A Dream of Little Robots and...

By SLynx19

242K 8K 1.7K

What happens when a few symptoms and a lot of misunderstandings lead to Eda and Serkan discovering that they... More

1. A baby?
3. Little Serkan
4. Blue dress and peace
5. Little bean of love
6. New house, new beginning
7. Freedom and confessions
8. An eventful morning
9. Crisis and broken trusts
10. A drink...or three
11. Bumpy walk
12. New family ties
13. Closure
14. A bet and a surprise
15. Promenade à Montmartre
16. Back to reality
17. Face-to-face
18. Frenzy or peace?
19. Salted coffee party
20. Silent agreement
21. Hide and seek
22. A dream of little robots and fairies
23. What happens in Sapanca...
24. ...is Forever
25. Wishes and foreboding
26. Miles apart
27. Moving forward
28. Whirlwind

2. A tiny little living thing

13.8K 374 44
By SLynx19

 "Aydan hanim? What are you doing?" Seyfi asked as he saw Aydan hanim watching her son's house through her binoculars.

"I'm waiting for Serkan to wake up. I need to talk to him about something."

"Well I don't think you'll see him this morning."

Aydan put the binoculars down and turned her head toward her employee. "Neden? Did he leave?"

"Yok. But he is in good company and I don't think he'll want to leave it soon."

"Good company? Who? Ah Seyfi don't beat around the bush! Who is with Serkan?"

Seyfi looked at Serkan's house for a couple of seconds before he finally turned his mischievous green eyes toward the older woman. "Eda hanim."

"Eda? Eda is here? Why?" Seyfi just shrugged. Aydan looked into her binoculars once more but threw them annoyingly at the table when she couldn't see anything.

"Gel Seyfi. Let's go see if they didn't kill each other."

"I doubt it..." Seyfi said under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Let's go."

The duo tiptoed their way to Serkan's house and peaked through the big glass window that showed the inside of the living room. What they saw left them both shocked for one and widely smiling for the other. Eda and Serkan were asleep on the couch. Serkan's arms were tightly engulfing Eda who had her head resting on his chest. They looked so peaceful that even Aydan couldn't deny how sweet they looked.

"I don't understand. Weren't they like mad at each other yesterday? How are they sleeping so peacefully together?" Aydan whispered.

"I don't know Aydan hanim. Maybe they made peace."

"You and your peace Seyfi!" She stared at the couple a while longer before she added, "but I have to admit they are adorable like this. Do you think they really made peace?" Seyfi shrugged again not giving any answer which frustrated Aydan. She motioned him to follow her back at her house and he did.

Serkan started to stir and slowly opened his eyes blinking a couple of times as he adjusted to the lighting of the room. His eyes fell on a shadow behind the glass window but it had disappeared by the time his vision had cleared. He heard Eda's soft snores by his side which made him look down. His breath caught in his throat. He was always amazed at how gorgeous she looked at every given hour but especially in the morning. She looked so peaceful, like an angel. Someone who didn't know her fiery temper would have never thought that she even had one. He wondered how he deserved to even know a person as good as her in his life. And now he would have the most precious gift in the world: a child with her. He suddenly remembered their previous night. Eda coming to his house. Their conversation. Their kiss. The tests. The joy they felt. He couldn't help but smile thinking of this tiny little human living inside of her. He delicately placed a hand on her still flat abdomen. He wanted to feel connected to their child even though it was still very early.

Eda smiled as she slowly started to wake up. She felt so comfortable and warm that she only wished she could sleep a bit more. She snuggled closer to the warmth she was feeling coming from beside her and sighed contently. She had made the most beautiful dream where Serkan and she were walking on a beach, each holding the hand of a laughing child not older than two or three years old. They were all so happy. Her little family. Then it hit her: she was pregnant! Serkan and she had found out the night before and the aftermath of the news had been more than satisfactory for the both of them as they had released part of the tensions that had gathered up from all these weeks apart. She opened her eyes as soon as the memory of Serkan's lips on her neck popped in her memory. She realised then where she was: snuggled into his arms, on what seemed to be his couch. And – was that his shirt she was wearing? – she didn't even remember how or when they had ended up on the couch again!

