Regina Malicious [Completed]

By Stone_Rose_xoxo

972K 23.6K 3.6K

They tried to burn her not knowing she is a flame yet to bloom. ★¡~:*°«°»°*:~¡★ Aerowyn Aurélie Bea... More

Regina Malicious
A/N - Read before you start
Chap 1 - Golden Heart
Chap 2 - Mate, soon to be 'EX' Mate
Chap 3 - Alessia, Esmeralda
Chap 4 - Golden in the Ancient Myth Book
Chap 5 - Dangerous Man and Sir Jerkface
Chap 6 - The Awakening of Golden
Chap 7 - Alpha's first Decision
Chap 8 - Ruthless and Cruel
Chap 9 - Lycan King
A small description
Chap 10 - The Reunion and the Second Chance
Chap 11 - Carlos and Esmeralda
Chap 12 - Is This A Day For Reunions?
Chap 13 - Initiating the bond 'accidentally'
Chap 14 - Only the beginning, Oh All Mighty Alpha Knight!
Chap 15 - Sweet Aris
A/N- Thankyou!
Chap 16 - Luna
Chap 17 - Broken Luciano and the fight
Chap 19 - Pour my Heart
A/N - Werewolf Guide
A/N - އަންނަންދެން ހުންނާނަން ލޯބިން
Chap 20 - The Kiss
Chap 21 - Regret
Chap 22 - Broken Souls
A/N - Cover Voting
A/N - Cover Voting Deadline
Chap 23 - Canines
Chap 24 - Menacing Beast
A/N - 6.5k views?!
A/N - Must read
Chap 25 - Talking Civil
Chap 26 - A Fresh Start
Chap 27 - The Decision
Chap 28 - Back to Life
Chap 29 - The Shift
Chap 30 - Say The 'L' Word
Chap 31 - Marked And Mated
Chap 32 - Lupus Tenebris
Chap 33 - The Truth of Duncan
Chap 34 - Brother And Sister
Chap 35 - Mood Swings, Weird Cravings, Throwing Ups? What's Going On?
Chap 36 - She Isn't Your Mate! I Am!
Chap 37 - Never Piss Off A Pregnant Woman
Chap 38 - Suspicious Enough
Chap 39 - Witch Spell
Chap 40 - Truth Behind Bianca
Chap 41 - The Plan
A/N - About The Cover Voting
Chap 42 - Purple Roots
A/N - Cover Voting Result
Chap 43 - Vampires
Chap 44 - Memories
Chap 45 - Numb
Chap 46 - Rescue
Chap 47 - Baby Knights
Chap 48 - Only 2 Souls
Regina Mortale
A/N - Hiiiii! I Need Your Help.
A/N - please read. So that there won't be further misunderstandings
Cover round 2
Covers by Scarlett1243

Chap 18 - Bitch Fight ⚔

16K 463 71
By Stone_Rose_xoxo

Aerowyn's pov

I gave her a deadpan look and barreled straight into her. I nailed her on the midriff and pushed her as hard as I could to slam her on to the hard floor. I straddled her body and started punching. I started aiming at her nose when she started covering her temples after I got a few blows in.

Out of nowhere, she had a death grip on the left shoulder with her right hand and yanked me to my right and I ended up rolling off her with my back glued to the floor and she was the one on top now.

I crossed my ankles to lock my feet around her waist and yanked her back with my legs when she was about to punch me, making her miss.

When I noticed her losing her balance after she missed her shot, I yanked her forward again to punch her square in the face. I yanked her back before she could get back at me for that punch. I repeated this a couple more times to maximize the damage I can put in on her before she can figure out my rhythm.

After having my fun of yanking her back and forth like a rag doll, I rolled us to the side abruptly and got to my feet as quickly as possible to put the much needed distance between us for it to be safe.

Her eyes narrowed at me as she scrambled up to stand on her two feet. There was a trail of blood coming out of her nose and a bruise forming on her left cheek and her eyes were getting swollen. I did quite the number on her.

I had barely enough time to dodge her oncoming figure when she ran straight for me. I side stepped her last second before she could get me and I can feel the rushing air from her passing figure graze my skin at how close that encounter was. It didn't take long for me to react this time, running after her as she ran straight on the ground. But as soon as she hit the ground, she got up more like bounced herself back it, back to where I was standing.

I ran straight at her and kicked her leg hard making her stumble to the ground, but she managed to take me with her.

At some point we found ourselves rolling on the ground. We were beyond furious at each other. We weren't playing fair either. There is no rules anymore. We were playing dirty.

I jumped up the very same time Bianca bitch stood up. She took a hold of my shoulder, but i did the first thing that came to my mind. I grabbed her head from behind and slammed it against the ground. She was a bit dazed when she got up, giving me the advantage and kick her ribs.

We fought. I hate to say but she was good at fighting. She got punches, kicks on me too, which I returned happily.

