Just a Background Character

By RandomPerson286

488 33 27

Evelyn Adely Anderson just fits in. She is your normal meek, quiet 15 year old. Evelyn has always been the sh... More

Chapter 1: Cold Morning
Chapter 2: Am I Really a Background Character?
Chapter 3: The Project
Chapter 4: Tacos and Photos
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: Guilty Lies
Chapter 7: Differences
Chapter 9: Old Past, Brand New Future
Chapter 10: Trains
Chapter 12: Blueberries
Chapter 13: The Past Isn't Always so Great
Chapter 14: I Feel as if I Know You
Chapter 15: A Ringing Doorbell
Chapter 16: Hotel Rooms
Chapter 17: New Family
Author Note

Chapter 8: Treacherous Past

17 2 1
By RandomPerson286

Hannah's POV-

  I waddled into the kitchen. I was 4 years old and underdeveloped. My mom was eating something I couldn't identify.

"Hi Mama! What you eating?" I squeaked

"None of your concern." Mama retorted.

"I hungry!" I cried.

Mama got up and walked over to a cabinet. She unlocked the lock on the cabinet, and took out a single packet of stale crackers. She tossed them to me. I grabbed them hungrily. She came over to me, and grabbed my arm roughly.

"Hannah?" Mama asked me in a sickly sweet voice.

"You hurt me." I whispered.

"Oh sorry." Mama released the grip on my arm.

"It okay." I responded.

"Good. Now Mama has to go out, okay?" Mama told me gently.

I only nodded my head. Mama picked me up, and walked over to my room. She opened the door. In laid a small single bed. The mattress had tears in it, and only a single blanket covered it. The blanket was thin and held many holes. A tiny basket filled with small toys sat at the end of the bed. This was my room. My home. Mama placed me on the bed. She opened my crackers and sat them beside me. She left the room, locking me in this room. Leaving me alone.

I was 7.. I had just turned 7 actually. It was my birthday. I giggled excitedly. My birthday! I sat up in my bed quickly, and threw off the blanket covering me. I jumped up out of bed. I landed on the cold floor. I was only wearing an old, ragged shirt. My hair was ragged and dirty, but I didn't mind. I opened the door slowly, and creeped out of my room into the hallway. I hurried down the hallway, past the kitchen, and to the living room. Dada sat on the couch. He looked at me.

"What do you want?" Dada snarked.

"It's my birthday Dada!" I smiled proudly.

"That's not something to be proud of or celebrate." Dada rolled his eyes.

I only looked at my feet. Why isn't it something to celebrate or be proud of? Aren't you supposed to celebrate birthdays, and be proud your older? Mama walked into the living room.

"It's my birthday Mama!" I exclaimed to her.

"Thats nice." Mama muttered.

"Clara! Don't encourage her ugly chattering!" Dada hissed.

"It's okay Bob. It's her birthday, let her have one good day." Mama defended me.

She defended me! I almost let out a shrill of joy. Mama turned to me.

"Do you want a present Hannah bug?" Mama asked sweetly.

"P-Present?" I stuttered happily.

"Yes, a present. Do you want one?" Mama asked in the same tone of voice.

"Little brat doesn't deserve nothing." Dada muttered under his breath, but I barely heard him.

"Yes!" I beamed.

"Follow me." Mama hurried out of the room.

I ran after her; my small legs struggling to keep up. We stopped in the kitchen. Mama walked over to a cabinet and opened it. She took out two poorly, newspaper wrapped packages. She handed them to me.

"For me? Presents for me?" I bounced excitedly.

"Yes Hannah bug. Open them." Mama smiled at me.

I ripped one of the packages open. It held three shirts! Three shirts! They were Dada's old shirts, I knew, but they were so nice! They were long, and only had like 15 small rips! I gawked at them.

"You like them?" Mama asked.

"Yes!" I hugged the shirts to my chest.

"Open your other one!" Mama insisted.

I set the shirts down carefully, and grabbed the other packaged. I opened it. It was an old necklace! A necklace! I squealed and put it on.

"What day is it?" Mama asked.

"Wednesday?" I was confused.

"Would you like to take a shower?" Mama asked.

I gawked at her. A shower?

"I-It's not Sunday." I stuttered; I wasn't supposed to take a shower, unless it was Sunday.

"I know." Mama stood up, and walked over to me.

She picked me up. She never did this! I laid my head on her shoulder. Mama carried me to the bathroom. She placed me down.

"20 minutes at most." Mama whispered.

I nodded earnestly, and skipped into the bathroom. This was the best day ever! The best birthday ever!

I was 9. Mama and Dada weren't here, so I was left alone with three month old baby Atlas. I was laying on the living room floor when I heard crying. I bounced up, and ran to my bedroom. Atlas was laying on my bed, bawling. I picked her up, and held her close. She didn't stop crying. I sat down on the bed, and placed her on my lap facing me. I began to bounce her gently.