Serkan laid still as he felt Eda wake up and tense up when she realised where she was. He saw her look down at his hand that was still caressing her belly softly through her shirt, his shirt actually. He stopped then and just kept it still until she finally raised her head to look at him. Her eyes took his breath away as always. She looked ethereal with her soft sparkling brown eyes, her tousled hair and plump lips. His right hand went from her belly to her head to brush her fringe off her eyes. She briefly closed them as he did, only to reopen them and gaze into his again. They stayed like this, in silence for a few minutes, each one playing the events of the day before in their mind. They knew there was so much to be talked about, so much to be done but for now they chose to live in the moment. The rest would have to wait.

Their peaceful moment was cut short when they were both startled by Eda's phone ringing. They both sighed in disappointment before Eda rolled over to reach for her phone. It was Efe calling. She sighed. She really liked working with Efe but sometimes she'd rather have him not call her so often.


"Merhaba Eda. How are you? I went to your house but your aunt told me you were not there."

"Merhaba Efe." Upon hearing Efe's name, Serkan rolled his eyes and sat up. He kissed her shoulder before he went to get ready for the day. "I'm fine thank you. You?"

"I'm fine too. Where are you? Do you want me to come fetch you for work? I was thinking that we could talk about the revision on your blueprints that I did on the way."

"That is very nice of you but it won't be possible today. Though I'll take a look at what you sent me before I come."

"Is everything okay?

"Sure. Why do you ask?"

"You sound...different. Did something happen?"

"No. Nothing happened. Everything is alright."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come to you?"

"Eminim Efe. Gerçekten gerek yok. I'll come with Serkan."

"With Serkan? Did you two reconcile?"

"Hum...It's complicated. But don't worry about us. Thanks for your concern."

"Peki o zaman. See you at work then."

"See you."

Eda hung up and sighed. Things really were complicated. She put the phone down on the coffee table and got up. She gathered her clothes and went to the bedroom to set them on the bed for later. As she was leaving the bedroom she came face to face with a dripping wet Serkan coming out of the shower. He was in his bathrobe but Eda could see his muscular, defined chest and abs peeking through. She felt her heart race and she swallowed hard before she lifted her eyes to meet his. He had an amused face and it made him even more attractive right now. Why did that man had to hold such a power over her.

"Eda?" Serkan waved in front of her dazzled face. She blinked twice as if coming out of her trance.


"Were you going somewhere?"

"Uh? Yes. I... I'm going to – where was I going again? – I'm going to take a shower and get ready. Yes. I'll do that. If you'll excuse me."

Eda tried to get past him without touching or even brushing him so she squeezed herself against the wall. When she finally closed the door of the bathroom, she leant against it with her eyes closed and bit her bottom lip: why did he have to smell so good also?

"Bravo Eda! Bravo! I really need to take this shower now."

When Eda came out of the bedroom, she found the breakfast laid out on the coffee table. Serkan really had outdid himself: he had made eggs and salads, put grapes, apples and cranberries, grilled toasts. Orange juice was also on the table as well as other small dishes. Her stomach growled which made Serkan chuckle. He was coming back from the kitchen with two steaming hot cups of tea.

"Serkan, what is all of this?" Eda motioned toward the little feast.

"Well, I thought that you would be hungry after last night, and I was right apparently. Plus, you need to eat healthy food for you and the baby."

"Of course. Healthy food... Will you be fussing about my diet from now on, I wonder?"

"Only doing what's best for you and..."

"...and the baby. Yes. Got it." She interrupted him, snapping her fingers as she said the last sentence. She sat at the table and he mirrored her. They ate in silence for a while until Serkan reminded her of her appointment with Dilek hanim.

"I don't need it anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was supposed to see him because we didn't know what made me sick. Now we know. So I don't need to see her today."

