Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
🖍🎨 Drawings 🎨🖍
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1

247 15 6
By Namifangurl07

"Are you sure this is a really good idea?" Kurama asked with concern as he and Hiei hid behind one a square pillar with Yusuke who was on the front, looking into the sea of crowds.

"Of course I am." Replied the male Spirit Detective boy confidently. "As Miyuki's brother, it's my duty to watch over her and make sure she is okay."

"Doesn't this however count as stalking?" The redhead pointed out as he also looked around, just in case someone they know is about to spot them.

"Stalking?" The black-haired boy asked in disbelief before letting out a small puff of air. "Naaah, of course not. I am not like that."

"Don't act to be smart here." Hiei suddenly spoke up as he stood next to the demon-fox with his arms crossed. "You're terrible at it." He pointed out.

"Don't you have a job to do?" Yusuke reminded his teammate with a small growl coming out of his throat.

"Hn, at least I do it right, unlike you and that fool human friend of yours." Hiei once again barked back a comment as he closed his eyes and just focused on trying to find the girls with his Jagan eye. As Yusuke was grumbling many curses and nonsenses under his breath, Kurama's sudden gasp brought the male Spirit Detectives angry rants to an end.

"What?" Yusuke asked a little annoyed. The redhead didn't say anything but pointed at the tall security guard with his head.

"What are you kids are doing, all alone?" Demanded the brown-haired man with his broom like mustache being fixated between his fingers while the other hand was resting on his hip. "Where are your parents?"

The boys stood there a little dumbfounded for a small moment. However, Kurama was about to make up a lie as his composure slowly comes back, but before he can even say a word, Yusuke tried to solve the problem in his own way. He walked forward and kicked the man by the shin who cried out in pain and held his injury and jump up and down like a kangaroo, saying 'ouch' after each time his good foot set down on the floor.

"Yusuke-!" Kurama wanted to tell his friend how this was not a proper approach but instead, he got dragged away by Yusuke while Hiei just sped off with his inhuman speed somewhere else. Once the security guard recovered from his moment, he looked down to scold at the kid, only to find him long gone along with his friends. He got out his walkie-talkie and pushed down a button before talking into the device to make his co-workers aware of the little situation. While he was saying it, a male figure ghosted by with eyes flashing in a red crimson color for a second before going away from the security guard's area and went somewhere else.

A sudden chill ran down Kuwabara's spine as a small drop of sweat rolled down from his forehead. This odd behaviour meant only one thing. His spiritual awareness sensed the evil around the area.

"Is something wrong Kuwabara?" Asked one of his friends, Okubo who immediately took notice of his leader's blue head.

"It's probably the 'tickle' again." Sawamura announces it to his friend with a low whisper.

"What could be this time Kuwabara? The old lady again with the axe?" Kirishima asked curiously as he leaned close to Kazuma who was looking around warily.

"I'm. . . I'm not entirely sure." Replied his leader with a small stutter as he was now sweating bullets. "I'm not even sure if it's even a ghost. . ." Indeed he was not wrong, as soon as he turned to another direction, his eyes met with a man who held a sinister smile on his face, looking back at the human boy directly. Within a blink, he vanished, but the teen thug was still able to feel the darkness in the mall, meaning that strange evil entity was still lurking around here somewhere. 

"Look guys, I-I just remembered that I need to buy some things for my sister and mom. Just go on without me." With that, the orange-haired guy began to leave.

"H-hey Kuwabara." One of his friends called out. "We can come with you, ya know?"

"Uh-ah, there is no need for that guys. I'll be okay." Kazuma reassured his friends as he backed away with one hand rubbing the back of his head. "See ya!" With that he disappeared.

"Is he really okay?" Asked Okubo, now feeling concerned.

"Beats me." Sawamura shrugged his shoulders.

"I bet he just saw some hot chick and now he is looking after her." Guessed Kirishima who was just as worried about the gang leader as the other two.

Meanwhile, with Kuwabara he was using his Spiritual awareness to detect that stranger he had just seen five minutes ago. Unfortunately, his search was unsuccessful. His gift also couldn't find the dark aura either, but it was somewhat in the air.

"That's weird." Kuwabara thought out loud. "I could have sworn that I-." He couldn't finish his sentence because some kid just knocked him off of his feet.

