I.L.Y. - A MewGulf AU

De I_callyouMoonchild

141K 6.9K 525

Gulf wakes up in an unfamiliar bed and an unfamiliar apartment, wedded to a husband he has never met before a... Mai multe

Prologue: Mew
Chapter 1: The Last Day
Chapter 2: What Marriage?
Chapter 3: Another Gulf
Chapter 4: Wedding anniversary
Chapter 5: Public couple
Chapter 6: Acting Skills
Chapter 7: Are you jealous?
Chapter 8: Not Mew's
Chapter 9: Between TharnType and MewGulf
Chapter 10: Dee and Wai
Chapter 11: The truth
Chapter 12: Following the script
Chapter 13: Epiphany
Chapter 14: Kiss me again
Chapter 15: Bittersweet
Alt. prologue: Gulf
Chapter 16: Behind closed doors
Chapter 17: To feel loved
Chapter 18: Do you hear me, my love?
Chapter 19: Promise
Intermission: Mew
Chapter 20: Tua-aeng
Chapter 21: Coffee
Chapter 22: Beyond Repair
Chapter 23: No More Lies
Chapter 24: Sunflowers
Chapter 25: Proposal
Chapter 26: As Type Thiwat once said
Chapter 27: Anniversary Gift
Chapter 28: I love you
Extra: Masquerade - aftermath WAI + Announcement!

Epilogue: Mew - The greatest gift

5K 201 41
De I_callyouMoonchild

"Nice to be able to interview you again on this special day, Mew and Gulf, congratulations on your third anniversary!" The interviewer – Mew had immediately recognised the woman as the same from last year – smiled at them, softly clapping her hands together in Wai. Mew followed her actions and greeted her back.

"It's great to be here again, thank you for inviting us," he said. Next to him he could feel Gulf nodding along after he greeted her as well. Mew peeked a quick glance at his husband. Gulf was visibly shining, his hair perfectly styled in heart and clothes which were loose enough to look soft yet tight in the right areas to show off his curves. The husband mentally sighed at the sight. Gulf truly looked perfect right there.

"The year truly flew by, hasn't it? I was looking forward to doing this interview again. Please take care of us as well this time," Gulf spoke up, making Mew want to roll his eyes a little. The nong was teasing Mew saying these words. He hadn't even been there last year, but he had plenty reminded the husband that he would've done a way better interview than his doppelganger. Mew just shrugged at the time, yet here they were on his younger husband's request. The magazine hadn't opposed when they had requested to do another anniversary interview, on the contrary, they had jumped at the occasion. And Mew? Well, he simply followed his husband's wishes. Call him whipped if you dare, he will simply agree with you.

The woman giggled. "The pleasure's all mine. You're already celebrating three years of marriage, that's really wonderful" as she said these words, she finally turned towards the camera. In comparison to last year, the magazine had requested to film the interview this time. They had gotten many requests for some behind the scenes, especially with the kiss-picture, and Mew and Gulf hadn't minded. In fact, Gulf had been so enthusiastic about it that it made the elder a little suspicious. Just a little though, he knew he could trust his nong to behave himself.

Currently that 'behaving' meant that the two of them were simply sitting next to each other on the couch, hands tightly intertwined. Mew was absently stroking his husband's palm with his thumb, every now and then going a little higher so he could feel the silver band around Gulf's ring finger.

"I'll start off with the same question as last time," the interviewer picked up her cards, checking before she asked. "Do you two have something special planned this year? Like a homecooked meal or a trip on a private yacht?" she winked as she said those two last suggestions. Mew pretended to think as Gulf did the same.

"We didn't actually do that homecooked meal last time, right boo?" Gulf smiled sweetly, leaning into his husbands' touch in a teasing matter.

Yes, yai nong definitely has it out for me this time. Maybe he won't behave himself after all. Mew decided to take a mental note that he might have to punish the nong for that later. And with punishment, he obviously meant hugging him to death.

Mew shook his head, deciding to play along. "No, but speaking of last year, I suddenly can't seem to remember what we did for our wedding anniversary...?" Two could play the teasing game, and Gulf would soon rediscover Mew was always the winner in the end.

