Leonora Salvatore- Teen Wolf...

By krealk

212K 4K 889

Leonora is the younger sister of Stefan and Damon Salvatore. When Elena says she has feelings for Damon, Leon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
What Next?

Chapter 13

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By krealk

Me and Stiles did decide to skip a week of school, Mystic Falls has Tuesday and Thursday off because of parent meetings. Stiles was excited because he wanted to learn more about vampires, witches, and our type of werewolf. He told me he was looking forward to seeing magic for the first time. I wrote on a piece of paper writing down my schedule for me and Stiles that week.


Monday: Mikaelsons
Tuesday: Bonnie and Caroline
Wednesday: Mikaelsons
Thursday: Mystic Falls friends
Saturday: Drive back to Beacon Hills

I showed Stiles the schedule and he thought it was good.

I have to drag him along because I promised Scott he wouldn't get hurt and in this town you never know.

Stiles doesn't seem to mind though he's fascinated by everything I show him.

Elena has apologized and forced Damon to apologize too, I excepted their apologies.

Whenever I see him and Stefan it makes me have a knot in my stomach. Ever since I was a kid it was always Damon and Stefan, I couldn't play with them when we were young because I was a girl, they were the first to become vampires then reluctantly turned me, they hate each other, fight, bicker, but in the end they always go back to one another.

I guess that's why I always clicked with Kol he feels the exact same way with his siblings. We were somewhat shut out and the only way to show people we're still here is to make some noise. I love them don't get me wrong, but our family is disastrous.


"So you are telling me that man standing right there is the first ever vampire werewolf and can also control when he shifts?"

I laugh and nod my head yes, Stiles curiosity is hilarious. Stiles starts writing everything and anything down, which Elijah laughs at.

Klaus is hovering over Stiles watching whatever it is he's writing, Klaus smiles wickedly "Erase lone wolf, I won't be alone for long."

Me and Elijah give him stern looks while he throws his hands up innocently.

I start talking to Rebekah "I like this decades fashion, you can wear whatever you want, dress like your personality, dress to express yourself, dress to be lazy!"

I smiled agreeing with everything she said. She was wearing a grey tank top, black leather jacket, black jeans, and shiny black boots.

I was wearing a dark red dress with a jean jacket over it, whenever I wear dresses I always wear a tank top and shorts underneath, because I'm a vampire and you never know.

Klaus has compelled cooks and waiters to serve us all a large dinner, Elijah made a toast in my name. I guess Esther and Finn were to busy to show up.

We got on the topic of old friends and Rebekah tells us about one of hers "Yes she loved her husband dearly but when another vampire shoved him into the sun, she turned her humanity off, I had to kill her because she was drawing to much attention to us."

Everyone agreed about what needed to be done but Stiles was shook "Wait you killed one of your friends?! And how did she turn her humanity off?"

I sigh, shoot I forgot to tell them about the humanity switch.

I explain the humanity switch to Stiles while he takes his notes.  "Have you ever had your switch off" he asks me.

I shake my head no and Klaus starts talking to Stiles "That's because I told her a savior doesn't turn off the pain they deal with it and make it the reason why they keep going."

Everyone nods at his words. The family has gave me the nickname Savior because I never liked seeing anyone hurt by the Mikaelsons and I would try to let them rationalize before they went on a murder spree.

They only used the nickname when I'm sad or angry to try to calm me and it works it gives me a reason to be steady.

We finished dinner and head back to my house.


"Where exactly are we going?" Stiles asks he was probably tired of walking.

We stop in front of the dark building "The one and only Mystic Grill!" We walk in, I see Matt pouring drinks, I also see Caroline and Bonnie sitting at a booth.

Me and Stiles slide into the both, he orders a Coke and I order a Shirley Temple with fries.

Bonnie tells Stiles the history of her ancestors. When Bonnie finished her history I told Stiles a little bit of mine,

"You know Stiles I used to have magic too. It runs in our bloodline. I was showing signs of it but when I turned it was gone. I heard some vampires were able to still use their magic but I'm pretty sure that was rumor."

