Part 16

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You woke up next to Narrator. You guys were in a master bedroom, its was really nice. You sat up and stretched, looking to still see the small ring on your finger, that's when you heard it, a rock hit the 2nd story window of the room you were in, you went to the curtains and pulled them back.

"Holy shit! What the hell- why is HE here!", you thought.

You were in a crop tank and spandex. You threw on sweats and a hoodie that had Narrators cologne on it. You ran downstairs and outside. You shut the door behind out.

"Lucas! Why are you here?!", you said.

"Okay okay! Chill, please. I wanted to make up with you.", he said.

You showed him the ring Narrator got you.

"Taken pal. Now take a walk back out of my life jackass.", you said, flipping him off.

"Come on Y/N, he doesn't have to know.", Lucas came closer to you.

Narrator stormed outside. You turned around and he was pissed.

"Take a walk pal!", he yelled.

"Can I please just talk to Y/N for a second man?", he begged.

Narrator pulled you in and kissed you, putting one hand on your ass, he was clearly marking his territory.

"Get a room!", Lucas yelled.

"I think we will.", Narrator said, pulling you towards the door.

"Just a sec love.", you told him as he went inside, "What is there to talk about Lucas?".

"I just want to apologize, what I did was wrong and I know that. But I wanna be forgiven, please Y/N,", he said.

"How did you find me?", you asked.

You guys hadn't talked in 7 years, when you moved out.

"Insta story.", he said.

"Okay whatever, just say whatever before I slam the door in your face again.", you sighed.

!! Flashback !!

March 5th, 2013.

You walked into Lucas' room, planning to surprise him for his birthday. He was sat on his bed, kissing another girl. You dropped the bag with his glass baseball in it, he turned to you.

"Y/N, wait-", he said, getting up.

"LUCAS I HATE YOU!", you yelled, tears rolling down your face.

"Y/N PLEASE JUST WAIT!", he yelled as you ran outside in the rain.

"WHAT, SO YOU CAN TRICK ME INTO COMING BACK?", you screamed through tears and rain.

He ran to you and kissed you.

"Get off of me!", you started to walk away.

"Please trust me, it wasn't supposed to happen!", he said.

"Lucas. I don't ever wanna see your stupid face again!", you yelled.

You ran, as fast as you could to your house leaving Lucas sitting in the road crying. You never looked back, you ran the full 11 miles home in the pitch dark stormy night. When you got home you collapsed in your brothers arms. You were broken.

!! Real Time !!

"Listen. What happened was 100% my fault but please, leave him for me. It'll be the best thing you've ever done babe.", he began to walk towards you.

"Take one more step and I will break your goddamn leg.", you said.

"Fine, fine.", he said.

"Apology not accepted.", you smiled, slamming the door in his face.

"Y/N-!", he yelled.

You locked the door and say your brother, running to hug him. You smiled and almost began to cry as you guys hugged. It had been more than a few years since you'd seen him.

"I can't believe mom let you go. I just. I missed you so so much.", you smiled at him.

"She's in prison now so I'm here. And there is nowhere I would rather be.", he looked at you.

Narrator came down, since your dad was at work Carter had thought it was Gaege.

"Hey Gae-", he stopped himself, "Not Gaege, okay.", he sighed.

"Narrator, meet Carter. Carter, this is my Fiancé.", you smiled.

"Hey man.", Carter held his hand out.

Narrator shook it, "Hey man.", he smiled.

You guys went into the kitchen as you made breakfast. You only told Carter as much as you told your dad, he knew nothing less or more. You went to shower after eating, Narrator came with you. You guys both hopped in the shower, he gave you "the look", and you knew what was going down. You guys started to make out as thing escalated, you had to keep quite. After 20 minutes the fun was over and you guys got out of the shower. You guys ended up laying down and falling asleep.

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