Gulf suddenly pushed his husband's shoulder, but Mew had already expected the action, grabbing the nong to pull him closer instead of letting him get away. The nong pouted a little but smiled. "I do," he blushed, and it made Mew's heart tighten, "You brought me to the Maldives again." He mumbled the last sentence. However, with the sharp intake of breath of the interviewer and the coo's going around the room, Mew knew everyone had heard it.

He nodded proudly. "Ah that's true!" he was definitely playing dumb on purpose. "Oh!" he pretended to remember something, "And didn't I take you out for dinner on the rooftop of a restaurant?" Mew pulled the nong closer as he said this. "Or, rent out an entire football field?"

In Gulf's defence, he hadn't been there for that last one. At least, not the first time. After his husband discovered the farewell gift Mew had given the other Gulf, he had pleaded over and over again that he wanted it as well. As Mew was weak, he had, and this time he had invited friends over so they could run behind a ball together. It had been a magnificent night. With great, great rewards.

Gulf looked up at his husband, a pleading look in his eyes, but Mew wasn't going to give up. Gulf has started it after all. Once the younger realized his husband wasn't going to back down, he averted his gaze to the camera. "I'll prepare that homecooked meal this time for sure," he announced to the world, making Mew laugh.

They had gone completely off the question without noticing. Mew saw the woman smile in the corner of his eye, but there was something pained about it. He guessed that dealing with them as a couple was even worse than dealing with each other sometimes. After all, the woman was just a third wheel in the end. He suddenly grinned toward the interviewer. He had wanted to look apologetic, but he felt too happy in that moment to really care. "I guess those are our plans for this year," he simply said. In reality, his plans were so much more, but he would leave both the audience and Gulf guessing, just a little.

"It's fine," the interviewer said, smiling at the two. Mew could see in her eyes it wasn't really, but he didn't point it out. "If I remember correctly, you two announced you were planning to adopt another dog last year. Have you? Sadly, we haven't seen any pictures yet on social media."

Ah, the dog story! It had been a quick idea at the time from Mew to save his relationship with Gulf by adopting a new addition to the family, but the moment after he said it, he knew it was a foolish thought. Right now, though, it did seem like a good idea to talk about after the interview. With their plans for the next week, it definitely could be... arranged.

Gulf spoke up this time. "We decided that we didn't have enough space to adopt another little one," he said honestly, "we already felt bad with Chopper only having an apartment without a backyard. And Mae can't always look after him."

The woman nodded, agreeing. "However, I think it's definitely possible now, right Tua-Aeng?" because we will have a big backyard soon.

Gulf met his eyes. The nong looked so happy and proud at that moment, Mew never wanted to let him go.

"Yes," but as Gulf had to answer the question and address the camera, the elder released him out of his embrace. He kept an arm around his back, though, just in case. He enjoyed trailing small patterns with on hand on his lower back, while with the other he had now started to plainly play with the younger wedding ring. "Actually, Mew and I decided to buy ourselves a big gift for our anniversary this year."

It had been Mew who suggested it off-handily, but Gulf had latched onto the idea. After hearing the nong wonder about it for a while, Mew had discovered they had the same thoughts about it. In the end, it hadn't exactly been a surprise, but it had been their surprise for their family.

"We bought a house," Gulf couldn't keep still as he said this, Mew felt him squeezing his hand to contain his enthusiasm. "We'll be moving later this week, right boo?"

Mew nodded in reply. "So, you could make that homecooked meal for me there," he suggested.

"Deal," Gulf easily agreed. They both had been thinking the same after all.

"Congratulations once again!" The interviewer said, clapping her hands. "That's wonderful news!" Yeah, Mew thought so as well. Buying this house felt like a whole new promise. They had promised to spend good and bad days with each other in the past, but with the coming of this house, it felt as if they were certain of their future together.

Furthermore, the way they had discussed it had gone so smoothly, as if they finally straightened out many of their problems in the past. Of course, some discussions were had, mostly about the additions of extra rooms for future 'expansions of their family' but it hadn't been in a bad way. They both knew what they wanted and were willing to give up stuff for the other. After all, it wasn't necessary to change everything about yourself, but rather change enough to meet the other person halfway. And they had executed that perfectly.

