For the love of a Dragon (Thr...

By residenthobbit49

265K 8.8K 2.1K

Cursed elleth. Dragon. Thranduil. You finish the puzzle. residenthobbit49 :) Note: I am in the midst of editi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

11.6K 329 60
By residenthobbit49

It's party time!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D 

I was in the forest on a lovely autumn morning, walking around and through the giant trees. I knew that Mirkwood is the last place to go for a leisurely stroll, but it was still beautiful to me. The gnarled, twisted trees and their befallen darkness were perhaps starkly different from the ones I had grown up around in these woods, but they had grown on me. I could see now; the beauty within the darkness. The way the light filtered through the plagued leaves. The dewy moss of the forest floor. If one looked beyond the initial frightening exterior, they could see the little wonders hidden within.

Suddenly, a hiss slithered its way to my ears from the trees, slicing the tranquil silence like a knife. Acting on instinct, I turned around and shot an arrow at a spider who was lurking in the shadows. I whipped my head around and ran in the direction of the nest. Where there was one spider, there were always bound to be more.

I physically recoiled as I reached the nest, the hub of spider activity. There were so many of them. The sheer scale of them was enough to put me off dinner for a month. Long, spindly legs crawled and scuttled through sticky, mesh-like webs that they used to trap their prey. The sound of hissing was deafening as I shook off my fears and charged into battle.

I shuddered in disgust as I shot an arrow at a lanky looking one that was about to pounce. Stowing my bow and pulling out my sword, I scaled a wide tree and scowled as my sword plunged into another's eye. I yanked it out as its corpse fell to the ground. Black blood splattered onto my sword and hands as I fought more.

I amputated another then turned to see a large one, readying to attack. I let out a battle cry and swung my sword at it, but it blocked it with its stinger. We kept fighting, parrying back and forth until I swung myself around on top of it with a nearby branch and stabbed it in the head. I nimbly jumped off before I fell with it and landed on a large branch. 

I was about to chase after one when I felt legs wrap around me from behind, squeezing me tightly like a vice. I wheezed and squirmed as I tried to get my arm free, but it wouldn't budge. 

Suddenly, without any warning, the spider screamed. I let out a yell of pain as my ears burned in the loud, high pitched squeal. The spider's grip loosened, and I took this chance to slice down from its head to the bottom of its abdomen. Nudging it with my elbow, I knocked it off the branch and into the abyss below.

I looked up to see Tauriel, the young red-haired guard, wielding two bronze daggers with wide eyes. The skill the young Elleth must have possessed to survive this long in a spider's nest... "Thank you," I panted, smiling slightly. This elleth I barely knew had saved my life. I owed her a life debt. 

She only turned around and slashed at another spider with those deadly blades. "Anytime," she grunted as she finished it off. 

We were both there for some time, slaughtering the spiders, saving each other's backs when needed. I spun my sword and licked my lips in anticipation for the next one - the next vermin who wished to be exterminated. One landed right in front of me, lunging for me. I simply sprung myself off my feet, spun in mid air and sliced down, splitting its hideous face open. Finally, I slit another one's throat and looked around to see that we had finished them.

"That was a lot of spiders," I puffed, wiping my sword and sheathing it. "Are there usually that many?" 

Tauriel shook her head. "U. Engain nar," she said. Cleaning ourselves up and doing a final check of the situation, we walked back to the Woodland Realm together. 

During our walk, I found out a little more about the mysterious and incredibly skilled warrior that was Tauriel. She told me that her parents were killed by Orcs when she was very young, and Thranduil had taken her in along with other refugees from her village. She had been trained to fight ever since.

Finally, after around half an hour of merry chatting and story-telling, we arrived at the gates of the Woodland Realm. As we walked in, we saw that the place was bustling with servants; carrying baskets of food, barrels of wine, putting up decorations, doing last minute cleaning. Little Elflings from nearby villages - children of the servants - scurried around with their little wooden swords, earning scolds from the adults. "Wow," I said, seeing all the fuss. "Thranduil's famous Mereth Nuin Giliath must be as great as the tales say if it needs this much preperation." A servant carrying a basket of fruits bustled past me, clearly not noticing I was there. 

Tauriel chuckled. "The Feast of Starlight," she said, smiling. "It is tonight. I hope to see you there. Farewell," she smiled, inclining her head, then walked off.

I slowly made my way to my room, getting knocked, bumped and shoved along the way. Finally managing to squeeze into my door, I hastily locked the door behind me, looking around. Someone had cleaned it all for me. I grunted. I didn't like people meddling with my things, even if it was their job. Nonetheless, noticing a small gleam in the corner of my eye, I strode over to my now immaculate desk, to see something draped over my chair. 