Serkan put down his fork and crossed his hands in front of his face. "Eda," he said gravely, "we need to make sure you are fine."

"Iyiyim ben Serkan! Besides I don't have time this morning. I told Efe I would review the blueprints before work today!"

"Efe, Efe! What is more important? Yours and the baby's health or Efe Akman and his blueprints?"

"I-yi-yim Serkan! Allah Allah! I am fine I'm telling you!"

"Should I remind you that you fainted – twice in two days, – and that you have been having headaches and nausea for the past few days? I know," he continued when he saw that she was going to argue back, "those are pregnancy symptoms. I looked them up on the internet. But still. We need to make sure that you are healthy and the baby as well."

Eda stayed silent for a few seconds studying him. How could be so unnerving yet so sweet at the same time. "Did you really research my symptoms on the internet?"

"Evet! What about it?" He rolled his eyes when he saw the mischievous smile appearing on her face. "Neyse! So, will you see her or not?"

Eda debated with herself before she finally gave in. "Tamam! And no need to make that smug face. I'm not doing it for you!"

"I know."

For some reason, this sentence impacted them both, revealing the problems that they knew they still had to sort out. They could have had that one truce but so many things were left to be said. They ate in silence for the remaining of the breakfast then Serkan cleared the table while Eda used his laptop to look at Efe's revisions. By the time everything was clean and organised, Eda had also finished her work. When she got up from her chair though, she felt sick again in her stomach. It appeared she had eaten too much after days of barely eating nothing at all. She frowned as she put her hands on her stomach and tried to breathe in and out as much as possible.

"Eda? Are you alr – Anne?"

Eda frowned upon hearing Serkan then turned her head toward where Serkan was staring at. She quickly dropped her hands by her sides upon seeing Aydan hanim behind the window glass. Aydan looked nervous when she stepped on the deck to great her son and Eda. Eda came closer to them and greeted her as well.

"Günaydin annne. Did you need something?"

"Günaydin bebegim. Y-yok. I just wanted to see you for a bit since I didn't see you yesterday." Aydan answered looking between her son and Eda. "Eda? I'm happy to see you. Are you feeling any better than yesterday?"

"Evet Aydan hanim. Much better thank you. I just had a stomach bug, it's still bothering me a little but I feel better."

Aydan's eyes fluttered from her face to her belly for a few seconds before they went back to her eyes. "Okay good. I am glad then."

Eda raised an eyebrow slightly upon seeing the older woman's reaction.

"Evet. Did you have something that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Yok. Hum, are you both going to work today?"

Serkan's brows furrowed. "Of course. Like always. Anne, sen gerçekten iyi misin?"

"Iyiyim iyiyim. I'm just asking because of the time, and since Eda is here too..."

"Oh!" Serkan exclaimed. "Do you think we... Hayir! We haven't made up yet."

"Yet?" Both Eda and Aydan said in unison.

Serkan's eyes went from one woman to the other but lingered a bit more on Eda's as she was trying to pass him a silent message through her eyes. "Ah evet! Because hum we...have to greet Dilek hanim who just arrived! Welcome Dilek hanim!"

"Thank you Serkan bey." Dilek hanim said as she entered the room. Eda let out the breath she was holding, she couldn't believe he had just admitted that he considered a possible reconciliation with her, to his mother! Although if they were going to have a baby, it wasn't so far-fetched. Plus their wild night last night... She shook her head to focus on what was going on in front of her and was surprised to see three pairs of eyes staring at her.

"What? Yes, I am fine Serkan," she immediately said when she saw his concerned eyes. "I just zoned out for a bit. You were saying?"

"I'll leave you to it then. I hope you get well soon Eda."

"Thank you Aydan hanim."

Once Aydan had left, Dilek hanim started her consultation. "So, tell me everything."

