Draco x reader

By azraSlytherin

854K 12.8K 31.9K

(Completed) -------------------- The story is beginning from year three at Hogwarts. You are a kind Slytherin... More

Chapter 1 - third year
Chapter 2 - summer holidays
Chapter 3 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 4 - celebration
Chapter 5 - Louis
Chapter 6 - Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 7 - detention
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Task one, triwizard tournament
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Yule ball
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 10 - rumor

21.8K 319 444
By azraSlytherin

Reminder :

(Y/n)= your name
(Y/l/n)= your last name


One month passed after the first task and now the attention of all students and professors was on the Yule ball.

Every girl was talking about their dates and which dresses they'll wear, while the boys weren't as much excited as them.

All of us were called to the great hall. I took a seat next to Greengrass and Bulstrode, while the boys sat across from us.

Professor Snape walked in.

,,This month is the Yule ballm" he began slowly. ,,For the Yule ball, you'll have to know how to dance. This lesson is meant to teach you. Parkinson." He called her.

,,What does he want?" I could hear Parkinson whispering above me.

Parkinson stood now in front of Snape. He looked into her eyes and without interrupting the eye contact, he went on.

,,Crabbe, stand up." And with that, he walked away.

Parkinson turned her head to her friends and gave them a look, which clearly meant help me.

,,Now, Crabbe, put your hands on Miss Parkinson's waist." Parkinson rolled her lips in disgustion as Crabbe held her waist. ,,Miss Parkinson, put your hands on Crabbe's shoulders."

He turned the music on.

Everyone watched them now. Crabbe smiled and seemed happy, but Parkinson hadn't changed her face.

,,Now, everyone stand up and look for a partner to dance."

Great, who am I supposed to dance with?

,,Hey (y/n). Do you mind if we're partners?" Blaise held out his hand.

,,No, I don't. We can be dance partners." I smiled at him and we danced.

I was courious and looked around to see, who chose whom. Of course, Parkinson exchanged her partner secretly. Her partner was now Malfoy. I turned back to face Blaise.

Wait what... Malfoy?

I turned back to look if I saw clear. It was Malfoy, who held Parkinson's waist. How could that be? And Malfoy smiled at Parkinson like he is happy. There was a weird feeling in my stomach, but I didn't know why and what it means.

,,I am your dance partner. Why are you looking at Draco and Pansy?" He grinned like he expected me to explain myself.

,,What is it to you?" I smiled and he just laughed along.

,,It seems like someone is jealous." He still grinned.

,,Blaise no! Of course not."

,,And why were you looking at-"

,,Blaise! I have a boyfriend, ok?" I raised my eyebrows and his smile disappeared.

,,You- you have a what?" He looked at me in disbelief.

,,I have a boyfriend." I repeated.

,,The shy little (y/n) has a boyfriend?"
I nodded slightly.

,,Oh my- who is it?" His smile appeared again.

,,um, Cedric." I blushed.

,,Ohh, Hufflepuff." He looked at me, trying to annoy jokingly.

,,Shut it." I gave his right shoulder a slight nudge and smiled.

,,Class dismissed." Snape said and everyone rushed out.

,,But no one else knows it, so it would be friendly if you keep it to yourself. It isn't a secret, but my privacy. Whole Hogwarts doesn't need to know."

,,Alright." Blaise said and we walked out of the room.

,,Oh look who's coming, mrs. Potter. Where is your boyfriend?" I heard Parkinson say and stopped.

Blaise stopped as well and we looked at each other in confusion.

,,Parkinson, what do you mean?" I asked.

,,She asks you where your boyfriend Potter is." Malfoy said, standing next to her.

,,Potter? My boyfriend? I don't know where you got this information from, Parkinson, but it is not true. I have better things to do." I wanted to walk away, but she continued.

,,I heard it." I turned around to face her and saw her looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

,,You did what?"

,,I heard it" she said slowly.

,,I saw you and Potter walking out of the great hall and followed you-"

,,You did what? Do you know what privacy is?" I asked angrily. She ignored me and went on.

,,He said, that he has feelings for you. I think we can guess what happened then-"

,,Parkinson! Nothing happened. Keep your nose out of my live. You don't even know what happened then. You-"

,,Have fun while walking around." She said, looking at her nails arrogantly.

What does she mean?

I looked at Blaise confused and he did the same. Then she left.

,,'Have fun while walking around.' What's that supposed to mean?"

