date a live x Depressed male...

By XD0010Bigfan

317K 4.5K 1.1K

i not good making description, just read my story,I'm just inspired to make this story If you like this story... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6 unexpected meeting part 1
chapter 7 unexpected meeting part2
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18 first date
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30 Awakening
chapter 31 Legendary Battle
chapter 32 new problem
chapter 33 The Order Of The Sword
chapter 34
chapter 36
chapter 35
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 epilogue
chapter 43 sequel: First Shrine Visit of the Year
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 Unknown
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 Mio Takamiya
Chapter 52 The Battle and The Confrontations
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 The Beginning of the Nighmare
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 The Despair
Chapter 58 Fight Back!!
Chapter 59 Brothers
Chapter 60 Family Reunion
Chapter 61 Total Results

chapter 21

5.5K 93 11
By XD0010Bigfan

The Next Week

[At afternoon]

I was now walking around the city

I'm trying to clear my mind about my accident with nelo Angelo or..... vergil.

Then i see tonomachi wave at me

Tonomachi=hey y/n! Are you want to come with me to the burger shop? I'll treat

Y/n=no thank you*monotone voice*

Tonomachi thoughts=hmm... what's wrong with him?

I then left

I continue walking around the town while remember my past with vergil and Dante when i was kid

Timeskip at night

Rinne POV

Where is y/n?
he still hasn't come home yet
I better look for him now .

I then walking around town to find him but i cant find him

I then went to the park.
After i arrived. I saw Y/n sitting on a park bench


Now it's night already

I was at the park now
Sitting on bench there while holding vergil amulet.

tears slowly came out of my eyes


I then closed my eyes.

Sudenly i hear someone walking toward me but i don't care, i'm still closed my eyes while crying


I heard that voice and open my eyes and it was Rinne


Rinne=you still thinking about him right?


Y/n=sometime i want him keep watching for me and praise me but that never come true

Rinne=your onii-san will always keep watching you y/n

Rinne=even this every minutes, he's wacthing from somewhere.

Rinne=he wouldn't praise you if he saw you keep being depressed.

Rinne=so don't stay depressed forever, okay?

She then wiped my tears

Rinne=i'm sure he acknowledged you as his excellent little brother!

Y/n=thanks.... Rinne

The Next day

Now i was in school hallways and went to my classroom.

I arrived and then I entered my classroom

Then tamae walk toward me and ask me a question

Tamae=y/n, why are you not go to school for one week

Y/n=sorry sensei, this week i feel dizzy

Tamae=okay and y/n

Y/n=yes sensei

Tamae=nice necklet

Y/n=huh? thank you sensei

I then sit on my chair

Tohka=hey y/n nice necklet you have there, can i have some?



Y/n=because this is from my family

Tohka=huh i see



I am on the roof

Now i was staring at dante and vergil amulet.

Y/n=if i have more power that day, i can save my family

Y/n=all of this happen because i'm weak!!

[Timeskip after school]

I'm now went home with Rinne

Rinne=hey y/n are you alright


Rinne=you still thinking about your brother again right


Rinne=hey y/n pls forget about that accident, don't keep blame yourself for what happen.

Y/n=but Rinne...H-he die in my own hand i-i kill him

Rinne=you do it because the pressure.

Rinne=pls stop being depressed, i can't keep seeing you like this.

Y/n=sorry Rinne

Timeskip at night

Rinne=y/n! Dinner is ready!

Y/n=okay i'm coming

I then walking toward Rinne and sit in front of her then I eat my food

I see Rinne was gazing at me

Rinne=How does it taste y/n

Y/n=It's delicious as usual Rinne

She then blushed a bit

Rinne=*blushed*t-thank you y/n

After I finished my food I then go to my bedroom

Y/n=i want to sleep now  so good night Rinne

Rinne=good night y/n

I then enter my bedroom and go to sleep

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