Purple runes in my memories

By Veikari

25.5K 693 511

Frufus here (Freed Justine x Rufus Lore) While Freed is on a solo mission he is attacked by a mage hunter. Lu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 34

221 10 7
By Veikari

"Remember, you're guests here", Freed frowned to his team as they stepped through the gate.

"Yeah, we know", Laxus grunted looking at the house. "This one is a big ass house too."

"I'm scared to even imagine how rich Rufus actually is", Bickslow snickered. "You found yourself a perfect man, baby."

"Money doesn't make everything perfect", Freed reminded as they stepped up the stairs to the big front doors.

"But it sure does help a lot", Evergreen giggled. Freed just rolled his eyes and opened the doors.

They were greeted by two maids and an older woman who must be the housekeeper.

"It is nice to meet you all", the housekeeper smiled and the maids greeted them with small bows. "Mr. Lore already called us and said you would be coming over."

"It's nice to meet you", Freed smiled. "I'm Freed Justine. These are my friends and team members Laxus Dreyar, Bickslow and Evergreen."

"It is nice to meet you all", the housekeeper smiled. "My name is Mrs. Tabitha Camran and I work here as a housekeeper. These are my daughters Leigh and Laverne."

"It is nice to meet you", the maids smiled. "Let us take your coats", they said and took their coats.

"Lunch is still a few hours away, but maybe you would like to have some tea?" Mrs. Camran suggested.

"Thank you", Freed smiled. "That would be lovely, if it's not too much of a bother."

"Not at all, we are excited there will be more people living here", Mrs. Camran said with a bright smile while they stepped in the living room. "Mr. Lore has been alone for such a long time... When he wouldn't to the guild house, he just stays home and reads. I was worried about him for a while, I'm happy he found someone", she smiled to Freed who chuckled.

"I promise to take good care of him", the rune mage nodded and they sat down.

"That's wonderful to hear. I'm sorry that there isn't really much furniture here, we got these couches and armchairs only a few days ago and there aren't even proper curtains in windows yet", Mrs. Camran said and they looked around in the living room.

It felt so empty and their voices were echoing there. There were no paintings or sculptures, no tables beside the coffee table where Laverne and Leigh served tea for them with biscuits. Freed remembered there had been a grand piano before too, but now it was gone. Funny, he had never even heard if Rufus actually played a piano. Some people had those just for show... And, Rufus was Rufus to put it simple.

"Rufus said there should be at least beds in guest rooms ready", Freed said taking a cup and stirring some sugar in it.

"Yes", Mrs. Camran nodded. "Three bedrooms in the second floor are ready and there are all basic things anyone might need in a guest bedroom", she smiled to Laxus, Bickslow and Evergreen.

"Three?" Freed asked confused.

"Aren't you gonna stay in Rufus' bedroom?" Evergreen smirked nudging his side with her elbow.

"Oh", Freed said surprised. "Would that be appropriate? He's not home."

"Of course it's okay, moron! I bet Rufus would feel offended if you slept in any other bedroom."

"He might get suspicious", Bickslow snickered.

"Well, preparing another guest room would bee too much of a hassle", Freed shrugged. He didn't mind staying in Rufus' bedroom, though it would probably feel really awkward since the memory mage wasn't here

They drank tea, talked and made a little tour around the house. The library room sure did seem empty and there weren't even more than a few bookshelves. On a big table there were big piles of books that looked like they were still okay even after all that fire and destruction, waiting for Rufus to go through them and decide what they should do with them.

They were just heading back to the living room to wait for Mrs. Camran to tell them lunch was ready. Suddenly the doorbell rang and they stopped.

"I'll get it", Bickslow said as he was closest to the doors.

He opened them and saw a deliveryman with a huge wooden package.

"Yeah?" the seith mage asked.

"A delivery for Mr. Lore", the deliveryman said. "Are you perhaps Mr. Lore?"

"Sure, I can be a duke for a moment", Bickslow said and he was about to take the paper holder the deliveryman was offering, when Freed snatched it before him.

"I'll take it", he said with a frown. "What does the package contain?" he asked while signing the paper.

"I don't know, Mr. Lore", the deliveryman said and Freed felt little shivers. It felt weird being called that. "I was only asked to deliver it", the man said and brought the box in. "Good day, sir."

