𝐡𝑒̂𝑑𝑒 π‘›π‘œπ‘–π‘Ÿπ‘’ ; ᴛᴏᴍ...

By strvcme

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"The prophecy doesn't speak of Tom Riddle being the most dangerous wizard. It speaks of someone who matches h... More

main cast introductions; lilith rosenyx
main cast introductions; tom marvolo riddle
main cast introductions; abraxas malfoy


5K 178 160
By strvcme

Back to April 6th, 1944: Hogwarts.

"Everyone, give her a warm welcome and we will begin the sorting." Dippet said as the students remained silent with some 'hello's' here and there.

Lilith looked over at the Slytherin table where she would've expected Tom Riddle to be but since Dippet didn't give any description on what he looked like, she couldn't find him.

Lilith sat on the stool and Dippet pulled out a musty large brown hat.

Dippet placed the hat on her head and the hat leaped in fear.

"This is very difficult. Smart like a Ravenclaw but cunning like a Slytherin. I have never seen eagerness and power like this from anyone. Ah! I know... Slytherin!" The hat exclaimed.

The Slytherin table burst into applause and they hollered while the other houses looked disappointed.

Lilith walked to the Slytherin table and sat next to a boy who didn't seem bothered to even look up.

Lilith admired him and saw that he had beautiful black locks that were styled effortlessly and a facial structure like a God. He had piercing yet daring eyes that looked dangerous. Lilith got chills just looking at him.

The boy finally looked at her, his eyes glaring at her intently through his dark eyebrows. A strand of hair was loose and dangled over his eye.

Lilith noticed that he was holding a book with messy cursive handwriting written all over the pages. Her gaze lingered over his hands more. His fingers were delicate and held onto the cover of the book with his thumb pressed between the spine of the pages. Steel rings on his slender fingers that all looked like they belonged in a historical museum.

"I'm Lilith Rosenyx." Lilith said with a fake smile, hoping that this was Tom Riddle. God, if this was Tom Riddle, she was going to have to get past his stunning looks.

"Tom. Tom Riddle." He replied, taking a particularly long time with his syllables as his eyes continued to stay stuck on her.


"Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked, acknowledging the empty spaces around him and he moved his hand from his book to his face, his fingers pressing against his chin.

"As much as I'd love to have the honor of sitting with Slytherin's new candy," Tom's voice had a sense of sarcasm and charm. A confusing mixture. "These seats are occupied." He didn't bother to flash a grin or anything.

The feast had already started and Lilith was still left denied.

A presence came up behind her and the smell of peppermint arose.

"He's a bit feisty. I tried talking to him but he shut me off. I guess people need their space." A boy mumbled in her ear behind her.

Lilith turned around to see a tall boy with blonde hair and green eyes look down at her.

"You can come sit with me and my friends." The boy said with a smile.

Lilith looked over at the black haired boy and back at the blonde hair boy.

If she was going to stay here, she might as well make the most of it.

"Sure." Lilith said, flashing a smile that made the boy blush. He extended a hand for her to take and she did as he guided her to the other end of the table.

Lilith looked back at the black haired boy who didn't acknowledge that she had just left.

Lilith sat down at a table with the blonde haired boy and two other boys and a girl.

"I'm Caspian. Caspian Lovegood. I'm actually a Ravenclaw but don't tell Dippet that I'm here. I'm not very popular amongst the Ravenclaws." The boy said, settling himself in his seat.

"I'm Gatsby Aborns." A boy with long brown hair and olive skin said, shaking Lilith's hand.

"I'm Theodore Zakarias. But you can call me Theo, gorgeous." A boy with beautiful dark skin and brown eyes said, winking.

"And I'm Catherine Duval." A stunning girl with ginger hair and freckles said.

"Nice to meet you all." Lilith said again, meeting all of their eyes.

"That boy you attempted to talk to, his name is Tom Riddle." Caspian said, taking a bite out of his Shepard's pie.

"Oh. He seems put out." Lilith said, internally smiling. Oh, she already knew who he was.

"Yeah. He's always like that. He's just a sketchy little-" Theo said before Caspian cut him off.

"He'll grow out of it eventually. Everyone does. You just have to give him space." Caspian said, smiling dreamily.

"How do you always find good in everyone? Just admit that he's weird. I mean yeah, he's a hero for catching Hagrid but he avoids almost everyone." Gatsby said with wide eyes.

