Draco x reader

By azraSlytherin

854K 12.8K 31.9K

(Completed) -------------------- The story is beginning from year three at Hogwarts. You are a kind Slytherin... More

Chapter 1 - third year
Chapter 2 - summer holidays
Chapter 3 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 4 - celebration
Chapter 5 - Louis
Chapter 6 - Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 7 - detention
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Task one, triwizard tournament
Chapter 10 - rumor
Chapter 12 - Yule ball
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 11

21.5K 320 750
By azraSlytherin

Reminder :

(Y/n)= your name
(Y/l/n)= your last name
(e/c) = eye colour


Today was sunday and I was going to Hogsmeade with Cedric.

I got dressed and went down to eat breakfast.

The doors slammed shut and as I walked in, everyone's  attention was on me.

I wasn't used to be conspicuous. But from today it was different. Everyone knew about the rumor Parkinson had been spreading. Everyone knew me as 'Mrs. Potter'.

I could see from Harry's eyes, that he was enjoying it a little bit. It was awkward as I walked to the Slytherin table and all eyes followed me.

I sat next to Blaise and ignored the glares from the Slytherins. I began to eat and every other house tables turned around to mind their own business. Even the girls at my table turned back and didn't look at me anymore, except the boys.

They were staring at me all the time. Across from me sat Adrian Pucey and Terence Higgs.

,,What are you guys staring at?" I looked up to them.

,,Blinded by your beauty." Higgs winked and they smirked. I didn't pay much attention and kept looking at my plate.

,,Oh- um, thanks" was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

I felt Blaise leaning down to me.

,,Two guys are flirting with you and the only thing you say is 'thanks'?" He whispered in my ear quietly. I looked up to him and he rose his brows.

,,I'm not that type of girl, who is flirting with guys, ok? Besides, I have a boyfriend."

,,Right." He nodded and looked at his plate to continue eating. ,,Um, do you know where Draco is?"

,,No. Maybe with Pansy." I shrugged.

He looked at md confused.

,,I said probably. I don't know what they're doing."

,,But why are you thinking he's with her? He hates her."

,,I don't think he hates her,um- I didn't... I also thought that he hates it when someone is touching him. Especially Parkinson. But I guess I thought wrong."

Blaise looked at me, still confused.

,,I saw them yesterday in the common room. Malfoy was laying on her lap and she was stroking his hair."

,,Wait what? And you're sure, that they were Pansy and Draco and not some blonde dude and a brown haired girl?"

,,Yes. She came in our room to sleep when I was already fallen asleep. It was pretty late. Whatever they were doing there, I don't want to know it."

Blaise was still confused.

,,I am not hungry anymore, um- I have to go" I stood up and walked out of the great hall.

I heard someone walking behind me, but I didn't really care.

Whoever it was approached me.

I was in a dark hallway on my way to the Slytherin common room, till a hand grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall.

I couldn't recognize who it was first. The only thing I could feel was his hand next to me, which he pressed against the wall and his cold breath.

I saw brown eyes looking in my (e/c) ones. Then I recognized him. It was Louis.

,,Louis, what are you doing?" I tried to push him away.

,,I feel sorry 'bout that what I did back then in the great hall."

,,Yeah I forgive you, now leave me alone." I still tried to get myself out of his grip.

We heard a girl coming. She giggled about probably a joke someone had made. I knew this laugh. I tried to figure out who it was, while Louis distanced himself to look who was coming. But he was still close enough, that I couldn't escape.

It was Parkinson. I know her laugh it is Parkinson. But someone is with her.
They turned the corner and came our way. Next to her was - Malfoy.
They didn't see us, till Parkinson looked over.

,,Ooh... I found out who your boyfriend is (y/l/n). Didn't I tell you I'll find out"

,,He is not my boyfriend!" I yelled at her.

,,Come on, you don't have to lie. We are friends" she grinned.

,,He isn't my boyfriend!"

During this conversation between us, Malfoy looked with eyes full of anger. I wanted to ignore him, but couldn't.

,,But I think you got yourself one" I said.

,,Yes I did." She threw her arm over Malfoy's shoulder and Malfoy held her by her waist, pulling her closer to himself.

I made a joke. I thought he would defense himself and say that it isn't true, but it was. I couldn't believe it. I looked at them in disbelief.

,,Whatever, now help me." I tried to get out of Louis' arms, but he was too strong.

,,Why should we?" Parkinson raised her brow. I saw Malfoy taking a step forward, but Parkinson held his arm.
,,You are not going to help her, are you?" She looked at him. Malfoy walked back and stood still.

,,(Y/n)!" Someone yelled from the right side. I looked over and saw Cedric.

,,Cedric!" Louis let me go.

I collapsed to the ground and couldn't move. My legs were shaking and I couldn't look up.

,,Hufflepuff arrived. How exciting." Parkinson grinned.

,,Shut it Parkinson!" Cedric said and turned his attention back to Louis.

,,I'll-" he ran to Louis grabbed his neck, lifted him in the air and held him against the wall.

,,I'll leave." Malfoy said and walked away.

,,Wait...Dracie!" Parkinson yelled and ran after him.