,,I don't know." I shrugged and walked in the corridor, on my way to my room.

,,Um- hello." A girl which I don't know stood in front of me.

,,Uh, hello. Can I help you?" She seems like she's going in year two or something.

,,Is it true, that you and Potter are a couple?" She asked excited and her smile widened.

,,No!" I said loudly and angrily.

,,O-ok, um I'm sorry." She ran away.

,,Dude" Blaise looked at me.

,,Yeah sorry, but who told her th-... Parkinson." My eyes widened and I looked at Blaise. I ran to a Ravenclaw in my year, who stood almost next to us.

,,Has someone told you, that me and Potter are in a relationship or something?" I asked agitated.

,,Um... the entire school knows. Parkinson told everyonr." I looked over to Blaise

,,Blaise did you hear that?" I asked.

,,Whatever she told you, it's not true." I said and walked away.

,,Where are you going?" Blaise tried to catch up with me.

,,(y/n), (y/n)!"

,,What?!" I turned around and looked at him angrily.

,,Calm down. What do you want to do?" He asked

,,Kill Parkinson, what else?"

,,(y/n), she is not worth your time. I think you should first go and tell Diggory about that"

Cedric. Blaise was right. I have to go to Cedric and tell him before he thinks wrong.

With that I ran to the Hufflpuff common room and left Blaise behind.

Perhaps he knew, that I changed my desicion and didn't follow.

I reached the common room and saw someone entering. I followed the person and went in.

What if Cedric doesn't belive me? What if he wants to break up with me? What if he doesn't want to see me anymore?

I was scared. I walked inside and saw Hannah.

,,Hannah- Hannah" I called her, trying to catch by breath, exhausted.

,,Did- did y-you see C-cedric?"

,,Yes. Wait." She said.

,,And um (y/n)... is it true?" She looked me in the eyes concerned. I already knew what she is talking about and answered quickly.


,,Ok, I believe you." She said and smiled.

,,Hannah" I forgot totally , that I didn't tell her about Cedric and me. She stopped in front of the stairs.

,,Um, I forgot to tell you. Uh, me and Cedric, uhm. W-we are...uh-"

,,You are his girlfriend?" Hannah understood quick what I tried to say.


,,Yess" she said excited.

,,Wait. Why are you so happy about that?" I asked her.

,,Cause I always shipped you guys. Cedric loves you for a while. Sometimes I was telling him what we did and he blushed. He would blush everytime he heard your name."

I really hope it isn't thrown away after this rumor.

,,I'll tell Cedric, that you are here." She smiled and went upstairs.

I sat at the couch and waited for him for five minutes. I felt someone sit next to me and looked up.

,,Cedric you have to believe me I don't like  Harry. ParkinsonspreadarumorandtoldeveryonethatIlikeHarrybutIdonotpleasedon'tbreakeupwithme" I forgot to breathe.
(In case you don't want to or can't read it: Parkinson spread a rumor and told everyone that I like Harry but I do not please don't break up with me.)

,,Come down (y/n)." Cedric laughed ,,I believe you and I know, that you wouldn't do that."

,,Oh Cedric." I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed and I giggled.

,,Everyone thinks that-"

,,I don't care about everyone." He smiled and I smiled back.

,,Let's go to Hogsmeade tomorrow. We have to buy our clothes for the Yule ball."

,,Ok then. Tomorrow after breakfast?"

,,Tomorrow after breakfast" I repeated in responsion and left to the Slytherin common room.

,,Oh see who's coming. Mrs. Potter." Malfoy said. His head was placed on Parkinsons lap and she stroke his hair.

I ignored them and walked upstairs.

Why was Parkinson stroking his hair? He never lets anyone touch him.

Later, I fell asleep. In the middle of the night I heard a noise.

Someone was walking in my room. I sat up and looked who it was. Parkinson was sneaking in.

,,What are you doing Parkinson?" I asked annoyed in a sleepish voice. ,,Why are you coming back in the middle of the night?"

She sat on her bed and looked at me. ,,Someone's jealous?"

,,Why would I be jealous?"

,,Cause Draco is mine." She said proudly.

,,Parkinson, I don't care about Malfoy. Why would I, if I already have a-" I talked too much.

,,You have a boyfriend? I thought Potter isn't your boyfriend." She smirked.

,,He isn't. It's none of your buisness."

,,I'll find out who it is anyway." And with that, she turned around to sleep and so did I.

The only thing I wanted to think about now was Cedric.


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