The room spent a moment in silence, not the awkward kind, but the man-I-am-blessed-to-be-married-to-Gulf kind. According to Mew, anyway. The interviewer picked up her cards again, looking for where they trailed off.

"Let's talk a little about your projects!" she seemed enthusiastic about the topic. "Masquerade was a huge hit in the cinema's, even making it onto the international screen. How do you two feel about it?"

Mew saw Gulf beckon for him to talk, so he thought about it for a while. "We're really happy with all the love it has gotten," he smiled at the camera, as if talking to the fans, "Thanks so much for all your support for this movie! We were super surprised to be nominated for best kiss-scene again, especially since it's been a while since yai nong and I had acted together."

Gulf nodded, picking up where he left off. "Director Lee and Writer Jessie are a really good duo, I'm happy the movie is doing so well. I think we are only second to their writing and directing," he said. Mew wanted to point out that, sure, the screenplay had been great and the director sublime, but the actor's skills helped a lot as well. He decided to keep his mouth shut, just smiling knowingly instead. His husbandwas just too humble to accept how great his acting was.

"Still, you two did very well as Wai and Dee!" she complimented them. "If I may ask, have you two some anecdotes about behind the scenes?"

Mew knew exactly what she was fishing about but decided to not bite the hook. Gulf, however, was more than excited to talk.

"Maybe about the kissing scene?" the one they had been nominated for. Obviously, it hadn't just been a kissing scene, plenty had followed after since it was the last part of the movie, but he wasn't going to point that out to the interviewer. Otherwise, they were bound to catch the worm anyway. Mew nodded, lips suddenly slim.

"What about it?" there was a knowing smile on his face. They had recorded the scene after they had returned from the Maldives, both still in their honeymoon mood. They hadn't noticed at the time, but their clinginess on that particular recording day had caused many stories. Well, it couldn't be helped anyway. They were just really happy and in love at the time.

Mew squeezed Gulf's hand. They still were.

"I don't think we were acting at the time, were we?" Gulf smiled innocently.

What?! Wait Tua-Aeng, you can't just drop a bomb like this and ask me to continue?

"Weren't we?" Mew decided to play dumb. However, as Gulf kept looking at him with those eyes, he decided to lean backwards so he could hide behind the nong. Gulf only shook his head, laughing.

The interviewer laughed a little. "I've always wondered, is it hard to keep yourself and the characters you play separate?"

The cursed question struck Mew unexpected. He wanted to answer that, indeed, sometimes it might be, but reality and fiction is still different. It sometimes takes a while to realize, but once you look into your heart, you would know what is real. However, saying something like that might cause the woman to ask more questions and – well Mew didn't think him and Gulf wanted to talk about that particular topic.

"It is, sometimes," Gulf spoke up, surprising Mew. "Last year I took a break for that exact reason. Not because I was confused, but rather because I wanted us to live in the real. I wanted us to be genuine, just Mew and Gulf who love each other."

"I love you," the words left Mew's mouth before he could hold them. Gulf just smiled at the camera before continuing. "In the end, I realized that both private and in work we are who we are. Acting is part of us as well. If I can do it together with boo then, shouldn't I consider myself to be the happiest person on earth?" Mew rested his chin on the nong's shoulder, contentment washing over him as he back-hugged him. He softly patted the husband's soft belly.

I think that's me, Tua-Aeng, the happiest person on earth right now.

After a while, Mew realised he was supposed to answer as well. "I couldn't have said it any better way myself." Truly.

"What I really wanted to know, though, is about Mild's tweet of that last day of recording?"

They hadn't taken the bait, so she's forcing it down their throat. He should've known. He mentally cursed his friend for the nth time. They had gotten so many questions about it but had never replied. When were the media going to get a clue that they didn't want to talk about it? Not because it's bad, of course, rather it's just...

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Playing dumb was always the best way for Mew. He was comfortable sitting there, and surely, they wouldn't ask again. Or at least, he hoped. Curse his friend, really, Mild was going to get so much shit about this later.