"What's wrong Atly? What's wrong baby sister? You tired? Hungry? Bored?" I cooed softly.

Atlas stopped crying, and stared at me with this big curious eyes babies have.

"You like that? You like that Atly?" I bounced her a little more.

Atlas giggled. I pulled her to my chest and snuggled her.

"I love you Atlas." I whispered.

I laid in my bed. I was 11. Atlas snuggled next to my side. It was dead silent, except for the police sirens in the distance. This was normal though, we live in a bad neighborhood. The police sirens got closer and closer until I heard it. The front door falling down, or breaking down.

"Police! Police! Come out!" Rough voices called.

Atlas woke up and stared at me in terror. I jumped up, scooped up Atlas, and ran to the corner of my room. Atlas snuggled up to me and began to cry.

"Shhh. It's okay Atlas." I hushed quickly.

The door of my bedroom flew onto the ground. Atlas screamed. I began to cry. Cry. Like a child. A flashlight shone on us.

"Backup. Backup. We got children." I heard a rough voice call.

Atlas sobbed. I let tears stream down my face. Why was this strange man here? Heavy footsteps hurried over to us. A man's face peered at me.

"Hey kids. Is it only you in here?" The man asked much more gently.

I only glared at him. Maybe he'll go away. He didn't. He crouched down next to me.

"Hey kidoos. I'm Ben, what's your names?" The man asked.

I only glared at him harder, but then I heard a small voice.

"A-Atlas." Atlas whispered.

"That's a pretty name. What's your sister's name?" Ben said softly.

"H-Hannah." Atlas stuttered.

"That's a nice name." Ben complimented.

I wasn't about to let Atlas speak for me.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Well, Hannah, I'm going to help you. Are you two the only children?" Ben questioned, barely answering my question.

"L-Like the only kids of Mama and Dada?" Atlas mumbled.

"Yes." I answered Ben.

"How old are you?" Ben seemed calmer.

"I'm 11, and Atlas is 2." I responded blinking slowly.

"Okay. Follow me." Ben stood up.

I scrambled up next to him. Ben reached down and picked up Atlas. Atlas began screaming.

"Hey! It's okay!" Ben sounded panicked.

"No! No! No! Down!" Atlas wailed.

"Atlas! Hush!" I ordered.

Atlas shut her mouth. Ben grabbed my hand, and led me out. Police men were running around, yelling at each other.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing." Ben said shortly.

"Liar." I mumbled.

Ben stopped and turned to me.

"What did you say?" Ben asked sternly.

I felt a rush of panic.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I cried.

"Kiddo! It's okay! You're right I am lying!" Ben rushed out the words.

I calmed down, and we continued to walk.

"What Mama and Dada do?" Atlas asked quietly.

"They were doing something bad." Ben explained quickly.

We approached a car. It was a police car, I could tell by the colors. Ben opened the car door. He placed Atlas in, and pushed me in. He shut the door quickly. The car began to drive. I was confused, but oddly not scared. I knew I was going somewhere safe. But I never guessed, it was going to be Granny's house.

I stood outside. The wind blew in my hair, ruffling it. I was about 12, Atlas 3. I had been with Granny for around a year, and I loved every bit of it. Even if I had to beg in the big city to get money for us to live. We lived in a small place off of the big city. Multiple small, falling apart buildings were around us. Everyone of them held people. Ours was one of the nicer ones. It was bigger, and not falling apart as much. Some of the other buildings held small families, just kids living on their own, single mothers, single fathers, old people all alone, middle aged poor people. Funny to think all these people once had jobs. Once had good houses and food. But not no more. The government decided to push them out of their homes and jobs. They were blacklisted from jobs. All because the neighborhood they lived in was raided by cops. I don't know why, maybe I'll never know. There was an old retired teacher that lived in one of the worst buildings. She would teach me things I never knew existed. Things like math or reading! I never knew you could solve number equations or read books! It was fascinating! I stood in the small collection of buildings. I just came from a visit with the teacher. She was sweet.

"Hannah! Hannah!" Small footsteps charged towards me.

Atlas ran up to me. What was she doing here? Granny never let her out of the house without me! Many people shot us dirty looks for disturbing their day with noise.

"What's wrong Atlas? Is it Granny? Is she okay? Did something happen?" I asked quickly.

"Granny fine! She told me to hurry get you! Said we need talk!" Atlas squeaked, looking scared.

"What are we waiting for then?" I said, wondering why we were wasting time.

I grabbed Atlas' hand, and ran towards home. This was the first time Granny had ever called for me!

When we ran inside, Granny was waiting for us. A man stood next to her in a uniform. I recognized this man. But I didn't know from where. Atlas's eyes widened from next to me.

"Ben?" Atlas whispered.

"Hey Kiddos! How are you doing?" Ben sounded oddly distant.

"Good! Granny really really super nice! She always feeds us, plays with us! She gives us water, lets us go outside!" Atlas began to ramble.

