The 4th Winchester - Book 2 (...

By HopefullyPerfect

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"'You're letting me go?' I questioned in shock. Crowley shrugged as he unlocked one of the chains around my w... More

00. Welcome Back, Katia Winchester
01. Everything Has Changed
02. A Hunt and a Reunion
04. Demon Drop-In
05. What's this About Purgatory?
06. The Men by the Lake
07. Alone on the Road
08. Katia, Revealed
09. Help From the Wicked
10. Final Hope
11. Rest is For the Weak
12. Pure-Blood
13. What Crowley Says, Goes
14. The Missing Ingredient
15. Fate

03. Meet the Robertson's

2K 57 3
By HopefullyPerfect

Meet the Robertson’s

<Katia’s POV>

‘Dean, Sam?’

At the sound of my voice both men seemed to freeze for a mere second before whipping around to face me; both of them held shotguns and Dean looked prepared to shoot, luckily for me he didn’t instantly fire. I couldn’t wipe the beaming smile from my face, which probably freaked both men out a little more than they already were.

‘What the hell?’ Dean hissed as he eyed the three of us; he seemed confused about the fact that I had called him by his name. Since my departure I had definitely changed quite a bit.

Sam had a doe-eyed look on his face, it only stayed there for a couple of seconds before something in his brain seemed to click and he actually remembered me. ‘Katia?’ he spoke questioningly. I hadn’t thought it was possible, but just hearing my name come from Sam’s mouth had my smile widening.

The look which had previously been on Sam’s face instantly moved over to Dean’s; a small laugh slipped past my lips as I looked at his widened eyes.

Whilst Dean was still staring at me as though I had three heads, I somehow ended up pulling Sam into some sort of awkward, long-overdue hug. Sam patted my back comfortingly before moving away; I quickly walked over to Dean to hug him also.

‘What are you doing here?’ Dean questioned as he accepted the embrace and repeated Sam’s move of patting my back comfortingly.

As I pulled away I shrugged my shoulders, ‘the same as you.’

‘It’s been over three years, Katia; where have you been?’ Sam spoke up this time. He had lowered his shotgun and was now just staring at me, waiting for answers.

I didn’t know how to answer; for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to tell my brothers’ about Hell or Purgatory never mind the current deal I was trying to accomplish, I still had yet to tell the Robertson’s that Crowley had taken my soul once and he was waiting to re-enact the dreaded events.

‘Sorry to break up your reunion, but don’t you think we should be working on finding, and burning this spirit’s bones?’ Curtis spoke up; I breathed out a breath of relief, he saved me from that one.

Dean looked from the twins before looking down at me once again- living with Curtis and Fletcher’s family I had forgotten how tall the boys’ actually were. ‘And who are they?’ he asked pointing to the two men.

I looked back at Curtis and Fletcher; the pair seemed mildly interested as they stared in on our conversation. ‘You remember when I went to school for like a week a couple of days after I first met you? Those are the hunters I met during my short time there; I’ve been living with their family since I got back to the States,’ I updated the boys’. ‘We can speak once we’ve finished this.’

                Apparently Fletcher, Curtis and I were one step ahead of Dean and Sam. This was the first time they’d been to the cellar and they didn’t know anything about the spirit down here other than the fact that she was killing helpless humans. When Curtis began to pull up the floorboards the pair of them just stared at us as if we’d gone insane; we were killing monsters for a living, of course we had gone insane.

As the twins and I had expected, there was a full skeleton lying above the hardened soil beneath the basement; the man who’d killed her hadn’t even tried to bury her remains.

‘Crap,’ Curtis scolded as he turned back to Dean, Sam and I. ‘We forgot to bring lighter fluid,’ he continued as he placed his hands on his hips whilst chewing his bottom lip.

‘You came out expecting to salt and burn a spirit’s bones yet you forgot lighter fluid? Katia what kind of people are you working with?’ Dean asked rudely. Fletcher looked like he was going to object to that statement but what exactly could he have said? ‘There’s some in the Impala; I’ll go fetch it. You need anything else: salt, a lighter...your brains?’ he continued teasingly as he made his way up the cellar stairs.

‘Is that where you get your attitude from?’ Fletcher asked the second Dean had exited the cellar. I smirked at the resemblance between me and my older brother.

Instead of answering Fletcher’s mocking question I just pulled the tub of salt from my bag before sprinkling it over the bones which made me cringe to look at. After spending two years in Purgatory I’d actually gotten better at dealing with gruesome, gory things and I was able to participate in much more hunts without wanting to projectile vomit whenever I saw the slightest splat of blood.

‘At least I remembered to bring everything I was asked to,’ I muttered back to the bearded twin; Fletcher sent a glare my way and I just smirked.