"What the. . . ?" Kuwabara groaned out the question but his words trailed off as soon as his eyes were settled on the nine or ten-year-old figure.

"Watch where you're going old man!" The little Spirit Detective cried out irritatedly as the redhead boy just got to him and helped him stand up.
"Urameshi?" Kazuma asked as he looked at his punching buddy's young figure, then he turned to Kurama questioningly.

"Oh dear. . ." The redhead breathed out as a small drop of nervousness rolled from the back of his head.


"Are you ready?" Ruby asked sweetly as I was hiding behind the curtains with this stupid dress thing on me. I must admit, it feels comfortable, but I look probably ridiculous.

"Yes. . ." I groaned out with a neutral voice as I turn my gaze away from the mirror, still feeling mortified by my own actions. . . Damn it. . . I should have known something like this would happen.

"Let me have a look." And right after her words, the curtains flung open revealing my water-bender partner who's cheerful expression suddenly fell into a look of shock.

"Oh my. . . " I suddenly hear Botan gasp who just popped her head out from behind Ruby along with Keiko, whose eyes were sparkling like fireworks on the night sky.

"I don't believe it." Commented on my childhood friend as her jaw dropped. Gosh, why did I have to be born as a girl. . . ?

"Tsk, quit staring at me like that, I'm embarrassed enough already." I grumbled under my breath as I turned my head away. I can feel my cheeks burning.

"If I would be a boy I would have fallen in love." Botan gushed as she looked at me with those sparkly pink eyes of her. "You just look absolutely stunning my dear."

"Hn, as if." I bluntly replied as I turned my body away with my arms crossed over my chest. "I look like a complete joke."

"No you're not." Keiko said to me as she appeared by my side and twirled me around, forcing me to look into my reflection. "See, you look pretty."

"Indeed, just look at those delicate features." My blunette assistant pointed out to me, but I didn't look at the mirror. In fact, I closed my remaining eye just to avoid to witness my own humiliation.

"But there is something missing. " I hear Ruby say it from my other side who then suddenly gasped.

"Oh! Maybe something red." Keiko suddenly said before reaching inside her small bag and brought out. . . a lipstick.

"Eh?" I yelped out as I looked at the cursed makeup in terror.

"Hold still, okay?" The brunette girl said but I grabbed her wrist before that thing could even touch me.

"Touch me with that thing and I will make you suffer." I threatened her. There is no way in hell that I will let this happen. The dress was already enough-.

"Well, if you think of it that way, then I think our deal is off." Ruby playfully threw the blackmail into my ear, making me froze. I gave her a look, but she just gave me a smug smirk in return. My glaring stare at that cheeky little-.

A hand suddenly grasped onto my chin and before I knew it that red paint covered my lips.

"There." Keiko said with pride as she placed the make up back down into her bag.

"I hate you all. . ." I murmured under my breath as I hugged myself. Now I am feeling totally self-conscious.

"Hmm, I don't know about you girls, but I feel like something is still missing." Botan informed us, ignoring my words completely. Suddenly the young grim reapers eyes lit up before reaching into her sky-blue hair and pull out a hair pin that soon found it's way into my black-locks that were now pinned to the left-side and giving me a clear vision for my good eye-sight. "Now that's better. . . but. . ." Botan suddenly trailed off as she placed one finger on her bottom lip while looking at me thoughtfully.

"I am not a dress up doll!" I huffed out, loud enough for the three girls to hear, but like before, it was no use. They ignored me completely.

"Oh, I know." Exclaimed my water-bender friend suddenly. . . Then I felt a tug on my hair.

"H-hey!" I warned her and was about to stop whatever she was about to do, but I appeared to be a little too late.

"There." Was all my partner said as her hand now held onto my blue ribbon that I had been keeping since my childhood. My hair bun fell apart and like ink, it splattered around the air then landed onto my back.

No. . .

"Woah. . ." Keiko breathed out in awe as she and Botan kept on staring at me like they are seeing something incredible.

"Bingo. . . " My assistant said, now completely awestruck and somewhat shocked by my new look.

However, I don't see what's with all that fuss. It's just me standing in front of them in a pretty dress and clown paint. . .and now with my hair down. . . I don't see anything special about it. . .I feel warm hands planting themselves onto each of my shoulders making my body turn around. I open my eye and see Ruby looking at me with her warm smile.