However, what she didn't anticipate was me running straight at her, when she stood up, and adding a small jump in the end to deliver the ending kick. I got her right on the temple, her head lolling sideways at the impact as my feet dropped back to the ground and throbbed from crashing at such force.

I couldn't stand back up. My right foot was in a bad angle. Ouch. And as for Bianca, well....

She crumpled to her knees, cradling her head in her hands. I don't feel sorry for her. Not even a little.

I heard a furious growl making me look up...

Artorius was coming towards us. He doesn't look happy. Furious would be the word.

But when he zoomed past me, and to Binca, bitch that hurt as fuck!

I saw him cradle to her level and kiss her forehead. He said soothing words to her and took her into his arms bridal style, before walking away. Probably to the pack hospital.

I felt hurt. Very hurt. It was like he chopped my heart to pieces.

He didn't even glance at me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Not from the pain. But from the hurt I was feeling because of my mate. Pain is just an addition to the heartbreak I feel right now.

I hate it! I hate it that he can make me feel weak and vulnerable so easily.

I don't like it! I hate it! In fact, I despised the feeling of weakness and vulnerability. And he, he is making me feel exactly that. He is breaking the bricks walls i built years ago! He is breaking through it!

I hate him! I hate him! I hate him so much!

But I hate that I can't hate him as much as i want to hate him....

I felt someone kneel before me. I looked up. I looked up at my sister's face and the tears fell down. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me to her. I laid my head on her shoulders as I cried letting out sob by sob. I felt another set of arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Danicia and Esmeralda. Soon the guys had there arms around me too.

Darren took me bridal style since I can't walk with my broken ankle.

"I'm sorry Winnie." he said sadly. I sobbed into his chest. Suddenly there was a sharo pain on my left side. I knew what it means. He is kissing her.

Can't he give me sometime to myself?! I mean come on! Doesn't he know that all that will hurt me?! He is a fucking lycan! Lycans know better about our kind! Which means he will know how it will hurt me when he kiss, or have sex with her!

He is a an asshole!

He is a fucking asshole! I hate him! I despise him! I fucking loathe his presence! He is heartless...

Darren took me into the pack hospital. And almost instantly I was taken to a room. I feel his presence near by, which means he is in the hospital too. But.. with her.

I felt my eyes close. I heard someone tell me to not close my eyes...


My eyelids felt heavy as I opened them. I groaned as I felt light on my face. Blinking a few times I managed to adjust to it. I sat up on the bed.

"i see you are awake, Luna." i heard a femine voice. I looked to my right startled. I saw a woman around 22. She had bright gray eyes and auburn hair. And she was wearing a doctor jacket.

She stood up and came towards me.

"sorry that I startled you, luna. I'm Al-"

"whoah there! Did you just call me luna?" I asked in disbelief. I'm pretty sure Artorius won't tell her, then how does she know? I haven't even met her.

"yes, i surely did." she smiled at me kindly. "h-how? How did you...?" i was too confused.

"sorry for not telling you at first. I'm Althea. Gamma Warren's mate. And also the pack doc." she extended her hand to me. "oh. That explains. Warren told you." i shook her hand. "It's really nice to meet you, Luna. I'm sorry about the way my Alpha is treating you." she smiled sadly.

"it's alright, Althea. It's not your fault. And please don't call me Luna. It's weird." i said. "oh sorry, Alpha Aerowyn." she bowed slightly.

"oh no no no! Don't do that! Call me Winnie." i chuckled. "oh ok. You can call me Thea." she smiled. I was about to say something when the door burst open.

"I'M BACK! I brought chicken soup, pizza, burger, and sandwiches!" a woman about 23 years old yelled walking in. She had a tray of foods in her hand. The woman had brown eyes with light blonde hair.

"Kass! Stop yelling!" Althea scolded her. "huh?" the woman looked at Althea confused. "this isn't pack house! This is hospital, stupid!" Althea said in a matter of factly.

"oh. Oh. Sorry, Thea. I forgo- OH MY GOD! The Great Regina Malicious is awake!"

it was like she forgot about what Althea just said. The woman ran towards me. She took my hand and started shaking it.

"oh my oh my! Alpha Aerowyn right? I'm Kassia. And I'm probably the biggest fan of you in this world! I love your skills and everything! I loved everything about you since the beginning which was 4 years ago by the way. And I'm so so excited that you are my luna!" she started saying.

"you are my hero! My role model- uhh.. Sorry i probably sound like a dying fan girl. Sorry. I don't usually ramble like this. But come on! Excuse me this time! I finally met my favourite person! I-"

"haaaa?! I can't believe you just said that you don't ramble like that! That's probably your hobby!" Althea said interrupting Kassia.

"hey! Shut up! You are supposed to defend me!" Kassia threw a pillow at Althea. I smiled at her childish behaviour.