Freed closed the doors and looked at the paper. There was no mention of what the box had inside it.

"It's from someone whose name I don't recognize", he said.

"Ooh, maybe a secret lover?" Bickslow teased.

"Of course not", Freed chuckled amused. "Rufus wouldn't do something like that."

"Because you two are so madly in love with each other?"

"Because he knows he is not smart enough to deceive me if he had a secret lover."

"Are you gonna open it?" Laxus asked looking at the box curiously.

"I probably shouldn't, it was addressed to Rufus."

"It was meant for Mr. Lore and you're practically one", Bickslow said wrapping his arm around Freed's shoulders. "Come on, you should open it, baby."

"Open it! Open it!" his tiki dolls chanted twirling around them.

"We know you're just as curious as we are", Bickslow smirked.

"I should not open it", Freed frowned pushing Bickslow's arm away.

"Shut up and open it, Lore!" Evergreen commanded impatiently

"You can't just assume that I would change my name from Justine to Lore", Freed sighed taking out his sword and he very carefully used it to slowly open the box. "He might take my name."

"For some reason I don't see that happening", Evergreen chuckled. "Or will you be Lore-Justine? Justine-Lore?"

"I don't know, we haven't talked about it", Freed muttered and the wood was slowly giving in.

"They don't sound good and Rufus Justine doesn't sound good either, Freed should take his name", Bickslow teased. "Freed Lore."

"Sounds weird too", Laxus said.

"Sure, but we'll get used to it soon."

Freed just muttered something and finally the side of the box was off. He carefully moved it away, stuffing falling on the floor and they all looked what was inside, almost dropping their jaws through the floor.

It was a painting of Freed. Nothing overly dramatic, actually it was quite good and he looked natural in it. He wasn't riding a horse or doing something else stupid, but no matter how good the painting was, it made Freed blush deeply while his friends almost fell because they were laughing so hard.

"Rufus!" Freed yelled and didn't care if the memory mage wasn't here. If he would have been, he would feel really sorry really fast.

"Oh my God! That's hilarious!" Bickslow howled with cackles.

"That's horrible!" Freed snarled to the seith mage. "Why on earth would we want something like that here?"

"Don't yell at me, baby. I'm not the one who ordered it."

"I was hoping I could blame at least someone right now", Freed grumbled when looking at the painting again.

"It's not that bad", Evergreen said but she was still laughing. "It looks really impressive."

"It's hideous", Freed said. "We don't need it here."

"Rufus might want it here."

"I'll make sure he doesn't want it here anymore after I see him next time."

"So where are you gonna put it?" Laxus asked amused.

"In a trash can", Freed decided without even bothering to think.

"We should hang it at the top of those stairs, there's a picture of Rufus too", Bickslow smirked pointing up the stairs. True, there was a beautiful oil painting of the memory mage, holding a rose and wearing his mask like he always did.

"We won't put it anywhere else but in the fireplace", Freed frowned.

"Are you really going to destroy Rufus' property?" Evergreen asked.

"How many times has he already said that whatever is his, is also mine? It's really convenient in this situation", Freed grumbled and he took the painting properly out. "You can't be serious", he said with a suffering sigh.

"There's another one!" Bickslow cackled and Laxus and Evergreen laughed loudly.

Mrs. Camran stepped in the hall, confused of what was happening and why they were laughing so much.

"Did something happen?" she asked from Freed whose face was red as a tomato.

"Please Mrs. Camran, could you get rid of these paintings?" Freed said. "I don't want to see them."

"I think they look quite good", Mrs. Camran just smiled as he peeked the paintings. "I'll make sure they're put aside until Mr. Lore has decided where we will hang them. They'll need nice frames too."

Freed just rubbed his face while Mrs. Camran took the paintings and he didn't want to know where she put them to wait. If he knew, he might actually destroy them.

"That was fun", Laxus chuckled. "So when are we gonna eat?"

"Soon", Freed sighed finally giving up. He couldn't actually do anything to the paintings right now. "I can show you the garden, lunch should be ready after that."

"Cool", Bickslow smiled. "So will Rufus come here tomorrow morning?"

"It depends what Magaidh will say", Freed said and they headed outside. "I'm sure we will learn more tomorrow morning."

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