Kuroo x Pregnant Reader

By Idkaymore3325

276K 4.6K 7.2K

This is my first Fanfiction please tell me if you liked it. :) DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT Own Haikyuu this is just... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

30K 527 807
By Idkaymore3325

Tetsurou's Pov:

I wake up to the sun hitting me directly in the face through the window. I look over at y/n. She's still asleep with the covers off her, I scan over her body and she looks absolutely gorgeous, her 4 month baby bump makes her 10 times more beautiful. I slowly move towards her trying not to wake her up, I scoot down to be at eye level with her tummy.

"Good Morning guys... you know your mommy and I love you guys so much already and I can't wait to meet the two of you and be good for your mommy" I give y/n's stomach 2 pecks one for each twin. I scoot back up towards y/n's face pulling her close. She snuggles into my chest and loops her leg around mine. I look at the clock. It's 8:30. I rub up and down y/n's back slowly waking her up.

"Good Morning y/n"

"Mm Morning Tetsurou" She says groggily into my chest.

" Are you ready for your appointment its in 2 hours"

y/n sighs trying to get up but fails due to the twins.

"Oh my god that was the most embarrassing thing ever" She shouts throwing a pillow over her face.

"Oh kitten don't worry it's just you and I.... and the twins." I tell, her placing a hand on the swell of her tummy.

" still it's embarrassing!" She says with her voice cracking and trying to wipe the tears building in her eyes.

" Oh kitten please don't cry, it's not a bad thing, it's good that means they are growing" I say pulling her into a tight embrace, petting her hair.

"Yeah I'm sorry my emotions are all over the place" y/n says hugging me tighter.

"y/n it's ok I've been doing some research it's completely normal" I say tilting her chin up to meet my eyes and wiping her tears with my thumbs.

" ok ok I have to get ready for the appointment I'm going to shower just... please help me up"

"Of course" I get out of the bed and walk to the other side of the bed, I grab her soft small hands and gently pull her to her feet. Once she's on her feet she let out a deep sigh and cradled her bump.

"Are you ok" I ask her, concerned by the deep sigh she made.

"Yeah I just feel... big and bloated" She looked down at her stomach.

I put my hand on her protruding midsection trying to comfort her to the best of my abilities.

" you are beautiful... now let's get you in the shower" She nods and I lead her to the shower. I help her strip of her clothes and turn the hot water on.

"If you need anything just call for me"

"Ok thanks Tetsurou" I nod and smile, walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where I start making french toast and eggs.

My Pov:

In my bra and black leggings, I look for a shirt that actually fits over my midsection, none of my shirts cover my stomach completely. Thinking of a solution I grab one of Tetsurou's shirts and it has a volleyball on it with my black leggings. The only thing that fits, I sigh looking at myself in the mirror then I smell something delicious in the kitchen, as I walk the smell gets stronger and I get hungry. I get to the kitchen and find 2 plates with eggs and french toast.

" Tetsurou this smells so yummy, Thank you for the food!"

"Your welcome... and uh y/n?"


"Umm why are you wearing my shirt?"He asked, pointing to the shirt, his heart fluttering looking at how cute his significant other looks in his shirt.

"I'm sorry please don't be mad it's just...none of my shirts fit anymore" I look up at the ceiling trying not to let tears well in my eyes.

" No y/n it's fine. It was just a question, let's eat" Tetsurou says, taking my hand and looking at me with his loving hazel orbs.

After breakfast we got into the car to drive over to the appointment. I sat on the table and Dr.Miles walked in.

" Hello y/n, you're now 4 months pregnant so today we are going to do the same as last time as well as be listening to your babies hearts" I nod excitedly in response. I lay down and Dr.Miles puts gel on my stomach moving it around with the wand. He presses down and I look at the screen and I see 2 blobs that are bigger than last time. All of a sudden I hear thump thump thump thump. I hear the thumping of our children's hearts, with my hand over my mouth I look over at Tetsurou who squeezes my hand but never takes his eyes off of the screen.

"Alright you're 4 months pregnant and everyone is healthy, the babies are about the size of avocados. Any questions or concerns?"