"I'm just saying the truth, Kass!" Althea grinned. "such a good best friend I have got." Kassia muttered under her breath. "hey! I heard that!" Althea threw the pillow back at Kassia.

I couldn't help it as I burst out laughing. I was clutching my stomach as I laughed. When I was done I looked up to see the both of them looking at me. I raised an eyebrow confused.

"you laughed! I like you already!" Kassia squealed. "i thought you said you liked me from the beginning." i pouted faking hurt. "oh that's true. But my point is I like you even more now. I bet we will become great friends!" Kassia grinned. Hehe. I like her attitude.

"yeah." i smiled. "call me Kass. Luna." she said politely this time. "call me Winnie." i smiled back.

Seems like I got some nice friends from Dark Shadow after all.

The girls let me leave after sometime when my team came to check up on me. Esmeralda and Kassia clicked instantly. And also Danicia and Althea (they both shares the same love for hospitals and their job, something I will never understand).


I sat on the cliff with my legs hanging down. The view up here is awesome. Never expected Dark Shadow to have a cliff. Why can't my life be as peaceful as this place? Why is my life such a mess?

Even though I was the one that rejected him, it still hurt me 10×more. Every single time he sleeps with his whores pleasuring himself and the bitches, I'm the one that suffers. This pain is worse than the pain Luciano caused. You may ask why. Let me tell you this... I'm not sure why or how, but the bond between me and Artorius is so strong. Stronger than what my bond with Luciano ones was. Stronger than anything I felt in my life. It's like we share the same soul yet different. Confusing I know. Even me. I mean I don't understand it either. But I know that it's how it feels.

My peaceful moment was broken to pieces as I smelt a scent which was soon followed by a whine in pain.

I got in a defensive position ready for whatever it was that is coming. Suddenly a brown wolf limped out of the bush.


"shift! Now!" i ordered. The wolf looked up at me. It's then I noticed how beaten it was. There were so many blood coating its fur. The rogue's eyes were so dull and filled with so many tears. Looking at its size, it looked to be very young.

"shift!" I commanded in my Alpha voice. The wolf whimpered and shook its head. I frowned. Obviously, the wolf isn't trusting me.

"look, i won't hurt you. Please shift." i said in a soft voice. I leaned down to its level to touch it but it flinched away. I frowned again.

"i understand that you don't trust me. I'm a stranger to you. I'm a pack wolf not to mention an Alpha while you are a rogue. I understand. I have been a rogue once too. But i promise you. I won't hurt you." i said reassuringly. The wolf whispered again but nodded slowly. I smiled as it rubbed its head on my right hand palm.

When a wolf rubs its head on an Alpha's hand, its showing loyalty and trust, appreciation. I rubbed my hand on its head in return, which means approval.

"are you female or male? Bark once if you are male., bark twice if you are female." i said. The wolf barked twice and licked my hand making me giggle.

"Alright. I can give you my shirt once you shift. Now come on shift." i said referring to the gray flannel shirt around my waist. When she didn't shift i realised why.

"you don't know how to shift back, do you?" i asked. She shook her head. I gave her a comforting smile.

"image yourself in your human form, sweetheart." i said. She closed her eyes, probably to concentrate. I heard the sickening sound of borns braking and in a matter of seconds, a little girl lay on the ground. She was bruised and bloody. I felt bile raise in my throat. Whoever did this to her truly is heartless.

There were whip marks on her back. She looked like me when I was back in those haunting days. Not like look like like. We don't look like in facial characters or anything. It's just that she reminded me of myself 5 years ago.

"hi sweetheart. What's your name?" i asked untying the flannel shirt around my waist. "Delilia." she said softly as I slipped the shirt on her. It was huge on her small form.

She had dull almost lifeless green eyes and blonde tomboy hair cut. What surprised me the most was that she looked to be around 5 or 6 years. But her body size is about 4 years old's.

"well then, I'm gonna call you Lily. So Lily, I'm Aerowyn. You can call me Winnie." i smiled at the poor girl.

"i know that you are Aerowyn. I came here to find you Alpha Aerowyn. I know that you are the Golden wolf." she said. My eyes widened.

Say what?! What the heck is going on?!


2578 words.

Do you guys like the chap?

So tell me...

What you think of Bianca bitch? 🤔

Artorius? 🤔

Kassia? 🤔

Althea? 🤔

Delilia? 🤔

And ooooh! What about the fight? 🤔

Do you think I have to improve my ways of writing? Tell me, so that I can improve. ☺

A/N- hello. I want to say that I love reading your comments. I love it when you express what you think of my characters. I really love it.

I know I don't reply to all the comments. But i do read every single one of them.

Love you my dear readers! You all are amazing!

'A writer is after all, only half of her book. The other half is the readers and from the readers the writer learns'

'A writer only begins the book, the readers are the one who actually finishes it.'

Love you all 😘

Shai 🥀

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