                Dean had taken a few seconds to long. Maybe a minute after I’d thrown salt over the bones, the spirit had decided to come back to life and I’d been taken as its first victim. Currently the spirit was stood with it hand somewhere in my chest; it felt as though its fingers were wrapped around my heart and squeezing tightly.

‘Shoot it!’ I cried from where I was being pinned to a back wall. Both Sam and Curtis had been flung across the room, Fletcher seemed to be in a bit of a pickle with the shotgun he was holding and it irritated me to an extreme; I was seconds away from being killed and Fletcher was taking his time to sort out a shotgun.

Whilst the chaos was taking place, Dean came running back into the cellar with a bottle of lighter fluid in one hand and a lighter in the other. I was too busy focusing on Dean to notice that Fletcher had sorted, and fired the shotgun.

The loud roar echoed throughout the entire cellar; the loud noise was followed by an excruciating pain which only I could feel, and it wasn’t from the spirit. Apparently Fletcher’s aim had been a slight bit off; the bullet had clipped the spirit but a majority of the impact from the rock salt had gone into hitting my left wrist, the same wrist I sprained just yesterday.

‘Katia, you okay?’ Sam questioned from where he was still pulling himself up from the floor.

I nodded whilst cradling my injured wrist with my right hand. ‘I’m fine, just burn those god damned bones,’ I yelled as I struggled to breathe through the overwhelming pain coming from my arm. Dean was already pouring a large volume of lighter fluid into the make-shift grave; in his opposite hand he had a lighter ready.

The spirit reappeared in front of Curtis- who was clutching his shoulder which had hit the wall when he’d been thrown- for just a second before she got engulfed in a large flame.

‘I think my wrist is broken,’ I mumbled just like I’d done previously when I’d first sprained it.

Curtis looked up at me, ‘the spirit didn’t even touch your wrist.’

‘Yeah, well your brother’s lousy shot sure did,’ I spat, still trying to breathe through the pain.

‘I think you’ll find that I saved your ass back then,’ Fletcher objected whilst flicking the safety back onto his shotgun. ‘If it wasn’t for me, your chest would be splattered across this entire cellar.’

‘Maybe that would’ve been less painful,’ I muttered under my breath, too quiet for anyone other than Dean- who was stood right beside me- to hear; Dean chuckled softly at my little comment causing Fletcher to look over to me as if I’d betrayed him or something.

‘So what are we doing now?’ it was Sam who spoke up.

‘We can meet up at a diner or something.’ Both Fletcher and Curtis groaned, they weren’t the biggest fans of diners so whilst I’d been staying with them I hadn’t been able to eat there; now that Dean and Sam were back this was my chance. ‘But first we’re gonna have to nip back to the motel; I need Curtis to sort out my wrist,’ I continued. Out of the five of us, Curtis was probably the best person to fix up and injury; he’d easily be able to get a medical degree with the amount of knowledge he has stored in his brain, too bad hunting is his main priority.

‘We don’t need to help you with that,’ Dean pointed out; his voice was just as gruff as it had ever been. ‘We’ll meet you at a diner; if you take longer than thirty minutes we’re eating without you,’ he added.

‘Whatever,’ I responded whilst picking my own shotgun up from the floor. Curtis was already half way up the cellar stairs, his hand was holding onto his aching shoulder. As much as I didn’t want to allow it, Fletcher would probably have to drive the three of us back to the motel.


This time my instincts were actually right; the earlier sprain had weakened my wrist and then the rock salt was enough to fracture it. Curtis had tried his best to sort it out- without an actual examination or x-ray it was considerably harder- and now I had a homemade pot securing it in place; when we get back to South Dakota I’ll get a proper examination.

Now, Fletcher was driving my beautiful Mustang into a diner parking lot and pulling into an empty space a few spaces down from Dean’s Impala. I’d actually missed Dean’s car; it still looked the same as always though, no extra dents or scratches.

‘Does this mean we’ll finally get our guest room back?’ Fletcher asked me, I could tell his was joking by the tone in his voice.

I shrugged with a smirk. ‘Depends on whether or not I decided to go with them; maybe I’ll choose your douche bag behaviour over Dean’s,’ I continued to laugh, unsure on whether I was telling the truth or not.

Curtis was staying out of this conversation, he just walked ahead of Fletcher and I before pulling the door to the diner open with ease. Immediately we could see Sam and Dean; they were sat at some central table whilst Dean was doing his usual sweet-talk routine on a working waitress.

‘Finally you decided to show up,’ Dean exaggerated as he rested his folded arms on the table. The waitress Dean had previously been chatting to turned to me with a look of annoyance; she probably hoped she and Dean were actually going to take the conversation somewhere further.

