stay with me and dance?" He looked me in the eyes. I never felt that protective. Nobody did something so lovely yet. I was speechless. I never felt that type of feeling.

After few seconds staring at each other, I hugged him tightly and he put his head on mine.

,,Thank you" I whispered against his shoulder.

,,May I have this dance?" He held out his hand and I took it.

He led me to the dance floor and we began to dance slowly. His hands were on my waist and mine were on his shoulders. We danced slowly in sync.

Then I saw people exchanging their partners. I turned around and looked at them confused.

,,What are they doing?"

,,They are exchanging."

,,Yeah, but why?"

,,Don't you know? This dance is like this, um... we will dance for a while and then I will turn you and you will fall in the arms of a random dude"

,,Who invented this shit?" I asked confused.

,,I don't know." Cedric chuckled.

,,Ok... and um, who will you give me to?"

,,I don't know myself. I have to spin you and someone will catch. Oh I see a couple coming close to us. I will switch now". I giggled. ,,You ready?"

And with that, he spinned me and someone grabbed my waist.

I looked back to Cedric. Oh no... he is with Parkinson. I smiled slightly at him.
I laughed inside... but wait. If Cedric has Parkinson... Who was Parkinsons partner again? My eyes widened.

I turned quickly back to face my new partner. Malfoy?! Oh no... oh no, no, no. I don't want this jerk to hold my waist. I looked at him disgusted

,,You" I spat.

,,Me" he smirked.

,,And I thought the night couldn't get any worse."

,,Yeah, it's nice to meet you, too."
I rolled my eyes.

I tried to avoid eye contact all the time.

,,Don't you want to look in your dance partner's eyes?" He asked.

,,Why would I?" I hissed.

,,I don't know... we're dancing?"

,,That's not a reason to look a git into his eyes."

He ignored my comment.

,,So you and Diggory, huh?"

,,None of you buisness"
,,Oh... so he pretented to be your boyfriend to protect you. I understand." He looked to the crowd and rolled his lips in acknowledge.

He always tried to provoke me and he succeeded everytime. I grabbed his tie and pulled him down to my face. He didn't stop smirking and looked me in the eyes.

,,Malfoy, I said it's none of your buisness. Leave me alone." He smirked even more and I let him go.

As his posture was straight again, he began to speak.

,,It's so easy to provoke you." He smirked.

,,Excuse me?" I raised a brow.

,,Yeah, you heard right, it's easy. I have to say a single word and you get angry."
I just ignored what he said, rolled my eyes and then the music stopped. Some people sat and ate and some people kept dancing.

,,Take your hands off my waist" I hissed and he let go slowly.

Cedric sat now, so I ran over to the table he was sitting and took a seat next to him.

,,How was your partner?" I asked jokingly and didn't look at him.

,,Someone jealous?" He smiled

,,No!" I blushed and nudged his shoulder slightly.

,,Come." He said and before I could ask questions, he held my hand and ran out of the great hall."

,,Where are we going?" I asked him as we ran.

,,To the lake." He replied and then we were outside.

,,Why are we going to the lake?"

,,The lake is very beautiful at night. I've never had the chance to bring you here, but now I do." He walked down and I sat next to him on the grass.

,,The stars are so beautiful." I looked at them. They were sparkling bright. The sky was so pretty.

,,Not as beautiful as you." I looked at him and kissed his cheeks.

,,Nobody was so kind and lovely to me yet. I've never had this before."

He kissed my forehead and then my eyes closed slightly. I was really tired and leaned my head against  his shoulder.

I fell asleep. I fell asleep on Cedric Diggory's shoulder. Nothing can ruin my mood now.


A/N: Hope y'all like it !

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