"Atlas, that's enough. Officer Ben doesn't want to hear about us." I said plainly.

"Hannah!" Granny scolded.

"No, it's alright Michelle." Ben calmed Granny, before walking over to me.

He looked down at me, before crouching down. I felt like a child. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Hannah? Do you remember me? Ben?" Ben asked.

"Yes I remember you. I'm not stupid." I retorted.

"Hannah." Granny warned.

"Why don't you like me Hannah? I rescued you from your parents and brought you here." Ben made fake puppy dog eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself." I muttered.

I almost heard Granny tense up from behind Ben.

"Hannah. Do you have a problem with me?" Ben asked simply.

"Yes. You basically took me from my home, the only place I knew with Atlas. And you took us here. Don't get me wrong, I love living here with Atlas and Granny. But, I was stripped from the only thing I knew. I needed an explanation. Who wouldn't be mad?" I ranted.

"Well Hannah. On the night we had raided your house, your parents were no where to be found. Leaving two children under 10 alone locked in a room is bad enough. But, the reason we raided your house in the first place, is your parents had been caught stealing, and using the money to buy drugs." Ben said flatly.

I only stared at him. Mama and Dada did drugs and stole? That's like them I suppose. But leaving me and Atlas behind as they ran? Were they going to come get us? Or just leave us to die locked in that room?

"Now that we understand each other, let me tell you why I'm really here." Ben stood up and walked outside.

"Hannah Marie McCaw. Don't you ever question a police officer again." Granny scolded under her breath.

"I needed an explanation. I deserved one." I insisted quietly.

"If you want to talk like that around such a powerful man, then you don't deserve the clothes on your back." Granny whispered, fiercely.

I shrunk back from her words. Ben came in carrying something. A carseat, I think. A blanket covered the thing. Ben set the thing down on the dining table, and removed the blanket. A baby. A real baby was beneath the blanket. The baby was wrapped in another blanket, while in a car seat. The baby was small, but cute.

"Why baby?" Atlas asked, confused.

"This is Henry. He's your brother. We don't know how old he is, maybe around four months." Ben explained, while taking the baby out.

I couldn't help but gasp. He was adorable! His eyes were round and hazel. They shone with such a curiosity that we only see in small children. He's hair was curly, oh very curly! It was starting to become the color of mine and Atlas's hair. He was so skinny too!

"Do you like him Hannah?" Ben's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I ducked my head, embarrassed that I had been caught staring.

"You can hold him." Ben offered.

I nodded quickly. Ben chuckled and handed him to me. I quickly took him and cuddled him to my chest. Henry.... My baby brother. Atlas only stared at Henry for a moment before running off to play. I barely listened as Ben explained the situation to Granny. Mama and Dada had apparently been sent to jail for a long time. But, they had been sneaking around and hanging out. Dada had got Mama pregnant. When it became noticeable, they escaped jail. Only to be found months later by the police. The police immediately contacted Granny. She adopted him, and Ben brought him here. I cuddled the small baby before me. How much has he already been through? And what's left in his life? I cared, but I didn't. His past wasn't that important, was it? The only important things are present and future. How can I secure his future while still making the best of the present? How can I protect him and Atlas from the cruel world? I sighed quietly. Too much to think about. This is now, and I'll try to make the best of it.

I had my eyes closed. I was sitting on a log in the Kilen Woods. For some reason, it seemed safe. Evelyn was next to me, I could feel her. She never interrupted me while I told her my memories, my story. She was quiet, but then again she was always quiet. I knew I could trust her, even though I only knew her for a week.

"That's.... So sad." Evelyn murmured,

I felt her hand gently touch my shoulder. Was I really this weak? No, of course not! Or at least I hoped not. I had to be strong. My eyes flew open.

"I just told you my life." I said plainly.

Evelyn nodded.

"Now tell me yours. Why are you here? What happened? Tell me." I tried to sound commanding.

Evelyn stared at me for a second. At first, I thought she was going to refuse. But she didn't. She seemed to tell me everything. Evelyn told me about her siblings- or cousins, whatever they are. She told me about her parents- or aunt and uncle. She shared good and bad memories. Finally, she told me about how she found out about them. I couldn't help, but feel a twinge of sympathy for her. Evelyn had grown up, her whole life, a lie. At least I have known who's my real family. We shared a small moment of silence, before I heard small footsteps scrambling our way. I immediately stood up. Atlas came in view. Her face was nervous, not super nervous, but still way more nervous than usual. I could tell something was wrong, but I could never guess what.


Hello wonderful people! Thank you reading this chapter, Treacherous Past. I hoped you enjoyed it! I know it's a lot longer then usual. Also, what did you think? Did like you like this backstory? I thought it would clear somethings up. Like why they were living with their grandmother, or what happened to their parents. (By them or their I mean: Hannah, Atlas, and Henry) How do you like my awesome cliffhanger? :D Well anyway, have an amazing day!

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