I gasped as I picked up a magnificent midnight-blue dress, the fabric so luxuriously soft it almost fell through my fingers. It was long-sleeved, and was accompanied by a shimmering silver sash. The bodice, the skirt and the sleeves all had graceful little stars sewn all across it, like a starry night sky. "Wow," I breathed. Carefully placing it back onto my chair, I looked to my desk. On it, there was a delicate silver circlet, and a letter. I unfolded the piece of paper, my heart fluttering, while one thought circling my mind. Who would think to bestow on me all of these beyond beautiful gifts? 

Dearest Celegwen,

I hope you like the dress and the circlet. I thought an elleth as beautiful as you needed an equally beautiful dress for tonight's celebrations. You will adore them, I promise - Mereth Nuin Giliath will surpass all of your expectations. 

I hope to see you tonight, my love.


I rolled my eyes and smiled. Of course. Who else would bestow such rich gifts upon me? A strange, fluttery sensation began flitting around inside my chest. He was such a romantic. 


I slipped the dress on quickly, tying the sash around my waist in one quick movement. The soft silky fabric breezily brushed against my skin as I tied it up. 

Taking a piece of hair from each side of my face, I brought them together at the back of my head and braided them together into a simple fishtail braid, letting the rest of my hair fall around my shoulders before picking up the delicate circlet and placed it upon my head as well. Having finished adorning myself, I walked across the room to the floor-length mirror while the skirts of my dress swished around my ankles like midnight waves.

Upon seeing myself in the reflection, I gasped at what I beheld. I looked so...different. I looked mother.

There was a painting of her that used to hang in the pride of place above the fireplace when I was a child. It had been painted on her birthday; I forgot now which one. I smiled as I recalled the grass in the moonlight, her clear laughter ringing out clear as a bell as my father danced with her long into the night as the lanterns hung low and we children scurried around, like the rascals that we were. The freedom I had back then was infinite.

I sighed wistfully at my reflection. I hadn't danced in so long; I didn't even think I knew how anymore. I tapped my feet, wondering.

Spreading out my arms, I began twirling around the room, my feet nimbly creating their own path and music dancing across the floor. The gauzy skirts of my dress floated out around me like a fan as my vision began spinning with stars. Wild, carefree, alive. I let out a laugh as I steadied myself on the bedpost. I gave myself a moment for the world to stop spinning, then sat down on my bed. That felt lovely. Just letting yourself free.

I tapped my feet on the floor. I felt like something was missing. Going over to my boots, I got out my tiny dagger and slipped it beneath the folds of my dress. Just in case.

Brushing down my dress, I opened the door, and a note fluttered to the ground. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I picked it up curiously.

Meet me outside in the garden before the feast begins. I have something for you.


I sighed and rolled my eyes. What could he have planned now? 


I jumped, and turned around to see Thranduil standing there, smiling down at me. He was wearing deep red ceremonial robes, which were adorned with panels of silver stitching along his chest. His long golden hair was brushed back and his normal autumn berry crown was absent, bringing out a softer, less stark expression of his face. Realising I was staring, I rolled my eyes and laughed. "You need to stop doing that," I said, smiling up at him. 

He didn't answer, looking me up and down. "Thranduil?" He finally looked me in the eye. 

"You look beautiful," he said, his eyes sparkling.

I instantly blushed, looking down bashfully as colour bloomed on my cheeks. "Thank you for the dress," I said, resuming eye contact with him. He smiled, then took my hand, and led me to whatever mystery he had planned.

The garden was shimmering in the fine night. The moon shone on the little white flowers, making them glow. It was silent, save for our footsteps, the breeze and the rippling of the little stream that ran through the stone path, cutting the garden into two. We were walking across the bridge that connected it, merrily chatting when Thranduil stopped, turning me to face him.

"Celegwen," he began, with sudden solemn. "I need to tell you something." I nodded for him to continue, so he took a deep breath, and spoke.

"You have changed my life. From the moment you walked into this kingdom to this one. I had thought myself invincible all these years, isolated, alone; but then you came into my life and proved me wrong."

I looked down to the floor as his words sank in, smiling. My heart warmed as I realised the meaning behind his words. The unspoken words. I smiled even wider.

He lifted my chin, and placed something cool in my hand. Feeling its heavy weight, I looked down and gasped. 

In my hand was a green jewel with gold leaves enclosed around it, a thin, golden chain hanging from it. Loneth's necklace.

"Thranduil," I stuttered, looking up at him. How could he give this to me? How was it mine to take? 