"He's just having a bad day. He's not always like that." Catherine said taking a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"You're only saying that because you fancy him. Everyone does. Hell, even the boys and the teachers." Theo said in an accusing tone. Catherin scoffed.

"Listen, he's a nice and charming guy and he isn't an ass. He's just hard to get to know." Caspian said, reassuring Lilith.

Lilith awkwardly smiled and turned away.

"So... How do you know English if you went to Beauxbatons? You also have a British accent. Is that normal?" Catherine asked, admiring Lilith.

"We learn English there. I also was born and raised in England so I guess that's why I have a British accent." Lilith wasn't lying.

"Fascinating. Is every girl there as beautiful as you?" Theo asked, propping his head on his palm.

"Theo!" Gatsby exclaimed, hitting him on the shoulder.

"Oh look. There's Riddle's gang. Took them long enough to show up." Gatsby said as the group turned to look.

The group went to sit with Tom Riddle who was focusing on his book, except for one boy.

A platinum blonde haired boy with gray eyes looked at Lilith and stopped in his tracks, staring at her like he was analyzing her every movement.

He had striking eyes and a sharp, chiseled jawline. His hair were in sort of messy locks like he had just ran a mile and it was framing his face effortlessly. He was pale and tall. He gazed at Lilith before gathering his composure and going to sit with Riddle and the rest.

"Seems like Abraxas Malfoy has his eye on you." Caspian cooed, smirking.

"From what I heard, he's shagged almost every girl. It's rare that he's actually interested in a girl." Gatsby said, leaning in to grab bread.

Lilith picked at her food and looked at Tom Riddle who was staring at her intensely with a pondering look on his face.

Lilith continued to stare at him when he finally turned away and continued to write in his book.

Lilith smirked in satisfaction and looked at Professor Dippet who was whispering something to another professor at the table.


When the feast ended, Lilith wanted to rush out. The group was chatting the entire time and her head was pounding, trying to get past her realization that she was out and in Hogwarts.

Dismissal went by houses and Slytherin was last. With the crowd of students in different colored ties, it was impossible for Lilith to breathe until the Slytherin house stopped. Lilith peered to the front of the crowd where she saw Dumbledore speaking to Tom Riddle. With a sharp turn, Tom's eyes landed directly onto Lilith.

"Lilith, Professor Dumbledore would like to speak to you in his office." He said, glaring at the Slytherin students who looked back at Lilith and moved aside so that she could walk towards Dumbledore.

Eyes peered at her, stinging on her back. Straight ahead was Dumbledore next to Tom Riddle and his group. Abraxas Malfoy stared at her and smirked when she looked back at him. Her heart skipped two beats. He was attractive and there was no doubt about it. He was like a Greek God.


Tom's eyes on her were captivating. As she came closer, he got taller and taller to the point where he began to look down. Fuck, he was beyond beautiful. Tom Riddle was the most attractive man she's ever seen.

Lilith looked away and began walking with Dumbledore as the Slytherin house continued in the opposite direction to their commons.

"How are you liking Hogwarts, Lilith?" Dumbledore started, "There's already an intrigue between the two of you."


"Tom Riddle. It seems like you two have already been acquainted."

"It's a progress," Lilith exhaled. "Will I get my schedule?"

He merely nodded as he opened a door into a classroom and went to sit on the chair behind his desk, motioning for Lilith to sit on the chair in front of the desk.

He reached in the drawer of his desk and took out a piece of parchment with her schedule on it.

"Headmaster Dippet has advised me to introduce you to Hogwarts. Therefore, I was in charge of your schedule and reintroducing you to Hogwarts timeless rules." He paused and rubbed his brown beard. "We can skip that and get to what you need to do. On your schedule, you'll see that you have advanced classes like Tom Riddle. He's an exceptionally smart student and I figure you can work on the same level judging on what I've heard about your academic experiences. You're a smart one and I will leave you to do what you need to do."

"I appreciate the understanding but you're also putting me in a very dangerous situation, Professor. I'd prefer if I had assistance when necessary. As Monet said, he is a dangerous boy." Lilith cocked her eyebrow as she continued staring at her schedule.

"Hogwarts will be a safe place. I will provide all the safety you need. Now, off to bed. A good nights sleep is the best way to start off a new task." Dumbledore's voice was almost putting her in a trance as she nodded and left with no other questions.

Lilith was walking back to her dorm when she saw a tall figure move towards the library.

She caught a glimpse of black locks and instantly knew.

Tom Riddle.

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