My Draco

By Lizzie0175

213K 5.4K 3.7K

Love is a curious thing. You can find it in the most unlikely of places and I happened to find it under the s... More

get a grip
troublesome intentionally?
why would I tell you?
Dance with me
do not be late
what are you thinking about?
I love astronomy
where is this coming from?
Betrayed, pitiful, sad, crushed?
I want this
One week
alone and hopeless
I'll see you later
are you...the new
the look in his eyes
I love you
and im wrong
I want to hear it now
This wasn't love
The task
Im sorry
they're just kids.
don't jump
the awaited time
we were chosen for this
going home
room of requirements
make me
new worries
something new
Authors note
Checking in A/N

be ready by 10

4.4K 112 112
By Lizzie0175

I venture in the school and feel a surge of relief flow through my body.

"Take your thing to your room and come to my classroom" Snape demanded while eyeing me.

I turn my attention back to him and nod my head gradually.

Then we both part our ways, Snape hustles into his classroom, and I take my sweet time advancing towards the Slytherin house.

Walking through the halls, I felt like all eyes were on my dark mark even though it was covered. I felt like everyone had known what happened to me even though they didn't. I attempted to console myself that I was simply overreacting and it was all in my head.

I walked down the crowded halls, students all
on there way back to there houses and I noticed no seemed to even notice me, not even looking my way for that matter.

I would of thought someone would of at least greeted me and asked where I have been. Have I always remained this lonely? No one even caring or noting I was gone.  Was I really so beyond coming friends with anyone? Had it always been this way?

Walking down the hallway by myself, realizing how terribly lonely I really was, seeing how everyone had at least one person walking with them to laugh and talk with made all the warmth surge out of my body.

I only had Draco which made me feel frail and embarrassed on the inside. But at least I had one person.

I step into the Slytherin house and pause in the doorframe. My purpose in this house was much different than before now.

I was no longer the girl that was sorted in here for my strengths, I had now been in here because I served the Dark Lord and had no other choice but to join his army.

Serving him and only him.

I breathed in and out, and unfroze. I made my way up to my room and walked up the stairs into my dorm.

I opened my dorm and the first thing I spotted was a note lying on my bed.

I walked over to the note and put my trunks down. As I grabbed the note, I feel arms slither around my stomach from behind and pull me close to them.

I didn't need to turn around to see who this person was. The way his cold hands wrapped around my stomach, the scent that lingered to him as he walked past, by the way his body fit perfectly with mine.

"Read the letter dear" He whispers to me with his head leaned down next to my ear. His gentle romantic voice sent chills down my spine causing goosebumps to rise.

I slowly began to tear the seal off the envelop and unfolded it and began to read it.

I have a very special date planned for us tonight. I can't wait to see your beautiful face and feel your body on mine. -love Draco

A smile grew on my face and I was suddenly spun around to be face-to-face with Draco.

As I look into his eyes, his fingers meet my chin which he lifts up and kisses me gently yet passionately. Our tongues intertwined and I embraced that moment.

He pulls away from my lips and smiles, "what should I be wearing tonight?" I ask him.

"Something elegant, but it doesn't really matter, it will be on my floor by tomorrow morning." He says with a devious smile.

He pulls in for one last kiss and slowly makes it way out of my room, as he is about to walk out he stops and turns to me, "be ready by 10" then he finally steps out closing my door.

I stood there in shock while holding the letter still. I wasn't entirely surprised though by his behavior. He had always teased me but it made me fall deeper for him.

I fold the letter back up and put it on my desk and make my way for Snape's class.

Walking down the hall I realized that I was all Draco had as well.  No one seemed to care or love him in a graceful way as I did. I don't mind that I was all he had because I love him with everything and I hope he does too.

I was almost at Snape's class when I was stopped by Blaise Zambini walking towards me. I continued to walk and I was about to pass him but he stops me.

"Tessa?" He says. I turn to him, "yes Blaise?" I ask him.

This was an odd moment cause Blaise had never spoke to me unless he needed answers to a paper in class or if he had something to argue with me about.

Blaise and I used to get in a bunch of debates in the history of magic class because we had that class together for five years straight but this year I finally didn't have it with him, instead I had it Parkinson and Goyle.

"Have you seen Draco?" he questions suspiciously.

I give him a confused look, "I saw him a little while ago, is everything okay?" I ask nervously.

The both of us didn't agree on much, to be fair I didn't agree with him on anything, but when it comes to Draco, we set our differences aside and but him first.

"That's odd" he says slowly. "He told me I could find him with you" he adds.

I shrug my shoulders, "I know it isn't my business between you two, but why do you need to find him?"

"I just wanted to make sure he was okay" he says quickly. "He came by the study hall as Crabbe and I were studying the he didn't even say a word for ten minutes, it must of been his arm, poor mate was holding and wincing while he walked out."

I watch as Blaise walks away from me in a hurry to find Draco. I turn my head from Blaise and back to Snape's office. I felt torn in this moment, what was more important to me? Snape or Draco?



I loved this chapter, hope you guys did as well!!

I have a tik tok for this fanfic: lizzie0175

Most you guys might be from there but if not, follow me!!<3

Can you guys wait for the spice until tmr?? Or do you want it tonight?😈

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