"It's beautiful, but this is Loneth's necklace, is it not?" He looked down as he held my hands in his. "I gave it to her as a token of my love. It was only a few years later when she left, and...broke her promise."

My heart sank for him as I held his cheek. "But I am giving this to you in hope that you will never break yours." 

I looked into his eyes, which were sad, insecure; but earnest. Hopeful. "Never," I promised. "Never." I turned around, moving my hair so he could put the necklace on. His fingers briefly brushed against the nape of my neck before he beckoned me back around to look at it. It gleamed in the silver moonlight like a glittering lake, complimenting the dark blue hue of my dress. 

Thranduil smiled as my grin grew, and we both burst into carefree laughter, unable to contain our joy. Happier than I had been in years, I threw my arms over his shoulders, embracing him in a hug. He laughed along with me and kissed my cheek.

We remained like that for a while, content in each other's arms. I was so blissfully happy, I felt like my heart was about to explode. And that never happened to me.

I listened to the sweet talk he whispered in my ear, laughing every now and then at his ridiculous romantic skills. After a while, we separated, and headed back to the feast hand in hand.


I laughed as Thranduil managed to out-drink his friend, throwing his arms in the air and revelling in his victory. I felt a little sorry for his opponent, who was now slumped on the table, asleep. The people cheered for their King, half of them too drunk to even know what was happening. I laughed even harder as Thranduil lifted me up into the air and spun me around, making me shriek. "You're drunk, Thranduil," I said, swatting him playfully on the arm. 

"That is where I am at my happiest," he said, grinning goofily. We shared a laugh as the music started playing. 

"Dance with me," he said, pulling me towards the dancing couples. 

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I said, smiling. He took my hand, rested the other on my waist and we danced to the lively Woodland music. Drunk Thranduil was full of surprises, it seemed.

He hoisted me up into the air again, then brought me back down to earth. I felt like I was walking on clouds as I saw a familiar face in the corner of the room. Taking myself out of Thranduil's arms, I headed across the hall to Legolas, who was standing in the corner. "Legolas," I said, nodding at him. 

"Celegwen," he greeted. He wasn't focused though; his eyes were fixed on something on the other side of the room. I followed his gaze to find Tauriel, who was nervously nibbling her nails, not really joining in with the crowd. Legolas' eyes held nothing but love for the Silvan Captain of the Guard. How sweet was that?

"Ask Tauriel to dance," I said, nudging him slightly. 

He looked at me with wide eyes. "No, I can't," he said. "What if she doesn't want to? She probably doesn't want to. I don't want to disturb her - "

I rolled my eyes as he rambled on with excuses. "Legolas! Quit being such a coward and ask her! Go!" I said, shoving him in her direction. I watched as he nervously approached her, and then took her hand in his and danced. Once or twice, he looked at me helplessly, but I only smiled in return, encouraging him to continue. After they had finished, they came over to me.

"Tauriel!" I said to the young elleth, who seemed slightly dazed. "You look beautiful." 

I admired her forest green dress, which seemed very delicately made. "Thank you, as do you," she said, smiling at me. They walked past me, Legolas whispering "thankyou" in my ear. I smiled. 

"My beautiful Celegwen," Thranduil sang from behind me, spinning me around in his big arms. "Thranduil! You have got to stop doing that!" I laughed, succumbing into his embrace. He kissed the top of my head before leaving to greet a friend. He laughed and they headed back to the drinking table. "You're going to regret that in the morning," I tutted to myself. I leant against a wooden pillar, watching the feast unfold before my eyes. Mereth Nuin Giliath truly did live up to the tales that I had heard.

I sighed contently, enjoying my rare happiness. I guess there was a chance for me to heal after all these years.


I dumped Thranduil on to his bed; he was passed out from drinking too much. "I told you," I said, putting a blanket over him. I whispered goodnight into his ear then went to my own room.

Changing out of the extravagant dress, I slipped on the nightgown that was on my chair and laid down on my bed, falling into a peaceful sleep.

And for once, it wasn't riddled with nightmares.



I hope you liked this fluff-filled chapter! I know it's not my best but I still hope you had atleast one fangirl squealish moment throughout it :)

This chapter is dedicated to @CutieJenny9356 because she made the awesome cover for this story!!! Go follow her :)

Celegwen's dress is like the one Arwen's wearing in the pic, but midnight blue with stars and all that :)

Only three chapters left! Man we've come so far!

residenthobbit49 :):):)

Elvish Translations

U. Engain nar=No. They're growing bolder

Mereth Nuin Giliath=Feast of Starlight

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