"Just take a look at yourself." Ruby encouraged me as she gently turned me back around and now I was really seeing my reflection. But I didn't see myself. . .

It still looked Miyuki. . . But at the same time. . . She was a completely different person.

[Miyuki in the dress. Art by me.]

"Lesson number one: Learn to be brave and confident enough to get out of your own comfort zone." She whispered in my ear with a secretive and serious tone. "It might sound little and in some ways strange but. . . with baby steps and patience, you might find that strength and bravery within yourself to show your true feelings again. A side of yours that you either haven't seen before or you had long forgotten about. . ." I turned my gaze at my friend and let the information shank in. . . Maybe she was trying to tell me something with this stupid action. . . But the methods are still terrible. . .

"What's with all that whispering about?" Botan asked with a curious look at her expression. At that Ruby just chuckled while I just huffed out a 'hn' as I turned my gaze away.

Suddenly something struck me in the heart. That damn gut feeling again. My shoulder burning. . . and so was the mark on my right wrist.

'What?' I asked myself mentally as I gaze down on my marked wrist. This can only mean one thing. 'Hiei. . . this must mean he is here. . .' But then what could explain my burning sensation on my shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Keiko asked looking at me rather worriedly. "Is your injury is hurting again?" Now she was concerned. However, before I can open my lips-.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" A voice demanded. A very one that I would recognize. I turned my gaze to the source's direction, only to see. . .

"Oh, goodness me." Botan asked as she pointed at the direction of Hiei, who's hand was being held by a man who was in his thirties. . .

"Wait, isn't that Mr. Yoshida who leads the Drama club?" Keiko suddenly pointed out making me turn back to take a better look at the man who is holding Hiei's small wrist.

Silky black hair and blue eyes with glasses. 

Yup. That's him alright.

Without any second thought, I walked over to them, not caring if they would see me like this. I will change back to my clothes anyway once I saved Shadow Lord from my teacher who had been so supportive and helpful toward me ever since I accepted his offer to come to his club. 

Quickly making up a plan I rushed my way over to the two.

"Akio, there you are!" I cried out as I was finally got close to the men who turned their gaze at me.

"Ma'am?" Asked Mr.Yoshida politely as he let go of Hiei and stood up. From his eyes, I can tell that he didn't really recognize me. No surprise there, I always wear my hair in a bun and I never let it down, ever, only when it comes to bedtime.

"My apologies sir." I apologized, making my lips curl up onto a polite smile as I pulled the demon boy close to me. "You see, my cousin here can be a little handful at times when it comes to strangers."

"It's alright miss." The man said as his hand scratched the back of his hair. "Sorry for causing trouble to the little one."

"It's alright, no harm was done." I reassured him, keeping up the act. "But thank you for at least keeping my little trouble-maker in company." With that, I gave a bow and dragged the boy away from my teacher. As we walked back to the girls, I noticed that Keiko was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Keiko?" I asked.

"Her mother just called in an urgent manner, so she left." Botan quickly explained as her attention turned to the small five-year-old figure, her eyes demanding an explanation.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Ruby asked while scolding Hiei at the same time through her coffee-bean orbs. The arrogant little brat said nothing but looked away, with a little red on his face. Probably from embarrassment.

"Hn." Was all that came from the little bastard as he looked away with his arms crossed over his chest. Well, I must admit, he looked cute, but he is still here. . . probably stalking on me or something . . .

My hand went to grab Hiei by the ear, rather harshly but I didn't care. He is here and probably the others are as well because I know for a fact that he wouldn't come after anyone unless Yusuke and Foxface are here.

"Let go of me woman!" Hiei snapped at me but I had none of this. I am taking no shit from him or either of the boys because so far, they had been so reckless and stupid for the past few days.

"Not until you tell us what's going on!" I told him sternly, but suddenly the sound of screams and cries of people outside of the shop. Immediately I rushed to the glass door where I can have a clear view of the chaos that is going on outside.

"Oh no. . ." Ruby breathed out, her eyes trembling with horror.

"I'll go and change." I announced as I grabbed my blue ribbon from my friend and tied my hair back up, but in a quick ponytail before going to the small changing-room and get out of the dress before I got on my pants and my shirt.

Well, from a Girl's Day out to a Total Disaster. How wonderful.

Guess Spirit Detectives never catch their breaks. 

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