The Boys x Female Reader Pt 2

By vhs_kimberlyy

24.3K 352 200

Hey guys! Part 2 is here! Possible TW's: Suicide, Gore, Death, Cutting, ED, Depression, Anxiety More

Before We Start, Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 (TW: Rape)
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Authors Update! Part 11.
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21 | The End.

Part 3

1.8K 24 12
By vhs_kimberlyy

You woke up from a nightmare around 3 am and you shot up, catching your breath. Just as you did, lightning struck outside, making you jump a bit. Narrator was asleep so you went to the kitchen and made a microwave pizza. The thunder and lightning raged on and on. You sat on the couch with your pizza and a white claw. After you finished you sat in the wall chair with your notebook and pen.


The storm goes on as I sit here alone, wondering. Mind racing and heart pounding. I wonder when it will end. The snow doesn't fall as the rain pounds the roof. When can I truly go home, the place I belong. I wanna feel safe but I'm not in his arms. Where did I go wrong, could I have fucked up? Am I at fault?"

You closed the notebook and sighed. You listened to the rain and drifted off. You woke up again around 10:30 in your bed, sweating. You had a horrible dream and you just wanted to cry. Narrator wasn't by you.

"Baby!" you cried.

Narrator came in and shut the door, he hugged you and held you tight.

"Bad dream honey?" he asked.

You simply nodded and he kissed your forehead.

"Lets go take a bath?" he suggested.

You nodded and grabbed a hoodie with some loose shorts. Narrator had already changed so he kept his clothes. You started a cold bath and put some bubbles in, you guys got in and just sat and talked, Narrator had softly ran a washcloth up and down your back. After a while you guys got out and cuddled, you were still shaken up. You never told him the nightmare, as it would've hurt more.

The Dream

You were in your bed, you had just woken up, it was around 2 am. You sat up and yawned, turning on the LEDs that were surrounding your bed. You put them on a light pink and turned some Netflix on to fall bad to sleep. You looked over at Narrator but you saw Gaege, looking at you creepily with a knife. You screamed and jumped from the bed, running out, Gaege following. You saw Narrators dead body on the kitchen floor as Eddie and Mully stormed downstairs, they looked the same as Gaege, smile, what he was wearing, the knife. You heard a gunshot and that's when you woke up.


You shivered thinking about it. 

"C-can we put a restraining order on Gaege?.." you said, shaky.

Narrator looked at you funny.

"Why do you wanna do that my love?" he asked.

"Just the uhm, nightmare I had. What happens if he breaks in or hurts one of us?" your voice was shaky. 

Narrator nodded, "We will see what we can do honey." he smiled.

You kissed him and held him tighter, he wrapped his arms around you. It was around 10 pm, you decided to go get a snack. You both got up and made some cereal together.

"Wanna go sit outside?" Narrator asked you.

You nodded and you both went outside, sitting in the egg chairs that were on the porch. Seeing over the town at night, hearing the ocean, it was lovely. Willow ran out and rubbed herself up against your leg and you smiled. She jumped up into your lap, you sat the empty bowl aside. You pet her as the door opened.

"Hey guys!" Josh said happily.

"Hey Josh!" you turned around and smiled.

Narrator gave a wave, Josh came and sat by you guys.

"Hey y/n?" Josh said,

"Hmm?" you replied.

"Did you have a dream about Gaege last night, or should I say nightmare?" Josh said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You had one too?." you started to worry.

"I did, it was so weird and scary." Josh looked at the city.

"Were Eddie and Mully in it too?" your voice started shaking.

"What the hell are you guys-" Narrator started.

"Yes!" Josh said.

You guys looked at each other, trying to piece it all together.

You guys all went inside, Willow as well. You and Josh went in the living room and continued to talk about the dream. Everything was the same, it was so strange. You went to bed about 12 am and tried to not think about it. You hadn't had any dreams or nightmares, just a peaceful rest. 

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