I lifted my arm up slightly, the one which was already propped in some crappy sling which Curtis had put together himself. ‘It’s not my fault that I fractured my wrist,’ I muttered whilst sitting down in the seat across the table from Sam who was just staring at my arm.

‘Anyway,’ Dean mumbled turning back to the waitress once more. ‘We’re finally ready to order.’

                Just like the old days, Dean moaned as he took a large bite of his gigantic burger- all the fittings included. I shook my head before taking a bite of my own burger; it was so damned good!

‘So Katia, how have you been?’ Sam questioned, finally sparking up a conversation.

I nodded whilst wiping my thumb across my mouth to make sure no food had spilled. ‘I’ve been good, busy,’ I admitted before placing my burger down on my plate. ‘How have you two been?’

Sam looked at Dean in a look that slightly seemed concerned but he quickly recovered from it and turned back to me. ‘We’ve both been well, for hunters anyway,’ he laughed a little. ‘Have you been back in the United States for long?’ the younger brother continued to ask.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I quickly checked the date at the top of the screen. ‘I’ve been back for about eight months now,’ I announced whilst taking another large bite from my burger. Both Fletcher and Curtis just sat silently whilst eating their own food; I don’t really think they knew what to say.

‘And you’ve been staying with these ever two since you got back?’ Dean spoke up; his food was still in his mouth and his voice came out muffled. I stared at Dean in disgust, and then nodded.

‘I spent the first month once I’d gotten back driving across the States; but after that the boys’ dad gave the me guest room as long as I promised to help out in hunts,’ I explained my current living state to my brothers’. Sam nodded; Dean looked at me as though I’d gone crazy.

‘So you’re being pimped out to monsters so you can sleep in a guest room?’ he questioned before smirking brightly.

‘I was already hunting before I moved in with them; besides it’s nothing permanent, I’m staying with them until I come up with a lasting solution,’ I continued to explain; this topic was just confusing and I was more than happy when Sam decided to change the subject.

‘How was Africa?’ he questioned; crap! I’d totally forgotten that I had told Dean and Sam I went to Africa for my three year long hiatus.

‘It was good,’ I spat without thinking about it. ‘It was hot, very hot in fact; and I saw lots of different animals,’ I lied; as a matter of fact, I was describing Hell and Purgatory- besides the “it was good” part.

‘You thinking of going back or are you back in America for good?’ Dean questioned.

I shrugged whilst thinking about mine and Crowley’s deal. ‘I was going to stay, but I think I might go back at the start of next year or something,’ I added; after all I was getting no further in this stupid deal and Crowley probably wasn’t going to be kind enough to expand my timeframe.

‘Oh,’ was all Dean simply said before getting back to eating his burger.

                The five of us had paid for our meals and now we were leaving the diner. The Impala was closer to the diner so we all stood by Dean’s car as we made plans.

‘Do you think your family would mind if Dean and Sam stopped by for a little bit? Only like a day at the most,’ I asked Fletcher and Curtis whilst I typed Dean’s mobile number into my phone before saving it as a new contact.

Both twins shook their heads. ‘Mom loves having guests and dad’s got someone new to talk about hunting with,’ Fletcher replied with a smirk. John Robertson- the boys’ father- was a bit of a hunting-nut.

‘Sorted then,’ I smiled. ‘Are you two okay with that?’

Both Dean and Sam shrugged. ‘We’ve got nothing better to do,’ Sam answered.

‘But I don’t understand why we have to drive all the way to South Dakota; we have a perfectly good bunker in Kansas,’ Dean protested; Dean and Sam had been telling me about the “Men of Letter’s” bunker and had invited us down there, I declined the offer as Curtis has a busy week ahead of him- he has to teach his thirteen-year-old brother, Gregory, how to shoot a rifle or something- and has to be home as soon as possible.

‘I already explained all of this; Fletcher and Curtis actually have real lives outside of the hunting world,’ I laughed. Fletcher was also currently taking an online college course on a subject I’d completely forgotten; yes, I’m a bad friend.

‘You’ve given me the address; we’ll meet you down there in like two, maybe three days depending on whether we stop of anywhere in between,’ Dean stated.

I nodded with a hopeful smile, I’d actually found my older brothers’ again! ‘We’ll see you there then,’ I beamed. Both Sam and Dean said a quick “see you later” before climbing into the Impala; with that Fletcher, Curtis and I made our ways back to my own car which was literally a couple of metres from Dean’s.



I sat alone on the couch in the main, open-area of the Robertson family’s log cabin-style house. Everyone was busy doing actual jobs- well four, out of eight, members of the family were currently at school- but due to my broken wrist I hadn’t been given any real jobs to do.