When Aydan left Serkan's house, she was more than sure that Eda was indeed pregnant. She had seen her caressing her stomach, she was sick, they were going to see the doctor for it and Serkan and she had talked about making peace. What else could it be? She was going to be a grandma! She couldn't believe it! Seyfi found her pacing up and down the patio with her hands on her head. He could tell something was greatly bothering his boss.

"Aydan hanim? Is everything –"

"Ah! Seyfi! You need to call Ayfer hanim right now! Tell her to come here!"

"I don't think she'll want to come here. But I can call her if you want."

"Ah! Give me the phone. I'll call her myself!"

Seyfi dialled Eda's aunt's number and gave the phone to Aydan. After three rings, Ayfer picked up.

"Aydan han –?"

"You need to come right now!"

"I'm already here."

"What do you mean?"

"Turn around."

Aydan did so and was shocked to see Eda's aunt standing behind her, her phone still on her ear. She almost ran to the brunette who took a step back frowning.

"Wha –"

"Eda is pregnant!"


"Bebek var! Bebek!"



"It's impossible."

"I saw her!"

"You saw her with a baby?"

"Tabi ki hayir!" Aydan rolled her eyes. "I saw her with Serkan this morning and then I saw her caressing her stomach!"

"I don't believe it."

"Ask Seyfi."

"Seyfi bey?"

"Ayfer hanim?"

"Is she telling the truth?"

"Really I can't say anything. But Eda hanim is here indeed."

Ayfer stayed silent for a few seconds, watching Aydan who just shrugged. "Hadi! Let's sort this out right now."


"We'll go and confront them! I have a few things to tell your son actually!"

"We can't go right now."


"Eda is being seen by the doctor."

"Why?" Ayfer asked worriedly. "Did something happen to my niece?"

"Hayir! I guess it's to check if she is fine after her few sick days."

"And why would she see a doctor here at your house? I swear, if something happened to my niece and you're not telling me..."

"Hayir! I am telling you!"

"I don't care. I'm going anyway. Stay if you want!" Ayfer said, already walking toward Serkan's house.

"Wait! I'm coming with you. Wait!" Aydan exclaimed as she followed the other woman hurriedly.



"Why did you bring a car seat and a baby doll to your house?" Eda asked, motioning to the said items laying on the floor.

"Hum şey... It's nothing."

"Don't tell me your suspicions were that strong."

"Hayir Eda." Serkan rolled his eyes "It's... a gift."

"A gift? For who?"

Serkan sighed. "It's actually for a friend's daughter. It's her birthday this week so I thought she would like that since her mom just had a baby a few days ago."

"Yaaa," Eda melted. She almost squeezed his cheeks but refrained herself at the last time. They both stood awkwardly for a few minutes.

"Serkan! I just had an idea! What if we offered your friend to babysit for her?"

"Babysit derken?" Serkan coughed.

"Evet! We could look after her cute little baby. It would be a good exercise for us."

Serkan was looking at Eda like she was talking a foreign language. "You want us to babysit? Like a real baby?" Eda nodded excitedly. "Like a tiny little living thing?"

"Yes! Look!" Eda said taking the doll and cradling it in her arms. "A cute little baby!"

Serkan suddenly had a vision of Eda holding their child in her arms and he froze. That was all he had ever wanted in his life but never thought possible. Not with Selin, not with anyone until he met Eda. Now he realized what a fool he had been not telling her the truth and giving her and them the chance to be happy. How much time they had waisted already. He would have given anything to catch it up. Upon seeing Serkan freeze, Eda's smile dropped and she approached him.

"You do realize this is just a doll, right? What will you do when we have a real one in a few months?"

"Eda..." he said with emotion, "I wish nothing more than to be able to live this experience with you. By your side, every step of the way. I am so sorry I was such a fool, not telling you the truth, pushing you away. I know I don't deserve someone like you but I swear I'm going to do my best to be worthy of you both."

Eda put a hand on his cheek and stroke it softly. "I'm sure you will."