After their last recording day, well, already during, both him and his husband had been a little... 'thirsty'. Honestly, they weren't to blame, especially since the NC scene they had been recording that day was quite explicit anyway. Plus, they had just made up to suddenly realise they hadn't had sex in what felt like ages.

So yes, what if Mew had been horny enough to text Mild to buy him condoms and bring it to the hotel suite they were filming. He had been turned on, so had his husband, and the suite had been booked for the following day as well. So obviously he could make some use of it as a celebration for finishing their recording.

He blamed the whole atmosphere, really. And that cursed sexy shirt on his nong. As well as his own... lack of condoms.

The only thing he had gained from that text anyway was a lot of laughing emotions and a tweet from Mild cropping out his name of a screenshot of the conversation. Everyone immediately knew it was Mew anyway.

Curse his friend.

Gulf leaned back into Mew's torso suddenly, making it himself comfortable. Then, to Mew's panic, he decided to continue his earlier act as a brat.

"They came with the hotel suite," he said smugly.

It is true that they, the condoms, had been neatly prepared in the bathroom basket, but he didn't have to say it like that! "Nong!" Mew said surprised.

"I'm not supposed to say?" he turned towards Mew but didn't escape his embrace. He looked innocent, but Mew knew that Gulf was doing this on purpose. As Mew didn't have any words to reply, the nong just shrugged and smiled.

Everyone in the room was suddenly blushing, including Mew and Gulf, but somehow, the husband found that he didn't mind as much as he thought. It was going to be a fun evening today.

"Let's move to the next question," the interviewer said, obviously flustered. That's your own fault for asking me and nong, Mew thought smugly. "Tell me about your next project? About 'I Loved You, the series'?"

Mew had expected this particular question. "Yes," he decided to answer before his husband could. "It's a series based on a book that a close friend of Gulf and I has written. Although it's actually a debut of both the writer and the director, I found the story so unique that I decided to produce it," he nodded proudly. He swiftly let out the fact that the director was nong Art's now-girlfriend. Those two could share that particular piece of information in their own interview. After all, this is still their wedding anniversary special.

"And act in it," Gulf added, making Mew nod again. He planted a kiss on his husband's shoulder, as if that could somehow communicate all the love and thankfulness, he had for Gulf accepting this project. Logically, there were no better actors to play this – their – story than themselves.

"Could you spoil anything of the plot?" The interviewer asked. Mew and Gulf shook their heads at the same time. It was meant to be a complete surprise, as they had agreed in their contract, so not a word could be said about it.

"I can say though, that it isn't what you expect of us, yet also, it is."

"It's the story of two people finding love and holding onto it, just like us," the nong nodded as he said this. Mew looked at his husband right there in his embrace for a while. Even with the camera and everything around them, they were the husband and husband they had always been. And they would always be. Gulf seemed to notice his stare and turned around to meet it.

Just like us.

The woman laughed a little. "Anyway, it seems that's all the time we have today!"

Had the interview passed that quickly?

"Mewgulf, thank you for sharing your love with us," she thanked them. Mew looked away from Gulf at that moment. They could get back to whatever that was later, in the privacy of their own house.

"Thank you for having us," he answered the woman politely.

With one last "I wish you much love and happy years in the future as well," the interview was over. Mew stood up without a word, holding out a hand to the man he was going to spend his life with. Gulf took it immediately and they intertwined their fingers.

Whatever they had done wrong in the past, whatever hurdles may come in the future, Mew knew they would spend their whole lives making it up to each other. He knew that if it was out of love, it was no chore, but rather a gift to one another.

The best gift one could get on their wedding anniversary.

Each other.

Authors note:

And so the story comes to an end. After three months of angst and emotional turmoil, but also love and acceptance, the last chapter is finally published. It feels weird to say goodbye to these two, as this story was a big emotional support for me and so were the characters, but I'm glad it's ending as well. I hope it was somewhat satisfying for you readers as well!

If you want to read more of my works, please search for Yenna(Maylane) on AO3. There are many more of my works published there! Alternatively, you could also follow my twitter MayPurpleYou if you so desire.

thanks for reading and sharing this journey with me. 

Much love,


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