Fletcher had gone out to play football with some guys’ from a local club. Curtis, and his twenty-year-old brother, Stephen were in the backyard maintaining the firearms. Mrs Robertson- Amy- had gone grocery shopping, and Mr Robertson was in his study researching something.

When the doorbell rang, I was the only person free to answer it. I tossed the remote control- which had previously been resting on my stomach- onto the couch before pushing myself up with my one, useable hand.

Before I’d actually made it to the door it rang once again, I’d sort of just figured that Fletcher had forgotten his key or something along those lines; that wasn’t a rare thing to happen. ‘One minute, I’m coming!’ I yelled as I ran across the oak floor before stopping directly in front of the door.

I pulled it open expecting to see Fletcher stood there covered in mud; instead Dean and Sam were stood looking vaguely impressed by the sight of the house. ‘You actually came,’ I gasped as I moved aside to allow them both in.

‘Well yeah,’ Dean grunted as he walked into the house; his eyes continued to wonder over the surroundings as he took in the sight of this awesome house, when I first came over all that time ago I was completely gobsmacked by basically everything in here. ‘This place is practically in the middle of nowhere,’ Dean announced; I just nodded.

‘So, you want a drink or something?’ I questioned before walking over to the kitchen which was also connected to the open lounge.

‘You got any beer?’ Dean asked; he’s definitely not changed the slightest.

                Apparently Sam had wanted to play a game of twenty questions involved with what I had been doing for the last three years; thankfully my lying skills were on point and I barely even slipped up.

The three of us had been sat in the basement, Dean had been playing a lonely game of pool, until school had finished and the other four members of the Robertson family arrived home. Thirteen-year-old Gregory had requested to use the basement so he and his friend could play some game on the Wii console; as this wasn’t my own house, I couldn’t refuse to allow him.

Now we were back where we’d started, in the lounge, along with another one of Curtis and Fletcher’s siblings; eighteen-year-old Tyler. ‘How many kids are there in this place? Their parents need a hobby,’ Dean announced; he actually kept his voice quiet this time so only Sam and I could hear him.

‘There are seven of them, maybe their parents wanted to start their own army or something,’ I muttered back in response before seating myself at the end of the couch furthest from Tyler.

The teenage boy- with a stereotypical, jock appearance- turned to look at me. ‘Who are they, and why are they in our house?’ he asked; his voice was loud yet he showed no real interest and didn’t even attempt to look at Dean or Sam.

‘Sam and Dean,’ I answered- he knew they were my brothers’ as I’d spoken about them on quite regular occasions. That statement seemed to catch Tyler’s attention as he actually looked over to check who the two men in the house actually were.

‘You weren’t kidding when you said you were a Winchester,’ Tyler gawped. He stayed in his relaxed position on the couch but now he kept on switching his glance between Sam, Dean and I.

Sam shifted uncomfortably under Tyler’s strong gaze; Dean on the other hand just stared back at Tyler with a firm glare on his face. ‘I’m starting to feel a slight bit uncomfortable,’ Dean announced whilst shifting his jacket before looking down at me.

‘Tyler, please stop staring like that; you’re creeping them out,’ I told the teenage boy; instantly he turned back to the TV but would ever so often turn back to look at Sam and Dean as if they were going to do some miraculous if he turned away for too long.

                Mr Robertson had finally come up from his study and had dragged Sam into a conversation about something he had seen on the news; to be honest, Sam seemed quite into the conversation as Dean and I stared on at him in confusion.

‘You plan on coming with us back to Kansas?’ Dean asked me as he took a swig from his bottle of beer.

I also took a large drink from my own bottle. ‘Depends,’ I muttered whilst staring at the kitchen counter; I could hear the murmurs of Sam and Mr Robertson’s conversation in the background but I wasn’t paying enough attention to them to figure out what they were actually saying. ‘I’ll go back to Kansas with you, but if you’re living in some creepy, illegal bunker I’m coming straight back,’ I answered with a playful smirk.

Dean actually rolled his eyes at me, like of full-on, dramatic eye roll. ‘Whatever you say, princess,’ Dean muttered. I definitely hadn’t missed the nicknames Dean had given me, the fact he called me “princess” in the cockiest way ever had always bugged the hell out of me.

‘You’re an ass,’ I mumbled as I picked up my half-full bottle of beer. ‘Anyway, I’ve gotta go clean my hunting stuff; you can help me, thanks for offering,’ I stated quickly before walking straight through the house and out of the backdoor leaving Dean with no choice.

It was either he helped me or he stayed to chat with Mr Robertson and Sam about the interesting news of South Dakota.


Not much really happened in this; other than the fact that they salt and burned a spirit.

Katia’s agreed to go back on the road with Dean and Sam; the trio is back together. But Katia is still hiding a secret from the guys’.

What do you think of chapter three?

-T xox

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