,,C- Cedric stop. Y-you will get yourself in trouble." I still couldn't look up. My head hang and my eyes closed slowly.

,,C-Cedric...". Cedric didn't hear me. He yelled at Louis, but I couldn't hear him clearly. My vision blurred. Then I fainted.


,,You don't understand. I have to see if she's okay."

,,Darling, she is okay, but you are not allowed to visit her"


,,Cedric said, that no one except her friends or someone she wants to be there, can visit her."

,,That's stupid. I don't care, I'll go. If Cedric wants me to leave, he should come and try." I heard Madame Pomfrey and a male voice talking. I knew the voice. Who was he, why am I here? I totally forgot what happened.

I felt the boy settling his weight on my bed. I opened slowly my eyes and saw... Malfoy.

,,What are you doing here?!" I whispered.

,,I wanted to see if you're ok"

,,Why would you care" it was more a statement than a question.

I looked away trying to avoid eye contact.

,,I don't want you here."

Then I remembered why I am here. The memories played out in my brain.


,,You didn't help me and now you are coming over to see if I am okay?!" I interrupted him and looked him now in the eyes.

,,I wanted b-"

,,But you didn't." I finished his sentence.

,,If Cedric wasn't there who knows what would've happened."

,,I know. And I'm sorry. Parkinson held me back and I- and I-"

,,You what? Didn't want to break her heart but let Louis hurt me." I looked him deep in the eyes and he avoided the eye contact now.

,,I'm sorry."

,,As you shouldm" I stood up and almost fell, but Malfoy held me.

,,Don't touch me." I hissed at him.

,,Are you serious? You can't just stand up and leave." I turned around.

,,I can do whatever I want. And you are the last person who should care."

And with that I left. Madame Pomfrey wasn't there so it was easy to leave. It was really hard to walk, but I did it.

I reached the Hufflepuff common room and followed someone inside.

,,(y/n)? What are you doing here?" Cedric threw his book away and hurried to help me. ,,You should've stayed in the hospital wing"

,,No-no, I want to go with you to Hogsmeade, remember?"

,,But you are-"

,,I don't care, I want to go with you to Hogsmeade."

,,(y/n) no. We can't. You are unable to walk properly."

,,Cedric- I'm o-ok" I collapsed at the couch and fainted again.


,,What does she have, Madame Promfrey? Why is she fainting all the time?"

,,I think everything was too much in the last time. She has probably anxiety and faints all the time, when her body is exhausted and can't handle a situation anymore."

,,Is there something I could do?"

,,Just make her happy and don't let her be exhausted."

,,Ok thanks" I heard Cedric speak with Madame pomefrey. Damn it, I was unable to open my eyes, but could feel that I was in the hospital wing, again."

,,She should take a break for a while and not go to her classes."


Then I felt him sitting next to me.
I still couldn't open my eyes, but spoke.

,,Cedric" Cedric held my hand.

,,What is it, love?"

,,Th- thank you to be here for me..." I whispered, cause I couldn't speak louder.

,,Always" he kissed my forehead. Cedric held my hand and stroke my hair, until I fell asleep. He didn't want to leave, but Madame Pomfrey made him leave.


,,Madame Pomfrey! Three days passed and she didn't wake up. I want to see if she's ok!" I heard a male voice saying. It was Malfoy.

,,She is breathing and her heart beat is ok. She'll wake up soon."

I heard his footsteps coming closer. I still couldn't open my eyes, so I pretended to sleep, to see what he will do.

I waited and after three minutes of silence, I felt his hand going trough my hair. His cold hand went down my cheek and I got goosebomps. Now I could feel his cold hands holding mine.

,,Draco, come one now. What are you doing here with her?" Ugh. I haven't missed this voice. Parkinson.

,,Come over here. Now!" Malfoy let go of my hand and went over to Parkinson.

The next morning, I woke up and felt fit. I could walk and run.

,,Madame Pomfrey. Can I go? I'm even fit enough to run, look." I ran across the room and back to her. She smiled.

,,Yes, I think, you are healthy enough to leave."

,,Oh thanks, thanks, thanks." I hugged her. She giggled again and gave me my clothes.

,,Here's your bag of clothes. And take care of yourself, dear. Don't faint again."

,,Yeah, I won't." I said and rushed out.

I ran to the Hufflepuff common room and found Cedric sleeping on the couch. I saw a Hufflepuff girl walking to the bathroom.

,,Hey, um what time is it ?" I asked and she looked at her watch.

,,4 am."

,,Oh ok thanks" oh. It's pretty early. I decided to lay next to Cedric. I threw my leg over his legs and cuddled him.

I woke up and looked up to Cedric. He was already awake and stroke my hair.

,,For how long did you watch me?"

,,Um..." he pretended to think ,,an hour?"
I giggled and pushed his shoulder jokingly.

,,I don't see a reason to stare at me, mr. Diggory." I smiled.

,,There are endless reasons ,miss (y/l/n)." he leaned down and touched my nose with his. I giggled.

,,Now let's really go to Hogsmeade this time" I stood up and helped him to get up as well. ,,Get ready, I'll wait here" I said and Cedric went to his dorm room.


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