Caroline and Bonnie looked shocked I've never told anybody that I was able to do magic.

After a while we finished eating and we were all having a conversion, Matt came over after his shift and sat with us.

Matt looks over me and Stiles "So are you two together or something?"

Me and Stiles look at each other and start laughing hysterically, I couldn't speak so Stiles did "No, other than my best friend Scott she's my closet friend. And I don't think a friend of mine would be happy if we were together."

Everyone looks at me, Caroline smirks, wait what does that mean someone at Beacon Hills likes me?


Me and Stiles get out of the car and head into the mansion.

I open the doors and immediately smell blood I feel the veins approach my face.

I grab Stiles hand just incase someone makes a move on him, I also hear his heartbeat rise not knowing what to do.

We slowly walk throughout the house, we enter the living room everyone is sitting quietly reading a book except Kol who is feasting on someone's dead body.

Kol looked up at me then Stiles "Leonora you brought desert!" I shook my head no and Stiles scooted behind me.

"I'm sorry Leonora I told Kol to clean it up before you and your friend came" Rebekah gave Kol a dirty look.

Klaus started laughing, Rebekah took me and Stiles outside.

We basked in the sun for a while, I showed Stiles my ring and explained how it works. Damon's and Stefan's are big and blue, mine has the same band as them but I have tiny blue jewels circling the whole ring.

Rebekah told us about some of her adventures like her helping casket girls and living in New Orleans.

Stiles told us about how Scott turned into a wolf and all the dangerous adventures they've had since.

"Do you think they found out who vervained me?"

Stiles sat up "Oh about that it was Peter he thought you guys were a threat so he tried to kill you. Don't worry Scott told Derrek and Derrek did beat Peter to a pulp."

I sighed and we both looked back at the sky, I haven't even met Derek and Peter and yet one of them wants to kill me.

-Thursday -

"This town may be chaotic but we sure know how to party."

I said that while I opened the door to the Lockwood mansion, Tyler was throwing a party and everyone was there.

Our group made a small circle we all had drinks in our hands and were dancing to the music.

Elena looks at her brother "Jeremy why is their a cup in your hand? Underage drinking?"

He sighs and throws out his cup I hand him and Stiles a rootbeer, all theses years and I still don't enjoy alcohol.

We all go outside because there seems to be nobody out there.

We all sit around the fire and talk "Well for a while Nor traveled the world and would write me letters about each place she visited."

Stefan loved getting letters from me, he said it helped while he was in his ripper stage.

I love writing letters, Stefan gave me an idea.

I asked Tyler were his paper was and I grabbed some, I started writing letters to everyone, Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt, and Tyler.

All the people I wouldn't see in a while I wrote things to all of them then put my new address at Beacon hills, this way I can tell them what's going on and they can write me back. I decided to give them the letters when we leave Saturday.


My last full day with the Mikaelsons and I'm gonna make it last because who knows when I'm going to see them again.

Stiles is hanging with Bonnie, after he saw Kol munching on a dead body I think it was for the best.

Rebekah decorated the ball room and we all danced for a while.

Rebekah took me shopping for an two hours and compelled the worker to give us everything half off.

I challenged Elijah to a swordfight I almost won too but he stabbed me last minute with a tiny dagger, I got mad and he had to keep saying sorry until I accepted it.

Kol played some jazz music and we talked for a while, we always vent to each other.

I painted with Klaus he was very intrigued by my painting because apparently the painting was to dark and mysterious to be painted by me.

At the end the day we turned on some music and danced until our feet hurt.

"Leonora wherever we go you have to visit you can't leave me with these boys I'll go bloody insane." Klaus rolls his eyes at Rebekahs words.

"Of course I'll visit I will also write to each one of you." I will miss them so much.

When I got my memories back I understood why I felt so empty all of those years its because the Mikaelsons fill that hole in my heart, its never complete without them.

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