Serkan noticed she didn't say anything more and he understood. It would take time for her to trust him completely again, but this time he was willing to fight for it and do whatever it took to deserve it. Her hand lingered a little more before she followed his eyes watching the doll she was still holding.

"Do you think he or she will be that small?"

"Hayir. He or she will be even smaller."

"Smaller?" Eda laughed before Serkan's panicked eyes. He was going to be such a cute daddy robot. Eda was still laughing when she saw people coming from above Serkan's shoulder. When she saw who it was, she stopped laughing.

"Oh no..."

"Ne?" Serkan frowned and turned. They were both face to face with his mother and her aunt watching them dumbstruck.

"N'apalim?" Eda whispered while waving at them.

"Bilmiyorum. What are they both doing here?"

"Why is my aunt here? What if your mom told my aunt I was there?"

"Why would she do that?"

"They seem to be communicating a lot lately."

"Really?" Eda nodded. "Should we tell them?"

"Hayir!" Eda said.

Serkan sighed. "Neden?"

Eda turned toward him. "Serkan. You heard Dilek hanim? It's still very early and I still have to make an appointment to see if everything is alright. Anything can happen during the first trimester. I don't want anyone to know! Tamam mi?"


"Tamam mi?" she insisted.

Serkan sighed. "Evet tamam. Again with secrets."

"This time is for a good cause."

"Neyse. If you say so. Ah, here they come."

Aydan and Ayfer were surprised upon seeing their son and niece smiling at each other. But when Serkan turned around revealing Eda carrying a baby they were both equally shocked and awestruck. How much time had passed between the last time they had seen them and now?

"Are you seeing what I am seeing?"

"I think I am..."

"Is that a baby in my niece's arms?"

"It certainly looks like it..."

"Didn't they want to tear each other apart not even two days ago?"

Both women stayed put watching as the two young ones were discussing something. Aydan finally came out of her trance and climbed up the few steps that led to Serkan's house deck, followed by Ayfer.

"Anne. Ayfer hanim. Hoş geldiniz."

"Ho – hoş bulduk."

"Hala? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Eda. Weren't you at odds with Serkan Bolat not even two days ago? And I find you here? Did you spend the night here as well? And what on earth are you doing with a baby in your arms?!"

Eda and Serkan both looked at the doll then at each other before they redirected their attention to the older brunette who looked furious.

"Halacim. I don't know what you're thinking it is. But it's not! Look, it's just a doll!" Eda took the said-doll by the arm to show the two women. They opened their eyes wide at seeing it.

"What are you doing with a doll?"

"It's a gift for Serkan's friend's daughter."

"You brought a gift for Elif, Serkan?"

"Evet anne. Ne var?"

"Nothing. It's so sweet of you bebegim." Aydan said looking at her son softly.

"Whatever. If it's a gift why are you holding it Eda? Are you two hiding us something?"

"Hayir!" Serkan and Eda both exclaimed in unison. "What could we be hiding halacim ya?" Eda added nervously.

Ayfer squinted. "What did I ask you yesterday?"

"Hala! Now is not really the time to talk about this." Eda smirked nervously.

"Did you see that doctor Aydan hanim told me about?" Eda and Serkan briefly looked at Aydan who shrugged.

"Evet. I did."

"What did she say?"

"She said that I am perfectly fine. Just a little dehydrated because of my stomach bug and that in no time I'll be as good as new."

That was not entirely the truth. Dilek hanim did say that she was dehydrated but she had also said that should Eda show any sign of worsening nauseas and vomiting, she would have to be hospitalized. Other than that her check up was satisfactory and she had advised Eda to see her gynaecologist within three weeks as she was most likely in her sixth week of pregnancy. But she wasn't going to say that to her aunt. Not now anyway.

Ayfer took her niece's face into her hands softly. "You would tell me if something was wrong right?"

"Of course Hala. Gerçekten iyiyim. Merak etme."

Ayfer hugged her niece tightly and wiped a tear who had rolled on her cheek. "Tamam. I believe you. Hadi, gidelim."