"Um is it normal to be this big and kind of feel bloated"

"These things are both normal there is no need to worry" He smiles.

"Anything else?"

"Nope that's it"

"Ok then I'm going to go get your pictures and you will be free to go I'll be back in a moment"

I stand up wiping the gel off my stomach.

"Tetsurou did you hear their heartbeats!"I ask looking up at him.

"Yeah I did it was amazing" He stared at your tummy.

~1: 26 am~

I flutter my eyes open. I really really really want pickles and Ice cream. Is this a pregnancy craving... must be. I look over at Tetsurou who is sleeping soundly, I don't want to wake him up. I quietly push the covers off myself and swing my legs to the side of the bed. I slowly get up out of bed and waddle to the kitchen. I look in both the fridge and freezer for pickles and Ice cream but there isn't anything. I really don't want to wake Kuroo up but I really want pickles and Ice cream. I look down. I have a pair of sweats and a sports bra on, so I grab a hoodie and the keys and I head towards the door.

" y/n Where are you going?" Tetsurou asked his voice deeper because he had just woken up. I sigh deeply walking towards him.

" I'm just having really strong cravings and we don't have any ice cream or pickles" Kuroo walks over to me and rubs my arms up and down with his hands.

" Ok Kitten next time wake me up and I'll do it ok" I nod my head.

" Can we go together?"

"Sure y/n let me get my shirt on" Tetsurou walks into the bedroom and walks back out one minute later with a sweatshirt on.

"Alright let's go" We both walk to the car and start driving to the store.

"What time is it?" Tetsurou asks

" It's 1: 35" I say smiling over to him.

" When did you start having your craving?"

"It started at around maybe 1:25" I say smoothing my hand over my baby bump.

Tetsurou parks the car and we walk inside. I walk straight to the frozen aisle and head for the ice cream. There are so many flavors which one do I get? After a few conflicting minutes I grab a tub of Vanilla Bean Ice cream. Now I start walking to go get pickles, I grab the medium sized container.

" Are you ready to check out?" Tetsurou askes.

" Yep come on I can barely wait!" I say already making my way to the register. After paying Kuroo and I get home, I immediately rush to the cabinet grabbing a bowl and a spoon. I scoop 3 scoops of ice cream into the bowl and try to open the pickle jar but it's too tight.

Tetsurou watches me struggle with the jar for a moment, and then comes to my aid, chuckling.

"Need help"

" Yes please" I sigh handing him the jar. He wastes no time and pops it open just by turning his hand over the lid.

"Thank you!" I quickly grab the jar and grab a pickle, dipping it in the ice cream.

"Mm This is amazing" I say, taking another bite of the pickle.

" s-sure kitten" he says with a weirded out facial expression.

I finish my pickles and ice cream and wash my bowl and spoon. I walk into our bedroom and find Tetsurou reading a parenting book.

"Are you ready for bed?"

"Yep" I say, taking off my hoodie revealing my belly and sports bra, and I change into shorts. I sit on my side on the bed, leaning against the headboard, with a hand resting on my stomach. Tetsurou puts his book down, resting his head on my lap with his face towards my exposed midsection. He gently places one hand on my stomach, caressing it. He gives my stomach 2 kisses.

I gasp feeling a flutter in my stomach, putting my second hand on my stomach.

" y/n whats wrong, is the baby ok?" He quickly sits up, I can hear the concern laced in voice and facial expression.

"Yes everything is fine it's just... when you kissed my stomach I felt a flutter in my stomach, I read that it's the babies kicking" I say tears building up.

" Oh... that's amazing do you think I could feel it?"

"Yeah of course give me your hand" I take his hand and guild it over the expanse of my tummy and press down. I feel the flutter and I hear Tetsurou gasp as one of the babies tap his hand back.

" that's amazing," Tetsurou exclaims.

"I can feel them moving around in there" He places 2 more kisses on my stomach.

"Alright let's go to bed" He nods agreeing with me. He turns off the light and settles himself next to me. I can feel his abs on my back, he wraps his arm around my stomach.

" Good Night y/n, I love you"

" I love you too Tetsurou"

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