Eda stepped back a little and frowned. "Nereye?"


"Hayir hala. Serkan and I have an important meeting at work today and we're already late."

"Really, I don't understand how you can continue working in that place."

"Now is not the moment to talk about this. I'm sorry hala."

"Well, let them go to work. We'll have time to talk at another moment. Won't we children?" Aydan encouraged them.

Both Serkan and Eda agreed. Ayfer then sighed and accepted Aydan's offer to go take tea with her while they let the couple go to work. Inside of her though she knew Eda wasn't telling her something and she was determined on knowing what it was. The couple saw with relief how their family left and they lost their tense states.

"These two are going to be insufferable once they find out."

"I don't even want to think about it."

"Gidelim artik?"

"Evet gidelim. We are so late already. I can't believe it." Serkan shook his head as he handed her her blazer.

Serkan and Eda stopped by Eda's house for her to change before they went to the office. When they entered, they felt an electrifying tension among their co-workers. They looked at each other confusedly before they parted ways Eda toward Efe, and Serkan toward Engin's office.

"Engin. What is going on here?"

"Ah abi! I thought you were not going to come."

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. When I saw the time I figured. So how are things going with Eda? Any news...like happy news?"

"Engin," Serkan warned.

"Hadi kardeşim ya! I am dying to know!"

Serkan sighed. "Now is not the moment Engin. What is going on with the team?"

"Efe found new very important clients for the holding."

"Ah, öyle mi?"

"Evet. They are from a very important family apparently. But he doesn't want to reveal who they are yet. They want to meet with the team before they make a decision and are inviting us to a home party."



Serkan smiled, visibly irritated. "Tonight? Always at the last minute. Well, peki o zaman. Anything else?" Engin shook his head lightly.

"Bir dakika, bir dakika! I just realised something!" Engin suddenly said, straightening up in his seat as Serkan was already on his way out. "If Eda wasn't pregnant, you would have told me immediately right? So does it mean... Allahim! You really are going to be a father abi!"

Engin almost jumped on his friend to hug him. Serkan felt his head turn hot at his best-friend's gesture that had also drawn attention from the other co-workers to them. Even Eda was staring at them doubtfully. Oh no, Eda would not be happy at all if the word got out. He hurriedly stopped Engin from demonstrating any more affectionate gestures.

"Engin! Everybody is watching us. Stop it!"

"I'm so happy for you two!" Engin whispered excitedly as he tried to pinch Serkan's cheeks but the latter managed to dodge it.

"If Eda knows that you know it she is going to kill me! So don't dare telling anyone anything! Tamam mi?"


"Not even Piril." Serkan narrowed his eyes.

Engin gulped. "Wh...Why would I tell her?"

Serkan raised an eyebrow watching his friend who was suddenly finding the files on top of his desk very interesting. Serkan put his hands on his hips as he looked up. "You already told her didn't you?" Engin looked elsewhere. "Eda is going to kill me. Really. Thank you."

"Ya abi! I couldn't just keep this to myself! But don't worry she won't tell anyone."

"Ah öyle mi? Vay Engin! Vay! I can't believe you."

Engin shrugged his shoulders apologetically but Serkan only shook his head as he left his office and went to the meeting room.

When Eda arrived with Serkan, she immediately felt like something was off in the office. When she parted ways with Serkan, she walked straight to Efe greeting him warmly. They spoke about the blueprints for a while then Eda started working on the modifications. Her work was briefly interrupted though when a commotion was heard coming from Engin's office, and she was shocked to see him hug a bright red Serkan in his arms. She frowned and wondered what Engin could be so happy about and Serkan so flustered about. Serkan's eyes briefly crossed hers and she chuckled as she saw him trying to get rid of Engin's hold on him. Then, as she saw him leave the room and walk to the meeting room, she got back to her work. For the second day in a row though, she felt as if her co-workers were observing her more than usual. A couple of times, as she stirred or lifted her eyes, she crossed the gaze of a few of them who all brightly smiled at her.

"Eda?" She lifted her head upon hearing Leyla's voice. "Do you want to come drink a cup of coffee with me?"

"Sure! I do need a break actually."

Leyla brightly smiled at her and the two women made their way to the recreation room. They bought a coffee for Leyla and a tea for Eda then sat at one of the tables outside. It was starting to get cold but not too much so they were able to enjoy the air for a few minutes. As they talked about random topics, a couple of co-workers stopped by them and actually enquired about Eda's health which she found odd but she didn't question. Everybody seemed to be aware of her sickness of the past few days. Leyla didn't say anything either so she figured it must not have been odd and didn't give it a second thought. As they finished their break, Eda went to the bathroom while Leyla went back to her desk. She was washing her hands when one of her colleague went up to her and congratulated her. She thanked her out of politeness but didn't have time to ask her what for as the girl had already left the room. Then, as she walked through the corridors leading up to the workshop, a couple more people congratulated her as well. It was really getting weird so she decided to go ask the one person who knew everything that happened in that office: Leyla Haktan.

"Leyla? Can you come for a minute please?" Eda asked her friend making sure no one was listening to them. They went to the archive room to have a bit of privacy.

"What is it Eda? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, don't worry. I just wanted to ask you something."

"I'm listening."

"See, ever since yesterday, I have that weird feeling that everyone is looking at me in a strange way. Do you know anything about it or am I just imagining things?"

"Well... Actually there is something. I didn't want to say anything because I figured if you really were you and definitely he wouldn't want anyone to know too soon, and you would be the one telling it. But I don't understand how people can just be so bold and obvious when..."

"Leyla! Sakin ol! I don't understand anything. What are you talking about?"

"I don't know how to say it to you... Okay i'll just say it like that then. There are rumours going around the office about you and Serkan bey."

"Rumours? What rumours?"

"They say that you are pregnant."

Eda's mouth dropped as she looked at the other woman. How could it be possible? How could people know when they had only found out just the day before themselves?

"Eda? Eda, are you okay? You are getting pale! Sit down. Here. Should i call Serkan bey? Oh God, why did you say it Leyla? I shouldn't have said that!"

"I'm fine Leyla. Just a little shocked. I don't understand... Where does this come from?"

"Well, apparently Susan heard Selin hanim and Piril hanim talking yesterday. Selin hanim was apparently saying that Aydan hanim seemed to be very excited about her new grandchild on the way when she went to see her. They were also wondering if it would rekindle the relationship between you and Serkan bey."

Eda couldn't believe her ears. How could people be so openly discussing her private life? And at work on top of that! And how could they assume things when they knew nothing about their situation with Serkan? And how on earth could Piril and Selin even know about her pregnancy? Then it clicked! Engin! That's what he was so excited about this morning! Serkan Bolat couldn't even keep it a secret for a day?

Eda got up and exited the room like a fury, startling Leyla who ran after her. She walked decidedly toward the meeting room where Serkan was discussing a matter with Selin and Engin.

"Serkan Bolat! What were you thinking?!" Eda screamed, as she furiously entered the room, owing her three pairs of surprised eyes turning in her direction.

Serkan immediately understood. It wasn't going to be pretty. He glowered at Engin who looked scared of both Eda and Serkan's states.

"Engin, Selin, I think we'll have to postpone our meeting." He said quietly.

They both nodded and soon left the room, throwing a worried look at Serkan. Serkan closed the different panels of the room to gain a bit of privacy as he knew by Eda's pacing that they would most definitely need it.

Hello! Here you have part 2. I'm happy that i was able to release it before the episode airs. I really hope you liked it. Apparently what i once thought was going to be a one-shot is slowly starting to become a full-on fanfic. ^^' Please do vote and comment if you enjoyed it: i can't wait to read your thoughts about it! Let's hope for a great episode today and awesome ratings! Talk to you soon and happy Sen Cal Kapimi Day!! :D  - Sarah

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